The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

1SECTION 2 GEO.TO WBfS All Sales Final We Surety Coupon, The Exclusive Shop for Women. A Shop of Better Stocks and Better Service. C04 Fourth Avenue, South of Chestnut, Atherton Building. Fourth Avenue At Guthrie. THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1919.

ouisville's Greatest Fur Sale TWO-HOUR SALE 9:00 A. M. TO 11:00 A. M. MONDAY 75 GARMENTS l7o Be Cleared Out Quickly AT UNHEARD OF REDUCTIONS LOT NO.

1 Consists of 30 Garments Underwear Sale Second Week Prices have again been lowered for this week's selling. Your opportunity to secure the finest lingerie at a great saving. LOT NO. 2 Consists of 45 Garments in all Suits, Coats, Dresses Formerly to $55. 00 CHOICE $29.75 in all Suits, Dresses, Sport Skirts Formerly to $35.00 CHOICE $15.00 .95 $3.95 SACRIFICE SALE OF TRIMMED HATS $8.00 to $20.00 $3.00 and $7.50 $5.90 Silk Underwear Crepe de Cygne Envelope Chemises; worth $3.95.

Crepe de Cygne and Wash Satin Chemises; worth $4.90 and $5.50. Silk Envelopes; worth $5.90 and $6.90. Crepe de Cygne Night Gowns, in flesh pink; worth $5.90 and $6.50. Crepe de Cygne Gowns; Empire style, with hemstitching; worth $6.90. Wash Satin and Crepe de Cygne Camisoles; worth $1.50.

Fine Wash Satin and Crepe de Cygne Camisoles; worth $1.90. Heavy Fine-thread Pure Silk Milanese Vests worth $3.75. Fine Milanese Silk Embroidered Vests; regularly $3.75. Extra Quality Re-enforced Milanese Silk Bloomers; worth $4.50. Union Suits of Milanese silk; tailored top; worth $5.90.

Misses Louise Hammond and Anita Hammond. HIV 1M Oeorire P. Waidely, $1.50 $2.75 $2.95 $3.55 of Pittsburgh, who arrived Christmas eve to spend the holidays with Mrs. Waidely's sister, Mrs. Edward Dreier, and Mr.

Dreier, have returned home. Tillman, Ernest Seiler, Glen Pi. son Alvin Owsley. Newton E. Par.

rish, Fred A. Krupp, Grundy D. hyi. dan, Grover C. Prewitt, Edgar Paul-sen, Edwin H.

Haag; Mesdames Tert-sa Haag. Gormant; Misses JosepMm Richmouth, Frances Richmouth, Ro Connelly, Josephine Tierney, Anna Haag, Freda Haag, Helen Gor. man. Mary Louise Haag, Lucils Morris; Capt. Leo Medlev; Messrs John Haag, Baldwin Haag, John Hetch, Leo J.

Flanagan, Clar. ence Williams, Louis Frass; Lieut Pitts, Sergts. Joseph Haag, Richard Hollis, Roberson, Colton Burton. Henry Morat. John P.

Haag. Messrs Herbert Carter, Fred Mudd, Luke Per-cella, Charles Pitt. U. S. William Haag.

Charles Speroy. t- i mm idere. To-morrow We are overstocked on fine furs and will sacrifice the following pieces Monday. Our furs are justly famous for their unusual style and exceptional quality. 2 Fine Hudson Seal Coats, belted models, with Australian opossum collars and cuffs; dMlC ftft were NOW 1 Superfine Hudson Coat; Kolinsky collar and cuffs; $690.00 1 Hudson Coat; large shawl col- tfJQQC AA lar; was NOW PJjJD.UU 1 Short Hudson Seal Coat; was AA NOW 4tJ.

UU 1 Dyed Nutria Coat; was tQC AA now p0 J. UU 1 Natural Nutria Coat; was AA NOW pOD.UU 2 Natural Nutria Muskrat Coats opossum trimmed nSw. $185.00 1 Elaborate Nutria Cape Coat; mink fIQC A A trimmed; was NOW PljJ.Ull 1 Dyed Nutria Coat; was 245 00 1 Elegant Beave'r Coat; was QQ 2 Fine Hudson Seal Coats; were (10 AC AA NOW 1 Nopwior Mole; was $490.00 1 Hair Seal Coat; was $()5 00 Scarfs and Muffs 3 Black Animal Fox Scarfs; were (Lv4C fifi NOW p4d.UU 2 Black Lynx Scarfs; were CA now 1 Cross Fox Seal Scarf; was (fOfk AA NOW 1 Rare Cross Fox Scarf; was dAC AA now 3 Fine Taupe Fox Scarfs; were fQC AA NOW tPOD.UU 2 Fine Beaver Scarfs; were CA NOW tp.dU 1 Beaver Muff was $78.50 dPO AA now 1 Beaver Muff; extra large; was 6QC AA NOW 1 Beaver Muff was $85.00 $49 50 1 Mink Scarf was $59 50 1 Nutria Coatee; was CA NOW pi4.oU 2 Hudson Seal Muffs; were di nr- NOW 31Z.95 2 Fine Fox Muffs; were dilA Ff now $49.50 2 Superfine Black Lynx Muffs; were d4A rn NOW 1 Elegant Kolinsky Scarf was AtrA AA NOW whose marriage was solemnized recently in Jackson. have returned after spending two weeks in St. Augustine and Orange Park, la.

Mr. and Mrs. Loughridge are resid ing at lu Drwut olicc. nrn.owAt nr-pan. of New v-i Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Muslin Underwear Askins at their apartment in the Chalfonte. w.ia yjven at ine home of Mr.

and Mrs. George Wurster, Jr. Mrs. E. B.

Egley has returned from j-iiwat: yieaeiiL were iucssrs. ana iies- rlilmou a short visit to Cincinnati. Sparks, William Siedel, James Sherman Farris, George Wurster: Mrs. R. F.

Hibbett is visiting her i Misses Isabelle Proehl, Lula Cart- wplffht 111, t- New Style Bloomers of pink batiste worth $1.25. Bloomers, of flesh pink batiste; worth $2.00. Pink Batiste and Seco Silk Bloomers; worth $1.90. I son. Lieut, ueorgc v.

Houston, where he is stationed at Ellington Field. unn; marie cryan, lone Sparks, Katherine Loosley, Mad- Iwn Tc A II J.I- nfic, "Roiiiv in mn valescing Kirsting: Capts. W. S. Sharp, Daniel r.imitc 1 after an attack of the grip.

Outerwear Sale Clearance Prices We plan a whirlwind clean-up on outer apparel. Note following listed for to-morrow's sale Suits 9 Good Cloth Suits; were NOW $25.00 4 Tailored Suits; were NOW $32.50 3 Suits; were NOW $37.50 4 Suits; were NOW $39.50 27 Suits; were NOW $47.50 5 Suits; were NOW $62.50 3 Suits; were NOW $75.00 3 Suits were $195.00 NOW $97.50 Dresses 4 Dresses; were NOW 4 Dresses; were NOW 7 Dresses; were NOW. $37.50 9 Dresses; were NOW 2 Dresses; were NOW $89.50 1 Dress; was NOW $89.50 1 Dress; was NOW 2 Dresses; were NOW $97.50 1 Dress; was NOW Coats 7 English Model Coats; were tOC AA now pWUU 3 Oxford Coats; were $10 CA NOW tPli.DU 4 Velour Coats; were Q9 CA NOW PtJ.DU 9 Bolivia Coats; were CA NOW P4 6 Silvertone Coats; were CQ CA now pDJ.DU 2 Bolivia Coats; were (60 CA now Jpoy.DU 1 Brown Velvet Coat; was Aj NOW Waists 28 Odd Waists, of Georgette crepe; were dyj aa NOW 46 Colored Georgette Crepe Waists; were far AA NOW tPD.ifU 59 Georgette Waists; were (r NOW 20 Georgette Crepe Waists; were NOW Pl.Dll 12 Georgette Crepe Waists; were (Jq aa now po.yu 74 Odd Waists; crepe de cygne and satin; (Jq fjp were $5.00 to NOW Hats fQ AC Just 54 in the lot; worth $7.50, $10.00 and VO.UD up to $30.00. iitlolitl J.UIlJip, 0 (Continued On Seventh Page.) is visiting Miss Helen McChand- Swiss Corset Covers; band insertion at top worth $1.00. less.

xrnnnipl. nf HoDkins- 'j. nf her brother. Mr. C.

McDanfel, and Mrs. McDaniel in CHILD GETS SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED Belgravia court. A TVToll nf hfield. IS nr r1 Tt. pptrie and Mrs.

Petrie on Cherokee road. ir- Alr-a Warren T. Godfroy Fine Nainsook Covers; embroidered or linen; worth $1.25. Embroidered and Lace-trimmed Petticoats; worth $2.50. Envelope Chemises; white nainsook or pink batiste; worth $1.50.

Envelope Chemises; strap and regular top; worth $1.90. Night Gowns, of wash voile; worth $1.90. left last night to spend the weekend in Montgomery. Ala. LOOK AT TONGUE! THEN GIVE FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS.

1 wr. ij. Collins uciict. located in Lynn. for the past 1 i u.lf -iiict fnnrnletEd Ivear aim u.

a visit of three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Weller, i. TnaVinp- their home in "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS CAJf'T HARM CHILDREN AND THEY LOVE IT.

Buffalo. N. Y. Trllw ia .,1 ci i Tl $1.90 mrs. George J-t.

her mother, Mrs. Ida F. Boiling, at Jacksonville, Fla. Later in the winter she will join Mr. Weller in Buf- 1 falo, IS.

wuere ni.u their home for the past year. ENTERTAINMENTS Fine Sleeveless Gowns; worth $2.90. Fine Hand-made Hand-embroidered Philippine Envelopes; worth $3.95. Hand-made Envelope Chemises, with fine hand-embroidery; worth $5.90 and $6.50. Philippine Night Gowns; hand-made, hand-embroidered; regularly $4.90 and Lot of Fine Hand-made Hand-embroidered Gowns; worth $5.90 and $6.50.

Philippine Hand-made Chemises; hemstitched strap shoulder; worth $4.95. $5.50 $4 $3 Corsets Mother! Your child isn't naturally: cross and peevish. See if tongue Special For Monday Only 60 pairs Gray Kid coated; this is a sure sign the little; stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. For Lace-trimmed Pink Batiste Corsets; worth $2.90. A substantial White Coutil Corset; worth $4.00.

When listless, pale, feverish, full, of cold, breath bad, throat doesn't eat, sleep or act natural'7; has stomachache, diarrhoea, remera- i bcr a gentle liver and bowel cleans-, Walking Boots with gray fabric top FOR Odd lot of Corsets; worth $5.00. ing should always be the first treat-' MISS MARY LEE GILLOOLY entertained the Edgewood Club at her home, 2928 Bank street, Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Mary Jane Rice, president of the club. Miss Mary Rhoads played the piano and was accompanied by Miss Pat Simmons, who played the violin, and Miss Julia Gillooly, who played the guitar. Covers were laid for Messrs. and Mesdames J.

F. Gillooly. J. T. Calvin; Mrs.

J. A. Manion; Misses Mary Lee Gillooly, M. J. Rice, C.

M. Simmons. 51. K. M.

C. Riley, J. Olmstead, J. Gillooly. O.

O'Bryan. E. Schweiss, C. Buzan, B. Atkins.

F. Gillooly, C. Knight, H. Gillooly. The blue and gold room of Hotel Henry Watterson was the scene of a 6 o'clock dinner given last night by the officers and enlisted men of the 1st Development Battalion, Medical Department.

The gathering was in the nature of a farewell to Maj. Frederick A. Hunt, who leaves today for his home In Syracuse, N. Y. Patriotic songs and talks were in order, and mirth and merriment held full sway.

The tables were appropriately decorated in military style, and favors were miniature gold American flags. Maj. W. Eggeman, battalion commander, acted as toastmastpr. An original song, "Roll Them Bones Again," by Private Joseph Buerster, and a short talk.

"Why Do They Lock My Door?" by Lieut. C. S. Andrews, were features of the evening. Cabaret dancing added to the entertainment.

At 8 o'clock the party adjourned to Macauley's Theater. The following were present: Maj. F. W. Eggeman, Maj.

F. A. Hunt, Capts. Heyde, Clark, Bailey, Prather, Hahren, Seott Prather; Lleuts. Ward, Shoemaker, Nelson, Funkhouscr, Andrews, Sagar; Sergts.

Crist, Hutchinson, Langworthy, Wothe; Privates Guisti, Aikman, Rock, Buerster, Hession. Wofe. ment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup Brocaded Corset, in pink; worth $5.00. fiS 0dd Iot of Brassieres; worth $1.00 and $1.25.

of Figs" for children's ills; give teaspoonful, and in few hours all foul waste, sour bile and fermentinS; food which is clogged in the boweia" passes out of the system and ypu have a well and playful child agaln.j All children love this harmless, licious "fruit laxative." and it never Boudoir Caps 3 An odd lot of Boudoir Caps; worth 75c UC and $1.00. fails to effect a good "inside" cleans- $11.00 Values, All Sizes lng. Directions for babies, children ui, all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. 1 Keep it handy in your home. A la tie given to-day saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine.

your druggist for a bottle of forma Syrup of Figs, then see it is made by the "California Fit i Gray, and Mrs. Gray, returned Friday to Los Angeles. the guests of Mrs. Graham's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Theodore Syrup Company." (Advertisem*nt. PERSONALS. (Continued From Fourth rage.) from Columbia, S. and is living at 1712 South Second street. Lieut.

Knight will be discharged from Camp Jackson about the middle of February. guests of Mrs. Hertzman's parents Mr. and Mrs. S.

Kaufman. "'trenls' Miss Marlon Green will entertain the Monday Afternoon Club tomSr- nn her home 0" rl to the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, where he is a student, after having spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dugan. Mr.

J. Blum, who has been ill at his apartment in the Sherman is Mrs. Malcolm Roderick Maclean, after a short visit to her brother, Mr. John L. Helm, left last week to join Maj.

Maclean in New York, on his return from service overseas. Miss Pauline Ciemer. of is the guest of Miss Bertha Lev-enson at her home in Garvin place. Mrs. Lucian Irwin has returned after a visit to her daughter, Mrs.

John Deere Cady, in Moline, 111. Mrs. Sallic Hcrmany, Miss Madeline Hermany and Miss Lou Stinson will leave to-morrow night for Colfax, to visit Mrs. Hermany's daughter, Mrs. James Donahue, and Mr.

Donahue. Mrs. Tom L. Johnson, of New York, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Darwin W. Johnson. Mrs. Teresa Haag entertained Thursday evening with a dinner dance in honor of her sons. John and Baldwin Haag, who have just returned from overseas.

The following were present: Messrs. and Mesdames William Haag, Edward Morris, Albert Miss Mary Lee Warren will leave the last of this month for Seabreeze where she will spend a month Capt. Wallace Frank, M. who is stationed at Nantes, France is ieynCFrtuarry.tUrn t0 Louinie 'ear- Mr. Edward F.

Frless left Wednesday evening for Washington. D. C. after a holiday visit to relatives. Mrs.

Friess will remain here with her mother. Mrs. J. Coakley. of 2521 Griffiths avenue, until the first of Miss Adelia Reiling has returned from Lexington, where sho was the guest of her sister, Mrs.

Walter Hillenmeyer, and is visiting Miss Mary Doherty until after the Doherty-Tafel wedding. Mrs. M. F. Reiling will return the last of this week from Lexington, where she is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

Walter Hillenberg. terday to spend his three weeks' leave at Naples-on-the-Gulf, Fla. Mrs. C. Adler, who has been spending several weeks in New York at tha Biltmore, will return Thursday, accompanied by her sister.

Mrs. N. Tau-sig, and Mr. Tausig, of New York. Mr.

Arthur M. Rutledge and son, Mr. Edward Rutledge, left last week to spend some time in South Carolina on a hunting- trip. Mrs. Rut-ledge left yesterday to visit in Fredericksburg, Va.

Mrs. W. J. Chichester, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Angercau Capt.

Mclvin Meyers, after spending several weeks on business in Tennessee, has returned to Louisville and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyers. Miss Henrietta Bannon has returned from Omaha, where she Miss Dorothy Kipplinger.

Be Careful In Using Soap On Your Hair Messrs. Arthur and Frank Raidt left last Wednesday for California where they will spend the winter months, returning by the way of New Orleans, where they will stop for Mardi Gras. Mr. Sydney Rosenblum. who has been stationed at the Great Lakes Naval School for several months, was discharged from service last week, and is the guest of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. N. Rosenblum. rQQman's EACE POWDER. Freeman's is a most exquisite powder with a fragrance of charming delicacy.

Gives the skin a soft velvety feci anddclicious flesh tint that remains till washed off. At all toilet counters. All tinr SO cents (double quantity)- miniature box. The Freeman Perfume Co. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Nahm, of El Paso, will arrive Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. N. Oppenheimer.

Capt. Samuel T. Castleman, Q. M. has been released from service and after spending several months in Washington returned yesterday and has joined Mrs.

Castleman and children at the home of Mrs. Castleman's mother, Mrs. Harry Wcissinger, on Fourth street. Mr. Howard S.

Honaker. after business trip to New York, will return to-morrow evening. Mrs. J. A.

Myers and son, Dr Harry William Myers, have returned Mrs- Henr- Richmond, Ky. Dr. William H. L'mrich, who has been stationed at Fort Riley has returned home after bein released from the army. Mrs.

Alexander Caplan, of Chicago,' Max L- Simons in the Oxford apartments. Mr and Mrs. Harry M. Toung returned yesterday from a week's stay In St. Louis.

Miss Pauline Harrison has returned to Alton, after a visit to Miss Fannie Robinson. I Just Try This When Mr. and Mrs. Volney Foster will return early in February to Chicago after spending three months at the home of Mrs. H.

F. Baldwin in St. James court while Mr. Foster was in the Field Artillery Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor. Mr.

Leon Hirsch, of New Orleans, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. M. Moses, at her apartment in the Capt. John H. McLennan has returned from Montreal, where he was an attendant at the Robinson-Todd wedding.

ilj Hairy Growths Appear Miss Hannah Crawford, who has been visiting Miss Fannie Robinson, has returned to Shelbyville. Mr. Vaughan Spencer has returned from a stay of several weeks in the East. Cincinnati, 0. Bj Dept 211 Cincinnati, 0.

Hit eI Mr. and Mrs. James Stansbury have in Tingle Mrs. J. D.

Selvage left last week for Beaumont, to visit her son, Mr. C. E. Selvage, and Mrs. Selvage.

(Modes of To-day.) smooth, hairless skin always Mr. Stansbury's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T-T i Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is just plain mulsified cocoanut oil, for it is pure and entirely greaseless.

It's very cheap, and beats the most expensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a tea-, spoonful is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle.

Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. (Advertisem*nt. Miss Viola C. Schuler, of Washington, is here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

X. Schuler, CreSr cent Hill. Mrs. Hunt Jones and son. Master Hunt Jones, of Cairo.

are visiting Mrs. Jones' parents. Mr. and Mrs. V.

G. Munn, in Castlewood. follows the use of a paste made by Mr. Victor Burger left yesterday for New Y'ork on a business trip. Lieut.

Commander Lvnn B. Bern-heim is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bcrnheim, in The Mrs.

Charles Speed will return today from Chicago, where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William Gray, and Mr. Gray. Mr. Garland Guess Ralble.

after spending three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Ra. blc, has returned to continue his studies at Castle Heights Military Academy at Lebanon, Tenn.

Mr. Robert Jules Ralble has returned to Lexington, where he Is a student at the University of Kentucky, after spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralble. Misses Naunearle Brinton and Mar- (11 TTammnnfl Va-ta Mrs.

Frederick Albright left Tuesday for California, where she will spend the remainder of the winter in Los Angeles. She will be the guest of her son, Mr. Frederick Albright, and Mrs. Albright. Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Cohn and son. Master Louis Cohn, have gone to Cairo. 111., where they will remain several days the guests of relatives. Mr.

Milton Barkhouse has returned from a business trip in Kentucky. niiiarig some water with plain pow-? tiered' delatone. This paste is ap-. lied to the hairy surface 2 or 3 4 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed, when every trace of hair will have vanished. No pain or discomfort attends the use of the delatone paste, but caution should be exercised to be sure that you get rel delatone.

(Advertisem*nt, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Calveard lett last night for a short trip to Chicago and St. Louis.

Miss Fannie Robinson has returned from a visit to Miss Elizabeth Hays in Ellzabethtown. Capt. T. Hcrtzman and Mrs. Hertz-man, who have been living in Des Mninoq Ta.

whlla Caot. Hertzman Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Graham ara spending three weeks in New Haven, -iras stationed at Camp Dodge, are the Mm. G.

J. Knicht has retarned Stithton or" visit to Xr. John F. Dtisaa haa returned.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.