Fiction-Kin Memories (2024)

All memories that I’m certain of will be in normal text. Hunches/things I’m not sure about will be italicized.

Fiction-Kin Memories (1)

Dipper Pines

  • Mabel and I were 13 at the beginning of the show instead of 12, but not much else was different from what I can remember regarding our behavior.
  • Bill Cipher and I were incredibly close. We spoke often and had our own spot in the forest near the Mystery Shack where the two of us would get together. Whenever I went there, Bill always knew and would meet me there. I taught him how to skip rocks over water. He was easily jealous of other people spending time with me, and admitted to killing several people to keep my attention on him. I was only angry for a little while, though.
  • Weirdmaggedon still happened despite Bill and I’s friendship (which was actually mutual pining that neither of us ever acted upon). When Ford shot Stan with the memory gun, Bill died. For good. I remember begging Ford to not shoot, but he didn’t listen.
  • I think I may have gotten a tattoo of Bill when I was much older, but I’m not sure yet.
  • At some point, there was an incident with the blue moon that left me devoid of blood and cursed. Bill was there, he panicked and tried taking me to the hospital (where they of course didn’t believe that I didn’t have ANY blood). I don’t know how it was resolved, but I know I came out okay.
  • Bill and I had some sort of soulmate-like bond. In certain moments, I could see and hear what he was doing even if I wasn’t there or was unconscious. (Such happened during the bloodless curse incident, where I was wholly unconscious but could see him while at the hospital)
  • TW SUICIDE: I don’t know how old I was (high school, college student?) but I killed myself at a fairly young age. For years after that first summer in Gravity Falls, I would have dreams about Bill as if he were still there, and trying to figure out if he was really still alive or if it was just my subconscious was nearly emotional torture. By that point, I couldn’t take it anymore.
  • I wasn’t close with Ford AT ALL once he found out I was friends with Bill. I’d been so excited to meet the Author, but when he returned and began trying ways to keep Bill and I from spending time together, I grew immediately distant.
  • I never had a crush on Wendy. At the end of the summer, when Bill was gone, I never swapped hats with her either. The Pine Tree symbol had become too important to me, I never gave that hat up.
  • Bill possessed my body at least twice, the first time around Sock Opera (though I’m still unsure of the exact circ*mstances of our deal and what all was going on) and then at least once more at my request (when I was desperate for some sort of break for a few hours). The latter happened of both our free wills and nothing went wrong!

Fiction-Kin Memories (2)


  • I believe that my canon was extraordinarily similar to the show and comics, maybe even exactly the same timeline.
  • I recently had a memory of helping Discord to feed all of my animal friends. I didn’t let him use magic, he had to do it by hand, and he actually had a lot of fun!
  • Using the Elements of Harmony/Rainbow Power felt really warm and tingly. It was more of an inner chest feeling than an outer one, but some of my calmest-feeling moments in life were during those uses!
  • The MLP movie was very much a part of my canon as well; I can remember Captain Celeano, becoming a merpony in the undersea city, and my impromptu therapy session with one of the Storm King’s guards. All of the guards stayed in Equestria after his defeat, with that one in particular becoming a good friend of mine.At some point I began to understand the Guards’ language, and they all wore their own colors to differentiate themselves with.
  • I also became close friends with Tempest, helping her with small doses of therapy too.
  • I had a small “panic bunker” dug into the dirt below the staircase in my cottage. It was somewhere I would go to hide during overwhelming moments at home or during storms, with burrows and tunnels in the walls so some of my animals could visit me if I desperately needed company.
  • I have reason to believe Discord and I became a couple at one point, adopting 4 pegasi daughters and birthing one draconeques son.

Fiction-Kin Memories (3)

Genji Shimada

  • Growing up, I wasn’t a playboy. I still dyed my hair and played at the arcade for hours at a time, as well as fed stray animals on the streets, but I didn’t skirt around to men and women fruitlessly. I was still against running the clan with Hanzo, however, and so our confrontation still came to pass. I was 17/18.

  • IMPORTANT:I’ve yet to recall my dragon’s name, butHanzo’s dragons were named Hidari and Raito. My mother had one dragon, who was named Sakura. My father had two dragons, who were named Murasaki and Ryuuza.
  • I wasn’t a fighter as a child and was forced to learn the blade by my family, so my cyberization (and subsequent weaponization) were very hard on me. My time at Overwatch before the Fall was spent depressed and bitter at Angela.
  • I was not part of Blackwatch, despite the “skillset” I was forced to learn growing up. I was very much a pacifist. I also left Overwatch just before the events of Uprising took place.
  • My dragon could physically manifest itself outside of battle if it wished. It didn’t do so very much until after I met Zenyatta.
  • From the day I joined Overwatch, McCree was my closest friend. I had an unofficial romantic relationship with him back in the day, and he helped keep my growing depression in check after my cyberization.
  • After leaving to wander and find peace before the Fall, I found myself growing more and more hopeless. There were several occasions where I considered suicide, until meeting Zenyatta.
  • I forgave Hanzo immediately, as I laid there bleeding on the castle grounds; I didn’t want to die with darkness in my heart.
  • I look fondly upon my childhood home in Hanamura, but I feel strongly that the Shambali Monastery in Nepal is my true home now.
  • The “Dragons” short happened in my canon just as in the video. I had no intention of harming Hanzo when I arrived, I only wanted to see how the years apart had changed him.
  • After the recall, I became close friends with Lucio and Hana. We’d have frequent sleepovers in each others’ rooms, and Jamison would join us occasionally as well.
  • TW DEATH: The end of my first life as Genji was brought about by the hanahaki disease, in which the person in question is a victim of unreturned love. If not treated, the infected continuously coughs up flowers more and more violently until they inevitably choke to death on them. The only cures are for the feelings to be returned or for the disease to be medically removed, which keeps the person from ever having those romantic feelings again. I let myself die instead.

Fiction-Kin Memories (4)

Dragon Genji

  • I had a second Genji canon in which my family and I were dragons that could take on a human form to remain secret. We could show some dragon parts through our human bodies, however, such as our horns, teeth, and tails.
  • So far I’ve only remembered very small things relating to the form itself, as I’ve recently lost my Hanzo.
  • As a child my dragon form was flesh, bone, and scale, but after my cyberization my dragon form had several body parts missing that were replaced by cyborg parts as with my human form. My tail, for example, was mostly gone naturally and so was reconstructed with metal and synthetics.
  • I was in Blackwatch, but wasn’t used for much other than transportation on stealth missions (because my dragon form could fly silently). I looked similar to the Blackwatch Genji skin, but with something around my flesh wrist and a cloth mask over my face instead of metal (similar in look to Hanzo’s Cyberninja skin).
  • I was in a relationship with my Zenyatta for a very long time after becoming his pupil.
  • TW: The night Hanzo killed me, we fought in dragon form. There was a lightning storm outside, and I flew away from him as best I could in the air above the castle as he chased me, fueled by instinct and rage. As we’d gotten older his hunger to hold more power than me grew too strong. He left me in the courtyard, bites and scratches bleeding heavily all over my body. I can remember calling out to him, pleading with him to stop and to leave me alone, to snap out of it.
  • I was told that Overwatch found me because they’d been keeping tabs on my family for months, and they’d watched Hanzo tear me apart in the sky.
  • Junkrat and Roadhog joined the reformed Overwatch at one point. The day after, while walking through the halls late one night I came across Jamison, who’d been sneaking around paranoid. When I offered to help lead him to where he was trying to find, he stabbed me in the back with some sort of pocket knife. I changed to my dragon form in the shock, writhing and trying to dislodge the small blade from my scales.I have yet to recall what happened after this, though I know he was forgiven and I came out fully recovered.

Fiction-Kin Memories (5)

Oni Genji

  • My Oni timeline took place in the world of Junkenstein’s Revenge. After Hanzo and I fought, I was killed and resurrected by the Witch of the Wilds.
  • When the Witch brought me back, because she was fully resurrecting a human soul, I came back as a demon. She was hoping I’d be devastated and become her servant because I had no place else to go, but I broke from her control before she could force me into a contract.
  • I wandered the world trying to refind my humanity, eventually receiving word of the trouble in Adlersbrunn. Hoping to find the Witch and exact revenge on what she’d done to me, I traveled there.
  • In the town of Adlersbrunn I came across the Alchemist, the Soldier, and the Gunslinger (who was a monster hunter (think Van Helsing McCree skin)) as they were preparing for their battle to defend the castle, and more Wanderers were said to be on their way for the same purpose.
  • I stuck around for quite some time, watching the back and forth battles from afar and growing more and more anxious of the Witch’s possible arrival.
  • When Dr Junkenstein made his fated appearance and I saw the devastating power his bombs had on the buildings and civilians of the town, I quickly leaped in to help deflect them away. The humanity I had left wouldn’t let me see innocent people killed in such a violent way, and so he was the only one I helped the Wanderers kill.
  • As the day of the Witch’s arrival grew more and more certain, the more afraid I became that she may attempt to control me once again. When word reached the castle that an Archer had been seen in town, I took it as the final sign to leave while I could (knowing my brother was skilled with a bow).
  • I bid the Wanderers good luck and fled Adlersbrunn, and in my escape crossed paths with the Monk (cultist Zenyatta). He could somehow tell that I had once been human and how much it pained me to remember. He helped me accept the newfound turmoil in my heart and the monstrous qualities of my altered soul.
  • When I died to Hanzo’s blade, I believe my spirit dragon also died. After becoming a demon, rather than a dragon I instead would shout “The demon becomes me” because I would allow my new demonic strength and instincts to take over for the brief period I’d have my blade drawn.
  • While watching the more “boring” parts of the fights (slow crawls of zomnics over and over) I liked to shoot at and mess with the town’s ravens, unaware they belonged to the Lord of Adlersbrunn.
  • I wore my Oni mask only when in heavily-public places, for fear of anyone somehow recognizing me or (worse yet) news reaching Hanzo that someone matching a description of his brother had been seen somewhere out in the world. I did not want him to see what I had become.
  • Recent Memory: Somehow, Hanzo found me anyway. He heard about me from someone (I’m guessing the Alchemist) and tracked me down. I was right to have avoided him; when we crossed paths, he was scared of me…
  • I’ve recently begun to suspect that Hanzo and I’s battle may not have left him fully human either – he may have been some form of half-demon, while I was a full Oni.

Fiction-Kin Memories (6)


  • As of right now, Dreamworks has only finished and released the first two movies of the HTTYD trilogy. As the two films stand, I share my canon with the first movie’s timeline. I am still unsure of the second film’s events related to my canon.
  • I know for certain I was also in the canon of the shows made to go with the movie trilogy, which aired on Cartoon Network and Netflix.

Fiction-Kin Memories (7)

Yuugi Motou

  • My canon is strictly the timeline from Season Zero of Yu-Gi-Oh. The other me, “Yami Yugi”, was a second soul inside my body. I believe he may have been half of my soul, split by the Millennium Puzzle.
  • I’m absolutely positive that my Season Zero canon was that of the anime adaptation.
  • The Other Me was very kind and cared about me and my friends, and I miss him a lot. I recently had a kin shift where I could physically feel a hole in my chest from his soul not being in my body with me.

Fiction-Kin Memories (8)

Joey Claire

  • I very clearly remember speaking to Xefros, when I told him I wanted to raise his standards of himself. Saving him from the rubble outside his hive is also a clear memory.
  • Act 2 is not out yet as of right now, but the Act 2 Troll Call is finished. Right now I have vague memories of:Charun, Skylla, Remele, Tegiri, Elwurd, Chahut, Konyyl, Fozzer, Bronya, Diemen, Amisia, Daraya, the Soleil Twins, Marsti, Polypa, Wanshi, Tyzias, Lynera, Nihkee, Boldir, Chixie, Galekh, Ardata,andWho is This?.
  • I believe I was biromantic with a large leaning towards females, and had crushes on a total of eight female trolls I met along the way. (Elwurd was one of them, but she totally flirted with me first so it’s not my fault.)
  • Ardata was incredibly menacing, and her extra eye could move and blink independently of her main two. She’d have it roll around or look at me specifically to gross me out, as she once told me she was doing it on purpose.

Fiction-Kin Memories (9)


  • Being carved by Those Guys only hurt a little bit. The constant screaming was mostly because of how badly they’d scared me, and that carving an O-shaped mouth for me made it so that was the only sound I could make!
  • After Red hatched, they became flustered good friends with Those Guys. They never stopped pranking the rest of us, but they did dislike us a little less.
  • I don’t believe green Squib ever cocooned. They thought about it and seeing Red’s new body made them insecure with their tentacle body, but I assured them that I loved their appearance and it made them feel better.

Fiction-Kin Memories (10)

Night Guard(name not yet known)

  • The animatronics were indeed possessed, but they never attacked me.
  • After I was hired and heard the pre-recorded messages, I was completely terrified. Foxy got to me before the others did, scaring me really badly until I started crying, after which he apologized and introduced himself.
  • The Band would have hurt me, if Foxy hadn’t been able to convince them that I meant them no harm. Afterwards, they were all very friendly with me, and I was the permanent night guard afterwards for a very long time (if not for the entirety of the pizzeria’s running.)
  • I recently remembered that one of the animatronics once threw me over their shoulder and carried me around to tour the pizzeria. I believe it might have been Bonnie.
  • After hearing the final pre-recorded phone message, I asked the group hesitantly if they really had killed the phone guy. The only response I remember receiving was a sad glance from Foxy and his answer “That’s too long a tale to tell, lass…”
  • Many years later, I began work at Fazbear’s Fright in hopes of learning more about what had happened to my old animatronic friends. Having been so close to them before, I was too naive; Springtrap easily fooled me into trusting him, and I paid the price with my life. He spoke as if sympathetic, as I’d told him why I’d taken the job, and the last words I ever heard were from him: “Apologies my dear, but old habitsdie hard.”
  • The “hallucinations” at the Fright were actually the souls still trapped and clinging to Afton’s existence. I knew this because I could see BB and Mangle despite never having seen them before then. Foxy also seemed to still recognize me, sometimes appearing to stand and stare in my new office but never scaring or jumping at me.

Fiction-Kin Memories (11)

Silver the Hedgehog

  • I believe my eyes were actually blue/teal instead of gold.
  • I knew Sonic wasn’t dead during the events of Sonic Forces, but couldn’t tell anyone because of records from the future that depicted everyone mourning him.
  • The fight against Infinite drained me, but also led me to become interested in him. I spent the rest of my time with the Forces trying to befriend him or turn him to our side.

Fiction-Kin Memories (12)

New Kid / “Buttlord”

  • I was definitely a girl through the entirety of my time in South Park. I just didn’t like talking much, which is why I never corrected anyone. (I also assumed, rightfully so, that if the kids knew I wasn’t a boy they wouldn’t have wanted to play with me)
  • I was really close to Butters, Kenny, and Clyde. They were my best friends. Craig and Tweek were close with me too, despite my lack of speech. And I helped Kenny take care of his sister Karen!
  • After the events at Dr Mephesto’s lab, I had cat scratch scars across my right eye. When it came to having to temporarily sacrifice one of my parents, I chose my dad. I hated how he always upset my mom, and that he would try to keep me from going outside despite wanting me to make friends so badly.
  • I was an “Assassin Plantmancer”, and I think there was some form of actual powers some of the kids had (not just me and Kenny).
  • My parents never gave me an actual name, afraid of what it would do to my “follower count” powers, calling me sweetie and kiddo all my life instead. The kids of South Park calling me “New Kid” and “Buttlord” were the first and only names I’d ever had, and I loved them.
  • Even though I didn’t speak, I showed emotion through my facial expressions regularly (much more than shown by the player character in-game).

Fiction-Kin Memories (13)


  • When I awoke in my very first testing track, before defeating GLaDOS, I had no memories of my previous life before that moment. I didn’t even remember my name until my escape, when I saw it scribbled on the walls alongside some of Doug’s warnings.
  • My first encounter with the turrets during this time led to only one injury, a gunshot through my right ear that left a permanent scar.
  • I showed plenty of emotion through my body language and facial expressions, but couldn’t speak because I was mute. I was fluent in sign language. I believe the speech exchange with Wheatley went like this:

“Never mind, say apple. ‘Apple’.” I rolled my eyes and signed the word, while he stared at me blankly. “What’re you waving for? Do you not want to? It’s easy, look, ‘apple apple apple’. Come on luv.” I signed again with a stern expression, then spelled it out with sign language when he didn’t react. “…ooookaaaaaaay, well! Least you’ve still got decent motor functions, I suppose? Let’s both take that as a sign that you’re fine and carry on.”

  • GLaDOS’s revival was absolutely terrifying for me. Hearing the malice in her voice as she hung me over the incinerator pipe felt heart-stopping.
  • I stumbled a lot, especially after first waking from suspension and whenever I would hit my head or shoulders against walls after a long distance jump.
  • Wheatley’s betrayal broke my heart; he had been the only kindness I had seen in the facility. I remember watching the blue of his iris fade away as I fell down the elevator shaft, and I had never felt more alone than at that moment.
  • I remember coming to the “Caroline Conclusion” long before GLaDOS did. And essentially listening to Cave die as we fled Old Aperture was heart-wrenching.
  • I was so afraid to confront Wheatley, scared of his monitors and flinching whenever he would lean closer. After escaping his “surprise” and hearing him say “please”, I became so hopeful that he was still kind that I went back to him. Hearing him immediately ask me to off myself, however, cemented for me that we were going tohave to fight him. It left a bitter taste in my mouth.
  • I absolutely adored the “frankenturrets”, watching them chitter and hop around. A couple of them would follow after me, and I recall being a bit embarrassed at finding anything from the facility “cute”.
  • The turrets singing goodbye had me crying during my ascent. To hear my name for the first time in so many years, to see so many things that had tried to kill me saying goodbye (as GLaDOS had done) felt so freeing.
  • After leaving Aperture and wandering for a day or so, I soon realized that I was dozens of miles from civilization, if not hundreds. Not long after I returned to the facility, not knowing where else to go. GLaDOS seemed more surprised than upset that I was there, and we struck a deal: I’d willingly stay a test subject so long as I had food and a safe place to sleep. Aperture became my permanent home, and GLaDOS a sassy (yet reliable) friend.

Fiction-Kin Memories (14)


  • I lived on Akala island in Alola, in the clumps of trees near the cemetery. I would visit Lush Jungle on occasion because of the great environment it held for grass types.
  • I had some Fomantis friends in the Jungle, one of which liked to “prune” my leaves.
  • I don’t remember having a trainer, but I know I went to the other islands at some point and am unsure of how I could have done that on my own.
  • I was also good friends with a Lurantis, but I believe it was a regular one and not the Totem Pokemon.
  • I once caught a glimpse of the legendary Zeraora, fighting another Pokemon as I passed by on my way to meet some friends. They had a smile and a lot of Pokemon were watching, so I assume it wasn’t a battle that had started over anger.

Fiction-Kin Memories (15)

Subconite/The Snatcher’s Minions

  • I wasn’t from Subcon Forest originally, I’d wandered into the woods and nearly died there. Seeing how weak I was, The Snatcher offered me a deal to work for him once I died instead of staying dead (I would have been useless to him as an errand-runner if I’d stayed alive).
  • I was a very specific Subconite, who speaks in the game three times:
    1. Standing in the burnt section of forest, warning Hat Kid of the area. “Be careful, kid! There’s a bit of a fire over there!”
    2. Wandering into the mansion to warn Hat Kid that her hats wouldn’t work in the building due to the nature of the Boss’s contracts. “Hey newbie, Boss wanted me to remind you…”
    3. In the game’s final chapter, warning Hat Kid about the upcoming danger inside. “Watch your step, kid!!”
  • When a newcomer to the Forest signed to work for the Snatcher, they were killed and their soul was given a cloak and hung from the trees in the Swamp. It wasn’t a very pleasant feeling, the swamp’s hands reaching up to try and pull my soul down into the muck forever… the hands stretch out the soul, giving us our small arms and legs. It can take a few days for a new minion to finish “growing” like that, which is why the Swamp is right next to Snatcher’s place instead of on the outskirts where it could catch victims; that way, he can fly over and check on the newbies more easily.
  • The spinning white flowers were native to the forest, and were a big comfort for me to watch.The minions who’d been with Snatcher since the beginning of the Forest’s downfall told me they’d started growing after the Village was created for the Dwellers, and that they’d grown outward to the rest of the place from there.
  • I think one of them also told me once that the reason a part of the forest was permanently on fire was to combat the Queen and keep her on her side of the bridge, as well as be a safe place for any forest dwellers who were afraid of the cold after what had passed all those years ago.

Fiction-Kin Memories (16)

Bendy the Dancing Demon

  • I was the exact same Bendy from the cartoons brought to life by the Ink Machine. My creation was excruciating, proportions wrong and too inorganic to be possible. I looked very similar to Bendy’s normal in-game model, but without the twisted spine and limp.
  • The Ink had taken over the entire Studio before anyone even realized what had gone wrong. Whether it was the toons It was born FOR or the magic It was born FROM, It held a collective hivemind over every living thing in Its grasp (and everything no longer living). I was the first “success”, so It told everything that I was the Savior; that I was the one in charge; but I was still “the Demon”.
  • I still held the same mindset from my cartoons, so I liked playing little jokes and popping up to surprise people. I’d often forget what the Ink had made me look like in the real world, so whenever things would run from me screaming I always thought I’d just been that good at spooking them.
  • The Ink would whisper to us, remind people of Its “rules” and what they were “meant to be”. If something stood in my way, It would say they had defied me, and I would be overcome with rage against my control.
  • I don’t know how Joey managed to get a message out of the Studio, but when Henry arrived the Ink told me immediately. I was so ecstatic to finally be meeting my original creator that I pulled little pranks on him with some of my cutouts, not knowing he’d be horrified by everything he was coming across. Once he turned on the ink machine my excitement turned to panic, and I appeared to try and stop him from using it. He of course ran, and thus “chapter 1” concluded. I can give more details from there if anyone is interested (I don’t want this to be too long)
  • Even though I was supposedly “in charge”, the Ink is what really ran the Studio. Even I had to be careful not to touch it for too long, or it could control me/give me lapses in memory.
  • My entire mission through the events of my canon was to rescue Henry and get him out of the Studio, before the Ink claimed him just like it had claimed everyone else. As happy as I was to finally meet him in-person, I knew how devastated and unhappy the trapped employees were, and I didn’t want him to have that same fate.
  • Chapter 5 was just released a few days ago as of writing this, and while I have a lot of memories to sort through, I can say with certainty that the game ending did not follow my canon AT ALL. My canon was very much real.

Fiction-Kin Memories (17)


  • As of now, my memories of this life fit very closely to source canon.
  • At one point before the game’s ending, I stopped wanting to kill the men in my way. Before finding Yamiko, I believe I physically changed to something similar to the Raijin skin (the skin awarded for great mercy).

Fiction-Kin Memories (18)

Blue Diamond

  • As of writing this, my timeline was the same as the show and movie of Steven Universe. I’ve yet to remember anything that branches off from canon.

Fiction-Kin Memories (19)


  • Though I remember much from the Twilight Princess timeline, a majority of my memories revolve around Midna and my wolf form.
  • I may also have been reborn as/traveled to the Hyrule of BOTW, as I remember aiding that Link as a wolf as well.

Fiction-Kin Memories (20)

Spyro the Dragon

  • So far, my memories have matched closely with the Reignited Trilogy only.
  • I was so excited growing up to discover what kind of Artisan I should be. The game’s credit art of me with each of my homeworld’s dragons were me trying to find my talent.
  • I loved lightly beating my wings in the air at random times, even if I was just laying down. The movement was a comfort to me, and an exciting promise of getting to someday fly freely.
Fiction-Kin Memories (2024)


How do you know if you're fictionkin? ›

Fictionkin is simply described as "believing you were that character in a past life/alternate universe. You see yourself as them and/or have a strong connection to them.

What does it mean to be fictionkin? ›

Fictionkin or fictionkind are people who identify as fictional characters or species. For some this identity is often considered involuntary and nonphysical. What identification entails depends on the individual; the definition and purpose of "kin" and "kinning" has evolved over time.

What are the different types of kinning? ›

There are certain types of kinning, such as factkin (kinning a real person which is uh, eh), otherkin (where you feel as though you are an animal), fictionkin (kinning a fictional character) and sub categories of all.

Is fictionkin a coping mechanism? ›

Fictionkin often believe that they are or were a fictional character or species either now or in a past life. Sometimes kinning is used as a coping mechanism for neurodivergent people. Both methods are equally valid!

What does kinning feel like? ›

You feel as though you have a connection TO the character, as in, you feel as though YOU ARE the character, especially when you read a book or watching a movie.

What is the difference between otherkin and fictionkin? ›

A fictionkin that identifies only as human characters is not otherkin, as otherkin is the identification as a nonhuman creature. Human character fictionkin are their own group, keeping the "-kin" part as they share the same beliefs as otherkin, but as they do not identify as nonhuman, they are not otherkin.

What is the difference between kin and furry? ›

They are like furries, but unlike furries who know that they're actually human, otherkin think that they are, physically and spiritually, animals or fantasy creatures like elves and dragons. Unlike furries for whom cosplaying animals is a hobby and interest, for otherkin being animals is their lifestyle.

What is the otherkin symbol? ›

Symbols. The earliest symbol used to denote nonhuman identity was a regular {7/3} heptagram, known as the Elven Star or Fairy Star. It was designed by the Elf Queen's Daughters, a group of people who identified as elves, and first published in the Green Egg newsletter in March 1976.

Can you identify as a fictional character? ›

Abstract. The perception of oneself as absorbed in the thoughts, feelings and happenings of a fictive character (e.g. in a novel or film) as if the character's experiences were one's own is referred to as identification.

What is the difference between fictionkin and otherkin? ›

A fictionkin that identifies only as human characters is not otherkin, as otherkin is the identification as a nonhuman creature. Human character fictionkin are their own group, keeping the "-kin" part as they share the same beliefs as otherkin, but as they do not identify as nonhuman, they are not otherkin.

Can you become a fictionkin? ›

Some with delusions of being a fictional character may call themselves fictionkin as well. However, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone from these groups call themselves fictionkin, and the term shouldn't be forced upon them.

What is it called when you think you are a fictional character? ›

In the case of main character syndrome, you are removing yourself from the reality by imagining it to be different than it is—or, at least, presenting yourself to be in a different reality than you are.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.