B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (2024)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Katie isn’t sure about Poppy, Luna tells RJ she wants Bill to be her dad, and Hope and Steffy argue about HFTF.

Poppy confessed Luna might be Bill’s kid, and Steffy laid down the law with Finn as Hope daydreamed about his massage.

Brooke stops by Eric’s house and tells him how much she misses seeing him at the office.

He’s glad to hear it but enjoying his healing time.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (1)

Donna and Eric suggest that Brooke should be spending more time at the office.

She’s determined to take more of a step back…but does miss having an active role.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (2)

She’s not sure how Steffy would feel about it though.

Katie shows up and announces she’s met Bill’s new woman: Luna’s mom.

Brooke lets out a little sigh and squints.

They all sit and Katie recounts what Bill and Poppy told her about their 20 year relationship.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (3)

Eric and Donna are sure that Poppy is lovely if she’s anything like Luna.

He can’t imagine Bill wanting anything to do with Luna.

After he takes off, the sisters have tea and Donna gushes about how much she loves her Honey Bear.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (4)

They talk about Bill and Poppy and Katie has no idea how he would feel about being involved with Luna.

Donna can’t see Bill being involved with other people’s children.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (5)

Katie admits she wishes Bill had told her about all of this.

She’ll always love him even if she’s not sure about a future with him.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (6)

When she says she’s not sure about Luna’s mom, that makes Brooke smile.

At Forrester Creations, Hope is called into Steffy’s office and ordered to close the door.

The boss announces they need to discuss HFTF.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (7)

They quickly begin arguing about how it isn’t the same since Thomas left and why he departed.

Steffy knows she’s been dealing with a lot.

That’s why she’s delayed this conversation.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (8)

Hope knows they need results but they take time and she needs patience while putting the new team together.

She’s tired of letting her mess with her life and won’t allow it anymore.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (9)

Steffy says this is business, not personal.

It’s personal for Hope and she won’t back down.

She knows they are in a rough patch but is confident they can move past it.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (10)

Steffy isn’t confident at all.

She thinks Zende could be working on more fruitful stuff.

She doesn’t see HFTF as part of the future of the company.

She’s thinking of cutting it.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (11)

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In the design office, Luna admits to RJ that she keeps thinking about the possibility that Bill could be her dad, especially since he is so close to her mom.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (12)

He doesn’t understand why her mom is so secretive about who his father is.

She thinks that her mom has been defensive about letting anyone into their family.

She’s always avoided commitment.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (13)

She knows that he’s not a fan of Bill but he’s been nothing but kind and sweet to her.

The Bill she knows is exactly the kind of man she’d like as her father.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (14)

All of this talk gets her crying so RJ hugs her.

At Bill’s place, he looks at photos of his sons on the mantlepiece and recalls Poppy admitting to him that he might be Luna’s father.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (15)

She joins him and says he was tossing and turning all night.

He points out she said her daughter could be his.

He assures her he’s just surprised, not upset.

She admits she denied it before because she was afraid.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (16)

She’s an independent woman and never thought she needed a man…until him.

He asks if she didn’t want him to be Luna’s father.

She says it’s not that simple. The paternity is complex and emotionally charged.

The only person she’s ever loved is her daughter and she’s only ever been committed to her.

Bill can admire that but he would be proud to be Luna’s father.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (17)

Poppy explains she hasn’t been ready to face the truth.

Her sister has always accused her of being an opportunist and she didn’t want to appear like one.

He knows she’s not.

Poppy didn’t want to think about this. But now she’s fallen for him.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (18)

They talk about the night they met and their connection and he apologizes for never getting in contact with her.

She thinks their getting back together has been amazing.

He agrees. That’s why they need to know if Luna is his daughter.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (19)

He assures her that if she is his daughter, he will stand by both of them.

Poppy says she was right about him.

He is the most wonderful man.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (20)

After they hug, they agree to find out the truth.

She tells him she’s loved him from the moment she first saw him and they kiss.

He wants to find out if he has a daughter today.

B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (21)

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B&B Recap: Bill and Poppy Agree to Find Out if He's Luna's Father, and Steffy Threatens Hope's Line (2024)


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