Treyvi the Elf: Unfortunate Adventures in a Fantastic World - Sargentyolo (2024)

Chapter Text

It was with bright eyes and brighter backsides that the traveling trio of Treyvi, Dusca, and Fria arrived at their first major stop of their journey. They crested the edge of a hill, looking down towards a beautiful sandy coast.

Treyvi sighed in relief upon seeing the upcoming signs of civilization. “This is it! Coven Cove!”

Coven Cove. An unlikely sight, to those with preconceptions about witches, wiccan, and practitioners of the mystical and spiritual arts. While most believed these folks to be partial to dark caves or swaps, the reality was that most of them had long ago realized the health hazards of living in such dank places.

So, as a part of a movement started by a collective of these groups, they all started a small bayside community that came to be known, due to its primary populace, as Coven Cove. A place where soulful magic and beach liveliness combined into, surprisingly, quite the markedly successful location.

Dusca winced, poking gently at her rear and hissing when she made even the slightest contact. She was relieved that they'd be able to rest soon.

She made a face as her lips twisted to speak awkwardly. “That is... Cove of... Watches?”

Treyvi had been teaching her fellow elf the common language since they set off from the last town. Fria had been helping as well, in exchange for honing her elvish from the two of them. It was slow going, but Treyvi could tell that Dusca had been starting to get it.

“Witches, Dusca,” Fria corrected gently. Dusca took feedback from the human girl better than she did from Treyvi, likely because she felt less humiliated when someone who was born and raised speaking the language corrected her instead of another elf who already learned it.

“Wi... Witches...?” She looked at both of them hopefully after saying it. Fria beamed and cheered while Treyvi gave a satisfied nod. Dusca preened and straightened.

She had taken to understanding the language decently. She couldn't follow long conversations or big words, but she was good at getting the important parts.

Treyvi dusted her hands off. “Okay girls. Let's get moving. I'm sure they've got lots of different potions and salves to help ease the pain!”

The pain she was referring to was the pain in their butts. Literally. They'd had an unfortunate run in with a pack of lesser spotted bongoga. Which were essentially monkeys with massive hands that had a tendency to grab or smack anything they saw. They were only called ‘lesser spotted’ because most people avoided them. They were, in actuality, quite common. Upsettingly so, as the girls discovered.

And that was just the last few hours. It'd been three days since they set out from the town they'd met Fria, and they'd been beset upon over and over, with each event seemingly focused exclusively on the girls' bottoms.

It had been a long, painful afternoon today, but after an incredibly stretched pair of underwear each and their bottoms being spanked bright and raw, they had escaped and made it to their destination.

The trek down to the cove was easy enough. It was once they reached the gates that they had an issue. They attempted to step forward, only to have a trident and staff crossed in front of them.

“Sorry ladies,” said one of the guards holding the trident, “Coven Cove has a strict dress code.”

“Bathing suits must be worn at all times,” said the other guard, “Failure to do so is punishable by law.”

Treyvi grimaced. She had read about that peculiarity once but had thought it more of a cultural suggestion than an actual law. Last she checked, she didn't have a bathing suit. She knew for a fact Dusca didn't. That left...

She sent a hopeful look back at Fria. The human girl winced and shook her head.

“Come back when you've got the appropriate dress and you may enter!” They punctuated their point by slamming the ends of their respective weapons on the ground.

The three walked away, contemplating how to gain entry to the town.

Dusca, for one, was both furious and confused. “Why would anyone have clothes for bathing? Is it not the point of bathing to strip nude and cleanse the body!?

Fria tried to soothe her, to no avail. Treyvi shook her head, snapping her fingers to get the other elf to focus.

“Regardless of how ridiculous such a thing is, we'll need to fit their attire if we wish to enter. Otherwise we'll be sleeping out in the jungle back that way, and none of us want that, do we?”

Fria perked up, blushing wildly. “I-I want that!”

Treyvi sighed. “Nobody sane wants that.”

They'd learned shortly after setting out with her that Fria, for as genteel and kind as she was, also seemed to enjoy being humiliated. And berated. And hit. And probably a lot of other things that neither elf wanted to know. Point was, while the two elves felt nothing but suffering each time their butts were put up to the proverbial chopping block, Fria almost attracted that kind of thing and reveled in it.

It made traveling with her a dangerous affair.

“So what do we do? What makes these clothes more suited for bathing than one's own nudity?

Treyvi shrugged. She only knew about bathing suits through reading, and there had never been any pictures included. At least, not in any of her tomes. Fria had explained that if she wanted to see pictures of clothing in a book, there were explicit publications that specialized in that kind of thing. Whenever she asked Fria if she had any, the human girl would grow red and refuse that she had any knowledge of such things, despite being the one who explained them to her.

Yet another oddity of their travel companion.

Fria tapped a finger on her chin. “Well, bathing suits can look like a lot of stuff. I guess the guards can tell what is and isn't, but we can probably get away with just wearing our underwear...”

Dusca looked even more confused. “So bathing suits look like... Underwear?

Fria shrugged apologetically. “I guess they kinda do? At least, most of the popular ones for women do.”

Treyvi hummed in fascination. Dusca grunted in irritation.

Fria dug a toe into the sand. “There's just one issue...”

Treyvi sagged in exhaustion. “And that is...?”

“Um... Neither of you wear bras...”

Both elves blinked. They hadn't thought about that. Elves generally didn't wear much of anything to preserve modesty, and even Treyvi who had a preference for human clothing didn't wear a bra, finding them a strange feeling.

Can't we just wear one of yours?” Dusca asked.

Fria coughed awkwardly and pulled one out of her bag. The problem became evident immediately. Dusca held the article up to her chest, eyes wide at the sheer amount of space left unfilled.

Oh.” She poked the cup down until she felt it pressing against her chest. It sank. Deep. “I suppose that makes it harder to say they're ours...”

Good thing elves didn't get jealous about that kind of thing. Both girls were actually more afraid than anything.

“Well the only other thing I can think about is a one piece but that seems even less likely for us to find...”

One... piece? Like my old leotard?

Treyvi nibbled on her lip, thinking aloud. “Do these bathing suits also look like underwear? Because at this rate that's all we have available.”

Fria shook her head. “No. Not unless you're wearing a—”

The human girl suddenly stopped speaking as her face lit up, both with an idea and in the dusty red of arousal.

“Eheheh....” She laughed, a slight trail of drool making itself known. “I think I've got a plan...”

Both elves shivered at her look, holding each other for safety. Fria, meanwhile, approached the two with her hands outstretched, groping the air.

“Maybe it's not so bad that those bongogas found us after all!”

Fria pounced. Both elves screamed.


“Excuse me!” Fria bounded to the town gates, bubbly and bright. “We were here earlier! We have bathing suits now!”

Behind her, Treyvi and Dusca waddled up slowly, their faces contorted in pain, knees knocked, and gait rigid as they stood on their tiptoes. Dusca stumbled for a moment and her eyes twitched.

“... Gurk...!”

The guards looked over the human girl with a critical eye, then the elves in confusion before shrugging. They turned to one another for a moment, a silent message passing between them before they both looked back at the three girls and nodded. The trident guard stepped off to the side.

“Seems good to me! Welcome to Coven Cove, ladies!”

The staff guard stepped away as well. “And may I just say, I love your monokinis! Such cute designs!”

Of course. Monokinis. That's definitely what they were wearing. It wasn't like Fria had abused the fact that their panties were all far larger than they had been this morning to give all three of them a splitting, crack burning shoulder wedgie, positioned to perfectly cover their nipples.

These were just your run of the mill, normal human bathing suits. Treyvi's was blue and had yellow stars printed all over it, Dusca's was black with white frills, and Fria was wearing pink with strawberry prints.

To say nothing of the fact that Fria simply could've worn her bra like she'd mentioned. She said they'd sell the lie better if they claimed they were matching styles. Of course, neither elf had the wherewithal to debate this while the human girl pulled their panties into a cruel imitation of beach fashion. As they walked past, both elves flushed deeper when they overheard one guard lean over to the other and whisper, “did you notice their lips were hanging out?”

The two elves quickly covered their crotches, adding even more awkwardness to their walks. To distract themselves, they took in the scenery from within.

The whole town existed on the rocks and sand of the cove and bay that it was built on. Rather than stone buildings or paved pathways, the town was supported by a complex series of winding docks and boardwalks, with huts and homes built out of lighter materials. Magic permeated the air, and even helped create the higher walkways, floating boards forming staircases up to hanging treehouses.

“Okay...” Treyvi choked out, cringing in pain, “First stop, some kind of alchemist...”

They arrived at a thatch hut on the ground level with a sign labeled ‘witch doctor' that was lined with different bottles and vials, complete with a large, bubbling cauldron. A beautiful, thick woman with chocolate skin, a shaved head, wearing a green and gold stringkini and intricate white body paint was inside, mixing something in a mortar and pestle. She was only slightly taller than Fria, perhaps by an inch or so.

“Oh, wow!” Treyvi walked up to a shelf with a vibrant red thistle, observing it closely. “Jurnbells! These are supposed to be potent magical stimulants!”

The woman turned and smiled faintly. “They're also powerful aphrodisiacs, ma'am.”

Treyvi waved her off, even as Fria immediately started picking some weed to purchase. “Please, no need to call me ma'am. You're the doctor here. The respect should be yours. Plus I'm not a day over eight hundred seventy!”

The woman laughed. “I fear you're still my senior by a sizable amount, Miss. And please, call me Amulra.”

Dusca grunted, trying to adjust her wedgie as she looked around. “Treyvi! You can be a nerd later! Which of these will ease the pain!?

Treyvi scoffed but turned back to the witch doctor apologetically. “Sorry about her. Do you happen to have any salves that deal with, erm, skin irritation and chafing?”

The woman tilted her head. “I fear you're in the wrong place. I'm a witch doctor. My work is mostly with the spiritual. If you're in need of medical assistance, you need to see a Witch Doctor.”

Fria hummed. “Which doctor?”

“A Witch Doctor. A doctor for witches.”

Treyvi shook her head. “We're not locals... Or witches.”

Amulra nodded. “Understood. Then you want to visit Dr. Witch instead. She's on the upper walkways. Her methods may seem a little... extreme, to outsiders, but all the people here love her treatments. People sometimes go casually, just for fun. Still, I’m warning you that things can get a little... invasive? But she's a good friend of mine, and I trust her work implicitly.”

That sounded incredibly odd, but they weren’t exactly in a place to question it. Treyvi thanked her and she and Dusca waddled out of the hut. Fria stuck around, fidgeting and twiddling her fingers. Amulra tilted her head as Fria worked up the courage to speak.

“Erm, do you do... dolls?”

The witch doctor raised an eyebrow. “Depends on what it's for.”

Fria started drooling again. “Um... Pleasure...”

Amulra smirked. “My kind of woman. Do you have a sample of the person or people you want—”

Fria thrust two small pouches forward.

“Th-that’s hair from each p-person... And the torn fabric is, um, panties...”

The witch doctor slowly took the bags, holding them as far and as little as possible before placing them to the side. She then reached below the shelf she was next to and pulled two blank dolls up. She placed the pouches before each doll and then started chanting.

Weaving her hands through the air, wisps of magic flew through the pouches, opening them up before connecting the contents to the dolls. The dolls started glowing before, in an instant, they both had transformed to resemble her two elven companions; in cute doll form. Complete with clothes to match.

She took each doll and handed them gently to Fria. “Whatever you do to these dolls will be felt by the ones they resemble... They do know you're doing this, right?”

Fria was salivating at this point. She nodded dumbly. “Y-yeah... Can I also have a bundle of Jurnbells?”


The three left— after Fria made some purchases— to find Dr. Witch. It was hellish to climb the stairs in the state their panties were in, each step sending a shock of pain through their ass and lips that made it impossible to ignore. Dusca grunted with each step, hazarding a glance at how much further they had to go. The answer was an unfortunate amount of steps still remaining before they reached the upper walkways.

To make matters worse, since the steps were suspended in air by magic, they had a tendency to sway and dip when stepped on. There wasn't any fear from any of them that they'd give out, the real issue laying in the fact that occasionally a step would move forward with their next step, causing them to stretch their legs longer to keep from falling, this allowing more fabric to cleave its way into their unguarded undercarriages.

I have decided... I hate this place...”

Treyvi couldn't even muster the energy to before or agree with her, focusing as much as she could on getting to this ‘Dr. Witch' as soon as she could. Then after, she'd find the first actual bathing suit she could and buy it in a heartbeat, regardless of price. Anything to get out of this neverending wedgie.

Finally they arrived on the walkways. Dusca nearly kissed the planks.

“That looks like it!” Fria pointed to a hut with a hanging sign, the icon on the sign being a little potion with hearts inside.

The girls hurried inside and we're immediately confronted with a thick, pungent aroma.

Yeugh! What is this rancid odor!?” Dusca cried, covering her nose and mouth.

Treyvi grimaced as she sniffed. “Smells like Roxroot. It's known for having a particularly repulsive scent to ward away vermin...”

Fria was starting to turn green. Apparently even she had limits to what she considered appealing. Before they could voice any more complaints, someone called out to them from the back of the hut.

“It's also quite the curative for colds and flus!”

A woman came from the back holding a small crate full of swirling, glowing potions. She wore an incredibly revealing black bikini; a high cut thong bottom and sling style top. She also wore a wide brimmed, black hat that curled in the back, sunglasses, and had straight, raven black hair cut blunt at the ends around her mid back. She was likely very pale once upon a time, however after what must've been years of living here, she'd developed a perfect, bronze tan, with barely any tan lines. Unlike Amulra, Dr. Witch was easily six feet tall.

She waved a hand behind her, a magic sigil appearing and spinning once as the smell of Roxroot dissipated. She fanned any residual scent away from her face before turning to face them.

“Are you all here for something?”

Fria stared at the woman, tantalized. “Are you Dr. Witch?”

She smiled. It was a crooked and twisted grin but her eyes were warm, denoting she just smiled weird. She set down the box of bottles she was holding and dusted her hands off.

“That I am! Belinda Witch, nice to meet you! It's rare for us to get elves here. Even more so those who actually wear anything!”

Treyvi shot her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

The doctor clapped giddily. “Oh! And you speak the language of the cities! You two may just be one of a kind!”

Dusca growled. “Enough ogling us like we're animals in one of those disgusting mortal enclosures! We require remedies!

Dr. Witch hummed. “But this truly is a rarity...”

Dusca looked ready to blow, so Treyvi gave her a quick swat to the rear. She yelped and held her already red bum, sending a teary eyed glare at her fellow elf.

“I apologize for her. She's correct however that we require your aid... I'd still like to know why we're so unique, however.”

Dr. Witch twirled a finger in the air idly. “Well, elves are already reclusive as is, and are very unlikely to find themselves in such an open, hot environment.”

The doctor suddenly started moving towards them, circling them and randomly poking at their butts, leaning in closely to inspect them. The girls all winced each time one of her nails prodded the sensitive flesh.

“And any elves we have ever received here simply forgo wearing clothes in place of a bathing suit. As I’ve come to understand it, in your culture and customs, nudity is fairly normal. We don't actually have any rules or laws against nudity here, either, considering half the town is a nudist beach.”

Treyvi heard a pathetic, shattering sound. A glance over told her it was Dusca's spirit breaking. She could tell, hers just made the same noise.

“And these are... Not bathing suits, are they?”

The girls flushed deeply at having their disguises discovered. One embarrassing story about their journey here and their plan to enter the gates later and Dr. Witch was sorting through her bottles, laughing lightly.

“That's quite the story! Luckily for you, we have a tendency to get burns and stings around here, so I have just the thing to treat those poor tushies! I’ll have to grab something more specialized for the chafing though. I’ve seen some pretty nasty sand wedgies before, so I’m sure the potion I use for that will work here too.”

She pulled out a bottle full of murky green liquid. She swirled it slowly and small clouds appeared within the bottle.

“I'll apply this to the affected areas and you'll be feeling better in less than an hour! Feel free to undo your— snrk!— bathing suits!”

Treyvi and Dusca sighed in relief at the permission. Dusca practically flew out of her panties, tearing them down her legs and out of her lips before tossing them in the trash with a scalding glare. Treyvi did the same at a much more subdued pace and not nearly as much rage. A shame too, she had really liked that pair.

Fria squeaked and covered her face, though they could all easily see her peeking through her fingers at the two naked elves.

“Y-you two got naked so e-easily!”

Treyvi sighed. While she wasn’t as comfortable as most elves when it came to their liberal clothing sense, she had still grown up in an elven circle, something that one couldn’t exactly do without getting used to having a lot of other people see you naked. Communal bathing hours often held up to twenty elves at once and not an ounce of clothing to cover them.

“This be... is.... normal?” Dusca once again spoke in a stinted and incredibly heavy accent.

“Fascinating...” Dr. Witch mused as she approached with the potion. “Your friend speaks much less fluently than you. Is she younger?”

Dusca went red with indignation and stomped a foot, fists clenched at her sides. “She is same me!”

Fria gently nudged Dusca’s arm, leaning in to whisper. “She is the same as me...”

Dusca went redder. “She is... the same... is me?”

Treyvi shook her head. “Close enough. We’ll do more practice later. As for your question, doctor, she’s only younger by a few decades. I just happened to be more invested in the world outside the circles than my fellow elves.”

Dr. Witch nodded, intrigued. “I might ask to pick your brain later, Miss. For now though, let’s get you three fixed up!”

Me first!” Dusca claimed, stepping forward. “I can’t take this pain any longer!

“Very well,” Dr. Witch uncorked the medicine and stepped behind the elf, grabbing another vial full of clear looking liquid and pouring some onto her hands before rubbing the viscous looking solution over the neck and lip of the bottle..

It should’ve been simple, honestly. The doctor would apply the medicine to their abused bottoms and they’d be on their merry way to explore the town in earnest. There were very few things that could possibly go awry.

That should’ve been a sign for the girls considering absolutely nothing had gone their way thus far on their adventure. From getting spanked, wedgied, or just battered about by nature, the girls hadn’t been given a break since they set out. So what could possibly be the issue here?

Well as it turned out, the application process of the potion was a lot more intimate than Dr. Witch had let on. This was made very evident when she reared back with the bottle held sideways before swinging it forward for a direct bullseye with Dusca’s anus.


Dusca shrieked and tried to jump away, but an invisible force clamped around her wrists and ankles, bending her over at the waist and keeping her from running. All the while the doctor behind her continued as though everything was normal, even as her eyes glowed to hold the telekinesis keeping Dusca bound. All the while Treyvi watched in horror white Fria rubbed her thighs together viciously, a hand holding her crotch as she watched without blinking.

“Hold still please,” Dr. Witch said calmly, “The potion needs to drain into your system in order to work to its fastest and fullests effect!”

It was frankly absurd that the woman thought that Dusca would be able to register what she was saying in the moment, let alone rationalize that she needed to let it happen.

“T-Treyvi...?” Fria asked absentmindedly, saliva falling freely from her lips, “C-can I go next!?”

Treyvi practically pushed the human girl in front of her. There was no way in the Twelve Hells that she’d be going through with this now!

Dusca continued trying to thrash, to no avail. “OH MERCIFUL EARTH MOTHER! I CAN FEEL IT IN ME! WHY IS IT SO SLIMY!?

Dr. Witch made a noise of confusion. Treyvi mustered enough courage to speak without stuttering. “She, uh, wants to know why it’s slimy...”

“Oh!” The doctor laughed genially, as if she wasn’t currently violating their companions ass with a bottle of medicine. “That would be the primary ingredients! Slime Globules, Jellyweed, and Squish-Algae Dew! All of them together make for the perfect cure for a sore booty!”

Dusca cringed with each ingredient named. Knowing that all of that was currently swirling in her ass was making her feel sick. Not to mention the fully unexpected ass-f*cking. That was certainly making things terrible.

“You’ve almost taken it all in! Just a little more before the bottle is drained!”

Treyvi couldn’t look away despite how much she wished she could. She muttered despondently. “Amulra said other people here came to you casually...”

Dr. Witch gave an amused little snort. “Oh yeah, I get tons of locals coming in just to get their rocks off! I’m surprised she didn’t warn you that things could get invasive! Almost all my potions get administered this way!”

She had said exactly that, as a matter of fact. They’d ignored the warning in their haste to find a remedy to their aching butts. Now their hubris was coming back with a vengeance.


Finally, after far too long, Dr. Witch twisted and pulled the bottle out with a loud ‘pop’. Dusca yelped and the magic binds lifted away, allowing her to fall forward, ass pointed up but noticeably less red than before. There was also a thick, green fluid pooling in her now gaping hole, and the occasional drop would fall and hit the floor with a plip.

“There you go! The potion’s already absorbed into your system and working its magic! And far faster than my normal patients! Interesting... That wasn't so bad, right? The excess pooling is normal, but I suggest staying in that position unless you want it to all come flooding out!”

Dusca whimpered from the ground. Dr. Witch turned to Fria, pulling out another bottle.

“Alright, into the next patient!”

Treyvi held up a shaky finger. “Don't you mean ‘onto’ the next patient?”

Dr. Witch just cackled.

Treyvi was able to cover her eyes this time around and drown out the sound of Fria having far too much fun with what she was doing. She was dreading her own turn, peeking through her fingers at Dusca who was still twitching on the floor.

After far too short a time for Treyvi (and likely for Fria too, if her disappointed moan meant anything) Dr. Witch popped the bottle out of the human's ass and grabbed the third and final one. Treyvi ignored how much more of the fluid appeared to be dripping from Fria’s own anus.

“All done! Last one!”

Treyvi held her hands up defensively.

“Surely there's a different way to take this!?”

Dr. Witch tilted her head. “Well, no duh there's a different way.”

That made the room go completely silent. Dusca slowly turned her face on the ground to stare at the doctor.

“... What?

Dr. Witch rolled the bottle idly as she spoke. “I mean you could just drink these but they taste and feel awful! Not to mention they take effect much faster like this! But I mostly just do it this way because everyone in town prefers it! Figured that's why you all came here! Was I wrong?”

Fria jumped back up, a flood of green potion gushing out of her asshole and bent herself over again. “No! Do it again—”

Dusca placed a silencing bubble around Fria's head before turning a murderous glare on the doctor. She was clenching her own cheeks as hard as she could to keep from leaking out the potion.

Treyvi gingerly stepped up and took the bottle. “I think you've misunderstood! We didn't want all... This!”

Dr. Witch looked bemused. “Really? Your friends seemed so eager! That one insisted on going first and the other wanted to go again!”

Treyvi grimaced. “Er, yes I suppose that's true but still, I have no desire to see this bottle shoved anywhere on... Or in my person.”

Dr. Witch shrugged and Treyvi sighed in relief before nervously lifting the bottle to drink the contents while Dusca continued trying to kill the woman with her eyes. Treyvi did her best to ignore that this bottle, however clean it may be right now, had likely been in someone's ass before.

Like Dr. Witch said, it tasted like fermented grass trimmings, felt like dense goo, and smelled like a decaying tree. To most, that would in fact be terrible. The key difference however...

“That's quite good, actually!”

Elves basically subsisted on a diet that tasted like this already. Relatively speaking, it wasn't anything gourmet, but Treyvi had been expecting something tasting of brine and dead fish, so it was a pleasant surprise!

“Huh. Guess I've never had an elf try my brews before... Was that why it worked so quickly on your friend? Hmm... Are you ladies in need of any coin, by chance?”

Dusca looked ready to argue before Treyvi stopped her in their native tongue. “Clothes?

Dusca stopped and checked her pack. With a long-suffering sigh and another meteoric glare, she relented. Treyvi nodded to the witch.

“Well, since elves are so rare around these parts, I was wondering if you'd be willing to taste a few more of my potions and tell me how those taste as well! I'll only use very small doses, so don't worry about any adverse effects, and I'll compensate you tremendously!”

Treyvi looked intrigued but asked an important question. “Why pay us so well?”

Dr. Witch walked past her and grabbed a tome off a shelf, holding it before her.

“This is The Alchemist's Almanac!” She paused and looked awkwardly to the side. “... Eight edition... Ahem! Only the most accomplished and brilliant brewers make it into the ranks of this book! I've been trying for years but haven't found a thesis worth anything yet! But! Any information on elves are practically absent in any of the editions, and those that are included are only on things like basic anatomy! If I submitted research with real, live elves testing my potions!?”

Dr. Witch tittered and held a hand to her chest whilst looking off dreamily.

“I’d be a shoo-in! So I implore you! Please allow me the honor of having you two as participants!”

Dr. Witch bowed deeply. Dusca looked ready to decline at the mere thought of being a test subject, but before she could, the doctor added:

“For science and magic!”

Treyvi slammed a hand down on the table next to her.


Dusca screamed in rage.


They'd hashed out the deal a little more after Treyvi agreed, mostly because Dusca wouldn't stop screaming. In addition to monetary compensation, Dr. Witch agreed to let them lodge in her guest house. Apparently even witch doctors... Well, doctors who were also witches, were as well off as doctors anywhere else.

She'd also given them real clothes, and the only reason Dusca agreed to wear them was because, for once, she actually liked how they looked.

Dusca's ‘bathing suit’ was incredibly revealing, a request from her that she wear as little ‘cloth imprisonment’ as possible. It consisted of two pasties in the shape of nettle leaves, and another leaf shaped patch, a strapless thong, that covered just her genitals and asshole.

“More... Mortal dress must... Look like this way!”

Fria was nearly panting as her eyes raked over the elf. She didn't even correct her speech this time. “Agreed!”

Fria went with a bikini and was wearing a purple sling top and high cut bottom with a skirt attached. She'd fought them to wear it, having wanted to continue wearing her panties. She'd only been convinced when Dusca got fed up and ripped them off of her in a fit. Fria had been more than content enough afterwards to change.

Treyvi shook her head at the scene and examined herself one more time. Her own swimwear was more modest than her companions, a pair of baby blue shorts that stopped at her upper thighs, and a green bandeau top. The shorts were made of a strange material that practically molded itself to her, but she found that it was quite nice. Well almost. For what felt like the tenth time in only half an hour she tried to pick the material from her cheeks and lips, only for them to snap back and find themselves once again sculpted to her lower half.

“Now then!” Dr. Witch entered the house with a crate full of different potions, “Have you all settled in!? There's much to learn!”

Dusca grunted while Treyvi perked up, eyes shining.

“We're ready!”

Dr. Witch nodded. “Wonderful! First things first, I've brought a friend who will be acting as my temporary assistant. She's got her own potions that she wants to test as well, so I've agreed to let her so long as she sticks to the rules you've all set!”

The door opened again and a familiar face stepped in.


Indeed the witch doctor from before stepped inside, her own crate of potions on hand.

“We meet again, you three! Was Belinda able to help you?”

Dusca hissed and Fria swooned. Treyvi shrugged. “Something like that.”

A long line of sample potions was set out in front of them, a name and set of ingredients listed on them.

“Okay! I've set all the potions we've got in an order that will be most safe! The doses are small but we'll still wait a certain amount of time between brews so as not to have side effects!”

Dusca poked a bottle and looked at the witch skeptically. “And how long will this take?”

Treyvi translated the question and the doctor tapped her chin.

“If we take our time it'll be at least two days. If we rush we can have it done in less than eight hours.”

Treyvi winced as she read what some of the potions' ingredients were. “We should probably do things the safe way...”

Dr. Witch gave a thumbs up and pushed the first potions forward. The two elves lifted them while Fria watched from behind Dr. Witch and Amulra. Treyvi read the contents of the bottle in elvish for Dusca's sake, since she'd only know the plants by their elven names.

Blaze berries, Dusk mint, Drumtree bark, and... Knackweed.”

The two elves looked puzzled before looking at one another. After a moment they both laughed and said something else in elvish and laughed harder. Dr. Witch looked confused.

“What's so funny?”

Treyvi shook the bottle, looking at it with an amused grin. “These ingredients are all used to make the equivalent of mouthwash for elves. Not generally all at once, mind you, but it's all quite good for your teeth. Perhaps this can be done in one day after all...”

Dusca shrugged and took a swig. She swished it around, closed one eye in a wince, and spit it out.

“Blegh... It is... Bitter mix...”

Treyvi did the same with a smaller amount and stuck her tongue out in disgust when she was done. “Eugh... Yeah that wasn't great... What's this for, anyways?”

Dr. Witch was rapidly conferring with Amulra as they both wrote down notes. After saying something quietly to the witch doctor, she replied to the elf's question.

“That remedy normally is used as a way to treat cavities and gum disease. If I may, can we see your teeth?”

Treyvi shrugged and told Dusca what they wanted. They both opened their mouths to show off their teeth. The two women peered in intently.

“Amazing! Your teeth look incredible!”

“You say elves use these things for their teeth regularly?”

Treyvi shrugged, still keeping her teeth clenched and mouth open as she tried to answer as best she could. “Kahndah... Shumtimes ish only fer feshtivals!”

The two women wrote down more notes. Eagerly, they pushed another potion forward.


This went on for several hours. Each potion seemed to work differently for the elves than it did for the mortals that had made them. Some had nearly opposite effects while others had greatly exaggerated effects. While this went on, Fria got more and more antsy to try out her new... Toys.

She snuck away when Treyvi asked to take a break after drinking a potion meant to treat colds that had instead made both elves incredibly hot. While Dusca chugged water and Treyvi fanned herself, Fria snuck away to the room she was occupying and reached under her bed for her travel bag.

She rooted around deep inside before pulling out the two dolls and the bundle of Jurnbells from earlier. She giggled excitedly as she took a flower out of the bundle and started rubbing it gently around the nose of the dolls.

In the other room Dusca and Treyvi had finally thought they were cooling down when, suddenly, it felt like they were heating right back up!

E-eh!?” Dusca yelped, cupping her nose. “Wh-why do I suddenly feel s-so...!

Treyvi fidgeted anxiously. It felt like a white-hot ball had just formed in her core. She sniffled as a bright blush started to form across her face.

“Is th-this a side effect for m-mortals as w-well?”

Dr. Witch looked confused. “Is what a side effect? What are you feeling?”

Meanwhile, in the other room, Fria watched through a cracked doorway. She licked her lips and turned back to the dolls.

“Let's try... This!”

As she said this, she brought Dusca's doll up to her lips and nibbled gently on the dolls ear.

Behind the door, Dusca squeaked and covered her mouth, her ears blushing brightly.

O-ohhh~...” She practically sang, a tingling sensation reverberating from her ear. She had no idea what was happening but it felt...

Gooood~!” Dusca moaned. She blushed brilliantly right after and slapped a hand over her mouth. What the hell was happening to her!?

Amulra tilted her head. “There aren't any inherent aphrodisiac ingredients in this... Unless they work like that for elves?”

Treyvi shakily grabbed the bottle and read the contents over. She shook her head. “N-no, none of these are— AIGH!

Dr. Witch jumped when the elf suddenly cried out. “Wha— is something wrong!?”

Treyvi shuddered, her thighs clenching together hard. “Wh-wha...” Unable to keep her head clear she ended up slipping back into elvish. “Why do I feel so horny!?

With Fria, the human girl had the Treyvi doll and had taken to gently rubbing an arch back and forth from one knee, up and past her mound, and down to the other knee.

“Hehehehe...” Fria kept this up for a little before getting impatient again. Hiding up both dolls, she stared at them in a lust filled haze.

Throwing caution out the window, she took the Jurnbells and untied the entire bundle, dumping them all over the dolls.

O-oh sweet l-lady of flowers...” Dusca moaned, practically melting off her chair and onto the floor. Her whole body felt like it was floating! And she was so damn wet!

Treyvi was vibrating in her seat, just barely able to stay in it. “Muh... Blugh... Hnmgh!?

The two women observing had no idea what was going on. Dr. Witch turned to Amulra quickly.

“I think they may be having a bad reaction to one of the ingredients in that last potion! Quick! Go get any of the soothing tonics you can!”

Amulra nodded and bolted out the door, Dr. Witch followed shortly after. Their test subjects were at risk! ... Oh yeah, and innocent lives too, she guessed.

Neither elf noticed. Dusca was unashamedly humping her hand now and Treyvi was grinding on the corner of her chair.

Fria had the door open now and was watching directly as the elves both lost themselves to their lust. She was drooling now and hugged each doll into her bosom.

“This is incredible...!”

When both elves had suddenly gone blue and started scratching at the ground or their throats, she looked confused. Looking down, she realized that both dolls' faces were stuffed deep into her boobs.

“Oops!” She quickly pulled them free and both elves gasped for air.

What is happening!?” Dusca panted, breathing heavily.

Treyvi coughed. “I have no idea!

Fria looked at the dolls again. She should probably stop soon... But there was one more thing she needed to try!

“I hope this works... Neither of them is exactly wearing any underwear...”

Fria had them both feeling good! Or at least, their bodies were definitely feeling good! Now was the perfect time for them to experience the pleasure she had been feeling during their journey! Turning both dolls around, she lowered the pants on each one and grabbed both their little undies in a fierce grip. She gave a little tug as a test.

Both elves were confused when a pair of their panties flew in the room and swept themselves on to them, going over their bathing suits. A purple thong with a heart on the front on Dusca and a white pair of cheekies with peaches printed on it on Treyvi.



Fria grinned a big happy smile. It did work! Now they could feel all the happiness she felt! Without even considering the repercussions, Fria gripped each doll by the legs and pulled the panties of each doll as high, hard, and fast as she could.



Both elves moaned loudly as the panties that had flown on them suddenly became razor thin as they rocketed up their unprepared asses. In addition, it was like their legs were lead, unable to move them as it felt like they pulled down forcefully against the direction their panties were going. They squealed as the tightness seemed to only get worse, not noticing Fria going to town on the dolls, forgetting that the real people connected to them felt the force at a scale equal to the real world.

Basically, both the elves felt their panties become ingrained in their assholes and lips. Nothing was spared as their underwear cleaved into them, and because of the Jurnbells, they both moaned the entire time, every sensation being replaced by pure ecstasy.

In a twist that made Treyvi feel even more pain and pleasure, the bottoms she'd been wearing already were also wedged deep inside her. Apparently the dolls couldn't differentiate bathing suits from underwear, so the magic just decided to pull both! Fria marked that information down for use at a later date.

She needed to give the girls a big finish! But what could she do? Without thinking, she let go of the dolls legs to rub her chin, sending the dolls springing, then bouncing. The bouncing only continues as Fria offhandedly flicked her wrist up and down.

Which meant the elves had all of this replicated on them.

The feeling in their legs went away, but the pain only increased as the two elves felt their panties suddenly pull them up, the two left floating in the air as they bounced over and over. Dusca's eyes had rolled back and Treyvi's own eyes had crossed. Both elves cupped their crotches, even as the dampness beneath their clothes became more and more obvious.

“Oh! I got it!”

Fria put both dolls back to back before taking their panties and bringing them together. Holding them both around the middle, she started twisting the panties together as tight as she could!

For the real deal, the two elves were suddenly flung into each other, their asses colliding with a loud clap. They moaned loudly as their panties began twisting together like a tornado. They could do nothing but feel everything get tighter and tighter, fingers twitching, toes clenching, knees knocking, asses and puss*es burning.

Fria twisted until she had to struggle to get any more. Still, she was determined! She set her elbows before cranking the last twist as hard as she could! Her efforts bore fruit too! She was able to get one more brutal, creaming rotation out, the material popping loudly as it ripped in places.

Both elves finally reached their boiling point, wailing in ecstasy as their panties tightened so hard, their legs flew out. Neither girl could even acknowledge the dripping between their thighs as they shook and climaxed.

“There we go!” Fria said, letting go of the dolls' panties to give the girls relief. Only when she did, the fabric remained twisted together. Fria looked at it nervously. “Uh oh...”

She tried tugging at it lightly, the elves moaning more as she tried to undo the twist. No dice, they were twisted together so hard they wouldn't come apart. Fria blinked at the dolls in her hand.

“Uh oh!”

She had to do something fast! Lest her traveling companions get stuck with a permanent, conjoined wedgie!

“Hold on girls! This won't be too bad! You might even like it!”

Fria grabbed the panties and wrenched at them with all her might, pops getting louder and more frequent as she did. Unfortunately for the elves, the Jurnbells had started wearing off and all that pleasure was now replaced with the sensation they'd normally be feeling: immense pain, discomfort, and embarrassment.

HOW DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN!?” Dusca shrieked, flailing and kicking as her ass exploded in a fiery pain.

Blughhhh....” Treyvi's eyes were swirling, evidently she'd gotten the worst deal since she had two pairs of bottoms shredding through her.

Finally with a final grunt, Fria tore the pairs off the dolls. The real elves felt the pressure immediately drop as the pairs were shredded and ripped fully from their bodies.

Fria quickly ran over to check on the two humiliated elves. “Are you two okay!?”

Treyvi croaked weakly, groaning. “What... Happened...?”

Dusca was heaving but slowly raised a hand to point to the dolls Fria was holding. “What... Are those...?”

Treyvi looked at them, confusion blooming on her pained face. “... Are those dolls... Us?”

Fria laughed nervously. “W-well, ya see... I kinda had Amulra make dolls of you so I could, ya know... Maybe fool around with you two for fun? A-and I may have also rubbed a few... lot... of Jurnbells all over the dolls to make it all feel really good?”

The two elves stared at her after she rushed out the last part of her explanation. They both gave her empty, blank stares that made the human girl shiver.

“Er... No hard feelings?”

When Dusca spoke, it wasn't her normal heated tone. It was icy and calm. Which was far scarier! She even managed to say it in the common language so Fria would understand!

“Yes... Hard... Feelings...!”

The two elves jumped atop the girl, pinning her to the ground. Fria yelped, staring up at them, their faces fully silhouetted but for their eyes glowing sinisterly. Fria, despite the fear in her spine, was incredibly aroused as she thought about all the ways they'd punish her for her transgressions.

“W-what are y-you gonna do to m-me!?”

Treyvi turned to look at Dusca, who stared back intently. A silent conversation seemed to go through just their eyes before they nodded and looked back down to her.

Fria wiggled and rubbed her thighs together as they both reached down towards her. Oh no! It looked like they'd be tormenting her! What a shame! What a tragedy! Maybe they'd tear all her panties off her one by one, or fondle and tweak her breasts, or spank her silly and sore, or, or, or...! She shuddered in exite— arous— FEAR as they got closer!

She braced for her pleasure!



Her anticipation turned into confusion, before it turned into genuine horror. No... Not this... She loved almost all forms of punishment, but this... She could never, ever get over this!

They were tickling her! Hard! Everywhere! Relentlessly!


Fria kicked as she laughed hysterically, unable to move as the two elves moved to sit on her chest and continue their tickle onslaught. Dusca muttered some elven incantation and vines sprung from between the floorboards to bind her wrists and ankles to the ground, leaving g her unable to even bend to try and defend herself. Tears sprang to her eyes and her core clenched tightly as they attacked every possible tickle spot.

Dusca glared down at her coldly. “In elven circles, there is a punishment in which the offender is tickled in front of the entire community until they soil themselves.

Treyvi looked down her nose at the girl beneath her. “Other times, they may be forced to recite the entire elven alphabet whilst being tickled, and if they mess up, they must start over.

Fria was only just barely able to hear and understand their words over her own shrieking laughter. They wouldn't do that to her, right!? She didn't think she knew the elven alphabet in order yet! And even she, for all her love of pain, punishment, and humiliation, would be mortified if she wet herself!


They ignore her, continuing their offense with ease. Fria held on hard, feeling the tingles inside her as she slowly lost control.

And then she finally did. She gasped as she felt Dusca attack the soles of her feet and Treyvi reach under her arms. Her mind went blank, then everything went bright white before she was very much aware of what was happening.



Fria wished she could’ve stopped for long enough to realize that she, a grown girl of twenty two, had in fact just wet herself, if not for the fact that Treyvi and Dusca had not yet stopped their tickling. Instead Fria was forced to relieve her entire bladder while restrained to the floor.

Her thick thighs caught far too much of the stream, and her bathing suit was woefully absorbent, meaning that every time she clenched her thighs together or twisted, she was forced to hear and feel the wet slosh and squelch of her own pee.

The elves didn’t stop even as she had emptied all that she had. So as she lost more and more breath to this tickle torture, she was forced to lay in the puddle she’d created, thankful that the spaces in the floorboards didn’t allow the urine to make a puddle and creep up her back. As it was, she was left with tears in her eyes, piss in her bathing suit, and not a breath left in her lungs.

This punishment went on for what felt like hours to Fria, until finally Dr. Witch and Amulra returned to a room of two bottomless elf girls tickling Fria mercilessly, the human girl's face red and pinched, gasping out as she lost oxygen to her laughter. It smelled like pee, and the shine between Fria’s legs indicated exactly why.

“What... Happened here...?” Dr. Witch stared, utterly lost. Amulra just made a very confused noise, trying to figure out what she should be trying to understand first.

The elves finally relented and Fria scrambled out from under them before running awkwardly to the bathroom, legs clenched and hand between her thighs as she dripped all the way. The door slammed shut as the elves both huffed.

Dusca stomped to her room, Treyvi doing the same. Before slamming her door shut, Treyvi angrily shouted back through the door.

“Come back tomorrow!”

Both women stood there in silence. Dr. Witch adjusted her hat and cleared her throat awkwardly.

“Uh... Lunch?”

Amulra shrugged and turned around. Lunch sounded nice, plus it'd give them a chance to go over the notes they'd gotten so far. One thing was for sure, though.

Elves were a fascinating bunch!

Treyvi the Elf: Unfortunate Adventures in a Fantastic World - Sargentyolo (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.