I'm A Quadrillionaire Chapter 1981-1990 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1981

A ray of light shot out from the forbidden area of the Iridescent Sect and reached the top of the ice cavern in an instant.

At the same time, the ice cavern also exploded. After that, a figure emerged in the air, confronting the light coming out from the forbidden area of the Iridescent Sect.

The light then turned into an old woman.

It was Eira, one of the Iridescent Sect’s four reputable elders.

The figure rushing out of the ice cavern was naturally David’s clone.

An old woman and a young man stood opposite each other.

Eira stared at the young man in front of her. He seemed a little familiar and she felt as as if she had seen him somewhere before, but she could not remember.

When Nek was making trouble in the Iridescent Sect, she glanced at David when she showed up to suppress Nek.

However, at that time, David was just an ant who had just entered Eternal Realm, so Eira did not take him seriously at all.

So much so that she could not remember David at all now.

“Who are you and what are you doing in the ice cavern of the Iridescent Sect? If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation today, you won’t be able to leave,” Eira snapped.

She could sense that the young man in front of her was very powerful, so she did not act immediately.

On the contrary, she just wanted to know the truth of the matter.

“You don’t have to worry about who I am. Can’t I just hang out here?” David’s clone replied casually.

During the conversation between the two, Nova arrived with a group of core seniors of the Iridescent Sect.

When she spotted David confronting Reputable Elder Eira, she felt a little nervous.

“Nova, do you know this person?” Eira turned to look at Nova.

“Reputable Elder, I don’t know him,” Nova shook her head and replied.

Now she could only say that she did not know David.

Otherwise, the reputable elder would definitely uncover everything.

Even if the reputable elders found out about this in the future, she would have ways to justify it.

After all, he was a young man who had just entered Eternal Realm, and the other was a powerhouse who could make reputable elders afraid.

Who would have thought they would be the same person?

“What about the others? Does anyone know him?” Eira asked again.

All the core seniors of the Iridescent Sect behind Nova collectively looked at David’s clone and then replied loudly, “Reputable Elder, we don’t know him.”

After hearing everyone’s answers, Eira turned to David again.

“If you don’t tell the truth now, don’t blame me for being merciless to you.”

“I just want to experience the strength of the Iridescent Sect’s reputable elders. Don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance if I decide to take action here and destroy your Iridescent Sect.” David’s clone was still arrogant, and he was not scared of Eira at all.

Of course, he would not be nice to the person who locked Celeste in the ice cavern.

He did not make a move immediately because he was afraid of affecting other people in the Iridescent Sect.

After all, Celia and the others were still in the sect!


The violent shaking continued.

Eira glanced at the ice cavern and felt the vibration coming from inside.

Suddenly she was horrified, and she seemed to recall something deep in the ice cavern.

She could not let anyone steal that treasure. Otherwise, how would she explain this to her sisters in the future?

Leaning down, Eira rushed to the ice cavern to see what was going on inside.

She wanted to know if someone was stealing that treasure.

However, David’s clone was not weak. How would he allow that to happen?

While Eira was leaving, the clone also moved and stopped in front of Eira, preventing her from going forward.


The two collided against each other.

The two sides retreated separately, and neither could do anything to the other.

“Hey, old lady, where are you doing? Aren’t you going to fight? Why are you leaving before the fight starts?” David’s clone joked.

The clone’s impasse made Eira more convinced that there was something going wrong in the ice cavern.

She immediately shouted anxiously, “Marin, Ursa, Giada, come out quickly! Someone’s trying to steal the Ice Soul Excalibur!”

After she said that, there was an instant response in the forbidden area.

Chapter 1982

“Who dares to come to my Iridescent Sect to steal our treasures? No matter who you are, you will not be able to escape today!”

Then, three figures appeared and went straight to the ice cavern.

When he saw that the three reputable elders of the Iridescent Sect were about to arrive at the ice cavern, a sneer appeared on the corner of David’s clone’s mouth.

The Evil-Splitting Sword flew out from the sheath behind his back and fell into his hand.

Once he had the Evil-Splitting Sword in his hand, he subconsciously let out a low growl.

“Evil-Splitting Sword Technique!”

Immediately, the sword was swung.

A dazzling red glow shot out from the sword and its target was the three figures flying out of the forbidden area.

Perhaps the three reputable elders of the Iridescent Sect sensed the power of this sword, as they immediately came to a sudden stop. They stopped in their tracks and stayed in the air.

The red glow from David’s clone vanished in front of them.

After the dazzling red lights cut into the void, the void lit up.

Fortunately, David aimed it at the void. If this was a little slanted, he would have slashed the Iridescent Continent in half.

If he could cut the Iridescent Continent in half with one sword, he would have displayed a True Saint’s strength.

The cores of the Iridescent Sect watched this scene in shock.

The three True Saint reputable elders were stopped by a wave of this person’s sword.

If they did not feel the threat from this sword, the three reputable elders would not have stopped.

‘Who is this person?

‘He’s so young and yet he has such terrifying strength.’

Nova finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she heard a lot about David’s deeds during this time and she knew that David was very strong, what she heard would never be as shocking as what she witnessed firsthand.

Since David could stop three reputable elders with a wave of his sword, it meant that the rumors were true.

“You three, what are you doing here? You can’t go down without my consent.” David’s clone said while waving the sword.

The three figures stopped by his sword were also three old women.

When they looked at David’s clone, they did not expect the person who attacked to be so powerful.


At this time, the voice from the ice cavern became louder and louder, attracting everyone’s attention.

The four reputable elders of the Iridescent Sect looked at each other. They all wanted to take action.

David was not weak, but he was alone.

Just now, the reputable elders were only stopped because they were caught off guard.

It would only take two of them to take care of David.

After this, the remaining two could go down to inspect the situation below.

They could not lose the Ice Soul Excalibur in the ice cavern.

They did not have time to ask David how he knew there was a treasure there either.

No one knew that the Ice Soul Excalibur had been buried here for such a long time.

The ice cavern was only formed because of the Ice Soul Excalibur. The Iridescent Sect was only founded after that.

This was the treasure of the sect.

At this moment, four of them acted at the same time.

Two of them targeted David while the other two targeted the ice cavern.

However, at this moment…


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

A large blue object burst out of the ice cavern and stopped in the air.

Chapter 1983

A blue object rushed out of the ice cavern.

A chill instantly swept across the world, making all the disciples of the Iridescent Sect shudder.

Then, the chill continued to spread.

This blue object was a huge ice cube that David used his mind power to move out from the depths of the ground.

Inside of the ice cube was the treasure that created thousands of miles of ice, with the extremely cold air also being emitted from there.

Other than that, two people were standing on the huge blue ice block. It was David and Celeste.

However, at this time, David was wearing a silver mask.

The clothes he was wearing were also different from his clone.

After David thought about it, he figured it would be best not to expose his cloning skill.

Although he was unafraid of anyone in Star Kingdom, he needed a Sacred Saint master, right?

What would become of his master if he exposed his skill?

This sudden surprise interrupted the actions of the four reputable elders of the Iridescent Sect.

They all stopped and looked at the huge blue ice block in the air and the two people on it.

The four of them knew very well what was hidden in the blue ice cube.

It was the Ice Soul Excalibur, one of the treasures of the Iridescent Sect!

It was also something that must not be stolen by outsiders because it was not just a treasure, but it was also…

Of the two people on the ice, one of them was wearing a mask, so they could not see his face clearly and did not know who it was.

As for the other woman, anyone who was a disciple of the Iridescent Sect knew her.

Celeste, the direct disciple of Reputable Elder Eira and one of the important people of the Iridescent Sect.

However, she had fallen out of favor since returning from her universe enforcer mission the last time around.

Then, she was sentenced to the ice cavern by the reputable elder for a hundred years.

Basically, this was tantamount to the reputable elder giving her up completely.

Unexpectedly, someone rescued her.

The cores of the Iridescent Sect looked at everything in front of them, confused about what was going on.

Celeste faced her master, the other three reputable elders, and the other disciples of the Iridescent Sect with a calm expression. There was not even a trace of panic on her face. She looked as if she had let this matter go.

The moment she entered the ice cavern, she told herself that she would live for herself in the future.

After David rescued her, she was no longer an elder of the Iridescent Sect, nor a disciple of Eira.

She was Celeste, who had regained her freedom and was now living for herself.

Eira looked at the woman on the ice. She was fuming on the inside.

She thought that Celeste, the disciple she had placed high hopes on, was the mastermind of this incident.

‘This girl must have been unwilling to accept being sent into the ice cavern, so she colluded with outsiders and intends to steal the Ice Soul Excalibur from the ice cavern and escape while she’s at it.’

However, what Eira could not figure out was how this girl knew that there was a treasure in the ice cavern.

It was impossible for the news of the Ice Soul Excalibur to be leaked.

Except for her and her sisters, not even the previous and current heads of the Iridescent Sect knew about it.

Moreover, how did her apprentice meet these two powerhouses?

Eira realized that she did not know Celeste at all, let alone the young man with the sword.

Chapter 1984

The two of them fought just now and she determined that the man was at least a mid-True Saint.

The man in the mask did not look weak either.

The two True Saint powerhouses could not be sent out by just any force.

“Celeste, who are they?” Eira asked, suppressing the anger in her heart.

She had to confirm the identities of the two before she could react.

It would be fine if it were just the two of them.

Even if they joined forces, they still could not take away the Ice Soul Excalibur.

However, if they had help, then the outcome was uncertain.

Chaos would break out in Star Kingdom and the Iridescent Sect would not be able to survive.

Most importantly, the task of the four sisters was not yet complete.

Since the establishment of the Iridescent Sect, it had frequently sent outstanding disciples out for marriage just to maintain a good relationship with the major forces of the Star Kingdom and not to be targeted by the strong powers.

That way, they would have time to complete their tasks secretly.

Today was the first time that a True Saint came to make trouble in the Iridescent Sect.

Hence, Eira and her sisters had to pay close attention to it.

“Master, this is the last time I will call you that. From today onwards, I will no longer be your disciple, nor will I be the elder of the Iridescent Sect. I am just a free woman,” Celeste said calmly.

As soon as she said that, all the other seniors of the Iridescent Sect, except for Nova, were shocked.

‘Is Elder Red going to betray the sect?’

This was no small matter, but after that, they understood.

It would be hard for anyone to accept being sent to stay in the ice cavern for a hundred years by their most respected teacher.

The point was that until now, everyone still did not know what mistake Elder Red made.

Only Nova was not surprised at all.

She knew that once David saved Elder Red, she would not stay in the Iridescent Sect anymore.

“What did you say? Repeat that!” Eira asked, staring at Celeste with a cold look in her eyes.

“I said… from today, I am no longer your disciple, nor the elder of the Iridescent Sect!” Celeste repeated.

“Are you trying to betray your sect? Do you know that without me, you would have ceased to exist long ago? Everything you have was bestowed by me. Now you tell me that you want to leave the Iridescent Sect?” Eira was seeing red.

“I don’t want to go this far, but since my body was damaged, you no longer consider me your disciple, right? And I didn’t do anything wrong in that matter with Nek. Just because he is a Saint, you blame everything on me and banished me to the ice cavern. The moment I entered the ice cavern, I had already decided that when I came out, I would live for myself.” Celeste’s voice was calm and monotonous.

“You rebel!” Eira cursed angrily.

With her strength and status, she could betray others, but others could not betray her.

Not only that, but there was also a secret hidden in Eira’s heart.

She did not actually rescue Celeste.

When the four sisters established the Iridescent Sect and decided to only accept women, they did not plan to develop their strength.

Instead, their decision was made so that it would be more convenient to complete their tasks secretly.

After that, they searched all over the world to find the physique they needed.

When Celeste was discovered, she was still a baby. In order to get her and avoid future troubles, Eira and her sisters killed all the members of the Red family, leaving only Celeste.

The alluring body was the last link of their mission, and they needed Celeste to get into Saint Realm to exert its greatest effect.

That was why the four sisters were so angry after knowing that Celeste’s alluring body was damaged.

If Lorraine’s appearance had not rekindled their hope, Celeste’s end might have been even worse.

Now that she heard Celeste saying that she wanted to leave the Iridescent Sect, Eira had only one thought in mind.

She wanted to kill Celeste.

Chapter 1985

“The Iridescent Sect established a rule at the beginning of its establishment stating that anyone who betrays the sect shall be killed! As an elder, you must know this!” Eira asked sullenly.

“I know, but so what? If I had a choice, I’d rather die than go into the ice cavern and become an emotionless machine,” Celeste replied.

“Okay. Very good. Great! Since you have decided to betray the sect, I will kill you today. Don’t blame me for not giving you a chance.”

After Eira had just finished speaking, David’s clone answered.

He sneered and said, “Hey, you hag, if you want to kill Celeste, you have to ask me if I agree!”

“You?” Eira looked at David’s clone with disdain.

The opponent might be a mid- or late True Saint. He was really strong, but he could not stop the sisters from killing Celeste.

Even the sisters did not remember how long they had been together.

It should have been at least a million years ago.

Therefore, it could be said that they already had a great mutual understanding.

Their cooperation in battle was even more synchronized.

Besides, among the four, two were peak True Saints and two were late True Saints.

Coupled with their tacit cooperation, their many trump cards and means, and also the fact that they had lived for millions of years, they were confident they could even deal with a partial Sacred Saint. It would be fine as long as it was not a Sacred Saint.

“Of course not me! My master is here, so how will I have a chance to make a move?” David laughed.

He knew when he saw these four old women that it might be difficult to win with only a True Saint’s combat power.

Hence, he decided that he should dispatch his master directly and use the strength of a Sacred Saint to crush his opponent.


The four sisters, including the rest of the Iridescent Sect’s cores, turned their attention to the masked man beside Celeste.

They could feel that this person was not simple.

However, the specific strength of the opponent was not known.

However, if he was David’s master, they should not underestimate him since he could cultivate a powerhouse like David.

All four of the sisters frowned.

If the two were in a master-student relationship, there would be too many uncertainties.

They were also worried that if the masked man had the strength of a Sacred Saint, they would not be his opponent even if they used all their trump cards and means.

If he could be a master to a True Saint, he was likely a Sacred Saint.

At this time, David’s clone quickly went to Celeste, grabbed her, and left the place.

After a while, David’s main form would exude his Sacred Saint energy and Celeste would not be able to withstand it since she was not yet a Saint.

After David’s clone took Celeste away, David’s main form did not give Eira and the others a chance to think.

He lifted his right foot and stomped it lightly.


A crisp voice sounded.

Immediately after…

Crack! Crack!

There were several cracks in the huge blue ice, and then, it turned into countless fragments, floating in the air.

At the same time, it also revealed what was inside.

It turned out to be a long sword glowing with blue light.

David’s move completely angered the four Eira sisters.

The Ice Soul Excalibur must not be taken away by others, otherwise, the consequences would be severe.

The four sisters could not afford to bear this responsibility.

“How bold of you?!”

“You presumptuous brat!”

The four of them immediately shouted angrily.

At the same time, their bodies disappeared from place and they all rushed toward the Ice Soul Excalibur.

They swore to take back the sword.

When the blue ice cube shattered and revealed the treasure inside, David went toward the blue long sword.

At that moment, he did not expect a sword to be inside the ice cube.

‘Is this the treasure that caused thousands of miles of ice?

‘It looks pretty good on the outside.’

Chapter 1986

It was too bad that it was not as good as his Evil-Splitting Sword.

After all, the Evil-Splitting Sword was something from the system which David had blind confidence in.

After stretching out his right hand to hold the hilt of the sword, a gust of extreme cold appeared. Before David had time to react, he instantly became an ice sculpture.

After they saw David frozen by the cold air from the Ice Soul Excalibur, the four sisters smiled.

‘The Ice Soul Excalibur belongs to that person, and it has an owner.

‘Except for its owner, no one can touch it. Otherwise, there will be a huge backlash.’


Celeste in the distance covered her mouth and let out an exclamation.

She knew that David was the person who was frozen while the one next to her was David’s clone.

“Celeste, don’t worry! This won’t trap my master,” David comforted her from the side.

The four sisters stopped outside the ice sculpture.

The moment they reached out to touch the ice sculpture…

Crack! Crack!



A majestic energy erupted from the ice sculpture.

First, it shattered the ice sculpture and then it sent the four sisters flying.

After that, the sisters all showed expressions of horror.

‘That’s the energy of a Sacred Saint.

‘The masked man is a Sacred Saint!’

They did not have time to think before they quickly used their trump cards to resist this unstoppable force.

David’s clone was already prepared, so he stood in front of Celeste, protecting her from the energy released by the main form.

Although Nova and the rest of the core of the Iridescent Sect were separated by a great distance, they were still greatly affected.

Fortunately, they knew from the very beginning that the strength of both sides in this battle had reached late True Saint Rank or even higher.

Therefore, they had stood so far away.

Even so, the majesty of a Sacred Saint’s energy still caused them great harm. David did not even target them directly.

He was only targeting Eira and her sisters.

Otherwise, even at such a long distance, the energy of a Sacred Saint was not something that could be resisted by Sovereign Rankers.

The seniors of the Iridescent Sect steadied themselves.

Everyone looked at the masked man in the distance in horror.

‘He’s too strong!

‘This is so scary!

‘Even the four reputable elders were thrown aside!’

The most shocked of them all was Nova.

She knew David’s background.

He was just a kid who came from a low-level civilization, so where did he get a master?

This sudden appearance of his master must be one of his special tricks.

Nova had carefully observed the masked man.

He had exactly the same body shape as David.

Wouldn’t he just be another David if he took off the mask and put on the same clothes as David?

David had some special techniques and abilities, which Nova could understand.

After all, the universe was huge, so anything could happen.

However, David was not the rumored True Saint, but a Sacred Saint.

Hence, Nova could not accept it for a while.

After so many years of development in Star Kingdom, how many Sacred Saints had there been?

How long had David been in Star Kingdom?

And now he was a Sacred Saint?

Such a genius might not even exist in a level 8, 9, or even God Tier Civilization, let alone a level 7 civilization.

‘Elder Red is so lucky.’

Nova thought enviously.

Chapter 1987

“Haha! What a good sword! Amazing! Although it is not as good as mine, it is not bad. It is really a good sword,” David said with a loud laugh.

His hearty laughter resounded through the sky.

There was a hint of his Sacred Saint strength in the laughter, making everyone who heard it tremble.

David did not expect this sword to be so superb. Especially the extremely cold air contained in it.

The sword was able to freeze him the moment he held the hilt before he could even realize it.

The moment he was frozen, David even felt that even his mind power had become sluggish.

This was the sword’s autonomous attack without its owner around.

If its full power was exerted, it might even be able to freeze the colorless and invisible mind power.

This was definitely a rare item.

‘The four old women have such a good treasure, but why did they bury it in the ground? Are they stupid?’

For a True Saint, their strength would definitely go up to another level with this sword.

Fighting higher level opponents would not be impossible by then.

Now, David was the one benefitting from this.

Would he return this treasure now that it had fallen into his hands?

‘Of course not!’

David thought silently while holding the sword.

This sword would be his from now on and no one could take it away from him.

The four sisters barely resisted David’s energy explosion and they all looked battered.

A Sacred Saint was indeed terrifying.

Just a small energy explosion could make the two peak True Saints and the two late True Saints powerless to resist.

They could only use their trump cards to save themselves.

They had unpleasant expressions on their faces right now.

They figured the masked man was a Sacred Saint, but they could not lose the Ice Soul Excalibur.

They had to take it back, if not, they would not be able to explain themselves.

“Who are you? I believe that since the establishment of the Iridescent Sect, we have never offended any forces. Not only that, we also frequently send out disciples to marry and maintain good relations with all major forces in the Star Kingdom. Which force do you belong to? We might even have a good relationship.” Marin, the eldest of the four reputable elders, stood up and said.

The opponent had the strength of a Sacred Saint, so today’s matter could not be resolved by force.

Hence, they could only approach it from another angle to see if they could persuade the other party to return the Ice Soul Excalibur.

David did not answer.

He was carefully observing the sword in his hand.

David’s clone in front of Celeste stepped forward and said, “You offended me by banishing Celeste into the ice cavern. Even if she made a mistake, you hags can’t punish her, let alone when it was really just a mistake.”

While Celeste behind him was shocked, she was also happy and moved.

David’s strength had reached Sacred Saint Rank, which was beyond her expectations.

However, it also made her let go of her last trace of worry.

No wonder he dared to venture into the Iridescent Sect alone to save her.

It turned out that he had already made all the preparations.

‘Sigh, I wonder how this kid cultivated and what he went through.

‘In just a few months, he had achieved the dreams of countless people.’

The scene when the two meet for the first time back then was still vivid in Celeste’s mind.

That thing happened the moment they met for the first time.

Chapter 1988

Then, her alluring body was damaged.

Back then, she even wanted to kill David.

Next, everything had surpassed Celeste’s imagination.

This kept on repeating just so she could control her alluring body.

Every time it happened, Celeste could feel her mind power increasing rapidly.

From the initial resistance to slowly letting herself go, accepting, and finally even gradually enjoying the whole process, the activation of her alluring body slowed down Celeste’s cultivation speed, but it also allowed her to find a way to quickly increase her mind power.

Maybe because David had become stronger, but her mind power suddenly increased a lot in the ice cavern just now.

Celeste believed she would surely reach Saint Realm.

It would not be long before she could cross this hurdle with David’s help.

The four reputable elders of the Iridescent Sect noticed how David addressed Celeste.

‘He actually called Celeste by name?

‘Is he not as old as Celeste?

‘This is impossible, right?

‘Does such a young True Saint exist?’

“My friend, Celeste did violate the rules of the sect, so that’s why I sent her to the ice cavern. As her teacher, I have taught her for so many years and I am crushed that I had to do that as well,” Eira said.

“Oh? Then tell me, what did Celeste do wrong? Weren’t you afraid of offending Nek the Saint, which is why you banished Celeste to the ice cavern? You also put some trumped-up charges on Celeste,” David’s clone sneered.

“What a joke! Nek is a guy who has just entered Saint Realm. He is just an ant so do you think we would be afraid of him? Even if Sahar himself came, he would not dare to act so recklessly in the Iridescent Sect.” This time it was Ursa who spoke.

“Then why on earth did you send Celeste into the ice cavern?”

“Celeste, as the head of the seven high priestesses of the Iridescent Sect and the successor trained by the sect, was not allowed to have contact with any man. This is because of her special physique. Once in contact with a man, her physique would be damaged. Her speed of cultivation would drop sharply, and she would be reduced from a genius to just an ordinary person. Celeste’s physique was damaged after she came back from a mission outside. She has failed the sect’s cultivation for so many years and wasted the sect’s resources. There is no hope for her becoming a Saint now! That’s why I sent her into the ice cavern to face the wall and think about what she’s done,” Eira explained.

If it were not for the great strength of the masked man, she would not even bother to explain herself.

Now that she was in the face of the absolute strength of a strong Sacred Saint, any other approach from her seemed so weak and powerless.

Therefore, she could only give in first and try to find a way to keep the Ice Soul Excalibur.

It would be worth it no matter the price.

After the sisters’ task was completed, they would seek revenge against the master and disciple.

‘When the time comes… Heh, he’s just a Sacred Saint.’

After listening to Eira’s explanation, David fell into a brief silence.

The man who damaged Celeste’ alluring body was him, right?

He did not expect it to bring so much disaster to Celeste.

Even so, what happened at the beginning was not David’s fault either.

He could not control it.

Inexplicably, he was drawn into the fantasy.

David turned around and glanced at Celeste.

He saw that the other party was blushing. She then shifted her eyes, not daring to look at him.

Then, David turned around and stared at Eira with unfriendly eyes. He said coldly, “Old hag, I just said that even if Celeste was wrong, you can’t punish her.”

“My friend, isn’t it a bit unreasonable for you to say that? Celeste is my disciple and an elder of the Iridescent Sect. Since she has accepted the training of the sect, she should abide by the rules of the sect and should be punished according to the same rules.” Eira frowned.

“I don’t care about other people in the Iridescent Sect, but you cannot punish Celeste. I don’t care if you are her master. You can’t go against her wishes even if you are her mother.”

“You…” Eira was rendered speechless.

If only David was alone, then the sisters could have taken David down long ago.

However, this kid’s master was keeping an eye on him.

So, who would dare to do anything?

Chapter 1989

David’s unreasonable remarks angered the four sisters.

However, they did not dare to say anything even though they were mad.

On the contrary, this made the cores of the Iridescent Sect feel envious.

Since they could become the seniors of the Iridescent Sect, it meant that these women had top-notch talent and appearance in Star Kingdom.

Even if most of them looked slightly older, they were still charming.

They were so many times stronger than young and ignorant girls.

As an older woman, who would not want a good home?

If they had a man like David who would make his way through the Iridescent Sect to get them, they might wake up with a smile even after they fell asleep.

“You old hag, I’m not in the mood to waste my time talking to you. Celeste said that from today onwards, she will leave the Iridescent Sect and will no longer be your disciple, so don’t bother her anymore. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you,” David’s clone warned.

Eira looked at the other three people. She saw that they all nodded slightly, so she replied, “My friend, Celeste grew up in the Iridescent Sect since she was a child, and she has consumed a lot of resources of the sect. Don’t you think it’s inappropriate for you to just take her away like this?”

“Then what do you want? Do you want to fight? I can do that.”

“Your master is a strong Sacred Saint, so us sisters are naturally no match for him.”

“Yeah, since you can’t beat me, I’m going to take Celeste away. What can you do to me?” David’s clone sneered.

“You can take Celeste away, but…” Eira hesitated to speak.

“But what?” David wondered.

“But you have to leave the Ice Soul Excalibur. This is the treasure of the Iridescent Sect so you can’t take it, but I can satisfy all your other requirements.”

A horse voice sounded just after Eira finished speaking.

“So it’s called the Ice Soul Excalibur, huh? What a good name! Haha! What a good name!” David was the one who spoke.

He deliberately changed his voice so that he would sound a little different from the clone.

“Old hag, if you want the Ice Soul Excalibur back, you have to ask my master. I can’t decide for him, but I have to remind you first that my master never returns any treasure he gets his hands on, so you have to be mentally prepared.” David smiled.

Eira knew that the other party was just being perfunctory.

However, she had no choice.

The importance of the Ice Soul Excalibur to the sisters was self-evident.

Therefore, she could only look at David.

“My Lord, the Ice Soul Excalibur is the treasure of my sect, so please return it to me. If you have any other requests, we will try our best to satisfy you.”

“You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. Didn’t you hear what my disciple said? I never return a treasure in my hands, and even if I have other requests, do you think I need to exchange this sword for them? If you dare not agree, I’ll just kill you, how simple is that?” David replied in a hoarse voice.

His words completely crushed Eira and her sisters.

The four of them could only stare at David.

Their eyes were full of anger, but there was nothing they could do about it.

If their glares could kill, David had no idea how many times he had died.

“What? Do you want to fight me?” David joked as he looked at the angry eyes of several people.

“My Lord, you must be joking. We dare not do that. If you like the Ice Soul Excalibur, you can take it away! You can take everything here as long as you like it,” the youngest reputable elder, Giada, replied.

The Ice Soul Excalibur had fallen into the hands of a Sacred Saint, so they could not do anything other than admit defeat.

They could not enrage David.

If David took action, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Hmph!” David looked at the four in disdain through the mask.

If it was not for the sake of Celeste and Nova, he would have taught those old women a lesson.

‘What a disrespectful woman.

‘As a teacher, she didn’t protect her disciple but helped others.’

“David, let’s go.”

“Yes, Master!” David’s clone replied respectfully.

David took a step forward to go to the clone and Celeste. Then, he ripped the space apart and walked in.

“Let’s go, Celeste.”

Chapter 1990

After the clone finished speaking, he followed closely behind David.

Celeste first glanced at the angry four reputable elders, and then at Nova and other cores of the Iridescent Sect in the distance.

Without saying a word, she entered the space crack.

Since the incident, she no longer belonged here, the place where she had lived for nearly two thousand years.

She would be lying if she said that she did not feel anything at all.

The whole process was pretty slow.

Eira and her sisters could only watch but they did not dare to stop it even though there was a fire burning in their hearts.

They were afraid that the other party would kill them if he was annoyed.

The anger of a Sacred Saint was not something they could bear now.

No matter how important the Ice Soul Excalibur was, it was not as important as their lives.

As long as they were still alive to complete the task, they would still have a chance to make a comeback.

However, if they died, it would be all over.

The space crack closed.

The four sisters looked at each other, turned into four rays of light, and returned to the forbidden area.

Several people felt a strong sense of crisis after the arrival of a Sacred Saint who took away the Ice Soul Excalibur.

Chaos was approaching in Star Kingdom.

Some powerhouses hiding in the dark came out one after another.

With the strength of the four of them alone, it might be difficult for them to protect themselves.

They had to speed up the progress of the task.

After the four reputable elders left, Nova and the cores of the Iridescent Sect breathed a sigh of relief.

They were still a little afraid that the reputable elders would take their anger out on them.

All eyes landed on the area where Celeste had disappeared from.

Their eyes were full of envy.

Anyone could see that Elder Red had an unusual relationship with that young True Saint powerhouse.

Otherwise, why would he take such a big risk to save her?

Moreover, he also got his master to come here.

Would a Sacred Saint come out so easily?

Even if that person was a disciple, it would not be easy.

The cores could vaguely guess David’s identity.

He must be the True Saint who suddenly appeared on the Central Sacred Continent during this time.

He was probably the one behind Nek’s death and the purpose was naturally to avenge Elder Red.

Everyone knew that Nek lived in the Iridescent Sect for a while, and his target was the Elder Red.

Then, Nek took action in the VIP area.

In the end, it was Reputable Elder Eira who came forward to take care of it.

After that, there was a True Saint and a Sacred Saint master.

Elder Red finally broke clear of all the troubles and hardships to achieve success.

As a woman, who did not want to find a backer that was strong enough?

“Everyone, go back now!” Nova said.

“Yes, Lady Dream.”

After all the seniors answered, they left separately.

Nova also rushed quickly in one direction.

Her destination was the courtyard where Celia and others lived.

She knew David would definitely not leave after saving Elder Red.

He would definitely go to Celia and the others first.

I'm A Quadrillionaire Chapter 1981-1990 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.