Hidden Risk - Biodiversity Research Institute Risk... · Hidden Risk is a summary of the major findings of a series of ... Evers, D.C., A.K. Jackson, T.H. Tear and C.E. Osborne. 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Mercury in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Northeast

H i d d e n R i s k

A publication of the Biodiversity Research Institute

in partnership with The Nature Conservancy


Editor: Deborah McKew

Color Illustrations: Shearon Murphy

B&W Illustrations: Iain Stenhouse

Photography: Jeff Nadler Nature Photography, www.jnphoto.net; Garth McElroy Avian Photography, www.featheredfotos.com; Merlin D. Tuttle, Bat Conservation International, www.batcon.org;

Philip Myers, Animal Diversity Web, http://animaldiversity.org; GreenStock @ iStock.com; aniszewski @ iStock.com; orchidpoet @ iStock.com; other iStock images

Printing: J.S. McCarthy

To order reports or request more information, contact:

Biodiversity Research Institute652 Main Street, Gorham, Maine 04038

Phone: (207) 839-7600 Fax: (207) 839-7655 www.briloon.org/hiddenrisk

Hidden Risk is a summary of the major f indings of a series of research studies undertaken by the Biodiversity Research Institute

in cooperation with The Nature Conservancy.

Suggested Citation for This Report

Evers, D.C., A.K. Jackson, T.H. Tear and C.E. Osborne. 2012. Hidden Risk: Mercury in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Northeast. Biodiversity Research Institute. Gorham, Maine. BRI Report 2012-07. 33 pages.

All data collected can be found in:

Osborne, C., D. Evers, M. Duron, N. Schoch, D. Yates, O. Lane, D. Buck, I. Johnson, and J. Franklin. 2011. Mercury Contamination Within Terrestrial Ecosystems in New England and Mid-Atlantic States: Profiles of Soil, Invertebrates, Songbirds, and Bats. BRI Report 2011-09.

Submitted to The Nature Conservancy.

About Biodiversity Research InstituteBiodiversity Research Institute, headquartered in Gorham, Maine, is a non-profit ecological research group whose mission is to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers.

For general information, visit: www.briloon.orgFor information about the Center for Mercury Studies, visit: www.briloon.org/hgcenter

About The Nature ConservancyThe mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters upon which all life depends. The Conservancy accomplishes its mission through a collaborative approach that links the dedicated efforts of a diverse staff, including over 500 scientists located across the U.S. and in over 30 countries around the world with many partners, including individuals, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, governments, and corporations.

For general information, visit: www.nature.org

B a c k g ro u n d

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Mercury: Local, Regional, and Global Concerns ......................................................................................... 3

Impact of Mercury on People ........................................................................................................................... 4

Impact of Mercury on Wildlife ........................................................................................................................ 5

M e rc u r y i n Te r r e s t r i a l E c o s y s t e m s o f t h e No r t h e a s tWhy Do Species Vary in Mercury Levels? ...................................................................................................... 6

Why Do Habitats Vary in Mercury Levels?.................................................................................................... 7

How Do We Assess Mercury Exposure? ......................................................................................................... 8

Mercury in Songbirds and Bats of the Northeast ....................................................................................... 9

I n d i c a t o r S p e c i e s fo r t h e No r t h e a s tTarget Indicators for Mercury in the Northeast ........................................................................................ 10

Louisiana Waterthrush: Forested Rivers and Creeks ............................................................................... 12

Wood Thrush: Upland Deciduous Forests ................................................................................................. 14

Bicknell’s Thrush: High Elevation Forests ................................................................................................. 16

Rusty Blackbird: Bogs and Beaver Ponds .................................................................................................... 18

Saltmarsh Sparrow: Estuaries ........................................................................................................................ 20

Little Brown Bat: Unrestricted Ecosystems ................................................................................................ 22

Fu t u r e D i r e c t i o n sManagement Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 24

Neotropical Connections ................................................................................................................................ 26

Neotropical Case Study: Northern Waterthrush ...................................................................................... 27

Interaction of Environmental Stressors ...................................................................................................... 28

National and International Mercury Monitoring .................................................................................... 29

Using Science to Inform Mercury Policy .................................................................................................... 30

Literature Cited .................................................................................................................................................. 32

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Table of Contents

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2 3

Mercury: Local, Regional, and Global Concerns

Mercury is a naturally occurring heavy metal found within the Earth’s crust. Used in many industrial processes, mercury is emitted into the atmosphere through a variety of anthropogenic sources. While some source types, such as waste incinerators, have reduced their mercury emissions 95% between 1990 and 2005, utility coal boilers continue to emit more than 50 tons of mercury each year [1]. In December 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule called the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) that requires all electric generating plants to upgrade to advanced pollution control equipment by 2016 [2].

Local Concerns. Researchers have shown that mercury levels in soil are higher in areas close to power plants, with the areas downwind of the power plant usually receiving higher inputs [3]. Combining this influx of mercury into an ecosystem with certain ecological factors, such as precipitation or soil acidification, can lead to a biological mercury hotspot, where we see elevated mercury levels in a relatively distinct geographic area. Areas of high contamination are often related to local environmental conditions that have an ability (via a process called methylation) to convert mercury into its most toxic form. For example, wetland habitats are prime areas where this process occurs, and are therefore highlighted in this report.

Regional Concerns. Because the availability of mercury depends on both atmospheric deposition and habitat type, certain regions can be at higher risk to mercury contamination than others. For example, researchers have found high mercury levels across taxa (fish, birds, mammals) in the Great Lakes region [4]. A similar synthesis was completed in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada; a third synthesis is currently being planned for the western U.S., Canada, and Mexico (www.briloon.org/mercuryconnections).

Global Concerns. When mercury is released into the atmosphere, some settles into the surrounding area but some can move great distances on the prevail-ing wind patterns before settling back to earth. Because of this, we must look at mercury concerns on a global scale as well, and remember that mercury is truly a pollutant without borders [5].

Figure 2: Major sources of U.S. emissions from U.S. EPA inventories (1990 and 2005). Emissions from medical and municipal waste incinerators have been reduced by over 95%, while utility coal boilers remain the same [1].

Why Are We Still Concerned about Mercury?Although great strides have already been made in reducing mercury emissions from incinerators, and the MATS rule will likely have the same effect on coal-fired power plants, it is important to continue to monitor the effect of mercury at local, regional, and global scales.

How does Mercury Enter the Environment?Mercury is a pollutant that is cause for concern at local, regional, and global scales. While areas of high contamination (known as biological mercury hotspots) may occur near mercury-emitting sources, often they do not. Because mercury released into the atmosphere can circle the world before being deposited, habitats located far from point sources of mercury can still be of major concern to wildlife health. Although great strides have been made to reduce mercury released into the air and water from human activities, this report illustrates that high levels of mercury persist in many wildlife species distributed across many habitat types.

Executive Summary

Figure 1: In recent years, researchers have identified an increasing trend of species at risk to the availability of mercury in the environment, particularly within invertivores, such as songbirds and bats. This rising trend demonstrates that the more we look, the more we find; the more we find, the more we understand about the impacts of mercury in the food web. Unfortunately, the impacts are much greater than were realized only a few years ago.

Why Care about Invertivores?I n s e c t - e a t i n g s p e c i e s a r e i n t e g r a l c o m p o n e n t s o f h e a l t h y e c o s y s t e m s , w i t h r o l e s r a n g i n g f r o m s e e d d i s p e r s e r s t o i n s e c t c o n t r o l l e r s ( s e e p a g e 5 ) .

W h a t I s a n I n ve r t i vo r e ?O f t e n r e f e r r e d t o a s i n s e c t e a t e r s , t h e s o n g b i r d s a n d b a t s d e s c r i b e d i n t h i s r e p o r t a r e m o r e a c c u r a t e l y c a l l e d i n ve r t i vo r e s b e c a u s e t h e y e a t a w i d e v a r i e t y o f i n ve r t e b r a t e s p e c i e s s u c h s p i d e r s , s n a i l s , a n d w o r m s , i n a d d i t i o n t o i n s e c t s .

The human health effects of mercury contamination are well documented; adverse effects include impacts on cardiovascular health, IQ, workplace productivity, and motor control. Similarly, mercury negatively affects wildlife populations by hindering behavior and reproduction. Past investigations have emphasized adverse impacts to fish-eating wildlife, such as common loons, bald eagles, and river otters. In this report, we synthesize current research and document elevated mercury concentrations in a new group of animals—terrestrial invertivores—that until now has largely been ignored in mercury investigations. We show that mercury concentrations in this animal group are significant enough to cause physiological and reproductive harm, creating a major paradigm shift in ecotoxicological research,

assessment, monitoring, management, and policy.

Major findings include:

•At-risk habitats and associated indicator species are identified based on the species’ level of conservation concern, relative abundance, and ability to build up mercury in their bodies.

•Current environmental mercury loads have the ability to significantly reduce reproductive success in several songbird species of conservation concern in the northeastern U.S. including the saltmarsh sparrow and rusty blackbird.

•Bats also build up significant body burdens of mercury; individuals from multiple species from all 10 areas sampled exceeded the subclinical threshold for changes to neurochemistry.

•Mercury loading in songbirds is not only restricted during the breeding season; some species, such as the northern waterthrush, build up high levels of mercury during migration and in tropical wintering areas.

•Standardized monitoring of environmental mercury loads is needed to measure how changes in mercury emissions are related to new U.S. EPA regulations; we suggest that terrestrial invertivores are important indicators for assessing short and long-term changes.

Despite rising global mercury emissions, there are actions that both managers and policy makers can take to limit future ecosystem degradation. Through greater understanding of both the extent of wildlife exposure and harmful impacts to ecosystem health, it is now clear that increased conservation efforts are necessary to reduce this neurotoxin in our environment for the benefit of wildlife and people.







1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s

Invertivore species (mammals and birds)

Fish -eating species (mammals and birds)







1990 2005









Utility coal boilers

Medical waste incinerators

Municipal waste combustors

Industrial boilers


4 5

Impact of Mercury on Wildlife

W i l d l i fe a r e e x p o s e d t o m e rc u r y i n a l l l i fe s t a ge s

Adult birds ingest methylmercury through their food

Females transfer methylmercury into their eggs

Mercury can decrease egg hatchability [20]

Mercury can reduce f ledging success of nestlings [21, 22]

Mercury impacts overall adult yearly survival [17], immune function [18], and hormone levels [19]

While the effect of mercury on humans is apparent, we are still learning about its effects on wildlife. This report focuses on invertivores, due to their unique and often overlooked roles within the ecosystem (see box at right), but other studies have shown effects of mercury on common loons [12], Florida panthers [13], ivory gulls [14], river otters [15], and Califor-nia clapper rails [16].

A d u l t s

E g g sN e s t l i n g s

W h y C a r e a b o u t t h e E f f e c t o f M e r c u r y o n I n ve r t i vo r e s ?

Besides contributing to the beauty of nature, invertivores provide many vital roles within the ecosystem [23]:

Insect Control

Simply put, invertivores eat a lot of insects!

A bluebird family of two parents and five nestlings requires 124g of insects per day. The presence of nesting birds in vineyards reduces the amount of pesticides that are required to maintain healthy crops [24].

A single colony of big brown bats eats nearly 1.3 million pest insects each year. Pest suppression services provided by native bats in U.S. agricultural landscapes is valued at $22.9 billion per year [25].

Seed Dispersal

Almost all the invertivores described in this report supplement their diet with seeds and grains, serving the vital function of dispersing seeds throughout the ecosystem [26].

Preliminary research shows that birds exposed to mercury during development respond similarly, exhibiting brain abnormalities [unpublished data]. More research is needed on this subject to fully understand the parallel between human and avian neurochemistry.





Pe o p l e a r e e x p o s e d t o m e rc u r y i n a l l l i fe s t a ge s

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin with wide ranging implications for human health and wellness. With more than 3,700 fish consumption advisories in the United States, mercury is a risk for many people, not just those who subsist on fish [6].

The impact of mercury in the U.S. has both economic and health effects (see box at left).

Impact of Mercury on People

W h y C a r e a b o u t t h e E f f e c t o f M e r c u r y o n H u m a n s ?

The U.S. EPA Mercur y and Air Toxics Standards (MATS)

rule [2] is est imated to improve the health of U.S.

c i t izens at a savings of

$ 3 7 - 9 0 b i l l i o n

The MATS rule wi l l prevent up to:

11,000 premature deaths

2,800 cases of chronic bronchitis

4,500 heart attacks

130,000 asthma attacks

5,700 hospital and emergency room


3,200,000 restricted activity days

In extreme cases, mercury exposure in utero can lead to Minimata Disease, where irreversible brain damage occurs in children born to mothers who consume high amounts of mercury.

Fu t u r e Wo rk : B ra i n S c i e n c e B r i d g i n g t h e G a p b e t we e n H u m a n s a n d B i rd s




Mercury exposure in utero has been linked to developmental problems related to motor control (such as walking and speech) [9]

Mercury exposure impacts children throughout life, causing deficits in attention, language, memory [10], and IQ [11]

High mercury levels in adult males has been tied to increased risk of heart attack [7] and cardiovascular disease [8]

Mothers can transfer contaminants, including mercury, to their babies through the placenta

Majority of dietary intake of methylmercury (MeHg) is due to fish consumption

A d u l t s

P r e g n a n t Wo m e nC h i l d r e n

Children can be exposed to mercury during development

Nestlings are also fed methylmercury-laced food

6 7

Elemental mercury released into the ecosystem cannot readily be incorporated into the food web without first being “methylated” or made available to living organisms. The process of methylation occurs with the help of bacteria found primarily in wet areas. This causes large variation in the amount of mercury found in wildlife based on habitat type.

For example, atmospheric deposition of mercury can be similar in two adjacent habitats—an upland meadow and a wet bog. If little mercury in the meadow is made available by methylation, then wildlife living in that habitat would be relatively protected from mercury toxicity. The wet habitat of the bog, however, could allow for high rates of methylation, which would be reflected in high mercury levels in the organisms that live there.

Why Do Habitats Vary in Mercury Levels?

Mercur y concentrat ions in songbirds from Dome Is land, Lake George, NY, rank among the highest in the state and the region[28]. Researchers have discovered that “ is land” spiders have higher mercur y concentrat ions than spiders col lected from forested areas direct ly adjacent to Lake George, prompting more research into the mechanism behind this di f ference[29].

L o n g I s l a n d S a l t m a r s h

At Pine Neck Preser ve and Nor th Cinder Is land, Long Is land, saltmarsh spar rows exhibit e levated blood mercur y concentrat ions, without any known mercur y inputs in the area. Research traced these high mercur y leve ls down the food web, star t ing with lower- level organisms such as amphipods (also known as skuds) which consume sediment organic matter and detr i tus. Amphipods are then preyed upon by marsh spiders which, in turn, are the prefer red prey i tems for saltmarsh spar rows dur ing the summer breeding season.

The goal of much mercur y research is d isentangl ing the interact ion between habitat and species sensit iv i t ies . On the fol lowing pages, we wi l l i l lustrate both how indiv idual species var y in mercur y based on what they eat , and how speci f ic habitats var y in mercur y based on the rate of mercur y methy lat ion.

I n t e r a c t i o n o f S p e c i e s a n d H a b i t a t


H a b i t a t S e n s i t i v i t y t o M e rc u r y

D o m e I s l a n d

F o o d We b R e s e a r c h : N e w Yo r k , U SA

Why Do Species Vary in Mercury Levels?

Wildlife vary in their mercury exposure based primarily on what they eat. Mercury increases as it moves up the food web, a process called biomagnification. Organisms that feed at high trophic levels generally have higher mercury levels than those that feed at lower trophic levels.

Abiotic (non-living)Atmospheric Deposition Mercury released into the air can be incorporated directly into primary producers, such as tree leaves.

Soil and Leaf Litter are the sites of primary mercury methylation by bacteria.

Biotic (living)Invertebrates such as pill bugs and millipedes consume leaf litter contaminated with mercury.

Spiders eat other spiders and insects, adding 1-2 trophic levels. With each link in a food web, mercury biomagnification increases, meaning that spiders generally have higher mercury content than plant-eating insects [27].

Wood thrushes, blackbirds, and sparrows forage on the ground, eating invertebrates from the leaf litter.

Bats accumulate mercury from a diverse prey base, including flying insects and spiders.

Vireos and warblers forage in tree canopies and consume predatory insects and spiders, making them a top-level predator. Leaf Litter

Pill Bug

Wood Thrush




M e r c u r y i n t h e F o o d W e b

8 9












on (p


, ww


n = 10

Mercury in Songbirds and Bats of the Northeast

We sampled 1,878 individual songbirds, representing 79 species, between 1999 and 2010. Mercury data by species is presented in order from lowest to highest blood mercury concentrations, regardless of sampling location.

Figure 3: Blood levels of songbird species with blood mercury levels that put them at risk of reduced nesting success. Lines show blood mercury levels associated with 10% (0.7 ppm), 20% (1.2 ppm), and 30% (1.7 ppm) reduced nesting success [22].

Songbird Mercury Concentrations

Bat Mercury Concentrations

Songbird Sampling Locations

Bat Sampling Locations

Figure 4: Fur levels of bat species sampled in the northeastern United States. Red line shows a preliminary subclinical threshold for mercury exposure in bats (10 ppm in fur), above which researchers have shown changes to their neurochemistry [30]. Further research is needed to link such subclinical changes with adverse outcomes.

We sampled 802 individual bats, representing 13 species, between 2006 and 2008.

How Do We Assess Mercury Exposure?

The thermometer graphic is used to illustrate low, moderate, high, or very high risk.

H o w t o I n t e r p r e t B a r C h a r t s

Green bar = Maximum level detected (i.e., this is the highest mercury level that we found)

Black bar = Average mercury level for all sampled individuals


Error bar = Standard deviation, a mea-sure of variability in the average values (i.e., larger bars mean there are greater differences among individuals)


R i s k L e ve l

R e d u c t i o n i n N e s t S u c c e s s

B l o o d M e r c u r y

Low less than 10% < 0.7 ppm

Moderate between 10% and 20% 0.7 - 1.2 ppm

High between 20% and 30% 1.2 - 1.7 ppm

Very High more than 30% >1.7 ppm

The data reported here were collected opportunisti-cally over 11 years across 11 states. Most of the bats and birds were sampled as part of larger projects; the dif-ferent study sites are shown in the sampling locations maps on the adjacent page. We purposefully excluded a vast dataset summarizing wildlife mercury exposure on contaminated sites to focus exclusively on the impact of air pollution. There are many other places, such as U.S. EPA-designated Superfund sites, where mercury levels in wildlife exceed those presented here.

The information presented in this report is the most current and widespread data summarized to date. Despite this effort, there are limitations to the analysis as a result of the opportunistic, rather than comprehensive, way we currently collect mercury information. These limitations are an important reason for dramatically improving mercury monitoring networks (see National and International Mercury Monitoring on page 29).

In order to calibrate what these blood levels mean in terms of the health of invertivores, we use data collected in two studies to create effects levels for songbirds and bats. Based on a model of mercury effects on reproductive success in Carolina wrens,

we have developed a gradient of effects levels for songbirds (below) [22]. For bats, we do not have data to support a range of effects, instead we must use a preliminary subclinical threshold developed for changes to neurochemistry of little brown bats [30].

S o n g b i r d E f f e c t s L e ve l s

n = sample size (number of individuals sampled)

The goal of this summary is to answer the question “How bad can mercury contamination get?” Given our opportunistic sampling, we can provide an answer by examining the maximum mercury levels detected in terrestrial invertivores. We also present more conventional statistics (means and standard deviations—see box at right). For species with large sample sizes, mean mercury values can give insight into overall population mercury loads, but these values can be misleading for species with small sample sizes.

Limitations of Opportunistic Sampling

Maximum Blood Levels

Mercury Effects Levels












Louisiana Waterthrush

(n = 20)*

Wood Thrush

(n = 160)*

Traill's Flycatcher (n = 6)*


Vireo (n = 2)*

Seaside Sparrow (n = 8)

Bicknell's Thrush (n = 50)*

Red-winged Blackbird (n = 40)

Eastern Wood-pewee

(n = 2)*

Palm Warbler (n = 9)

Indigo Bunting (n = 11)*

Nelson's Sparrow (n = 97)

Rusty Blackbird (n = 93)

Saltmarsh Sparrow (n = 479)


od H

g C





m, w


Maximum Mean + Standard Deviation

Very High Risk

High Risk

Moderate Risk

Low Risk

* Denotes neotropical migrant species







Hoary Bat (n = 6)

Seminole Bat (n = 9) Big-eared

Bat (n = 4)

Silver-haired Bat

(n = 7)

Eastern Pipistrelle

(n = 22)

Indiana Bat (n = 12)

Eastern Small-footed

Myotis (n = 7)

Southeastern Myotis (n = 9)

Red Bat (n = 38)

Little Brown Bat

(n = 441)

Evening Bat (n = 39)

Northern Long-eared

Bat (n = 148)

Big Brown Bat (n = 59)






on (


, ww


Maximum Mean + Standard Deviation

10 1 1

Ecosystems StudiedAs expected, birds found in habitats with pronounced wet-dry cycles, such as bogs, beaver ponds, and estuaries have the highest blood mercury concentrations. Interestingly, we also found elevated blood levels in birds found in upland areas such as deciduous and high elevation forests. In the following pages, we will explain each species’ habitat and food preferences so that you can better understand how they can acquire methylmercury body burdens of concern.

For two species of high conservation concern, the rusty blackbird andthe saltmarsh sparrow, we found atmo-spheric deposition of mercury to reduce nesting success by an average of 10%, which could have implications for already struggling populations.

Figure 6: Geographic area studied. We captured birds and bats across 11 states from Virginia to Maine. Blood mercury concentrations in this report are based on sampling from these 19 study sites. Due to the opportunistic nature of our sampling program, we do not necessarily have complete geographic data for each species, but we are able to discern some trends between different regions.

Coastal NY

Coastal CT

Coastal RI

Coastal MA

Southeastern NH

Coastal ME

Northern MEWestern ME

White Mtns NH

Adirondacks NY

Catskill Mtns NY

Western NY

Southern NY

Western PA

Eastern WV

Southwestern VANorthwestern VA

Green Mtns VT


Ecosystem Type Estuaries

IndicatorSaltmarsh Sparrow

Ecosystem Type Bogs and Beaver Ponds

IndicatorRusty Blackbird

Ecosystem TypeUnrestrictedIndicatorLittle Brown Bat

Mercury exposure depends on both species characteristics (such as trophic level) and habitat characteristics (such as wet-dry cycles). To disentangle differences between habitat and species, we chose an indicator songbird species to best represent the mercury risk in each ecosystem type. Because

little brown bats are found in many different ecosystems, we chose them as an unrestricted ecosystem indicator. On the following pages, we will describe mercury levels in these species and explain why we see variation among them.

Target Indicators for Mercury in the Northeast

Ecosystem Type Upland Forests

IndicatorWood Thrush

Ecosystem Type High Elevation Forests

IndicatorBicknell’s Thrush

Ecosystem Type Forested Rivers and Creeks

IndicatorLouisiana Waterthrush

Figure 5: Blood mercury concentrations of indicator songbirds, representing risk associated with different terrestrial ecosystems.










Forested Rivers and Creeks

Upland Deciduous


High Elevation Forest

Bogs and Beaver Ponds



od H

g C





m, w



Very High Risk

High Risk

Moderate Risk

Low Risk

Mean + Standard Deviation

Louisiana Waterthrush

(n = 20)

Wood Thrush

(n = 160)

Bicknell’s Thrush

(n = 50)

Rusty Blackbird

(n = 93)

Saltmarsh Sparrow

(n = 479)

12 1 3

Fo r e s t e d R i ve r s a n d C r e e k s I n d i c a t o r

Mercury RiskAlthough our findings show that the Louisiana waterthrush is at low risk due to atmospheric deposition of mercury, the negative effect of point-source mercury on aquatic ecosystems is well documented and mercury has been shown to persist in rivers more than 80 miles from its original source [31]. Both habitat and dietary habits compound to create a higher risk of mercury exposure along heavily contaminated rivers. For species like this warbler, which face population declines due to habitat loss, mercury contamination poses an added ecological burden.







Pennsylvania (n = 4)

Catskill Mtns New York

(n = 4)

Western New York

(n = 3)

Southwest Virginia (n = 7)

Southern New York

(n = 2)


od H

g C




n (p

pm, w



Mean + Standard Deviation

T he Louisiana waterthrush is not a thrush at all; it belongs in

the warbler family. However, unlike other warblers, this species prefers to spend its time near swif t moving forested streams and small r ivers. Its song, a mix of high-pitched ringing sounds and metallic chirps, is loud enough to be heard above the rushing water of its favored habitat.

A distinguishing characteristic of the Louisiana waterthrush is its tail bob; it constantly wags its tail as it forages along the ground (genus and species names both mean “tail-wagger”). Some suggest that this tail-wagging may help to camouflage the bird against the moving waters.

Other Birds of Conser vation Concern in this habitat: prothonotar y warbler, yellow-throated warbler, and hooded warbler.

HabitatWhen breeding in the eastern United States and southern Canada, the Louisiana waterthrush requires fast-flowing streams or small rivers that wind through closed-canopy, hilly, deciduous forest. This bird nests on the ground along the riverbanks—in small hollows, under fallen logs, or in the exposed roots of upturned trees. Its habitat requirements are similar in its wintering grounds in the West Indies, Central America, and northern South America. In areas of the Northeast with pronounced spring runoff, these types of streams have extreme wet-dry cycles, leading to increased mercury methylation.

FeedingForaging at the edge of flowing water, this warbler eats many aquatic invertebrates, along with higher trophic-level organisms such as spiders, amphibians, and small fish.

Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla)


o ©



ler P




*Potential for Very High Hg Risk on Contaminated Sites

Po t e n t i a l L o w H g R i s k

ec actionC u r r e n t a n d Fu t u r e R i s k s

Pollution to rivers and streams, r ising water temperatures,lossof forest area due to human development, and infestation of hemlock woolly adelgid (which defoliates this par ticular evergreen), are all reasons for concern for this bird species.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sProtecting forests and water ways on both breeding and wintering grounds are impor tant conser vation actions for this species. Research should focus on habitat use and ecology in the tropical regions to which this bird migrates. Also, more information is needed on migration routes and stopover habitats.

Figure 7: Geographic differences in mercury exposure in Louisiana waterthrushes. While sample sizes are low for this species, our data suggest biological mercury hotspots in southern New York and southwest Virginia.


Photo © GreenStock from iStock.com

14 1 5

Mercury RiskSince the wood thrush feeds primarily on the forest floor by moving leaf litter to locate prey, the pathway of meth-ylmercury through its prey is likely connected with the organic soil and the leaf litter. High mercury levels in soil relate with high mercury levels in the wood thrush; in these same areas, soil calcium levels were low, most likely due to acid rain. For a breeding bird feeding in this habitat, this is a worrisome com-bination. Wood thrush populations are declining significantly across their range; and in New York and neighbor-ing states that decline is linked to the loss of calcium, a vital nutrient for reproduction [32].

Up l a n d Fo r e s t s I n d i c a t o r

Figure 8: Geographic differences in mercury exposure in wood thrushes. Wood thrushes in Virginia and southern New York show elevated mercury levels compared to the other sampling areas.

HabitatThis thrush spends its breeding season in a wide variety of deciduous and mixed forests throughout the eastern half of the United States—from the Gulf States to southern Canada and from the eastern edge of the Great Plains to the Atlantic Coast. It prefers thickly forested areas with a dense understory, moist soil, and abundant leaf litter (also prime sites of mercury methylation). In early fall, the wood thrush migrates to the broad-leaved forests of Central America. They often return to the same breeding and wintering grounds each year.

FeedingThe wood thrush feeds mostly on invertebrates at ground level, foraging in leaf litter, and on fruits from shrubs (especially important during migration).

Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)

T he wood thrush, a bird of the deep forest, sings a haunting

and complex array of songs that have been described as flutelike, ethereal, hollow, sometimes exhibiting an electrical quality. A complicated syrinx (song box) allows this thrush to sing two notes at once, creating the effect of a harmony with itself ; the males take full advantage of this talent when courting.

In the mid-19th centur y,Henr y David Thoreau, one of the earliest and most profound environmental writers, declared the abundant wood thrush an indicator of the health of a forest; sightings of the wood thrush have become increasingly rare over the last four decades.

Other Birds of Conser vation Concern in this habitat: cerulean warbler, worm-eating warbler, Kentucky warbler, and Swainson’s warbler.

Po t e n t i a l M o d e r a t e

H g R i s k

ec actionC u r r e n t a n d Fu t u r e R i s k s

Causes for the recent woodthrush decline may include forest destruction and fragmentation, as well as acid rain. The combination of high mercur y levels in areas with acid rain may combine to create a “1-2 punch” that is more damaging to the population than either effect in isolation. However, more research is needed to better understand this complex interaction.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sProtecting large tracts of forests in breeding areas, as well as maintaining habitat that these birds need for migration are critical for the sur vival of this species.

Wintering grounds in Central America must also be protected to ensure the long-term success of wood thrush populations. Further work in understanding the ecology of this species on its wintering grounds will provide valuable clues to understanding population declines.


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Catskill Mtns New York (n = 13)

West Virginia (n = 2)

Delaware (n=19)

Western Maine (n = 3)

Coastal New York (n = 22)

Pennsylvania (n = 23)

Western New York

(n = 6)

Virginia (n=12)

Southern New York (n = 60)


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m, w



Mean + Standard Deviation

Photo © aniszewski from iStock.com

16 1 7

Mercury RiskBased on habitat and diet alone, we would expect Bicknell’s thrush to be relatively removed from mercury exposure. This is not the case because high elevation mountain areas are prone to increased precipitation, and therefore, increased pollution from cloud water [33]. These conditions are ripe for the production of methylmercury. High elevation species such as the Bicknell’s thrush have proportionally higher mercury levels than associated low-elevation mountainside neighbors, such as other thrushes.

H i g h E l e va t i o n Fo r e s t s I n d i c a t o r

Figure 9: Geographic differences in mercury exposure in Bicknell’s thrushes. Due to their particular habitat requirements, Bicknell’s thrush are not found in all the geographic region studied, but those captured in western Maine show higher mercury levels than other areas.

HabitatThis species is extremely restricted in its habitat and range. It breeds in dense areas of stunted balsam fir and spruce found at high elevations from the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence and easternmost Nova Scotia, to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Green Mountains of Vermont, and the Catskill Mountains of New York State. Its wintering grounds are also restricted; this species migrates to one of only four islands in the Greater Antilles, in the Caribbean Sea.

FeedingThese birds feed primarily on insects, especially beetles and ants; they will eat wild fruit during migration. During the breeding season, they feed on or close to the ground, but will also forage for food in the branches of trees, sometimes fly-catching from their perches.

Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli)

In 1904, John Burroughs, literar y naturalist in the traditionof

Thoreau, described thesongof the Bicknell’s thrush as a “musical whisper of great sweetness and power.” However, the plaintive call of this mid-sized thrush is rarely heard by those other than the most intrepid bird enthusiasts and ornithologists. Reclusive and elusive, this bird is one of the rarest songbirds in North America.

During breeding season,this bird prefers remote, inhospitable habitats high in the mountainous terrain of the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. The Bicknell’s thrush exhibits unusual mating habits; both males and females matewith multiple partners (known as polygynandrous) resulting in mixed paternity in nearly ever y nest.

Other Birds of Conser vation Concern in this habitat: blackpoll warbler, and yellow-bellied flycatcher.

Po t e n t i a l M o d e r a t e H g

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Photo © Jeff Nadler Photography

ec actionC u r r e n t a n d Fu t u r e R i s k s

Recreational and commercial develop-ment (e.g., ski trails, telephone towers, and wind turbines) in mountain forests contribute to increased habitat frag-mentation and loss. Climate change also puts the Bicknell’sthrush at risk as it diminishes the already narrow band of habitat in the bird’s mountain breeding grounds. Extensive loss and degradation of primary overwintering forests may pose the greatest threat to the long-term viability of the Bicknell’s thrush.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sEfforts are needed to continue to protect or manage known and potential breeding habitat; land management agencies can partner with timber companies to develop and implement best management practices to maintain a target amount of Bicknell’s thrush habitat in working forests.

It is equally important to protect, manage, and restore known and potential winter habitat. Working with and develop-ing strong collaborative efforts with Caribbean partners is critical to the protection of habitat on the wintering grounds. It is also important to identify migratory stopover sites, routes, and patterns.







Adirondacks New York

(n = 5)

White Mts New

Hampshire (n = 4)

Catskill Mtns New York (n = 18)

Green Mts Vermont

(n = 9)

Western Maine (n = 14)


od H

g C





m, w



Mean + Standard Deviation

18 1 9







Northern Maine

(n = 13)

Western Maine (n = 2)

Vermont (n = 9)

New Hampshire (n = 69)


od H

g C





m, w



Mean + Standard Deviation

HabitatThe vast boreal region of Canada and Alaska along with the Acadian forest of eastern Canada and New England represent the core breeding habitat of the rusty blackbird. They select forested wetlands, muskeg swamps, and beaver bogs for breeding, laying speckled blue and brown eggs in nests constructed in the stunted spruce or fir trees typical of these habitats. In early autumn the blackbird migrates to the southern U.S. for the winter, feeding on invertebrates and grains in both wet bottomlands and dryer uplands, such as pecan plantations.

FeedingThe rusty blackbird feeds preferentially on aquatic insect larvae and large adult flying insects, taking advantage of spring emergence events while breeding. In winter they become opportunistic as insects become scarcer, feeding on grains and tree masts.

Mercury RiskRusty blackbirds are exposedto levels of mercury that may negatively affect them while breeding in New England and Maritime Canada; concentrations of mercury for individuals breeding in the Northeast are more than four times that of those breeding in Alaska, with an average concentration of about 0.9 ppm. The high mercury exposure is due to a diet based on aquatic macroinvertebrates and spiders, allowing for multiple intermediate trophic levels and a high bioconcentration of aquatic mercury. Additionally, the acidic water typical of their breeding habitat promotes a high bioavailability of mercury for uptake [34].

B o g s a n d B e ave r Po n d s I n d i c a t o r

Figure 10: Geographic differences in mercury exposure in rusty blackbirds. Rusty blackbirds are increasingly hard to find on their breeding grounds, but those that we sampled appear to have high mercury levels at all sites.

Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus)

Named for its rust brown winter plumage, therusty blackbird

is occasionally mistaken for its near relative, the common grackle. Although rusty blackbirds were once abundant enough to “blacken the fields and cloud the air” during migration, today migrating and wintering flocks rarely exceed a few dozen due to an unexplained yet dramatic population crash.

Unlike many other North American blackbirds, rusty blackbirds will form monogomous pairs while breeding that will of ten persist the following breeding season. They can be aggressive while breeding, attacking larger species, such as jays, that could prey on their young. When food is scarce during harsh winters, these blackbirds have been known to attack and eat other songbirds.

Other Birds of Conser vation Concern in this habitat: olive-sided flycatcher, bay-breasted warbler, and Canada warbler.

Po t e n t i a l Ve r y H i g h H g R i s k


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ec actionC u r r e n t a n d Fu t u r e R i s k s

Rusty blackbird populations have declined more than 90% since the 1960s, with an upper estimate of 13% decline peryear—a rate exceeding that of other boreal breeding birds. While several factors have been proposed, no consensus has been reached to explain the population loss. Likely factors: the interaction of habitat loss due to human development; intensive forestry; wetland draining and flood control; climate change; and environmental contaminants, including mercury.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sAlthough the habitat preferred by rusty blackbirds is relatively inaccessible and somewhat inhospitable, breeding populations may still be in danger; more careful monitoring, in addition to the Breeding Bird Survey, is needed to confirm this. This species is more adaptable during migration and in winteringareas, however, preliminary analyses of Christmas Bird Count trends in the southeastern U.S. during the latter half of the 20th century suggest that closer attention should be paid to migrating and wintering populations, especially regarding potential impacts associated with current agricultural practices.

Photo © orchidpoet from iStock.com

20 2 1






Coastal Connecticut

(n = 32)

Coastal New York

(n = 27)

Coastal Rhode Island

(n = 55)

Coastal Maine (n = 220)

Coastal Massachusetts

(n = 145)


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m, w



Mean + Standard Deviation

Photo: BRI archives

E s t u a r i e s I n d i c a t o r

Figure 11: Geographic differences in mercury exposure in saltmarsh sparrows. Saltmarsh sparrows show overall higher mercury levels than any of the other species studied, with a potential biological mercury hotspot in coastal Massachusetts.

In her H y m n t o A p h ro d i t e , the anc ient Greek poet

Sappho descr ibes “wing-w hir r ing spar rows” pul l ing the goddess’s char iot across the sky. Throughout h is tor y, these common b i rds—the spar row f ami ly i s the lar gest b i rd f ami ly in the wor ld—have found the i r way into c lass ic l i t e r ature f rom the Gospe ls , to Shakespeare ’s p lays , to Stephen K ing’s thr i l l e r s .

The sa l tmar sh spar row, now genet ica l l y d is t inguished f rom the Nelson’s spar row, spends i t s ent i re l i f e cyc le in the t r ans i t iona l areas between land and sea. Dur ing the breeding season, the non-ter r i tor ia l males have ear ned a reput at ion for promiscu i ty ; they of ten breed more than once dur ing a season. These b i rds synchronize nest ing wi th the t ides , f l edg ing the i r young in on ly e ight days .

Other B i rds of Conser vat ion Concer n in th is habi t at : Ne lson’s spar row, seas ide spar row, c lapper r a i l , and wi l l e t .

HabitatSalt marshes are found along the intertidal shores of estuaries and sounds where salinity ranges from freshwater (further inland) to ocean levels (coastal). These coastal marshes, subject to the ebb and flow of the tides, often experience rapid changes in salinity and temperature, to which the birds must adapt. The saltmarsh sparrow migrates only at night to their wintering estuaries in the southeastern United States.

FeedingSaltmarsh sparrows feed mostly on insects, spiders, amphipods, and small snails, supplementing this diet with seeds and wild rice. When foraging, they run in short spurts, walk, or slowly hop.

Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus)


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Po t e n t i a l Ve r y H i g h H g R i s k

Mercury RiskSaltmarsh sparrows showed elevated blood mercury concentrations across much of their breeding range, most likely due to both dietary and habitat preferences that put them at high risk to mercury exposure [35]. Findings of elevated blood mercury concentrations at several sites suggest that mercury accumulations may be high enough in the blood of saltmarsh sparrows to cause regular nest failure at a rate that may put local populations at risk. Mercury, as a neurotoxin, is especially a problem for these estuary dwellers, as it may affect the sparrow’s ability to time its nesting patterns with the tides.

ec actionC u r r e n t a n d Fu t u r e R i s k s

Rising sea levels attributed to climate change pose a serious threat to these birds, which spend their entire life cycle near the water’s edges. Marsh degradation, invasive species such as phragmites, and loss due to coastal development is also a continuing problem.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sThe saltmarsh sparrow is an excellent indicator species for contaminants in estuaries: they are endemic to the region; spend their entire life cycle in saltmarsh habitats; and tend to eat high in the food chain. Limiting mercury exposure is criti-cal. Salt marsh managers must identify and reduce sources of mercury by imple-menting Best Management Practices (BMP) for storm water management where it affects the saltmarsh, use vegeta-tive buffers, remove sources of mercury such as landfills, and support regulations to reduce the amount of mercury entering the water system.

Because these birds are especially vul-nerable to rising sea levels as a result of climate change, it is important that land use planners and decision-makers extend coastal protection further inland.

22 2 3

Figure 13: Mean bat fur mercury concentrations for little brown bats in different geographic regions in the Northeast. All regions sampled have individuals with fur concentrations that exceed the 10 ppm preliminary subclinical threshold (red line). At concentrations above 10 ppm, researchers have shown changes to little brown bat brain neurochemistry [30].

Un r e s t r i c t e d E c o s y s t e m s I n d i c a t o r

Mercury RiskBats are long-lived and have the potential to accumulate high concentrations of mercury over time. High mercury levels may lead to a myriad of problems such as compromised immune systems, which would make it harder to fight infections like white-nose syndrome. The interaction of bats and windfarms is an additional concern as bats approaching the blades of wind turbines may suffer from pulmonary death (i.e., the bursting of capillaries). The ability of bats with elevated mercury body burdens to avoid wind turbines requires further investigation.

HabitatThe little brown bat is found in a wide range of forested areas throughout North America, from southern Alaska eastward through the southern half of Canada to Newfoundland, south through most of the continental United States, and in higher elevation forested regions of Mexico. They roost in tree cavities and caves, as well as in barns and attics.

FeedingThese bats forage over both land and water, usually feeding on swarms of insects to save time and energy in their search for food.

Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)

Ancient Egyptians believed they cured illness, the Chinese view

them as good luck, Westerners fear they are vampires—there is no lack of myth, legend, or folklore surrounding bats. These creatures, the only mammals that can fly, are actually quite beneficial to people.

The little brown bat, with its glossy brownish-black fur, was once one of the most common bats found in North America. Now, however, because of a fungus causing white-nose syndrome, little brown bat populations have declined dramatically and are now being considered for federal listing. Not a territorial animal, these bats roost in large colonies, some reportedly as large as 300,000 individuals.

The little brown bat, which grows to be about three inches long and weighs a quarter of an ounce, can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour; this bat can consume up to its body weight in insects in one night. The service to pest control provided by these voracious eaters is valued at $22.9 billion per year in the U.S. [25].


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Photo © Merlin B. Tuttle, Bat Conservation International

Figure 12: Bat sampling locations occur across a variety of habitats within the Northeast, making bats valuable candidates for monitoring programs. Map landcover types based on the National Land Cover dataset [36].

Water or Wetland



Grassland or Shrub

Po t e n t i a l H i g h H g R i s k

ec actionC u r r e n t a n d Fu t u r e R i s k s

White-nose syndrome (WNS), so named for the white fungus that grows on the muzzle and wings of affected bats, is deci mating entire populations of these animals (nine different bat species have been affected). This fungus irritates the bat, causing it to waken more often during hibernation, depleting stored fat reserves. Infected bats, emerging too soon from hibernation dehydrated and malnourished, freeze or starve to death; mortality rates are nearly 100% at some sites.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sNortheastern bats are in danger due to multiple threats, including WNS, habitat loss, pesticide use, mercury pollution, and wind-power development. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is coordinating a national management plan to address WNS, but more research is needed to better understand other threats that bats face.

Some bat species, including the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), are already on the federal endangered species list and a petition has been filed to list little brown bats. Beyond the urgent need to understand and mitigate the effects of WNS, bats should be protected through management of forests and cave exploration, as well as by limiting pesticide use. Debunking myths through education will help raise public awareness as to the value of bats.









West Virginia (n = 62)

Pennsylvania (n = 30)

Coastal Massachusetts

(n = 14)

Northwest Virginia

(n = 143)

Coastal New York (n = 15)

Southeast New

Hampshire (n = 5)

Central & Western New York (n = 52)

Southern New York (n = 29)

Coastal Maine

(n = 31)

Adirondacks New York

(n = 60)






on (


, ww


Maximum Mean + Standard Deviation

24 2 5

Primary Indicator: saltmarsh sparrowSecondary Indicators: Nelson’s sparrow, seaside sparrow, clapper rail, willet

Primary Indicator: rusty blackbirdSecondary Indicator: olive-sided flycatcher, bay-breasted warbler, Canada warbler, Virginia rail, spotted sandpiper

Primary Indicator: little brown bat and our songbird indicator speciesSecondary Indicator: all North American bat and songbird species, particularly those associated with wetland habitats

Large fluctuations in water levels within reservoirs can intensify the amount of mercury methylation in an ecosystem [41,

42]. The repeated wetting and drying of water body edges allows the bacteria that methylate mercury to thrive and increase the amount of biologically available mercury. The most reasonable way to control this methylation is to maintain more constant water levels in these

reservoirs, particularly in late summer and early fall.

Because of its prevalence in various industrial processes and waste-water treatment plants, mercury has historically been released in

varying quantities into many different water bodies throughout the United States. Estuaries are often the final destination for this source of mercury, and the high degree of methylation in coastal wetlands allows for much of it to become available to wildlife [35]. Although many of these point sources have

known inputs, there are many that are unknown and unex-plored. In some cases, the solution can be as easy as discovering

and cleaning up the legacy dump site. Without intensive biomoni-toring in our nation’s estuaries, we will not be able to determine where these “hotspots” of high mercury levels in wildlife occur.

Mercury emissions must be controlled at the source, and the U.S. EPA has recently finalized its Mercury and Air Toxics

Standards (MATS) rule to regulate mercury emissions from power plants in the United States [2]. Implemention of this rule is necessary for protection of ecosystem health, including areas particularly sensitive and/or close to sources that are likely biological mercury hotspots [41].

Reduce mercury emissions

Control reservoir water level fluctuations

Trace hidden or unknown point sources

Primary Indicator: wood thrushSecondary Indicators: cerulean warbler, worm-eating warbler, Kentucky warbler, Swainson’s warbler, Acadian flycatcher

Primary Indicator: Bicknell’s thrushSecondary Indicators: blackpoll warbler, yellow-bellied flycatcher

Primary Indicator: Louisiana waterthrushSecondary Indicators: prothonotary warbler, yellow-throated warbler, hooded warbler, northern waterthrush, Canada warbler

Birds and other wildlife living in forests are often limited by the amount of calcium available for uptake. Acid deposition created from the burning of fossil fuels can intensify the leaching of calcium from the soil [32]. In areas that are also subject to a high amount of mercury deposition, this can become a dangerous combination of threats. Besides the need for control of mercury emissions, forests can be managed for reducing soil acidification that will alleviate the effect of multiple environmental stressors.

Logging near forested rivers and creeks not only enhances erosion, it also remobilizes mercury previously sequestered in the soils [39, 40]. By restricting logging near water bodies, direct movement of mercury into the watershed can be minimized. The contamination of streams and rivers in one place may have significant ramifications more than 80 miles downstream [31].

Forest fires have the ability to mobilize mercury sequestered in the soils and vegetation of forests [37, 38]. This mercury is then free to enter the atmosphere or be remobilized into nearby habitats and then ingested by organisms. Fire is often necessary for the overall health of forests, but allowing for more frequent, less severe forest fires will reduce the risk of large scale mobilization of mercury into the ecosystem.

Management Recommendations

Improve fire management

Reduce acid deposition

Restrict logging near water bodies

High Elevation Forests

Upland Forests

Forested Rivers and Creeks

Unrestricted Ecosystems

Artificial Reservoirs


26 2 7

Figure 15: Depicted here is the northern waterthrush’s breeding (dark green) and wintering (light green) ranges along with migratory routes (arrows). This species is emphasized because it is one of the few neotropical migrants where BRI has year-round information on mercury exposure, but many other declining neotropical migrants are potentially exposed similarly (see box at right).

N e o t r o p i c a l M i g r a n t S o n g b i r d s o f C o n s e r v a t i o n C o n c e r n *

Olive-sided Flycatcher40-year decline=80%

Wood Thrush40-year decline=50%

Cerulean Warbler40-year decline=70%

Bicknell’s Thrush40-year decline=No data

Blackpoll Warbler40-year decline=80–90%Northern Waterthrush

*Based on range-wide North American Breeding Bird Survey data

Mercury levels found in the northern waterthrush during winter, over migration, and on breeding grounds are similar. Blood mercury con centrations are consistently elevated throughout the year, demonstrating that dietary uptake is a year-round concern, and despite migratory movements this species has less of an ability than some species for ridding its body of mercury burdens during times of low environmental mercury exposure. This “double whammy” of mercury toxicity restricts interseasonal depuration or release of mercury.

Neotropical Case Study: Northern Waterthrush

Migrat ion: High Risk

Breeding: High Risk

W inter ing : Ver y High Risk

Mercury—A Migratory Threat Mercury is a global pollutant that has a potential to adversely affect hundreds of bird species across the western hemisphere. For migratory species, this means that they can encounter mercury contamination on their breeding grounds, as well as along migratory routes and on their wintering grounds. Moreover, migrating birds might be at greater risk to the toxic effects of mercury. Mercury is stored in muscle; most birds will use their muscle reserves to help fuel their migratory flights especially during stressful times when fat reserves are expended. This muscle burn could potentially give birds a high dose of mercury during migration.

Migration accounts for nearly 75% of all annual mortality rates in some songbirds; the added burden of toxic mercury exposure may make the process even more challenging. While mercury exposure during the breeding season is well documented, contamination during migration and over the winter is still relatively unknown. Migration is a fascinating natural process, however, its linkages across the world makes understanding the risks of mercury exposure all the more difficult.

Conservation Complexities Understanding migratory connectivity, the strength of connections between wintering and breeding areas, has become vital to the conservation of migratory birds. When a species has strong connectivity, traditional conservation measures may not be effective. For example, if the New England breeding population of the northern waterthrush (featured at right) was declining and landscape managers wanted to protect it throughout its annual life cycle, one strategy might be to purchase wintering ground habitat and manage it for waterthrushes. If this population only wintered in the Caribbean, then it makes sense to conserve land in the Caribbean. Without this information well-intentioned efforts might protect land in Central America, but actually achieve very little in meaningful results for the breeding population. Understanding the complexities of migration is crucial to making effective conservation decisions.

U n d e r s t a n d i n g M i g r a t i o n Migration is a common life histor y strategy that manifests in a myriad of ways across species. Hawks and eagles migrate during the day to take advantage of air currents, while songbirds migrate at night to avoid predators. Some songbird species, even those as small as hummingbirds, will embark on 18–72 hour nonstop over-water flights to arrive at their destinations.

Seabirds migrate almost entirely over water: Arctic terns track both coasts of the Atlantic Ocean in their Arctic to Antarctic route, while albatrosses track the winds in the middle of the Southern Ocean. There are about as many types of migration as there are migrator y species; understanding how migration works in each species is critical toward understanding the risks that these animals take throughout their entire life cycle.

Small devices, called geolocators, can be attached to a bird to record its migration. Geolocators estimate the global position of the bird by calculating sunset and sunrise to determine latitude and longitude, enabling scientists to learn more about the migration habits of birds as small as wood thrushes [43].

B R I ’s T E R R A N e t wo r kBRI has developed the Terrestrial Ecosystems ReseaRch and Assessment (TERRA) Network across the western hemisphere to improve our understanding of mercury threats to migratory birds and bats. Through collaboration with biologists in Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean Islands, we hope to better understand how mercury affects species throughout their life cycle.

Neotropical Connections W h a t I s a N e o t r o p i c a l

M i g r a n t ?A b i r d t h a t b r e e d s i n t h e U. S . a n d C a n a d a , t h e n t r ave l s t o C e n t r a l o r S o u t h A m e r i c a o r t h e C a r i b b e a n f o r t h e w i n t e r.

While this report documents mercury concentrations in songbirds on their breeding grounds in the northeastern United States, there is growing concern for birds that migrate to wintering grounds in Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands. Biodiversity Research Institute has gathered evidence that the mercury threat in tropical habitats may be much greater than expected.

Figure 14: Blood mercury concentrations of northern waterthrush throughout their migratory cycle.







Wintering Belize n = 26

Florida n = 64

Breeding New England

n = 8


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, ww


Maximum Mean + Standard Deviation

Wintering Migration Breeding

Very High Risk

High Risk

Moderate Risk

Low Risk

28 2 9

National and International Mercury Monitoring

There are two goals of this report. First, to characterize the risk of mercury within the terrestrial invertivore community. Second, to offer relevant information for management and policy actions that can be taken to reduce the impact of mercury on the terrestrial ecosystem.

The Importance of Mercury Monitoring

As we look to the future, how will we know if our management and policy decisions are effective? It is critical to establish mercury monitoring networks, both nationally and internationally, so quantitative assessments can be related with regulatory efforts attempting to lower anthropogenic mercury, particularly in sensitive ecosystems, such as wetlands.

For aquatic systems, we demon-strate encouraging results from the Great Lakes Region, where reduction in mercury emissions has helped decrease the amount of mercury in different fish spe-cies over time (see figure at right).

Figure 16: Temporal trends in fish fillet mercury concentrations averaged by year across multiple sites in the Great Lakes and inland water bodies in the U.S. Great Lake states and the province of Ontario [45].

Although f ish represent direct l ink s to the aquat ic ecosystem, their mercur y leve ls do not a lways a l ign with atmospher ic deposit ion. We postulate that the songbirds and bats highl ighted in this repor t are good candidates for ter restr ia l indicator species for several reasons:

• Songbirds and bats are found in a l l ter restr ia l habitat types, a iding in compar isons between di f ferent habitats and geographic locat ions.

• Blood can be sampled nonlethal ly in conjunct ion with many ongoing songbird banding and bat monitor ing programs.

• Blood mercur y concentrat ions ref lect cur rent (~30 day) dietar y uptake of methy lmercur y, meaning that this t issue is responsive to rapid changes in methy lmercur y in the food web and there are some indicat ions that the deposit ion of mercur y f rom the a i r i s s igni f icant ly l inked with songbird blood mercur y concentrat ions (BRI unpubl ished data).

S o n g b i r d s a n d B a t s : C a n d i d a t e s f o r Te r r e s t r i a l M e r c u r y M o n i t o r i n g

Acid deposition is a well-documented environmental stressor with various negative impacts on ecosystems.

Interaction of Environmental Stressors

The interaction of environmental mercury and climate change can add additional stress to already threatened species.

Although we focus on mercury exposure and effects in this report, there are many other environmental stressors that can act in concert with mercury to create problems for terrestrial ecosystems.

• Increased acidity in soil promotes increased methylmercury production, resulting in higher mercury exposure in invertivores.

• Acidic deposition leaches calcium from the soil, resulting in the decreased availability and abundance of calcium-rich invertebrate prey that songbirds eat [32, 44]. Decreased calcium availability for egg production combined with the neurotoxic effects of mercury can potentially lead to nest failure.

• Rising sea levels may lead to loss of coastal wetlands, habitat alterations, and potential changes in mercury cycling in wetlands.

• Rising temperatures could lead to enhanced methylation of mercury for select habitats.

• Increases in precipitation in some parts of the U.S. could lead to increases in atmospheric deposition of mercury.

• Forest fires, expected to increase with global warming, release stored mercury into the environment.

• Changes in food web structure that occur as species adapt to changes in habitat and available food sources may alter mercury exposure.

• More frequent and increased storm intensity could lead to episodes of high mercury exposure as a result of runoff.

• Thawing of permafrost will rapidly release thousands of years of bound mercury (natural and anthropogenic) into the air and water.

Acid Rain

Climate Change

Walleye and Largemouth Bass Fillet Mercury

Year1970 1980 1990 2000 2010


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, ww







U.S. walleye (Great Lakes region)U.S. largemouth bass (Great Lakes region)Canadian largemouth bass (province of Ontario)

30 3 1

Use best available technology [2]Technological pollution control for reducing mercury pollution has been enormously successful in the regulation of municipal and medical waste incinerators [49] and the U.S. EPA Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Rule will provide similar reductions for power plants with a goal of 90% less mercury emissions.

Ensure implementation of this common sense solution to the largest stationary source of airborne mercury—coal-fired power plants.

Prevent biological mercury hotspots [41]While “cap and trade” programs are effective in certain pollution strate-gies, like those for acid rain components, it is inappropriate for a pollut-ant like mercury. There is a growing body of evidence that local mercury emission sources, such as from coal-fired power plants, can have signifi-cant local effects on downwind ecosystems leading to the development of biological mercury hotspots [41, 50].

By avoiding mercury “cap and trade” systems, our expectation is to prevent new mercury hotspots from being created across the United States and globally.

Support UNEP Mercury Treaty [51]The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) intends to ratify a globally binding agreement on mercury in 2013. Reductions in the purposeful use of mercury for small-scale gold mining, chlor-alkali plants, and in manufactured products are planned, while emissions from fossil-fuel burning and other sources are being negotiated.

The U.S. State Department and the U.S. EPA should continue their international leadership roles in guiding new standards for global mercury pollution as well as in helping set comprehensive and standard monitoring programs. Adding new delegates from other federal agencies, such as the Department of Interior, will help facilitate greater connections with environmental mercury studies and manage-ment in the United States.

Reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants

Avoid mercury “cap and trade” systems

Regulate global mercury emissions

The intent of this report is to present an overview of current information about environmental mercury pollution in the terrestrial ecosystems of the northeastern United States and to support and improve ongoing and future investments that address the risk of environmental mercury loads. We have summarized the most recent data related to songbird and bat mercury exposure, but have also shown that more research and better monitoring is needed to fully understand the scope of this hidden risk to these and other wildlife species.

Reducing anthropogenic sources of mercury is one es-sential strategy for minimizing the impact of mercury

on people and wildlife, but to effectively inform policy decisions at each stage of the process, scientists also need more data.

We recommend a concurrent three-pronged approach for minimizing adverse impacts of mercury on wildlife:

1. Identify the species, habitats, and regions at risk to mercury exposure

2. Address synergistic interactions of mercury with other environmental pollutants

3. Minimize wildlife exposure by reducing mercury emissions.

Using Science to Inform Mercury Policy

Legislation for a National Mercury Monitoring Network (MercNet) was introduced into the 112th Congress (to the Senate Public Works and the House Energy and Commerce Committees) and will provide a comprehensive and standard way for measuring mercury in the air, water, soil, as well as in fish and wildlife. Songbirds and bats are nominated as part of the mercury monitoring effort [1, 46].

Congress needs to pass legislation authorizing the creation of MercNet, which will allow the federal government to scientif ically evaluate the eff icacy of policy and management decisions that, in turn, will allow for better decisions in the future and protect past mercury abatement investments.

Improve mercury monitoring in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems across the United States

It is time to establish air pollution thresholds to protect and restoreU.S. ecosystems. A “critical loads” approach to understanding air pollution impacts requires the assessment of multiple contaminant “loading” to sensitive ecosystems above which significant adverse impacts are detected. This strategy is accepted as superior by the scientific and regulatory communities, and is in use in Europe, Canada, and parts of the United States, but has yet to be used to understand the interaction of mercury with other contaminants. Although critical loads allow for more refined policy decisions, their establishment requires firm commitment and funding in order to enable the most up-to-date scientific determinations.

Congress should direct the U.S. EPA to implement critical loads for sulfur and nitrogen, along with thresholds for mercury, and the U.S. EPA should use these thresholds to assess progress under the Clean Air Act.

Develop science-based policy recommendations for setting air pollution thresholds to protect ecosystems and species

Establish MercNet [1]

Set air pollution thresholds for ecosystems [47]

1. I d e n t i f y t h e s p e c i e s , h a b i t a t s , a n d r e g i o n s a t r i s k t o m e r c u r y e x p o s u r e

2 . A d d r e s s s y n e r g i s t i c i n t e r a c t i o n s o f m e r c u r y w i t h o t h e r e n v i r o n m e n t a l p o l l u t a n t s

3 . M i n i m i z e w i l d l i f e m e r c u r y e x p o s u r e by r e d u c i n g m e r c u r y e m i s s i o n s

32 3 3

AcknowledgementsWe are grateful for a grant from The Nature Con-servancy’s Rodney Johnson and Katherine Ordway Stewardship Endowment that supported the devel-opment of this publication as well as parts of the original research. Data collection was made possible by funding from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Wildlife Conser-vation Society and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

This research was the result of years of collaborations and we would like to acknowledge those that offered their assistance. Many researchers generously shared their data with us. We are deeply indebted to Dr. David Braun of Sound-Science. We thank Chris Rimmer and Kent McFarland of the Vermont Center for Eco studies for their assistance with sampling Bicknell’s thrushes; Greg Shriver for providing samples from wood thrush-es in Delaware; Sam Edmonds, Nelson O’Driscoll, and the numerous researchers involved with the International Rusty Blackbird Working Group for sharing their extensive sampling of rusty blackbirds; Jeff Loukmas from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for providing inverte-brate mercury data; Gary Lovett from the Institute for Ecosystem Studies for supplying soil data; and Chad Seewagen from the Wildlife Conservation Society for providing multiple years of samples.

Others provided field accommodations, logistical support, and helpful expertise. We thank the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s Adirondack Ecological Center for providing access to study sites and lodging for field crews; the staff at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area for site access and permits to sample birds and bats; the staff of the Marine Nature Study Area in Hempstead, NY for logistical support and assistance in the field; Al Hicks of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and John Chenger of Bat Conservation and Management for their assistance with providing bat samples; Cara Lee at The Nature Conservancy for helping us with field housing, logistics, and site access; Bruce Connery at Acadia National Park for helping us with field housing, permits, and site access; Dr. Ford and staff for assisting us with site selection and permission in the Fernow Experimental Forest; Bill DeLuca for assisting with sampling efforts, field housing, permits, and site access in New Hampshire; the Boy Scouts of America for providing access and a field camp at Massawepie for multiple years; the YMCA for providing housing/field camps and site access for multiple years; Bill Schuster at Black Rock Forest for providing site access and permission for multiple

years; Bob Mulvihill at Powdermill Avian Research Center for providing permission, site selection, site access, sampling assistance, samples, and an incredible learning environment for multiple years; Mike Fowles and site managers at the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for providing site permits/access and enthusiastically assisting with Pennsylvania field logistics; Tom LeBlanc of Allegany State Park for providing site selection recommendations, logistical support, field housing, and overall enthusiasm for our project; the staff at numerous National Wildlife Refuges including Rachel Carson NWR (ME), Wertheim NWR (NY), Parker River NWR (MA), Ninigret NWR (RI), McKinney NWR (CT); Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; Jen Walsh at the University of New Hampshire for field assistance; and Henry Caldwell of Dome Island for providing all kinds of help with boats, field housing, and permits, as well as being a gracious host for multiple years.

We are especially grateful to the staff of Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology, Conservation Science department, for their support of this project. In particular, we thank James D. Lowe for all his devoted work in the field, banding birds and collecting soil, leaves, and bird samples, and for his assistance with preparing the metadata; Maria Stager for her aid in bird sampling and banding; Kenneth V. Rosenberg for his departmental support; and Kevin Webb, from Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology, Information Science department, for his excellent GIS support.

Within The Nature Conservancy, we appreciate those who supported this work over the years including: Da-vid Higby, Peter Kareiva, Mark King, Cara Lee, Nicole Maher, Rebecca Shirer, Brad Stratton, Troy Weldy, and Alan White.

Within Biodiversity Research Institute, this report would not have been possible without the effort of many BRI staffers who offered data and expertise. We thank Evan Adams for help with Neotropical Con-nections, David Buck for food web information, Seth Dresser for help with website design, Melissa Duron for her leadership and expertise in collecting the field data, Julie Franklin for her early efforts in coordinat-ing this large project, Ian Johnson for his patience in making GIS maps, Oksana Lane for collecting many of the songbird samples, Deborah McKew for design and editing, Dr. Nina Schoch for her insight on the policy recommendations, Dr. Iain Stenhouse for providing the bird life cycle figures, and Dave Yates for providing bat data.

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Literature Cited

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To learn more about the impacts of mercury on wildlife and people, visit www.briloon.org/hiddenrisk

Hidden Risk - Biodiversity Research Institute Risk... · Hidden Risk is a summary of the major findings of a series of ... Evers, D.C., A.K. Jackson, T.H. Tear and C.E. Osborne. 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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