The Cold War (2024 rewrite, replaced +45K words and first 7 chapters) (2024)

IndulgingReader said:

Meh. There is one interesting thing about perception of hom*osexuality in different countries. Even in very intolerant countries (such as Russia) there is strong negative perception of male hom*osexuality but female hom*osexuality is much less scorned if at all. I have no idea why it's just the way it is. So, if the worst come to the worst some liberties (and rights) will emerge for women but not for men.

Well lets be honest if in many cultures 2 gay man is basically a closed relationship and a waste of 2 men.

But 2 Lesbian women in a relationship is will be seen as a chance for a threesome, which is a fantasy of many man... and women.

You also have to add the fact that both Tanya and Visha are very beautiful and people would be willing to allow them to get away with a lot more than 2 gay man.

I can see the old generation grumbling and complaining but the young ones would just think That's Hot and most likely have a fantasy of being the third wheel in that relationship.

Personally I would be more worried about people complaining that Visha was lusting for and trying to seduce Tanya when she was still a minor, but I guess that wasn't a big deal back then.

tomaO2 said:

I was asking this earlier, but how much magic is in the world? If everyone could to a tiny amount of magic, like being an F-tier mage, then an orb developed for them could have all sorts of useful quality of life improvements, such as using it to change channels before the remote control, or attaching the poles of the trolley cars to the wire grid.

That's actually a very good idea, lets say that the more the computation orbs develop the less magic they need, so you can start using lesser grade mages for things that would have required more magical power in the past, so as technology advances more and more people are allowed to use magic even if it's only for lesser tasks.

Another questions I have is magical ability works like a muscle ?

the more you use it the more you are able to gather or manipulate, because using Tanya as an example she seems to be a lot more powerful even without the the Type 95, this could be seen as she's being more skilled and being able to do more with less, but even in the Novels and manga she does seems to grow stronger as time goes on, I don't think magical ability would be static, it should grow even if only an small amount the more you use it.

and that also makes me wonder the CRS is going for selective breeding but other countries would probably have more mage related population as the usage of magic is more common, and human evolve and adapt to this.

Another thing, they know that the Type 95 was also a mana battery, how come so far no one (at least in the OZEV) has tried to replicate this and create some kind of mana battery ?

Not good enough. Active Seems a lot of work will need to be done to drill into everyone's heads on the theme of safety first.
What? She's letting them do that? Is the benefit really good enough to allow the increased risk?

I think in this case she's just going for having a nuclear power plant created for testing, get more knowledge and learn lessons and then step it up from there.

I think that she will make sure the Plants are as safe as possible, but right now I think she just want to get them rolling and keep ahead of other countries that are very likely developing their own nuclear capabilities right now.

Bit of a wonder none of Tanya's men don't have debilitating from Arene, or the rest of what they did, honestly. That unit was the absolute workhorse of Germania.

I think this has a lot to do with Tanya being the leader, and taking most of the big decisions herself, not to mention her own charisma and training would help with this.

If you think about this they where also there when Tanya used the Chanted spells from the type 95 several times, and it also causes mental corruption to certain degree to those who witness it, specially enemies but no one seems to have any complain or issues related to this, so maybe they just because inoculated to it. (After all if you see miracles used several times, other things will most likely have lesser shock value.

The Cold War (2024 rewrite, replaced +45K words and first 7 chapters) (2024)


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