The Recorder from San Francisco, California (2024)

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The Recorderi

San Francisco, California

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rrv i ax 1 THE RECORDER THURSDAY HORNING MAY 1 1924 TIIRE15 Rud-1 119273 Cordes Con Distributors Inc I June 20 May lb Sm riai 12S1S Cheung Dai Hay chgd in inin as Low Mo pandering (indict) 13819 Cheung Dai Hay chgd in May 21 7977 JC Holland Newton et at 135126 Null i Active RUy Co 140476 Frendenberg Traynor al May 22 87996 Capitol Aid Metal gear-Merle Co 2019 Aircraft Alerchta Exchg etc 117028 Mclsaac Herman et al 106942 Brown et al Faulkner Co lac! May 7 Jury 6885 Gatscli Market St Ry Co uluM Medlin Market St Ry Co is I oh Sieg(ried Occidental Co 138206 Webb etc Eagle Laundry Co et al Court 140592 Rogers Motor Co 1 137390 Miller Baen May 8 139163 Whelan Tucker 36478 William Ebbing sett of acct and dist Court 95754 Savings ft Loan Socy Roach et al At 11 a 143153 Ritchey Ritchey SPECIALLY SET May 2 Froutu 34906 Oscar A Forland set asldo est 38799 Mary Reynolds dem to contest of will 35238 Charles Lyman Haskell sett of acct parti dist and dem At 4 139979 Casey John June 2 140423 Davis etc Ivovelas et al etc Kelllnghanaen et al Egaj et al 134S63 Kelllnghlsen et al Egan et al 134864 Kelinghlsen et al Egan et al June 3 s' 123262 Minton Mitchell on trial 142630 Delaney Gallick June 9 6738 JC Pac Concrete and Mosaic Works Ward et al 141356 Wharton KoDerts June 10 120253 Taylor tr etc Exnlclos et al 137128 Stauffer Chemical Co Bar bash et al June 16 139526 Worker et al Butler At 11 a Cas Co 120321 et al Cummings June 25 At 11 a 141509 Elston Riker et al June 27 137674 Tamaru et ux Johnson 127316 Schuler Cooke et al JURY CALENDAR 140341 Womack Hamilton et al 136265 Jacobs Malcolm ft Burtt etc Sou Pac Co 139328 Brand Rouse et al 140980 Hanson Ehret et al 141392 Guthrie Nelson Meat Co et al 141393 Guthrie Blue Seal Bakery et al 140175 Toynton et al Mkt St Ry Co 130397 Cebrian etc Hartford Ins Co 139048 Ellis LIppman 72935 Murphy Tevis et al 140532 Pac Auto Stages Inc Rin aldo Cigar Co et al 140666 Cordiui etc Funke et al 139765 Seigel De Leon 99366 Sanfilippo et al Lesser al 116693 Stenroos Sudden Christenson et al 135351 Newsham et al St Francis Hospital 142222 Campilongo et al Cohn 142745 Schroder et al Hansen et al 142451 Seaife Sottes et al 141491 Miller Hules 140684 Jolly Thompson 138353 Anheuser-Busrh Brewing Assn Green et al 123139 Weiser et ux Market St Ry Co 134733 Fay Pruner et al 134736 Fav Pruner et al 136635 Nelson Lazzari 141423 De Julio Lepori 144448 Colburn Vogel 142733 Kiel Cal St Cable Rv Co 136418 Kelleher Southern Pac Co 142141 Cal Pine Box etc Davies Box and Lumber Co 140589 Williamson Moore et al 144850 Landrum Fripnd et al 144501 Todd etc Young -1-4R02 Todd etc Young 143355 Brown Bridge et al DEPARTMENT SIX CRIMINAL 'NEW HALL OF TTJSTTCT3 ROr-HE MICHAEL Presiding Judee Rrndv Matthew District Attorney Hagerty Wm Aaat District-Attorney Thane Martin Courtroom CJik el-ins Frlwln Official Reporter Kelly Thoa A Bailiff 135655-146034 Lucot Maloney -Appln of Max Cahen Co for change of name May 27 1292S5-Read Standard Box Co May 28 -Morrison Restanl 8081 JC- S0S0 JC Nicholson Restanl May 29 127153 Sugarmau Iron Metal Co Pac Hog Co et al June 2 146304 Appln of Occidental Dray-mg and Whse Co for disln 14628 Appln of Jan Joseph Lukes for change of name June 6 124688 Sesson Sesson ord to show cause June 12 SS77 JC Sprague et al Hughes 8172 JC Schlmger A b'eder ft Son et al 'June 16 131638 Brown Hughson ft Merton Inc on trial June 18 124208 Code Pac Feed Co June 19 142801 Wells Fargo Bank etc Bishop et al September 15 118643 Hart-Wood Lumber Co Stephens DEPARTMENT FIVE Itv Hall Room 402 GRIFFIN FRANKLIN A Judse Oeamer David Courtroom Clerk Mead Wn Reporter Tierney Wm Bailiff Meet at 10 a TODAY Jury 27067 Colpe Floyd 127612 Gilmore et al Market St Ry Cp 125083 Paul Market St Ry Co 107043 Ballow Yosemlte National Park Co 134605 Goldman Goldman 1361G4 Meek et al Finn 135781 Loube Eaton et al 136980 Jofre Capaciole et al 134156 Paganelli John De Martini Inc et al 137410 Donnin Olivier et al 137057 McManus Ash 137742 Aulmann Glensor 137375 Silen Genp ft Co 126137 Slator Dodd Mead ft Co 135276 Goodman McFarland et al Cpurt 145775 'Craig Craig 139892 Layton Williams At 12 145572 Bennett Bennett ord to show cause SPECIALLY 8ET May 2 At 11 14520S Medical Center Medico Dental Bldg Co 143734 Wobbers Inc Associated Milk Producers Co At 12 145548 Cordcr Corder May 3 145065 Knox Jost 145486 Barsanti Barsanti May 5 Jury 136739 Hughes Mkt St Ry Co et al 137343 Soules Glafkidas 139426 Bk of Italy Cadenasso et al 139452 Corbett ft Walter et al 139959 Quan Jack Casselonl May' 6 138382 Appln or King Coal Mar terial Co for disln May 1 146098 In re petn of Harry Donohue to declared sane May 9 At 11 a 136773 Nadler etc Corr 137028 Nadler Corr 122629 Pioneer Motor Co etc 143944 Midwest iAir Filters Pac lnc-v Finn et al May 10 141557 Keeling Colin Agcy Shen-son ef al mo to set cause 140016 OConnor James May 13 Jury 131020 Hunter etc Kaplan et al 131116 Lecarl etc Kanlan ct al Court At 4 132944 Guranoff Clierin ord of examn May 14 145778 Appln of Paul Havcrly for change of name May 16 138269 Harrell Strauss At It a 137097 City ft Co of etc Market St Ry Co 140982 Collett1 ColTott May 17 142907 Goldstein Hanak et al May 19 Jury 136143 Garibaldi et al etc Garibaldi ot al etc 139134 Schroeder City and Co of 137528 Larsen Western Pac Land Co et al 128921 Sageley Dairy Co et al 139984 Morrlese etc Pac Gas and Elec Dr et al 139095 Burns Sibley Grading and Teaming Co et al 130025 Acton de Mendezona 144903 Reynolds Flanagan May 22 135295 Klinker SeeretO et ord of examn May 23 141246 Canton Bk Finnigan 141166 Appln ot Ocean Motorship Co for disln At 11 a 142229 Clark Moorebcad Labora-tnries Inc 115740 Klahn City and Co ot At li a 143208 Platt West Coast Porcelain Mfg Co et al o' May 24 125209 London Assur Corp Elec Storage Battery Co May 26 Jury 74981 Hanford and Summit Lake Ry Co James Co 91308 Hanford and Summit Lake Ry Co James Co June 2 Jury 137230 Ayres Mkt St Ry Co eto 128739 Ixiwe ct al Holts 118519 Ewell Granfleld et al 1254 90 Young United of et al 131401 Andorsqw Eckart June -105672 Dongau ct al Cochlnaecs et al At 8 141319 Urowft et ftl llheln etc et al June 7 142333 Nelson Smith et al June 13 At 11 a 139281 Mattcflccl Greenland on hearing Court co*k Cai-Oregon Lumber ft Eox Co et al 129656 Cashman Horan et al 139047 Stephens ft Co Straub 1U9931 Schnepf etc Hall et at May 2 142579 Jones Jones 133410 Weller Ils et al i May 28 7499 JC Kucklanz Marx 143456 Casulich Gawthome May 29 131433 Coombes Parker 8180 JC Pac Tel and Tel Co American Dredging Co of Cal r5U2 Binge Pauker 79489 Davitt McMaban June 2 142703 Coast States Oil Co Standard Oil Co et al 143741 Coast States Oil Co Standard Oil Co et al 127344 Theo Hamm Brewing Co Hagens et al June 3 8169 Sutro Denman et al 139277 Kniese Fairfax Incline Rd Co mo to set aside defft June 4 144190 Durkin Stephens et ux 140764 Standish Somers ft Co et al June 5 143709 American Bank Dunne et al 143982 Campodonico Ferrari et al June 9 135967 Kruse Constine et al 137488 Pac Finance Corp Duamy et ux June 11 139336 Lockwood Lockwood etc June 12 138088 Jacoby et al Marks June 16 145043 Baglietto Alexander June 17 8093 JC Ebert Armstrong et al June 23 142911 Strawbrldge Magee 138107 Jackson McCain et al June 25 136184 Stone et al First Doe et al August 11 Jury 145396 Schmidt Martens et al DEPARTMENT FOUR VAN NOSTRAND dudcre Levy Euprene Courtroom Clerk Hart Frank Official Reporter Lineprer Chas Bailiff Meet at 10 a TODAY At 9:30 a 143225 Caldarella Parisi on trial At 10 a 144659 Sanchez Ramirez et al 131574 The Barnum Co heeler 143017 Jones Jones 137912 Stodulsky Stodulsky COURT CASES May 2 13043S Burrows Fahey to be set 132177 General Trading Curp Howell ct al to he set 128991 Hunt Hunt to be set 134055 Tomsky et al Parkinson to be set 131975 Henry Gray ft Co Som-mer et al to be set 138391 Krenz Copper Brass Works Inc Bray et al to be set 135315 Hillard Co Dyer et al to be set 118156 Vartanian Plagemann to 139290 Massano Massano to be set 127407 Baker ft Son etc Mc-Granaghan etc to be set 118368 Glasgr Glaser 142877 Anthony Levy et al to he set 8148 JC Pets Lawrence to be set 134053 Cal Credit etc f*ckui to be set 138303 Holland Downey ct al to he set 138988 Crouch Earl Cooper Guar Battery Co sett of final acct of rccr 136S7X De Recat Co Dunn et al to be set 146141 Simons Tujagive et al dem of def mo to strike out At 10:45 a 139353 Sweet Hamll pn trial May 5 136168 Moore Ansonia Oil 7964 JC Valenta Mlchaelson 8008 JC Pac Tel and Tel Co Klcpper et al At 12 117914 Smith Lipman May 6 At 9:00 a 140167 Breweries Ltd Morgen on trial At 10 a Dunlap Martens 139754 Zertopoulos Purity Restaurant 142813 Chamberlain et al Stock 38138 Borger All Persons etc Mav 7 At 9:30 a 145765 Kruse Plotner At 10 a 143890 Pedeupes Camon et al 140623 Curtin etc Salomon May 8 130321 Toplitz OShea 144284 Cuneo etc Back 8057 JC Lombardi Lupi et ux on trial 141555 Gianninl Co Biasotti et al May 9 136SC5 Meigs Sutter et at mo for change of venue 8042 JC Borland Mourgos to be 139290 Massano Massano May 12 121195 Morris etc Moss et al 7973 JC NurOk Lippmanet al 1 103347 Strassburger Santa Fe Land Imp Co May 13 136735 Pac Gas ft Elcc Co Universal Klee ft Gas Co 136968 Ryan ct al Brewster May 14 142882 Levy Meyer 143196 Rudolph Wurlitzer Co Smith et al May 15 8022 JC Morgen Helubertz ct al 137711 Tomsky et al Weissbaum 145280 Appln of Wm McClure for judgt vesting title etc May 19 137745 McSheohy Keough 140885 Glover McKenzie At 12 130063 Swim Uarvcy on hearing May 20 128827 Dcadrich Natl Elec Co cl al 141880 Wallace Clifford May 21 109562 Bellanco ot al Arkclian ct al May 22 At 12 130437 Coombes Drenuau May 23 112220 Hoteling Rotating dem to complt Mav 26 143608 Lang ilagensen i 140476 Frendenberg Traynor 124699 Ross Del Carlo May 26 133024 Dlbert Co Inc Hoeflei 142416 Clark Diner 122916 Ghiglieri Preston Jr et al May 2T 119795 tveilsch Co McNear Idc 125831 Ingalls Ingalls ord 10 show cause 124654 Hogan Lmbr ft M1U Co Nielse 122802 Goldberg Bowen ft Co Eckenrotb 121677 Bradley Elkern Oil Ct et al 131675 Terry et al Osborne et al May 28 140837 Ardeleau Bgi rd 140837 Ardelean Baird Pace Hudson ft Miranda May 29 141260 McAdam Gibbons to be set 127133 Dunne etc Wells Fargi Nevada Natl Bank Juno 2 143421 Rauer etc MdCandlish et al 144931 Odino Cozzelli et ux 128481 Berman Berman ord to show cause June 3 141604 Dolan Casse June 4 138024 Jelinski Dahl et al June 5 144158 Oliver Martinez Land Co June 9 143581 Ratto Fenton etc et al 8190 JC Wurlitzer Cox June 10 7913 JC Garrett Mooser et al 109094 Frederick Mohr et al June 11 137261 Gallucci Serimian et al June 12 127844 Marin Co Natl Bank of San Rafael Hoyle June 16 45207 Tunstead Hahn June 17 8186 JC Geary American Ry Express Co 8185 JC Helms Von Raven June 15 Ellis Landing and Dock Co F-Kichmond Ferry Co June 19 139852 Guadalupe Realty Co Bacigaiupi 129670 Sommers Elliott et al June 23 144023 Pepin et al Saunders ef al June 24 131043 Cal Credit Coll Corp Rognd 12S17b Cal ft CorD Ries June 25 8013 Olive Wengel July 18 At 11 a 143066 Cal Steam and Plumbing Co Scott Co 113066 Cal Steam and Plumbing Co Scott ft Co READY CALENDAR 8150 JC Santma Traversaro 13103b GraUaiu Hoetter 8129 JC Fitzpatrick 'V McNeal 8161 JC Geaiy Aaroe et al 8123 JC Hartford Accident and Ind Co Cummings 8161 JC Geary Carol 8129 JC Fitzpatrick McNeal et ai 141931 Odino Cozzqlli et ux 134844 Simons Silver 143811 Vegenas Bravos et al ti)4797 Morning Star Mining Co Schwartz to be reset RESERVE CALENDAR 7022 JC Stelling Kather 94466 Barton Barton citn 121136 Cole McBride 7498 JC Natoma Rice Milling Co i TflifGQ ot al 122062 Hankins Fed Reserv of et al 119336 Nieolson Coaper 120913 Taylor Toman 124797 Mart jetti Julius 92880 Anglu ft London Paris Natl Bk of Tevis et al sett ol trans 97909 Anglo ft London Paris Natl Bk of Western Co et al sett of trans 129985 Wilson Levine qt al 109261 Rauer Colin Co Woolsev 127026 Hunken Hunken mo to modify inti decree on hearing J239 JC Rauer Coll Co McKilloi Bros et al 138408 Busch Hill 7707 JC Inti Ind Co Holton et al 105382 Hawley Larrabee 113291 Harris Stevens 129542 Richardson Balzke DEPARTMENT EIGHT City nnll Boom 4ft5 FITZPATRICK I Jnde Vfoonoy John Courtroom Clerk 3mith Room 475 City Hall Report Ooyle Ja Bailiff NrtTICK Partlra demanding Jorr trial at netting of enue will be obliged to depoalt Jury feet with the Sheriff (Bale IB Qtttf'rior Court) faeetf It 10 Ri TODAY Before Woolley 142237 Mertens Boehme 134428 Lapkin Joslyn 144972 Appln of Petroleum Co for disln 144437 Leatham Warren 114629 Nielsen Myers SPECIALLY May 2 SET Jury 123585 Vaughn Examiner Print lng Co 134671 Sunset Feather Co Aron ft Co 133680 Caduff Market St Ry Co 135411 Loreuzen Hennessy 133853 Shell Oil Co etc Mkt St Ry Co et al 137256 Withoft Hocfier 112264 Tomsky Geary Court 136762 Buzzell Buzzell on trial 136007 Crawford Crawford At 2 136889 Bryant Welbanks 135071 Holcomb Hodes 7779 JC Acme Coll Agcy Rosenberg 7855 JC Wilson Wall 7509 JC Puccini Inti Ind Co sun JQ Fritz Vallet 143392---Kates Noft 143001 Albert Co Zweria 8163 JC Hilder Giger 8082 JC OCallaghan Linuard 8183 jr-rDrpry Miller 8151 JC Mason Moran 143275 Fabre O'Connor May 0 Jury 139135 Troverso Gianola 136779 Moss Chronicle tub Co et Tl 142844 Ptpin Lincoln 132154 Ssilanli De Volo 13703(1 Hanlon etal jCaJ Mill Co 140987 Allen JoUiot 33297 Freeman pt al Johns et al 139311 Hynes etc Murphy Court 141541 Dahllierg Dalilberg 139811 Sherwood McGill 134405 Norton Sandy At 12 145075 Appln of Corona Typewriter Co for disln infn as Low Mo pandering (In- diet) May '17 To be set 13559 Mortimer Sullivan violg Sec 270 For Hearing 13883 Brunner chgd in infn i as Robert McCarthy gd larceny mo for probn 13883 Carvis Ginger gd larceny mo for probn May 19 For Trial -John Chapelle burglary 13S91- May 20 For Trial 13585 Frank Marty Pro Enf Act May 21 For Tra 13835 Eugehe Elmer violg Sec 17 Cal Practice Act May 22 13842 Jean Vanderlraden forgery May 23 Fot Trial 13916 Harold Miller gd larceny May 24 For tied tno 13842 George Vanderlinden forgery mo tor probn May 26 For Trial 13S76 Nicholas Mercado murder May 25 For Tiia' 13773 Abraham Sandler burglary and fd larceny June 12 To Be set 13368 Carl Herman Koch robbery 13368 Lester August Peterson robbery June 14 For Report 13534 Leon Tresaugue omtg to provide for minor child To Be Set 12459 Anthony Dias nratg to pro vide for minor child June 28 To be eel 12523 James Peroncello alias obtg monev by false pretenses (Remainder of Calendar Crowded Out) DEPARTMENT SEVEN City Ilall Room 47 MOO AN EDMUND Judg Hntlir Fraok I Courtroom Cleric Purrington A Official Reportei Manciet Paul BailUi fleet at t0 TODAY 1401C8 Rapken Rapken on trial 8019 JC Cosgrove Parente 137274 Zappa Zappa 7927 JC Braden McFarland et al 145790 Schmidt Schmidt 144990 Stult Stult SPECIALLY SET May 2 S15S Wing Hing Co Hart on trial HWOJL Ivoweay el al Mi nuu-ilO on trial 125174 Arbel Arbel 142245 Porter Reclamation Dist No 1313 139597 Kaiser Kaiser for decn 7505 Btowd Brown 144456 Brady Erixon ord of exam 130305 Mtge Underwriting ft Rlty Co Rodoni et al S003 JC Pac Service Co Sorocce for decn 141897 Bateman Bateman mo to cons 1m611 Geary Associated Inv Realty Co sett ot fdss 8174 JC Droher Kahn ct al to be set At 11 a 142671 Delaney Greenwald mo for nonsuit for argt May a 132172 Dourlos Haritols 6598 JC Acme ft Agcy Stew- fiTt Ft 7022 JC Stelling Jr Kather 123104 Anglo-Cal Trust Co Von Hnetzendorff 144774 Hammond Hammond At 12 143603 Amsler Amsler ''At in 95742 Deckerman Okashi Imp Co for decn May 6 6929 JC Price Yosemlte Taxi Co on trial 120790 Mill Furnishing Co Inti Milling Co et al 123359 Steffen Ilynes eto 123912 Larkin Larkin 6887 JC Bird Russell li 7444 Dodd Glafkides Weaver Co Short 8025 JC Pryor Bruneman Marks May 7 134675 Janes Joseph it al 20008 Frank Betties re natizn 19140 Cornelius Knudsen re natlzD 7486 JC Kushnkk Zmman 7635 JC Canton Bank Maknwer 124637 Golden West Cred Exchg Galliganl 140044 Mfg Cc Heintz ft Kohlmoos etc et nl 25145 Ksf of Louis Kaiser deed sett of acct and dirt May 8 139661 Jambruno Walraven 137921 McKenzie Cunningham 142G07 McKenzie linn May 9 7890 JC Blucher Amer Biscuit Co 138207 Geary Lok et al 140974 Lehman et al Herman to be set 120454 Cred Adj Co Ilolson ord of exanni May 12 142477 Voorhlos Rowe et al 139199 Watson Atthowe on trial 7666 JC Tufts Flannery 140495 Morehouse Morehouse 8059 JC Collins Johnson 130685 Ritchie Hares At 2 7974 JC Rauer ft Co Atlas Mf Co May 1' 142782 Becker Caldaralla 141811 Taylor Paragon Pump Co of Cal At 2 7612 JC-Cohen Ochra May 14 7790 American Exchange Co Guilder 7339 JC Rauer ft Co 145149 Erhk-ion Erickson 140336 Vanner Vanner May 16 145469 Roscnzweig United Candy Shops 143132 Roseifzwdg United Candy Shops 143133 Itosenzweig United Candy Shops 138500 Cnndrian etc vlntl Ptg Co 139442 Sullivan Coney 470 JC Rock Jorgenson to be set Mav 16 144083 Hoppe Hoppe on trial 109094 Frederick Mohr ot al May 19 692 TO Relrhlln Hoffman et al 8043 JC Eutwlsle Quiltcl At 2 1 7913 JC Garrett Mooser et al May 20 132254 Natl Bond ft Mtge (To Parshall 126680 Ptokus Whitney Jr et al 1 38598 A Shama inc conf sale pers I 1 I i29ts5 Coughlin Roeers et al Louamm Rogers et al PrP 39005 La Voq Bergantz rniHDr let of guardp Court 146015 Bennett Abbott et al May 7 Court 1450S6 Appln of Midget Oil Co for disln 38168 Morton All Persons etc May 13 Court 96665 Kafka et al Bozio for argt 90665 Kafka et al Bozio May 16 Court 145085 Abrams Gottesfeld 145302 People etc Aorams et al oid to show cause and restg or- der June 3 coun At 11 a June 19 Court 8159 Waftr CO AH Preoni -itr rtonfptftt DEPARTMENT TEN City Hall Room 45 OR AH AM THOg JuAg vLNuity Wm Courtroom Clerk 'Jallapher Roy Reporter Sarhan Bailiff Meet Fit 10 TODAY Probat 37892 Dora Lutz let of guardp (2 applns) 15077 Robert A Hind dist 26963 William Kennedy petn for removal of adrnr 37796 Elijah Marden pro of will 25612 John OHara for removal cf exr 36357 Annie Laurie Helm for allnce of debt 335D5 Chas John Swanson citn 38915 Gertrude Mosias minor let of guardp i 38924 John Thomas pro of will 38929 Mary 'A Marston pro of will 3S935 Joseph Casazza alias let of adm 36268 Samuel von Ronkel sett pf acct parti dist 38529 Vito Grasso inc sett of acct 36'152 Ruby A Woodfield sett of -t'ct and dist 37G55 Sophie Anderson sett of a -ct and dist 36308 Marie McCreary alias ins ett of acct 'U 38931 Charles Cordes pro of will 38927Warren Mapes let of adra 26619 Shadworth Beasley sett of acct and dist 3790T George Edward Bennett conf sale pers prop 29286 Margaret Lynch inc release of surety 29715 Jack Wright Roskt minor release of surety 20950 Thomas Corbett dist 31724 John Erikson conf sale pers prop 11 38859 Joseph Murphy Inc let of guardp (2 applns) Cour 8159 JC Pitner Bank of Italy on 'trial 145714 Helm Lawrence etc on trial 8137 JC Walker Malone 143155 Crowley Notthig as admx 7902 JC Hart Davenport et'al 137900 Murphy Murphy At 10:30 am 143155 Crowley Nolthig as admx SPECIALLY SET May 2 ProDate 30207 Geivergez Geivergiz minor sett of acct 37270 Llwood Allman citn 23951 Frank Gould alias citn 19063 Mary A Quinn petn to remove tr 1 38451 Rosa Hazleton alias 'dem to amd oppn to pro of will 35778 Usher Davis sett of acct 3S865 William Mitchell inc let of guardp 38965 Madeleine Bauman-i minor let of guardp 38975 Raymond Edwards minor let of guardp 20496 Mary Jory rev pro of will sett of acct and dist Court 142955 Bin! Bini ord to show cause 144498 De Rood De Rood May 3 1 Court 145409 De Lannoy De Laniroy May 5 Jury 134135 Dolan Sax Court 140747 Wallace Collonan et ux May 6 Court Sill JC Hanson Katz et al May 7 Court 8155 JC Stewart Polonsky')! 145992 Martin Martin May 8 Court 8173 Creyssels Atlas Taxicab and Auto Co i 138733 Carson Clymer i May 12 Court 7350 JC Ncwbauer ft Co Pant et al 114013 -Barattl Marathi May 13 -1 Court iiT 1S4879 Cory ft Son Olsen i 3 May 11 Court 7599 JC Peterson Reeder May 15 Court 108952 Knudsen James et May ID Court 101518 Cutrcll Mooser Jr et ftl May 20 Court 119107 Hartley Hynes May 21 Court 143404 Chapman Bleakmore 7642 JC Grand Bills et al May 28 Court May 9 Jury 139G59 Bollinger Market St Ry Co Court 135560 Balter Baker oq trial I248bl McCann yon ft Hof on trial 112748 Kraus American Express Co on trial 8163 JC Hilder Giger 144601 Verborg Merritt At 2 8138 JC Rothroclt Arnold 8136 JC Casner Lafee 7843 JC Coffin Calif Trans Co 8052 JC Glickfield Lynch May 12 jury 140691 Carter Abrams 119517 Douhnik McAllister 140046-47 Palaclas White Co 141073 City and Co of Swift 139293 Smith Hollander et ox 13j260 Dengel Ryburg 132567 Hudson Rousseau 142523 Logar Masca Court 445493 Appln of Holland Press Co for disln 139364 Tracy Amer Express Co 121636 Bank of Orland McAuliff 139445 Chambers Shaffer Mfly 13 141396 Nuss Forrest May 14 Jury 137918 Byers etc Foster et ux 141456 De Julia Leport 141423 De Jtilia Lepori 142755 Waite Market St Ry May 15 140909 Emanuel Lillie 1 127331 Michiell Huppert May 16 141416 Croal Western Pac Ry on trial 139426 Bank of Italy Cadenassa i May 19 Jury 141052 Koennicke Market St Ry Co 141547 Buckman Calif Steel Co Court 138632 Goetz Goetz on trial 141397 Ronge Schwarz 137846 Layne Divine Way i At 2 144601 Verbarg Merritt on trial May 20 i 107241 American Natl Bank Som-mprville 142963 Geraghtv Sorenson 132075 Runstadler Flynn May 21 i Jury 1 U2715 Grook Cathedral Jerome 1 i oun i 138632 Goetz Goetz on trial 136016 Dairy Del Co Maryland (-is Co 140267 De Budge Stafford 141267 Globe Co Fasterday 142244 Howeling Pearson May 23 116144 Eellanea Ita! Can Co May 26 jury 137798 Kennedy Market St Ry 138590 Odgers et al Market St Rv Co 128805 Cunningham Aster Co li4-4'4 llltfliif 136572-Montes Mkt St Ry Co 138550 Miller etc Mkt St Ry Cc et al 121128 Fisher et al Rose et al 137946 White Market St Ry Co Court 140310 Butcher Judson May 27 124577 Thompson Anderson May 29 At 9:30 a 133931 Cattisch Market St Ry Co mo for new trial June 2 Jury 129850 Goodson Christensen 117706 Hoppe Haley 134001 Rothback Mkt St Ry Court 143367 Leberman McDonnell June 6 Jury 130624 Ting Kuong 136868 Ylng Royal Ind Co 123284 Davis etc Rosenthal etc 140213 Sanders PaiadinI 140214 Carlsen Paladini June 9 Jury 145578 Suma Tarantino 145096 Bank of St Helena Lil lienthal Court 135937 Obear Delta Farms June 16 Jury 136821 Braun et al etg Stafford 142484 Hopkins Doming DEPARTMENT NINE tlty Hall Boom 417 rnjNNTC FRANK Judge Wftck Fred Courtroom Oiwru Knvanap-h Luke Shorthand Reporter Ualpiedo Bailiff Meat at 10 TODAY Prooat 3880S Bailies alias pro of will 10971 Henrietta Redmond sett ot acct 38659 John Frank Houghey alias let of adm 33715 George Walton conf sale real est 31175 Caroline acct and dist 36223 Otto Rohde ins sett of acct 36561 Edna Newmark sett of acct and dist 38075 Nellie Armstrong sett of acct 36997 Julie Curma alias sett of acct and dist 38926 Frances Plsar alias let of adip 38922 Frank Fischer pro of will 38925 Janies Hamilton pro of will 38928 Harry Moliere abas let of adm will anxd 38930 Harry Gilbert pro of will 38934 James Joseph Conway alias let of adm will anxd 3S940 Amedeo Orlandi alias let of adm 38659 John Frank Houghey lot ot adm re- Mathieu sett of 36807 Francis Joseph Perrine moe of admx 38868 Andrew Pederson let ot adm 3887C A fa*get pro of will 13038 Josephine Lelmn inc cent sale real est 38733 Gertrude Lcmme let of adm will anxd 1 37837 Daniel Foster set aside est 30073 Mary Ella Clark sett ot acct and dist I 1 i 1 i 1 1 I DEPARTMENT THREE City all Room 403 CABANISS GEO Judpre Lacy Eujyf'ne Courtroom Clerk Brown Alexander Official Reporter Power David Bailiff Maeta it 10 i TODAY At 9:45 a 145195 Isaacs Isaacs etc Irvine Music Co et al deni of Irvine and Irvine Music Co to complt Jr and justn of sureties 145624 Arimoto Arimoto At 10 a 134662 Ne Yee Yin Chew Chung Qule 139743 Williams et al Meyers At i 143804 Farber et al ONeill At in in 136284 Franceschi Nardi et al for argt SPECIALLY SET May 2 At 9 45 a 135617 Ross Rubin et al ord of examn At 10 139743 Williams et al Meyers 7847 Kieuard Green Co un Co and cons cases 78578 and 83610 on trial 141807 Starke Boyd et al to be set 137086 Tweedie et al Constino et al mo for nonsuit on hearing 136790 Ford Constine mo tor nonsuit on hearing At 2 145195 Isaacs Isaacs Irvine Music Co et al ord of examn Mav 3 At 9:45 a 139946 Vestal Madison Tire and Rubber Co on trial At 10 129656 Cashman Horan et al on trial 143246 Yuba Gold Mining Co Francis 143247 Yuba Gold Miping Co Demaestri 8046 Interstate Casualty Co Seiverts 136481 Cal Con Auto Top Co Stoughton Wagon Cor May 5 At 945 a 134523 Cordes Anderson et al At 10 a 140727 Cal Grape Growers Ex Cal-Ital Prod Co et al 112609 Knox Lilley et al At 2 0 136157 Cohen Cohen ft Cohen At 3 141826 Flnkelstem Kauffman on trial May 6 8133 JC Smith Hudson Bay Fur Co 124645 Giannint et ux Hawkins 127780 Amn Bldg Maintenance Co Cannon et al At 2 143980 Terry Terry ord to show cause May 7 140809 Dye Bank of Italy 143805 Cunningham Bk of Italy 145382 Appln of Martin Vener-strom for change of name At 2 134117 Herrick etc Morgan ft Sons et al on trial May 8 118174 Purity Fruit Juice Washington Meat Co 143497 Chase Hadden 142447 Casse Golden 141172 ODonnell ODonnell 134482 Fitzgerald Ludermanr et al At 2 124041 Lamme Pottinger on argt 8005 JC Morenc et al McPartianU May 9 YI37023 Johnsop Roth et al on trial 138657 Chase Beedie 93533 Jeffery Graf et al on trial 144763 Pisanl Pisanl May 12 145518 Kalfus Kalfus 116241 Boqutst Myers et al 136921 Chesbro Bolton 114123 Christianson Beck 145571 Appln of Trestle Board Cc for disln 136928 Heyman-Weil Co Latz At 2 143053 yoshkin Feigln et al May 13 138088 Jacoby et al Marks 142675 Cowen Cincera et al 145630 Appln of Crowley Co for disln At 2 139125 Creditors idj Co Coryell May 14 103319 Cincinnati Times Recorder Co Thomas on trial 127655 Burtt Assoc Fruit Co 135031 Casinl Marinai et al 143996 Dusenburg Burns 97947 Sacto Northern Ry Director General of Railroads et al At 2 8108 JC Knox Bray May 15 141440 McGee Chinese Cons etc 141573 Belgian-American Trading Co Finn etc At 2 8181 JC McDonnell Ilubbell May 17 141413 Carrier United Adv and Sales Co Inc May 19 141587 Lester et al Baer et al 134871 Rosenthal East Dixon Irr Co et al 136431 Soukas Willett ft Burr et al on trial May 20 135672 Whitney Neumann ct al 137103 Whitney Neumann ot al 140015 Goldberg Parker et al 140403 Pulin Morgan et al May 21 i 141932 Costa Banks et nl 134668 Weller Stelling Jr 140138 Tomlsky et nl McNally May 22 140809 Dyo Bank of Italy ct al 129121 Ocean A ft Co Spingola ct al 134684 Potter Potter May 24 30421 Hoeflor White Lunch May 26 Jury 2351 Associated Terminals Co Ahern 122866 Cjirrlor Doran 116878 Sellers Hotel Terminal etc 116239 Devlncenzl Trevla 91272 Daniels McGnlro-111777 Muylaert Align Cfi ft 1 Meats at 10 a TODAY Civil Cases For Hearing 145417 Bertao Brazil et al mo to strike from ans and x-conplt dem to ans and x-complt I Criminal Cases For Judgment 13762 Clyde Hendricks violg Sec 209 For Arraignment 13948 Juanita Beal violg Sec 112 Cal Vehicle Act 13949 Nick Garls burglary 13D55 Edward Hampton burglary To Be Set 13772 Benjamin Barnett violg Sec 549 (indict) On Trial 13862 Thomas Humphreys manslaughter and violg Sec 141 Cal 'Vehicle Alt (indict) Civil Cases At 12 For Hearing 143743 Shepard Shepard 145265 Ries Ries CRIMINAL CA8ES May 2 To Be Set 13303 Samuel Hasten embezzle-- ment For Hearing 13888 Jose De La IJaz burglary 2d deg mo for probn 13736 Samuel Hasten embezzlement and gd larceny (indict) tno for arrest in judgt mo lor new trial Civil Cases At 12 For Hearina 144712 Ilinrkhs Hinrir-hs May 3 For Report 13375 Wong Yuk Sim chgd In Infn as Ng Shun alias pandering (indict) For Arraignment 13925 Max Tball att to com burglary To Pleao i 13550 Ernest Marquez reeve stolen prop 13890 Josephine Clark Seeley violg Sec 476a t-o- narir8 13904 Frank Daley making and passing bet Inst mo for probn 13911 Henry Payton burglary 2d deg mo for probn 13858 Evcro Elstrand burglary 2d deg mo for probn 13858 Carl Kendall burglary deg nio for probn 13750 Albert Mack burglary deg mo for probn 13750 l-iank Estes burglary deg tno for probn 13842 Arthur Dewey burglary 2d deg mo lor probn 13796 Earnest Schwebke violg Sec 476a mo to rev and terminate pronn 12884 Allen Moye chgd in infn as Allen Murry making and passing fict inst mo for probn Civil Case For Hearing At 11 a 143233 Bibllop Bishop May 5 For Trial 13765 George Zeigler murder 13894 Theodore Powell gd larceny 13894 Frank Parker gd larceny May 6 For Trial 13910 John Arthur Gahn violg Sec 476 May 7 To Plead 13920 John Hofncr vlogl Sec 112 State Vehirlo Act For Mooring 13621 Florence Anslmne viols Sec 141 Cal Vehicle Act mo for probn 13884 James Calnay obtg money by false pretenses dem 13865 Janies Calnay ootg money by false pretenses: dem May 8 For Trial 13849 Peter Kamaskay burglary May To Bo Set 13799 Albert Williams violg Sec 476a Mav 10 To 00 ot 13025 Paul 1-ruhling embezzlement (Indict) Mri 13800 Mike Minelli gd larceny mu for probn Civil cocet 1 iyu For (4earino 144198 Datoiumi Bateman May 12 For Trial 13761 PIub Hnherthtier rape May 14 For Arraignment 13899 Araki violg Sec 476a il-MAlAt ().

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.