Tsr^E Prornote Inalltef Bsts -4 II^^Freed. W' Re L (2024)

I HOHOME /ice called off a 50-manm an poue which i« Injpectors discover JiA O ER M A N . Ju!une n e :3 — Dr. and wh-i searchlnR the primitive prim Marble ■ _RHONE 2975-CQta j t u c E — c | i ------: tiiTKs hsr crwted Ttrg.' HBir y s, seng5 mu unQ-fRmiiy nnvp MdUhUln a tea aboUl 'JU. II ’Jl) mlle^ south- , » . U n j y "Olve m« a place to ; 1 3 ^ re cdiler ttid yesterday, returned home from[rom vlsl|.lnB licr west of here. : Jj _&od ru roof the w : iiiei] with a mlsde- p aren ts, M r. a n d Mrs;-Mrs; Oharle*-Mll- • ------^ nd his singilling guitar bis ariidavU. ler. In Jockaon, Miss.lisa. READ TIM ES-NEWiVS S \ WANT ADS.


★ . ★ ■ ★ ' ★ ★ ★ ★ , ■ h ^ 7 ) ^ *• # / Y# • _ ^ H eite'sJhelaiiH t IOUS i 49'er tor Ij

...... - — C N K i r i # W 0 1 ^ ■■ All Chevrolet’s2fs competitors andd i most of the high-pii-priced cars ^ tried it recentlintly in official NASCAI'AR* trials—and tookok a licking! - % *\Im 1 ^ ' ^ ~ k n ' k M

I I l « i

— - — ■ f m w M A i A « ...... ROA 4 ■ C. N A S T A I4 I nlo______Q jg y . ___ p^,y.f^n.«-g>an..ll..lll.. N. C. ; ;)pcn to cars Model Rvciil. Chcvrhcvrolei again lin- ■•-tho Slriilglilawiy Uimnlng Optn fold “ Tjirbo-Firo VK” —t r $2,500 or ishcti lirst. Ikcuiisoiso (of even ligliler __ 1ST " ""I iiKKlcrn VK oft lh o r o a d I loo dJ im Icsv Chevrolet c«pt«irc(i Jhe Dm Iwo liirns lho driver cliosolioso lo run tho cn- wliiit lin p p c n c iJ - econd gcnrl Yel no pli,ICS, 7 o u t o t lh c firstIt 11 places! lire I.M) la p s in secon ^ ^ T CAR 2-Way ovcri.cul^MH or pit stofstops! '^“Vlono Baach. NASCARR Ac-A Daylona Beach. NASCAF Over Mcai- 'u,„o fael* you)ii c n n ’l iBUgh ofT. KEY cclci,Hlllll ■|'cst!» O v e r M ciisiircd■i\ M ile .Slraii;lili'w«y K m m ing Ovci ’URI •'font SliiiidiiiB S ln rl. C h e v ro leet t cap- cii ured Mile. Open to c«fsrn froU m 2.M) «5„|ci, le n d er. IJo nd IcBder.Ici A cro w n - • ^ menl. Chev- nthicveincnl of Chevrolet -and llic 4 top posillons In ils5 class!cla; Kl m ni. in. displiicemeni irsl 5 places! (iccrnl Molors. 7ryi/'ry B C lievrolel . . . *' "1 ctiimiinjl ht Itoit.1 C«Co AW. iMb,

" r ------f e — T^ -h e -w h o le ------^ /o rk s M Way, ahead! S a l.t U a d e r I . cotomplete ||j| « C.7 h mL l C ^C -^ >9 «tralahl y««/ • a r t I U or. only___ ------^ f e f o f . ■ : : 4

' ■' / I Q I ' h o n c W W M ain I JENKIN!I ^ Twill Fulls . , ‘'vcriiu! WcHt i% L E N G J

1 \ V I — ^ - ^ K ag£ four ' TIMES-NEWS.- TWINS’ If a l l s , IDAHO ;______n ----- TUCK ER’;R’S NATIONAL'P “w a s h i n g t o n "CALLING"c BY ' WHI]IRLIGIG! NM A R Q U I S; CHILDS' , . I.. Hfll I ruhllihol d*ll» •li'l Sundy at d .siie.i"Jl” ' w tti. T-ln 'WARHINGTOrr=TPC-rpam n juaujg-wiireamthctr-neir-- — WASTllNtjroW — Tlie Deiiiucrata ■*•*> ■ W f ^ e consumer and he has figures to * lh. M.I lacrpase.1 IS as Rr remilt of Ihe latrsl nnd moslj Q )Ui on a beautiful p a g e a n t of h ar- the t show that the producer gels ap- T " und«* ihl ^ci otit M.rrh’*.M.r isvi, p'niislble propW ul for for solvinn ; the *rKr<-BAtion problem 0 znony v , some weeks ago with thal show These Creatures Die ' ------j„ n a tio n ’s publiclUbllc-school nymrm. Thp hnrrnxsrd Irffersonlan figure. Speaker Bam proximately prox: 72 per cent of whal the -"■ BUnSCBJPTlON RATI-:S~ Jrffe consumer pay*. The opponents argue So Ol Young Might Live iDVANTB '* ^ suprem e courC may ay feave fi It to Ut^ni to m nkr ih f' ______naybIjiyburn, in th e cenW r o l th e stage, consi lh a t there are 4JOO Independent q s I ^ t'll. "iTi final decision ou when and uherr,*------From'rom all points ol the compass Uiat OSLO (Dclayeaj-Step on the to desefr'Katc ] oi.n STUFF n,,ri r m o c r n t s Of- ' ' ------producers prodi and if they do nol have gtarte,tarter. ahMV-Into, high, and iff, back .2 . . ____ luino • U Ull nder curront procedure, al- D Dptir (^r Sir: - v e i stature.^m H II^I in an Irtceniiveh lo make bigger profit* get[etTOlUng: -n here's a n o th er pursier i'‘here ” VAnrit UiouRh It lia» never been blueprint-j WlWhv no t forget all these old gag kmrfilnH and dr.srrlp-^H H M I|^^| they they will not develc^ ga* wells and you'nfou're an' outdoor I 8 WIUlA Idiho «n4 KIk» C «unH, N....1.1 cd definitely or sullsfftclorlly by the^nbounbout lh» fprlng graduate tacinc nonIon eaih^rrd u n - H p ^ Lhe the industry I will stagnate. expertixpert If you c an ' r jjr , •• ...... * }•“ hlBh I'lBl' tribunal, the viirlouji staW s a re, thUir f irruel world or letting everyone Iff rnr (0^B>. . . If If the question Is not decided by idend e n 11 ( y m e by ' I ' ' i I '^.so supposed to Mibmlt th rir plans for knowknnw h r hns all th e b rain s there is pipde^Irdgr ih e m - s e l v e s H L ^ j g j l ^ ^ B the the time the 1B56 election comes no40.. 3:2; by No. 4 you 1 and un ...... iiz.oo ItnplfmcaUiig Uic, AiillreCMrcuftUon^'it"Of ' Okay, you,_luckj_Dcoiilt. J'm , ^ «r K 3P^H around, one thing U, certain, araire mightyn ^ood; ' I J ruling ruUr al ihe local l<-vel. ^ rpad;rrnrh to solve your problem sl” ,n.i: oil and gas boya will be I n th ere byly H No, « Is fair. t to 1 teter lo that cartoon the other flghUng’ with those overaiw bank- Therhe answeri ia in 'w hr ” « t.ii In In iieariiiBi already held, aoinc] > ■ But s h n r t l y H L S k ^ H ^ rolb.*. Candidates friendly to the theh e last1 para-hnw11 f.. I K.no conimnnu-r.iRln („„„ Irom Ihr nortli,.''“Vday nvpr which nppcnred the llne.‘|k,e„Ihrrr br a ... ■'Yonr Monry nnd My B rains." T h ai antl-regulatlon view will gel money graph ^ •'.------...... havB rsjwrio,! pronrci». aud • they, in ih ls^ H k ^ F fl anti. 2,000 mil fnrrir^ no inM.prrnbIr dHflruUlr!i I’'"ff*fntr Is M> oltf It censM id b t funnv, fronl.^V ^A tnpito pay for costly Ufevtslon Um«- t.-7l . - l o give Olir C I.aitlrnli.rly to a recent gradunlp. Those fighting to keep the basic almos.Imost all of us mrrnort tTn.. fact, tlirv hnvp had mixed clns-i-] :-,rrnt prrs.surr I s ^ ^ B j K f l i Tll "'“ "T « UiU?' ------room.s for yews. But^ut mnnvn ''uilh.-fn nnd border arms' I..-ave ilirm alone. T h ey ’ll pick up., price of natural gas in the, field un- die — a li'ilo kncittlodgo eventually. i r l n g pu t m ,„ ,u Cklli* liavc nraued thnlt li11 wlli tnko decades belor# they * 'Diiizrew to act a t der regulaUon, know th a t Ihis Ume provid nexun.7 ^ ^ 'r-,iif. _ ra n upsci anclenl U'i'dltlon*. irad n islo n u and local morrx • OW Grad hU sr.vsion nn a bU l' lh a t would they they cannot expect a prcsIdenUal for < ll ____ («M (Twin Falls) .lUr nntural e*s produced in the veto, - Mr. Elsenhower m ig h t con- DurinSL4" PINIONS- In nl lenst five soiilhrni ceivably remain neutral. But he streni W HOO.MS SOUTHKRN OP1NH irld otii from u nder fedef-al regu- ceivt FARM PRODliCTION HOt , , , sU lc s. w here thflI colored cot population almost equaU rups FOR KIDS DEPT. ntlon. For Trxas, and M r. Sam is » would woul never turn against so many upip'to^rpe^eS'ot to our \ I American.? hear much nbout ththfl « way Ihrlr have been (orcbodliiga. T h ry insist l^c-ir nyri Tr«nn. t'">l bill comes at the of theth frlrnds who backed his can- UveIve fromI 2-a years; in th e ra.iy Khrd«t« [r ; remarkable economy gors on yeary e a r a f lo r y e a r th m it wlU b* Impowipowlble in mix the Iwo racea, nnd; Wr , consumers In the north and their lake take a mBjorlty in the house or the ;ome come plum per while m nlcs become ihry V ; t Most of the time Jt sounds JlkP a purelypu Indus- iupX 'e^tou^alm;mn«t i’S eo yenr-5 £"'1 'Hir pups, both females, nro a' rprr^pnui a direct atUck on the with the deep split in the Demo- “ccas«caslonalJy develop a grolesquei ai-w nu j{.[ All lmport«n^revoluUon-has-biii_bcnn_takinK. -cguai faciiitiM." month old and are caUng well. .nrkrlbOOk, It It is^ nO :raUc party over this economic is- aw. Ja*- Pem alei build neata old ann i-of.U, nrrnrrpri _w ith ingirai eem a -rem eter- 7. we llv^ tn nor,hnn wnim: B. ^ ilrtlmrtoTe'vo^uUon^ie their educa- urBrg^as'irilow s inu) me pipe ast 20 years or b<» given reaBonable tli (Twin Falls) |l | before the 1930’s. but In the last 5 Inrs carrying il to millions of fp intlve to the PBClflc-thcro'‘lV ^nw’prlng lsK ^ . been hPPn irem tr p m en e n - tto n a l a n d . social system. «yal They do not believe thni jb| more the forward strides have bee far otf at Waahlngton. are capable lomes In almost every large north- 1 C I slight difference, testifying to the f'astic , Tlicse three black, long-haired. Teacher Is Hired ■'«ilc tiitu la'i rrn city, then each householdrr y i j o u s : . ot passlhR upon wwhat hal U, a fte r all. a ■dWtinctly locol female, stock-dog type puppies will , - • by*(il” ' :h U the resentment against the na- . H In 1035 a "U. S. farm -workery ttie yoli iport 10 people, llon'a most cnilncnt ]i .hr commodity lhat heats hU home Hicn It btfinitj^ |H enough food and fiber to support phone Twin Fnlls 0270-J5. l^r c HAOERMAN. June 3—The hir- „"J Sl?; • • • andind Icooks his food. H Today hc .produces sufficient to lo iaupport IS. “ J- •» """ “ ,ng of Mrs. Ella Ducan ns seventh TALKING TO THEMSELVES In many ways the presenl contro- ' HB Fflrm output per man-hour Inn 191053 was 125 a d v i s o h v s t•AFrs a f f LI.MITED-Iii view nf these ,ersy parallels th e dispute over the Rraditrade teticher by the Hagerman I n per cent above the 1935 level.?el. T h ai’s the divergent tlituiiislancetnnces. it appears lmpos.slble tor Uie Dear " c a r Polao; lo-cnlled offshore oil. I n th a t earlier «w/iool ao c Jxwrd W ednesday nlghl H statistical measure of the 'Amerlcierican agrlcul- supreme court oloncno taU) fi* time or Kcoernphical limits DaDott-n through the yean, « sue- ■tru'ggle mosl of the Republicans "um•oundj out the leaching staff for '• for carryinB out auch auch a far-reachlnit reform. Their cession of gals who sign themselves , olned w ith m ia t ot th e soulhern H'«Jie school* for the coming year. Mrs. •■AIO.,,!,., II revolution. w hononibles nre notot deemedd( infalllbln on thi* social "Old u'o Maid" or "Spinster" or some- J?!"'JemocraU to cede thli great treas- 3uncan replacM Virginia Head who BE All this time, Americans havee beenbe. .stream- question. Nor do theythey havt) sufficient ndvlsory staffs thing nilnj along Urnt. lin e .-h av e w ritten ire, that iiad beeh held by the su- “s returning to school. notes to Pol Shots. All have followed ' Ip Ing away from the farms and Intcinto the cille.S U, inform them onm locallo condlUona. ireme court lo be part of the fM- The board announced it is calling I^'WchiStSi jn-etty much the same Hne, but or bids tor coal -for Uie school for :ades the num- Aa now composed,sed, there i are th ree members from F® , ■ral domain, to the stJparate states, ij;' “ , .g Inerundnerund pollution^ ■P and towns. In the last two decadei looking between the llnea is where JJ'® he coming winter. It also donated newnt ined. one third, southern or borderrr stales,ata two from Uic tnr west, two A'hlle they will n o l ad m it defeat a t ^ ‘ lewness of our race. Our mature "8 my ipiwnin,Ba nt' ber of farm workers has declined. you' find the Interesting informa- «0 to the agriculture class to send velghvelght m ay ru n from four to 40 L ilL ^ ’ 1 by mnchlncs. !"-™ the mlddlt west,»t«, one from New York, and one Uon. f. “ •'"Ills = 'stage, th e no rth ern e rs fear the ^ \ Their place has been taken by d. Save for two or three of the nine. lame voting p a tte rn w ill prevail on Ji0 PPA Judging team to the state pouncwunds. and in rare instances, so. hAftni- c»i»rtc *’■0"' New Engtnnd, 8a For Instance, did you ever stop to ludsinir contest in Moscow. ^ a n d .th e se m a c h in e s , alo n g w llhl h bbi e t t e r se e d s . n touch toi wllh the arcns from which . laiural gas, Ve are cold-blooded, and hnve a think W’llY these frustrated spin- At the spring dairy ahow In Pller 2-cha: better planting techniques, greagreater use of tin,y ^crc nppointcd.itcd. They have slnyed rinse to this But as the hearings now going oti !-chambered heart. Many prize us . “ 1^' y e r type.s write -Uiose lettcri^ In Ihe WfftO,gtday - th a F F A •• team —pl*oed d-tjthei^evicesr -drnntionftilfed capU.-tf:pttnh — Tfpjf 01' our flesh:------— ^ ------^ * ^ t!rfni flrsl place? Actually. Ifs to bolster iccond in judging dairy cattle. Team 3. i lommerce com m lltee ahow. some- 3 . 1 do n o t b reathe through my 10. In iianiM K haVe been responsible for the: ^^ci ea t boost In Chlpf justice Enrl»rl Warren,v. for inst.anrr, is a virlual th their e ir cournge. T hey’re trying to comn nembera are Bob Hawkes, Clyde nose hing new haa been added. Through f.,.„ lose. Along m y side, I have a set r>-. ihen.pi^^ ■forclRncr" insofarr oa his1 knowledge of Ihe inclal sllu- talk talk themselves Into the proper Clifford and P ete Woody, Clifford „f noi productivity. he national Institute of-munlclpal j if pores through which my nerves „0 tea., a unolt; tw .. ^iiH^., ♦fir. stion In New Yorkk ll li concerned.-Jusllre Felix Prnnk- mood moot to go on a real manhunt. f vas high in Judging Milking Short. nalurely, a p to - « In 1936 farmers had about a millionm trac- a n t of , Tcxn.s ncenes ns Justice Tom Ap aw officers nnd other orgnnlta- feel,- Altho^h some enthuslasU Apparently they always gel their w rns. ______gay 'j n from lhe w 'u , tors. By 1954 Ihex had 4.4 mllllonllllon. In 1935 cinrk of lhe lone atnraUr slnte is unneoualntcd with the m mnn nn or give up th e idea, becnuse tlonsIons ot city officinls a vociferous ay r travel with ‘"express-traln" r“” ipposltlon has been generated. So peed, I seldom c h u m up 15 miles idult. *a Jslm'oiHn they had less thari'a million trucks■ucks. Now they compJcxltlea of Ynnkfinnkeelnnd. ii is not a hom*ogeneous nftetafter a brief flurry of letters, you OPP'^- >n to a lure nnny witnesses want to be heard in hour, if that. To travel. i propel 2".,, * h a v e 2.C m illio n . T h e fig u re s couldould be extend- ^ tn “nx «'««• don'td on 't hear fro m Jh em anyinore. The ainny attle royal. • • • Inlcst Inlcs to call It quits was the spin- andind wtti. irM w ; M ■ undoubtedly gave a strong pushh to the revolu- court would retain1 thelhc right to override them, if there wait, Our Diner hotea. notlot lbe possible to act on the na- eral•ral superintendent ot the school, accelciccelcrated ra te thanka to plentiful «rtd,rtd. sorSorrr, 1 unh ood, storing up huge resen-es of °>ir (H»dl; U tion. If output was to be malhtainitalned and In- nppcurcU to bc anyly deliberatedc and unnecessnry delay, urn! -ens bill n t tlie current se.s- »fie e Ls1 a.isislcd by Mr.i. Lawrence' lunlloM la; IS TSl) H creased, mechanization was absia b s o lu te ly e s - U ltim ate rcsp9n8lbllllyblllty would rest w ith th e top-lcve^ LOOK AHEAD ' slon.lion. T h a i would p u t it into (hc L°UBLoughmiler. k indergarden: Mrs. Jnck . 1; annd »t»iiy. mme l»cli In our g«twK 'g [toi , ITI. - Jlidiclnry nnd Uie department'of dcpf Justice, which would Po^iPotso: nexttext session, on the eve of-a presl- Lewi,Lewis, prim ary; Mrs. Leonard Clark. _ H sentifti. . pollco tho Held survevurvev*. - AllAli IhU stuff on weather nnd the dentllentlftl clccllon, Junlclunior. nnd Mns. Jo h n Grodeon. in- H 'Unquestionably, too, the heavjleavy wnr and ■• ‘ • » • cold spring Is m aking m e .itlghtly III. TllC xiv bntlle lino.i a re draw n, how- termtermedlnie. Pianists nre Judy Baly, H postwar demand for, food andI fibi fibers exerted p o l i t i c a l a nJD d rRACTICAt^Thls r proposed so- So viwhnl If th e sp rin g U •'late" nnd everner, more nearly on rcglonnl rather AudcAudcry Dutton and Susnn Hlgbee. W B M is m i l ■ major leverage on the upwardrd p productivity 'utlon has politicalal nsns well as practical assets. In the “'cthe ’weather hns been a little chilly? thaii:han pollllcnl lines. One of the nc- A * closing program la slntcd for 8 ■BF insors on capltol hlll. In the depart- EvEveryone who haa ever paid any tlveIve ■opponents Is Sen. Alexander P-p. m. June-10 at the church. H u uzerllypr omo onto tneirthclr optn'on of its sponsor; [ M trends. Farmers poured fertilizer md in the af/ecJcd states.':*' attention nt all knowa that a late hWlley.’jjci R.. Wls.. v h o is up for re- H fields to step up acreage yieldsIs andan meet the removeve anri emotionally dangcrouS' issue spring is most alw ays followed by a piccti'Icctlon next year, Wiley led a dele-. | BANN Tv call of the market. In some cases.:ses. admittedly, national politics)lltks. and rob Russia of nn anil- ‘nice summ er a n d a long, pleasant „n,io;;ntlon ot Milwaukee and state of- Kiwanians^ Meet CHEMICAL 41 autum n. . Ise have turned American weapon» inin Uie' cold war. j ^ Icials into the P resident's oftice BUHL. B l June 3—Buhl K iw anians feifi 4(; tiring soils would not otherwise h I sny forget about th e cold weaUier and li^ourim presslve c^-totals; ------ind thfe P residen t is said to h ave were shown slides and received fU'st __COM i>01 earned some" Ihlngm boilf natural hanchand Intermation oh‘conditions In Tho incredible days of great w jas and the nation’s economy that Egypt. Egyj Jordan. Jerusalem, Iraq, postwar foreign demand have pass v i e w FI> OF OTHERS““ ImmOpHmUt le did not know before. VlenVienna and Scotland during their WITH YOUR SALT TO HELPlELMNTHEco*k il (Jerome) tion today Is plagued by surplusesJSCS f ro m f a r m s g o v e rRNMENT n m IN BUSINESS From the neighboring state of Wednesday Wed noon meeting ab the OF BLOAT m CAfriE^ L E i AND m whjlch have learned how to proproduce more The commlsaionn on on organization of the executive Illinois Sen. P aul H. Douglas is in R nndni R cafe, HOT TIM ES AHEAD ' JJ""'; Jamea Shields, Jr., who made a Hi than our own people seem to0 needn< at this branch of the govern)vemment (Hoover commission) has S gjf. ir’ he forefront of the fight to keep Ask for OMr list off satis satisfied men.. ------iasued Ita-findinf onon bbuslneas enterprises conducted by —jj] mtural gas under federal regula- tour_through {our these and other coun- ___ K T i i ^ g r — -July follows-June. After thatrour tries, was the speaker. ------Ask-YourFeed-Deoterto'SuppI■SupplfYarorfl im ent. A t hl« laU at prcAs ron/erence two-day stimmer. ‘;lon. °"- W iUi hls.b ro n d background of Wes, W But, however that problem Is5 to bet handled. So K ^in T ^ ^fnimenUd briefly on one ot the cnwr- economic knowledge, Douglas was A. resslm lit JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVE / P It Ii evident that the f^rm revolutlOlutlon has not prlsc.s mentioned (mllltnry (mill post exchanRf.-t) and coni- I'Hvln Fallsl I*'®®ilso one of the most effective op- ^ ■ ended. Technical advances tendn d ti to s n o w b a ll, m ended th e cornml.isloiil.isloii‘sivorlc In ronernl. B ut W ash- . . . poneijonents of the offshore oil bill. Per- UNIVERSITY Ur OP IDAHO. Mos- VGLOBE SEED & FEED iv ln tr th p f a r m s tHRton dUipntchM rrport repc Ita recommendatloas are i5ot jij( inps more thnn nny olher nennlor, cow, June 3-W IIIinm Bleisner, Eden, . H and besides, people are still leaving NO CONTESTS, .THANK YOU !’"P’ T w in F a lls « from nihcr pnrty nor 1.1 there visible Pol pot Shots; :ie '■Is nble to mnr.ihal fncis nnd J'"*hns been elected Junior representa- ^ H In CQnslderablc numbers. ThclrhHr ripLrH??A tlve of the American Institute of heir departure pr(.Murc for thrirr onnctmrnl,cnn k;Everyone d se does It, so why IlKUres on a compllcnted 1s.mip.^ ^ tlve !*Iiegi8tered in the1 Statstate ol m H goads farmer.s into fresh effortsrts tito get more Neverthelw, thelft veryvc pxlslcncr nt the commission don'don'l yon n m some snrt of contest? nut Bn Dougins cnnnol m iitcl*t^ Cliemlenl Engineers n l th e U niver­ sity of Idnho. P ; from their land with fewer menn wcworking few- nnd whnt it ha.i found foun nnd urRcd nn Ihls subject la VniiYou could p rin t le ltrrs nn such n bootrjoomlng rhrtni'lc of nnolhiT Demo- ^ ff; er hours. bound lo bo AlRnlllcnnIlcnnt la tlin long run. For It haa ael subject subj as "Wliv I .Stopped nrniinK cnil.:nil. Sen. nobcU R. K<-rr. Okln.. I M I [iy Our farm.s may never get to thethopol.twhoro p locnl pninl* nbnut which oplnlnti cnn My Wife" or "I C nn'l RrsI.st tlic whonil.) hus been for .•«-vi-inl ycnts lhe •enliinlly Mnrt n e n u n tc in a rrn i to n UikiUiKr lo fihoplitl." «onn-l|,ln« Uko ihnstitinst p e i» h trn l nlid llir mciM I'l- m they look like factories. Bul If pproduclivlly tcndmcy thnt oihcrwiiierwiM' .sfPin.i scir-perpi-tunliiiK. IhnlIhnl. iprti'Irrtlvr foe of rrgiiliitinn. Tiilklnn, H and mechanizing trends continuen u o t h e i r p r e s - x iie commlll.^lo«.11. a a blpnrtlsnn nne, wn.i rrn ilcil l>y' T '‘'I lievil nmko Intrrr.sllnK len.llnii, innronnro words to the minute than per-' ■ cnt pace, the farms may In factaci onoc day be ununlinoua ncUonI otot Cnnsii'.Mc on July 10, ID.W, I t wna irunrdU'ss i.t the m ibjrrl. You could hnpsinps nny hum an being nnw llvlnK. ■ factories. told to study ali agencle.iafien of th e rxccuilvr brnnrh In 1"'^'lnipo.-ic the u.sunl ’-U.'! words nr I m " Kerr drinnnds (o knnw why lhe _____ order to rccommeadIld methodan for. ninoiig olher thliiK.v ‘i""'limit. ,,fod'litoduct ot his slnte, nntunil gns. Kill Itt! Stuntit It saentlnl aervlcea w hich coiiiptlc with A. Header nhod(hotild Ix* roKulntfd nny more thnn C WHAT A CKLEHRATIOITION! nrlvfttfl-PMlcrpilfi',i‘i AndAn .thr atudy Ima fouiiil nroiiiKl iJrrome} iin-Lln- prlrn of mnliircnis made in 1 o f t h e T w in l.OOO «ucl> I-Iilrrprlwjiirliica III llip dcpartJnrnl of mmL<.ilr>iiL';slmriiiiMtInns''ft niiinbi'V uf nollvl- ” •, , . Tiiu don’t Itrl Biiyllilnx f.ir a iintuiinturni Rns I, iC mmiopoly nf « vMh-- ' gratulated on the outstundlng: .siiCi.succe,ss of the i,„ p^„„, II aavinKa. ninniilaclure of locks and penny anymore c»rcpl 10 nilnulr# .in tlvfllively frw mniprnli'n nlnl llml irgu- ITJ- I j inslltution's ROlden anniversary,ry c e lc b r n l lo n . niniibiiKs tnr iiio.0 iHutotflcojk deparlm enl, and llir “« P*parking nirtrr:" |„t|olatloli Is r^sl•lllla| |., Ihnll [irollts GRiOW 1^ P I t 1.S n o l o fte n a n ob.servuncec c ool f th la k in d Alii.nkiin nillKind. ; «KNTI,KMAN IN TIIK lo rrnsomr iblr Iryrls, Aecnidlng tn -U..V.' r 3,,o t’juriii=.-.n>a/..->u:*uxrna- • w-*n L l gets such an cutluisiastic rcspon.stlon.so f ro m t h o in any MtaOii.sainmimrnt so vast ns thr tr.innl unvrin. ______F O tl lin i ItoW ))mi, DmitfJji.r Hjiy im in in r )ii Ifir rii^l of usually apathctlc public. Peoplelie flockod fl into * .Muckr«kin«Ilg boilyu. could lind blxium rxninpliw ■ ■ . . . , , o f ^l^rl(•MntM nndid dupllratlnn. dv ’I1ir roininl»lnn huA ill tile bnnk by Mie lluni.siuul.s andind thol'ouKhly „„i on „„ lhr.ir.„ II irri.m ilrrn tlir Ki'iir.-.ls nil I tS' enjoyed the guy 1005 alino.sphrre,ere carriedi oul micii rniprimiifs: Thr inrrllilK nl rmrrnrni'lr^ m n|' Weedsi -■ Crops - BugsB In aucli realistic detail. lirrd.^ which, brcniup.iLsr nnf Llirlr niaRaltiidr, tlirli impiob-1 NOW'S I TH f irtiirn, nr ttirlr lii.srpninbiliiv Irnm HE TIME! ■i, Tlio authentic co.stunui.n wornorn hy nil the ""o,|U«t. irt ZitTu....(;sv.Tr%.t.s iiUi. m e not ndnpl.-d to <>nci«iimrihy Iv- officers and employes probably.ly contribiitnd c '' " •i-— m or«-lhtui nnvUikng olKe to-lhn fliir This Is the ifST .PLACE . i B «iicma-i>(-thi- ~TITrT;r„l.ln^^Sr'Tl^7~iii;ii.l.vl(>ri arP.v ''ir r U r ' .•on." ‘ If It's C hem icall' a n Help Yt 1 coli'briitl.in. Hut kuUoiih of punch,inch, du^cna of tlnuullnn nf Kovniiim illy Possible, We Can I n iiin rn l *-uU'ipil»M iill.i. ll..< rm rr-1 [Jl cukofi anil iilonly i)f oliliiino^ musictnn played Krncy llmi rnni'iiitTnulrrrd llirni hn.% In nnn...... i t ' To Buy' ^Your H n o lU H c (uiiL Ul f d c l m i t l o i i Hh l.luinoj a l.t, not Upon ii,,.,,, Inlrjit but nnvi ’ hv ilir lli.iri W ith A ny O f The . , llirlr Iflflk.i liiivc lici'ii hese Problems. ill event which will hi> Ioiik I'niu'tiiln'n licrn it.ni|.lrlnt Ihrlr pn.Minnrl nnd! > , U „ 1„ ...... Im ...... wlirin lli.w opr>,.lr| pji It took tlmo. effort anil u lol of citrcful it.M.M IcimlllhUnii ” HEAVY pliuinlnK In .stiigp such an iitiii DUTY lim inU ill I'v c n l "CirrpInK /«>f|i,mmidl.iiin" n.l a trim of 1»n hnlmillMiJ lY A COMPLETE LINi.INE OF Hi and nil (lioso who lmd any iiitrl Inlu lhI o r c U 'b r a - ltn> I'omnitviinn sprcllln.lly ^p^c ll lnur.% nn WE CARRY ^ tlon-doscivc wrll I’urncU pml.so.Ijf. iliiiiljl. howi'vrr, llllllliKl nn n iinchrrknl I'.mliiin.illim of Itir It Il’.s alwnv.'i Ki'iiilfyinK lo r-pnrnn a t i f (iin li UH'l^CU IJV \ShlCll1 the the Ruvirtuiiinil tuKr.i im Iuiiiaina.1 r.f'n n n \ s u c ii imt oUiiKAmka loi tlm n imluMKlalilv n.nl.l mnkr TRUCK PARTSI W domon.stratUiii (if Inlltallvo iit a llnIIUK' w hrn wc Mi.inihiii nm milii'ihl'l lhnn i c-irrji CHEIVilCALas and FERTIli:ILIZERS ■ ■all um tt'ii li'i’llniHl tn ii.k,. t|i,. juoUiliuuhLxumujuuil-biuauiAi^u^ _ • Ti;AN»^M K.;inKH; N l<‘n;it e lfo rt. Il'.-t i.l^ iil f l n tiil iiI..Mlm) ti tn noir that (niniAv) riihn Ix-I- irlalnrilirn ,1, „,,,,ril| -----^GEAR5- ■ - |S. till’ piiblU; w in fillJl n':.})())iil li) aii.vLhhiKait.yl IhaL'.-t <'nii.;ii'.%.i. in nrUiiiKlllll); nji lln.-, i iii»ji)l^,i.n). m,i,V<'.l I>.| • U-JOINTS • PCPOWLR TAKnOFFS ^ Wdi'iliwlilli; anil dU fcn -n l. .M- iiillviiir> ri.niiirllllvr «ilti iinviilrl n To all Ihii.'sr w ho lu'l|x'iiim ri.li.| iiillMU In W I n u llo ii :,w h a mniL .-ium'M, c 1^, liai' ( tln o ru ' liV.lvil'i’,?'<1 |iin.lin i Illl ua lllll- iinvriiiiiii iil Ai . • Uvcrylhing You Neelecfl for Ynur Truck Rj conKnUiiluiu.ivi...... '.I -iiMiT I ...... iiHHni.-.l ion,Wosoti II'II'IH''' llil...... ll ni.liiiiin liUAlm'AA| A m ericon Chemm i ical Paint, Chipm on, M IC.MI-'l'V IM.ATKK H i.ii.iJ i." ' “ AUL KINDS ^ R ' Twi’nlv-llvc ildllairi a iilali- 1,-i a lini I' liKMiI.i III,in II M'liii.^ H i.linn' S for oil n.!o i"'- ...... I ...... ilnii...... Him lirlili.iu lr .-v. ' l.nun rnii.iv |)l,.ic « rl| in.. ^rM,1li ii'iip lit ''"■rh'i"'i'nm lui''iiiii' :ARS and TRUCKS ci:. fliiiii Ihl- Wltlhi llmi;..' and Vlr ...... I -nicl., llir n..ilnl nim- I Vlrr l*lc;4lli'nt...... nhiinr, M"' ...... I .1, nil ai- Nlxon'fi otllr.‘ 111)' i.U i.T iiltthiII hi the n o l'’:, ...... i>1 HI I'll Hi<. Kiiwiiiiiiriil t'liilnlliiil any ' ...... M.mill.I NEW . . . USED . i_^SEJJJS F(FOR ADVICE ON AN IL Wii;i t h e l li s l l)lK b u tn iiicr l hchlK)i> M'VVC.I S ■ ' REBUILT hi llic niiciali)ti-i‘iiiK .1 nrw hiillHuMa, Iml llllll ^ ^ in III ’ M i> in m m T'- n • Willri l'i„n,,v • rtDRE~ "•I I ' - i " . • M m i,.,. PROBLEMM OF A CROP NATU llK- head w allrr had ix r.icrlnl u. i ...... ""J ...... I'lv! • (,rn.'i..l,..-, • ( I III tumlKD w all ‘u ^ ^ '''l||n...... l I ',- .Mil lr,-., ,,,n I...... I'I". • I ',...... r i,„ ,,., Ol'H tl. lhc IWI. Ul)l,.,i orriiplcit l),y '(t li,V I h o ^ w iiltc iii i.t.M., ...... till • Viill(i(|r Ki'., u I.h .„,, ■ ,,, th .,,,...... ,,| lloiifli; and Nlxoh pri)plc, IHIlt-. um l 111 , , , ,,„K1-. '.,1lo oil lU iM .l-, ' Wht>ii Uii-y /.liU'loil Id Hl-«t, [•M.«ldnil ...... il'"""Innil...... III llir M.ilr li.||intlMu| l'.'»hcn/u»wi'i- had boKim f-iic.ikinKiiiK an n il a ll I h r y 1 ' , ' ? , ' ' i h‘'I ' “ I i " ' 1(1 tlrr i.tv ,„iii„(|. coulil do wa.-> .MIiiK oul h> u lu'aiiH 'uiliv lii-tiiiriv . n „ n '...... I'thi'n "! ...... 1. IMK nml I'S A n d ttu 'y cAuld lit' <‘xiniM-d Inr |)iniimt: t)iili|y lliln h < ' i i n u i ' mi > viiiii RO> G E R Ihft wnm a nn r «ny Adini Mn‘vni,,f)rii.'.nn wa.4 w tllln I’H y y "'" lnw i"w i.i'iYii,' i i;";M n'ni?,‘V u i,|!,I',u n X ' " Twin F alls nninchlilK on th rtr liainliurt!<’r;<. iiiiiUiliihi' ,ni ''ixiiiiilnliu n> Nii'h I XSAU SUPIippll^i Il’.i funny how n mnn will aIuixi WHOLE itu iu l Olll III (In ' " ll" ' ''I"’" ' II" A uto IP arts nnn nnd fl.ih when lie thhiK.i It'sf » IOI,Ir h „ i 10 „ „ " ’I* l"'l'-"' ...... •'! -Ilrll ir la .l I itlm lM 'ily It ...... I (|ii.,v«,v :ll Ph6n«lS lo clhircJi, lllll urti- run Mine ■nii|i|.,;,ri, Thrllul ‘ ' ■'"> I'liiini. i;i7 JA Hid in il dliciiwiin.iiiiia.i lluilr) lluilrim . ' ^ 1920 K im berly RoindRo /


r S T C h u r c hties e I ittlfi C huri i r c h \ ciii'BH! nr Tiirnriirn n im tn K V tr!.','i,. '■‘" ' ‘'lan d s Re;feady g s . - „ l"^llr*. Iv Vm, i-h.irrh t ;n r J ih. "I Mhool. 11 • tn-, »or»hip, I n R i i s v 1 'i •; 'h om r'u?! sT"h"'.‘v;,'.,.,, 11 >o M:U M kthhvv 1 fl'iCAc.n, j,||,p 3 w-Ei«chw_i noon H YOO 60'- I ‘.i'ni rs'.,i ...... Hioi'i)#!. n„a offlcp offlc worktr* A ■ 1 'sS**”--" r i •• ■■••••t •> I’l ("t nnn cipnoi W OVEM b a m b o o I .. ••'•''■*'•'li> » --hurrh Mhirtvl"rr«nce'wM jA « > . • •■■ • ■■"• ' nan>bvirt"T i IaiiH ...... ^ 'Iny rounti^untry chureh. O ^K ^ A ^ T S . . , • ''"I ..... Ml. h rn n of ChlcaRo'i lini- lo„i. And If* oonp church [ P I C W C ® ... G i« » l A .KUV MTV 'I'^ C h .ltrh IJ the • r s s t i p i : g ■ VJilh ''■'"3"* '-»'>•■,. ^ Si.. ^

BB Ti h rp J.U i B U M ? s S ^ ' I' ' r ' " I'^^d -^VM OSOUTmC t s r x .... • ■ H H ® ,T n ^ u U t e d a g \iahYivt": '■'"'I' Dibph" " " p,CWtC WGS p f B | p ~ vTn.Ll ^ g ? ’ ..\ A ^ 1 H ~ = ^I B' uay. wim a Event Celebi^brated ^ ^ | j | | | -Memorial day i::ri'=S ...“S S ol .n,i fD.um ft... Legion hfrc ni i| a.m.M'S M m m i M M S V "'”?nu"’' '■'^'^ ' 31®''° TIMES-NEWSNS \WANT ADS. we«^nreMnSrt with pSroy S°r»g ;-» ■■ C IJ P OM TM------

. 5-FOOT SPUN GLASS______^ ■ s istingRods 1 ■ > =■- 2 KID„S:2^ 3 i ^ Whilee Then7 ta»l, ONLY— ■* » . . ' ^ p iliii: / ’"“'•ll.'*"** ® ts r - ‘ : ^ «»JJ J? .* ...... fe—illiip"r : ! - + W - ^ S V V /^ “ o a t s < 2 9

£ - liiiP- ■ IP -Q t ■ : I h b o r i n g 1 I u i . l

S , 1 . 1 5 I I TAN WITITH SAFETY!!! ^ i s s ■ TARTAN LOTION 49c)c-89o ! a«a..- |~ MS: H TARTAN CREAM ..49c-l) c - 8 9 e ~ f s .... Magnaytivox ”! m ...... 5 9 c t9 iriV; p*n. 264 R k M SUN 'N SURF SPRAY....1, ss?:rS; "“'"y' IE NEW , LARQER r;“‘ vsi5i;S-'* 1 : I T t h e ^ BRONZTAN LOTION ..1. ^|l ' f r i l B “ 4 0 0 S I Z E ” SKOL LOTION ...... 49c-fl V #£ siH i iiiiiit K . \ ? ^ SKOLEX, lun olltrgy erMw•OKI ... 89e ■ ■ ^ Norwich Lotion Sproy...... 1.25 ^*< 211 E ^ H i-.: K KLEENEX :* Norwich Sun Burn Lotion>i> ...... 79o ■ "WIUJllJ i'S Id (GotGaS as?^ i s ." .... ; ► in Whil'hite and Pastels, only - rS'yriiS ^Gct Tun i , IDAY 29c ^ i V5»...... i f > 0 S-^ 89c f f ' " - i l jlu*^...... ILftC • ..... : ' I . « 4 ..PH ILC.CO I I ...... P h o n e 2 6 4 ^ ^ 5 ^ ” I ■■ f '■'•'Ln""" "'i- ■ 1.59 Sv:;' - ‘i s “iC:,. « 1 ''■^‘".£':1'''''*''"'' Top-Sp««d ft.lU f I i^yHsg:: "rr^r:: 5 ... I;;.. ' .... Fti;;;;-;... vitSiS™- U ECllLA U l.Ort Al.L-MKTAL . » "m' iim ri*"d»rn!r''irri i i i y Motorc ' § F ~ r * ^ 4 r - F iA5HHGHT i S INSECTR^W•PELLENTS ^ i ►' Clui:i.r.imc-nnlc(l .. - ^ A „.cri«rifun Miulc, O N L Y - ■>-< •■ t.lV INSKCT 0 \ : S . ^ nn*ri,i.KNT btuikh ...... 4 9 e « "lll^r' Initfi ItcjMlUnt In handy aeroMj bomh..... j C, 0 ?.rKril'::;Cl,. 49e ^ ...... 90e lUjMiU O hliR fii, TIcka. MrtaqurwMjultnea, F llfi j / ,1 ivkirs^.. rirEte, anfl. Tlcaa. In handy Aeroaak«ak JBomb. f>_ 1 \ F 'cf, lOOKI^ i l H I■aS5~ !!5-ter« ..... 's forSometf |::; i l ) A M n iii- I ... "I’.!!!'' r l ^ — a *»IORC rOR V I s S i f t S ^ ..- . . 4f+f« IKIIOUSK ■: ;;:i;;;i:H ;:l,:r'‘fI : I ® S | k 'O il CAN KIND Al :i(S, HTC. ■ i;;l;;'E;i:;ri;;"::Bi'" 1; >'.'^ HAND THIJCI y o ^ 10, TV TROUBI ML • ftOODMft IH"' 'I'illlrK s . . . W AKICa i RADIO BLE i d l l g ri>m¥NLit‘ wm CALL ' ""'l'l'I^IA N (!H TIillCKSSION : iiiimmdWlBMamaqiMrfmilJiii AT Z . z m F A C T O RR Y Y R A D I O 2 i - '_ ; 7 " 2641■ ■■■■•■■aia

I " r :N FALLS, IDAHO______p ^ A G B S IX TIM ES-NEW S, TW IN ------« Study Asked on RelationshipR irj" 25 Millions Is ~ chedules ”Heavy Rains Si f Magic Va]alley Radio Scl Bring Floods Of Atom Bomblb Test, Freezes i'h n th Estimated for I— Cherry Growers assoclaUon, KuchPi I-FM KBAR T WT* * ^ « ld . Ha aaked th e AEC to look“ f f i & KLIX KEEP KE KTFI AM-F ir , matter, while "acknowledginB" aiC l^ ,“ulrifk r lUnfoutlUni *" floo tSperU R«»l«w Tho weather bureau will analyze IfJ! 3:00 K .H .X 'tr.. n— »!«l Iwvd a. Uiirre>> «:l( Su-rKtMo Edlilo*diilaa ‘ = fl'X’flooding in Wisconsin and spread ntomlc ttsts have caused "unprwe- i li, Jr. • ^ to four and a half Inches of rain in l:tO Jo* Cl»m«nu T ■<"> P«opl»Ip't ”wTll' TiT’' i;« TorTun«'^“"*^' 7;J0 &ldl* C.ntor to I ^"^Kuchel said he asked for th e study « ■ M ^ j— n I «1« •mil Hum. t r " '. 1:10 ‘Amo.itot 'n . Anilr »;44 m u ot Tomorro* four hours *enl streams in the because " "freezes" In the Bann ng- I 7:00 Kill K»r«v»n «:0« T»nnf..«. iiEE/i:;!!.!,' KBUcW Rlvrr Palls. WU.. area nver ^Beaumonl-Yucalpa area coincided ■ R« r p Sfw . .Kr.nk Bln.tr. I0;]g Bunl* UiJiU Bot IheIhelr bonks yesterday. wllh Nevada blasl* in April, 1953, | '' 7 Umbardo A p a rt of U. 8. highw ay 12. the and April of IhU year. Itloo k'i‘4^ - -Mi jU«Ml■r.lLThom.* -- lOiW «W*»« al-W «rUl u ______- SATmiPAT Tnatn-Ghloaso-iiinneapolU arten' ENDS SAT. n tl.rmon 10:I» Huilc to Mldnl«'il They were brought to hb nttentlon captK ■WASHINOTON, Juno 3 tfW T he loloo 'cSdf.JJxlfiir 19:20 RIchmid R.pon.r.1^1'' (%TsaDri<* Mo.1. Tim« was wn! waahed oul for-*-whlle and car by 1 the-Beaumont-Cherry- -Valley F lrst^ 8 how»^8at. . . ; | Atomic eneruy commission yesterday i'.» ------la ili HUiIe to UlifRlful^ f r ------r : i i -MaTnlB| M im a I5?d 'TfucF' Tnvtrrc “w s n u m e d m by esUmaUd al 25 million dollm the “ •" iiTusoaT Black River PftlU Icr hours. More flood water waahed Into the ^ W ARNn ■«> •.'-«-• Cl cost of a proposed new land-based j!?{iM t Call lo Pu t” .*niai)*T - ; atomlo power plnnt for ble naval elzi» .lt *U«nfU. Ur » D if a*Tl •rity Itself, ru-nntng'one Joot deep L;]Change of Venue WiilM AWElUWfS nn World N f-l *•“ V.ll»» Afrt ..'sHSiS,'. over Chicago and Northwestern ships In eastern Idaho. jijo Br«.kf.lt &lltlodItluD 11 ;D0 W.»k Ktld N.W. O'f An AEC spokesman said If con- World 11:nj R«iu»ilfull)- Your. ■rallroBd Tall tn trk s and slowing; rail •thiHIOH^E SATo** S s N .J ^ :f tn ^ ri ,. F>III>~> 11 :<0 N>oi and SporU traffic irn 10 a lO-mllc-per-hour tnaxl- Sought for Trials " eress gmnted the autborlly. alx n'.ai7 u a ’i» m illion dollars would b« spcfrt In *-“1tioo 21*cmln«ir. N*wa SJO ’Ciltn I T lU” * rr/in Nrwi ’ mum Secondary roads around Black BUBLEY. j J u n . 3 - R , B, JM I O H T y ■ ■ thtf fUcai year Iwglnnllu: July I for 11:15 llnllr'i K«lliM »:0» ♦Rob»rto u n fl i^wi...... 1 II'. S»tur iCnnuSooPE] PRIS& „ M.)>« f. 00 Nrwi »P»spawned twisters In the great plains, _T he change of venue hearing wUI ii: Uli l';>rri« "t Ih* n»r 1]:I0 8>iurd>rlurd.r Mu-.' H.il III'* • :0S Thr.Ui^ M.rqD*« nitl I propulsion equipment." 4:K, lllrmii.uoi* < :00 Ulwln' \ although no damage was reporied, .be held Saturday morning before _ |j l | - Ka rccaUod Chat tha AEC. along 4:.I0 KIk K»i> K>Cor7 4:00 •CHBNt Tornado funncU were reported nenr District Judge R. W. Beckwith. Fort- ■ arent Bend, Kans.. Seminole. Tex., ner's trial was slated to begin Mon- ■ lilw U h the dcpartjnent of defense. Mis •T” m'’lh rllllm M i' DlVMr^^lluJlc"^ O r U lhad announced last October thal fjti da A:'S ScmrU an(and across the l»rder in Oklnhoma. ^day and Randall’s on Wednesday. H twofIsK *;20 W«th«r «;00 I. i : |j InurB.tlaB.I Ntw. i I I I auch B reactor was being planned, i -.v X w ' , ! , , ' , r . » ; i j ; Heavy rainfniU included JO of an Complaint' against the two men ■ Inch at Dodge City. Kans S H E R l f t H ln n d research and development work T:00 Ltickr Dtnc« Tlm* 7:30 H«L Nil ; s 'J.r,‘, f : , m S was filed by E m m ett Crystal, Albion, n IBI'was assigned at thnl time to the kIi ; p.rt>------7^0 M«»i.Tr«niirir Bhfiw_____£ n:co Luti.y u»Bc*.'niT?»------i-.w »cuHimt t:00 Niwt. ABC OrehMtr. Tn. lasfr-SeptembcrT-Tha-two-wen* hnund J i B ’ Westlnghoiwc compnny, *;10 »ioi CowboM llMib.II l!>0 ‘Two.0 KtK., lb. Edition , «:S0 ..wr.tiMW.rk over to district court following pre­ +, mis + '' * 1(1:10 Luckr Dane* Tim* 1:00 CDS N*i J.m l«r.. »:0U ;|«d UIIUr.D.se*Tlm. of Of -stal chargM Special *‘CAPT. AMERICA" the ntomlc energy dlvlnlnn of the 1:00 p„ Slsn ______lOiOO Mujk] l/y Ki ,o m M.ile Cllr 10;1» Mu.ie to Midnithlinitht 10:110 NiihtRld*r______U)to shroud the city for the second the pair wllh stealing two Hereford "phiffK straight day. Chap. No. 2—To Be Played ' _ . : office of chlcf of nnvnl oprmtlnn*. >- n' heifers...... Only at the First Show 1 ^ ; discussed the proJcci In pnu ered‘ T-0568.65 was filed T hursday In T w in ~ waubm arlne, the Nautllua, and others WASHINOTON. Ju n a 3 (Bpeclal) the th« northwest. jj Palls probate court agnlnst Gerald —The house Irrigation and reclama­ r o s e k n ara on tha way. intii V. and Elliabeth Wll»n by the READ 'T O flg-N E W S -WAOT ADS- : Top Farmers r tion subcommittee hka announced It RE JATURDAT ta Profeaslonal Adjustment bureau. will take up the bllla for construc- j NOW II C I M A R I i r ‘ . M INNEAPOLIS. M inn,. Ju n e 5 (W The Th« complaint llsU eight separate tlon of a hlsh (ederal dam at HelU ^ llBenson Predicts —Young farmers from Washington, causes tor action. canyon car on June 39. 30 a n d Ju ly 1 . ■ > Michigan. Texas and California were n It is alleged the defendanU owe The.j nnnouncement waa made by 1 ,S*W ®OtPH i A ■ Defeat of Rigid ' J: named America’s four outatandlng Tw in F alls Clinic *34,50 plus *1.72 Subcommittee g^,, Chairman W ayne JEROME V Abbott icMs ' young farmers of 1985 yeate'rday by Interest! Superior grocery. Pay- Aaplnall, D., Colo., to whose panel j the National Junior Chamber of ette, *168.03 plua *41,50 in te rest; Meet Cojt^ n Crop Price Plan four separate bills on the dam have Aa uto T heater S c o t t » IH SALT LAKE dTY, June 3 OfV-■ Commerce. BinStandard Oil compnny of Utah, been v,, referred. ' Awarda went to Homer Ti. Beedle. 123 I I Secretary of Agtlculturn Ezra Taft *23,96 plus *5 99 interest; S ta n d a rd -jT he followlnB representatives have NORTH and EAST o( C1T7 H B enson yesterday predicted defeat ^ l .-O ntarto. O re-.-*8046-plua-»6.U liiliudnced liigh dam meaattree-lhia ------— eeN T E B ------THECOUifc R P o f a house bill now In contrre.is■ AVvln H ^H niior^"sT StaotJh!"MTc*h'. Interest; Oood Snmnrlun hosplUl. scsion; Idaho's Oracle Pfost. Mon- ■ h which would continue rigid, high■ Btnernl fnrmer; Clinton J. Harbers, Nam »,fti pa. *20 p lu s '$4.20 Interest; As- ,^0Unn's Lee Metcalf, Oregon's Edith ‘ 33. W est Point, Tex., general farm - ftp price Bupporu on farm product-s, I_y soclnted Oil distributors. Payette, Oreen,q ^, and Washlngton'a Don Mag­ FRI.-SAT. |JPnnt«d< Ici W Said the secreUry who arrived juger, and Jnck O ; Thom son. 33, B ut- *5926 plus *14.22 intcre.st; Service nuson. nui nil Democrnta. , . v s s m pJ' here from Denver to give the bac-• tonwlllow, Csllf,, truck farmer. P arts com pany, Cnldwell, *16 03 plus Meanwhile, j the sennte irrlga- « B calaureate- address at ' Brigham[ you The four were selected by a pan- *4,14 j Interest, nnd' M ontgom ery tloition and reclamation subcommittee v ttd Yount Unlrerslty: I cl the ol ngrlci’'turni experts as the na- W wn nrd. Payette. *124,79 plus *24.95 under um Ben, C linton P . Anderson, I endstoB^ |H “We are now facing the fact the tion's top fnrmers between the ngea interest. i,,r, D„D.. N. M.. wlll hold Its first cxe- ? { Jane Ruuel, 0 ) 2 lu 90 per cent rigid support program of ^ 31 and 35. I I was th e first seleiJ- H. j, N. Jewell, attorney, reprfsents mClyp r.ut hnaring nn l,h«-a im ilar .bill, - i - tlon-of outstanding young-fnrmera theju; bureau. by Oregon's Wnyne Morse^ as L TOe proi^am has been dla- on ^jy a national scale by the Jaycees, ------sch scheduled tills Prlday. i H credited and more and more farm- although young farmers previously The house hcnrinKS .wllI be open. ..1 , I U N D E R W i K have-been honored on the state lev- ] era recognize there must be a Frenchmen Killed Jwhile the ncnnte henrlngs will be euptrtco{Nta7i^Ka change." er' conducted in closed- sesilon. H He noted that If the rigid sup- tonEach of the four farmers honored 1 V M s n n i port bill does not go through con-t developed — outatanding farms In the In* Armed Attacks SAT.oW (tress then the administration'sJ fate , ^ of adversity. SAIQON. 6 Indochina. June 3 flB— Payment Asked [ j Patricia U ed tn .|^K ^< flexible price support program wlll. f.'° Beedle developed a top dairy farmI Five Plv Frenchmen were killed and Magic , Vnlley Adjustment bureau I LDTBARKERMUIACORDAyl ■ go into effect next fall. r out of,an area classed by.-loan Instl-• "several" "se' wounded in three aepar- , ‘ J flled-a-colleotlon-acUon-Thursday - i STEPHgMgttlUf 1 tutlona as "uneconomical,’’ Within1 ate ate terrorist tommygun and hnnd ,In Twin Palls Justice court agnlnst -e I PIRATBT . nine yeara, Hanson built a rundownI grenade jre: attacks last-night, French‘ Harold „ H. NeUon. • I z r r B iG HIT* • f 660-acre farm w orth *40,000 Into aI authorities*ut reported today. Nelson allegedly owes Al's Fron- 1 t r ip o A PNo Tax oifSlockT^. $350,000 Investm ent. The I Prench turned over military ' 1 Harbers. while caring for a fam- con ' tier Scrvlce S39.26 for m erchandise [ f u i H ■ control of the Saigon-Cholon area receivedJ z In January, 1B55.‘ T hom as f f Car Dealers Told[ T lly of seven and sending two broth- to • to Premier Ngo Dlnh Diem's na-■ Y.^ Owilllam, Nampa attorney, rep- BOISB, June 3-Atty.-Oen. Gray-> era E and two aUters through achool,I tlonaluqi army June 1. Troops of the ' Miss RobigH\ IXI;, don W. Smith eald yesterday that. dev developed a 167-acre swampland In-• Prench prc expeditionary force haveI resents______the bureau. ^ Coming Sunday ttw automobile dealers need nol juy. to a *100,000 eao-Bcre top-grade■ withdrawn to other bases in Vlet ■ Martin and Lewis In • Sunday: nj.proiw rty tax on cars In stock, re-r farm. B Thomson was cited as havingf Nam . W {■^(lleas.of.vbiit.tlm s of.year they. ou(developed ona of the ouUtandlng . Money From Home I GREEN m a r e Ucensed .In Idaho. tutIfarms In the San Joaquin valley -^7 I n t o oplnr^n re q u u te d by P ro s- n>nfrom raw, undeveloped alkaline land, m e«utlog Attorney Edward Pike of 660 ' Nurse League to E |H B onaevlIle county. Smith said “au- )35i iM '^ino^Ues, whether uaed or new, on K Discuss M eetin| | llf l hand or acquired after Jan. 1 .ofjciub-flears lly Talk - - ■ ■ any year, by dealers or exchange, ors ; Nursing wm dlscuu the conv^Uon FRI. & STkTi iT I and which are subsequently regls- 0 at Maglo Valley Memorial In :,k71 should be remo?ed from lhe aaseas-• school. dev Florence SchulU, home hos -■ ! ' m e n t rolb.T > . ' far ’ hospital. ''Johnny Guitar'' , demonstration agent, gave talks on‘ Sister g Ocnevleve Marie. St. Jos- His opinion differed rtrom one Is-I cooking fro and sewing and Judged eph with Sterling. Hayden sued by thi ittomey general’s of­ I eph's Catholic hospital, stnto league r cookies baked by members. prepresident, will be guesl speaker. All CARTOON — SERIAL STEIIKVARTALLYS fice July e. .1 ^ When Oor. Robert •T h o se« swisweeth9SrU''Uve their (reatest romsnceinc«M in i Si'Smyllfr-was-Bttonier-feneralr-Hie• Cookies were served a s refreah- members me; nre urged to attend. ^ earUer opinion said cars broughl ments later. — In to Uia sta to a fte r th e second M on­ Next meeting wlll be held al the day In Januw . when personal prop­ school a t 2 p.m . Ju n e 18. M rs. Boas erty Is first assessed, were taxable, Ward K Is club leader. ^ 1 Smith said he bellered Ada Coun- clul ,— J ■ ty Prosecutor Blaine Srana was cor- sch CESi stetegic re e t In a n opinion-of Deo, 17, ISM, den in which he said the automobiles coo w ere exem pt rcgardleas of w hen theyII coo W ATCH I were brought Into ths state, provid- c ed they were registered. mei SUNDAY'S PAPER f o r A |r (Conimaandl > I SOMITHINO BIG ire wilh emotional siriliini; force second{d (0 nonelni at ^ ^^ O p cn 7;00 — Losl CompleteCon Show 1 1 :0 0 ^ ^ to V TECHNICOLOR


-StISPENSe-plCTURE?— SUNDAY ond J k l U f j L I V I N Q lIN ^ COM BAT READINESi^E SS ... I ------Y E A R 'S -G R C A T E S T -S O I T ' S TFHE H I STORY OF MEN WHWHO M Drivers Fined for. ^ CAN NEVER RELAXI ■ Improper Permit r= Two drivers paid fines In Twin ------tp iy tu U a s------H_ Falla Justice court Tliursdny when l^ r IwritoiiIN to(0 W iw . - they pleaded guilty ot operating mri/i le iJjl motor tehlcles with Improper II- I censes. D elane D. Anderson, 130 W nsh- JBJECT PR^RAM Ington-strcet. wu-fined 4&-aiid »3 costs wl}en he pleaded guilty o( op- erntlng a vehicle’ wlUiout a valid PLU^ SHORT SUBJI driver's license. H arold K. Flynn. 112 W aln u t ■ stre et, paid |2 fme nnd 13 cosUi ■ K ''> D IE S 9 yiSTAf^(YHlSHinWUrt | B when he pleaded guilty of driving ■ MOTION PIOTUna I H> a vehicle with nn expired license. ■ FREE Tlir M FN.,. ■cli>nyAw*'4 I ^ H | Both drivers were cited witlila ths R ■•'InR...... ir.iln.r.ii T><« city limlla by city police. ^ Lil OF THC GIANTS! K IIH CATHt KAUN 'vllilr llir 1.1,ll,I jt Kl mg Procii* .H .iTU III9A8TiR • . . kllll" Hip tlml r ir r v Mii>>|i,i IIA S SE U t-Q ’DONNEU* SHARPE >n«) l.r ll,r ,ri.U iir. ENDS SAT.— HATTLIl .... ,,i»>l amatixt J (5 —«T CO O PtK • .UK- (irr I'hofi

Tin; \tn\ii \ BIG HIT • I .lly fiUil ■ I p l ^ l ...... ft ...... SUHDAY ...... , A y»wiw< CkKh co» ftnouiMi 1 . . . .n il fiiiiii Inr "STRATEOIC S T A R T S S I 1 'r h n .- iT lo lH n . 111. Ill ^ l:40.3:«. Prriijycrd hy Dl SAMIIKI, J. llllh K IN . AN I'II Srrfeiiplny liy : DAVIbS .nil UeiRNE I.AY, Jr. A ______.... Jr, '• Millilmu'n, ll P iclu re STARTS VPipVWpl L01. . 1 MOV :OMPLETE snow ' iT lio"" T0DA1 m ill liN I l»'ii‘i» <)|.i-ii 1,1^ |< ,>| lilllll* I I I- ■ • Ol'I'N 7:30 - LAST C0^ Ml ■ | LDVEJQY * IIA ! 1I . J L JP A i - - - ‘ • 2nd BIG ______TIMES-NEWSWS. TWJN FALLS. IDAHO10 PAGBSBV:SGViDl!y| eep in Thought Fish Derby for I Railroad Phoneme Tisitor/ ’{' rj^Jl Caster Children IsI S O G l WACO, T<-x., June 3 (ir>-•K LC. Lines Aree C u f KRENGEL B y « • HUPKUT, Jnnr S -A ftjhf.,h d rrb y ! End-'n^l. 12 let Uie bli :L MACHINE Co.2o.' I ^ h f UM BERLIN. June' 3 M^-Con•Communla*l NOW V le, Ey«*- H O i l ^ e will be lifid s^iinHBv M Kidi N WE DO ALL YOUR •1 rft.iirn ' Germany said Insl nigh 9 Gowns b M ^ I on»> mii- ..nuh ••iil oiic-l'a Icui Berlin’s railway telephoi o ' ».,[>»,, Ktnrtine— i E~r WELDINCNG ; Hoo'f. Hi t nnri ulnltrrItrr w fre ®'°P i ^ r r m r . M, , . V iM.i lb - American siiylnK _ IH "Cr ' ■ w rre i i v ^ ' " ’‘■ay:.„J t’n Thr aclion mx-( lalcon1 TtTtiiir-wlnvJ BLAC^CKSM ITHING irom Paris H I »« •''Wk Ul- »ttfniii, open»„ Ilo cWI- ’'• ”"' ' ‘ 1 The severed telephone linellnp< th i'ew 'j i i ^ scare Into rltlcr* of Be^llBpiJIn'* cle- I ■VliMACHINE WORK H I .■‘’'' f '’'••"i'' Mil bf turuisiiruislied for COOKS i i ir k I)I> vBird rnllwnj-a because atntlc s'cwu'" rZ^Tl , - *he bit rvp.,. hv ,i „ cb«nrh.mb»r of PA'IL, .I'li.f 3 -Mrs. FlmerImer Ham- ifr» In WeRi* Berlin cann nrn ™ ;' . Callusat 486., w.We are equipped to do almostlOSt H -sown, and E S , .:;-»H b S 9 V B | ! {m ‘''""••"■rf lllo.i nnd Mik Wilbur HalHall have nii*ke rtirecl repnrt* on br«vbr«v«n i.u t'j anythin]iiiiiK in iron and steel : ^ i n d (Ittlnfts bprii hlrrr oili»r railway troublos. «<^.uv,bc

. uim«£‘”'^'' »»'<> !^^^Bl>l'’;--^^H ^ the numbers o( %tW. ^ |1J: Q IctU out numbers - « \ X 3 4 ^oln the ^J e d iiu a i Z'cf boun. the d u * S- f .V on the dreues or » e (hem y , j a ^ ! . \I | I l m K one she signs jKldes on the color, pj^jj il. Mo.. loo'i 600-pound (orllla. appear*I to be\ think. I > ''.III ^ i^ e tte r ' rJC c iu in ^ l^eaU t«tf« Jny ihe.«ltu«Uon overver i. in h li ca(o In this camery atuily. Zoo Director ; i , :/'II| Rtment schedule P. Vlerhellerer coiconsiders him "tlio mott laluable aniini>nlinal in tho / ^. | d T lf J 1 0 / world." Phil, kt 16 yearsyear* of »<«, eata 22 poundt of veieU bletlet 'aand fruiU \ i • • iKVuf^n 'iil / / l,)(io4alor7 » day. HU indoor ponl. which he somellme* uses to splashah ape«Utora,a| k. hll to wait IS soon will ba filled with w ater for the summ er. {AP wlrephoU S l Even with 24 ------jM {uU blast. Dior UTAH VISITOI;iTORs Fered By Thr« nrmly In I f t be «ure madaine ,j,p „r nxK. No Rummy. j or r\B- m m g M ^lnon-*«dj. Does | Sunday, an unusual breaili) 0«t FfivBTECTUabte at any I |.W iBbH 'PFt?H —g g* j i m jJ=eature"D()elicious Miliillc FrwTPi>urel>r^ IttiKh. dru* couawr. AJvtrlWrntnt — rus PETE'S- — I Jerse;eys" produ

ete Went and Done It Again!! ^ H t I------Au bought himself th a t m illion- _ ^ ^hi didn't reallw he would hava ■ I cf hunitry brcf-crlttcra I'o feed r ® - 'ichinjlnfi tlirm Into t>eef stcnlcs a'them to lhe liuntiry crowdA ih n t Cictiu ptte's . . . and nt such a

***^\-.A 1 ‘ J j lH /\ ! . K I glory^ ^

V : g jl^ ■ E AT MOR • -II' ^ ,

SSP^wWr.H ll ^ j i All Our Moat I GLLORY P>A R K CDAIRY rr. h ~ (;hati n) Et i v Jm' "(IllOICK"! I TWINN FALLS IDAHIhiO PHOIONE 3694 - A 0 ion Saturday to JSunday Midnigight ^OGENIZED MILK • ORANGEADE ...... ______I ____ • hom*o — • PASTEITEURIZED MILK • LEMONADE STESSKS y . . jL'fw jiiiM HB • HALFF (and HALIV • COTTAGE CHEESESE 3MPLETE DINNERS • WHIPPIPPING CREAM • FRESH CANDLEDD I EGGS ''OtiR CHOICE OF ^ 4-FAT • SKIM NON-F MILK • MEADOW GOLD» BBUTTER ^IB STEAKS ICOLATE DRINK • BUTTERMILK bones and ^ t ^ M l rop SIRLOIN ■ t «SM . . . and only' 5 0 »^ • C H Of a t BETTERRILet P'“s . . ELLIOT ARMUT IT and his puppets » • . . "BELINDA " andor her French Fans P'“s -.. PLENTY OF PASH|C- BONUSES Deliver Miliilk and - k n lh « ' LIVI llluilroted her*lier* it th* niw«it milk botti* In lH« dolry M uilryIry . . . an oblong half^atlon b©ttl«MNia a c tu s( P e t e ’ iry Producti:ts To You that Glory Park'ark Dairy now UMI. SPOT - SOUTHITH OF THE BORDER ‘ U sl '"r 1 i ’ s I P a i r N FALLS, IDAHO ______g PAGEflGHT • ______. TIMES-NEWS, TWIN ilt-in Bomb Sh€tielters in I Silent French S o F ar T h eyey’ve Made Out AlAll Right DlDearth of Buil 3 fense Agency ^ Y O U R E■ a0 4 , New Houses Worrying^ Defe i. Do Not Speak O W M 1 jaybe you want to put together dtS ^^ ' X ) V O U R . WASHINaTOK. Jime ! ai-Soon out our ow n bom b aheltar. ir ao. **nd I JOO homes were completed In. thu shellJP* In the enthusiasm of the a v- 355 cei centa lo the auperlntandent of Moa ^ Z - ^ F II Al Dice Game lountry Wednesday, -and probably up^«ge citiien to do hU pari" In civil docunocuments, U. 8. Government Print- Sh 101 five of them had their own eragiiefenw*, ”I m ust reltarate.’ h e Ingng C Office, W ashington 25. D c Iflii |(|r Br ROBERT Mt;SEL 3Ullt-ln bomb ahelUrs. « f « ^k for Civil Defense Manual Lastly II MONTE CARIO. June 3 W ^ Uld, “that dvll defense U largely Aak This Is cause for concern to the Saia.a Job that falU on each of us our- TM^o'h i 5-6. wii,j H *ainim « (hose dice/’aaJd the Amerl. •ivll defense adm inlatraUon. Presl- a Jol Incidentally, th e K atlonal Aaso- reciJS M e a n , ‘ bnby 'need % new pair.of ' lent Elsenhower and David Scull, selve latlo n of Home Bulldera believes clne ir^i. n ihocf." **'^il U trying ta do the Job. He clttioi . Washington contractor. bullda ^ th e iW t^a, and ao fa r th e HiTUstlouston, Tex., may be the home Utaw H -What dou h* Miy?" demanded The civil defense people have built Kjmb aheltar capital of ihe *orid M ft rrcnchmtin of hU nelRhbor, demand for shelters haan't been bomb bren arguinK. without much sue- demi Builders there havo been push------"}JU Infant.’• Uip neJ«hbor u*/u- a - (jRfttllArg- crss, th a l no hom e U compW e overoverwhelming. , U i lat«d, ■•lacka shoca." ' SA RLY STOME A6& ( Well, why all the apathy? Ingng Utha aheltar. idea, and on June 1,[ "And ypt he Ramble*.- aTclalmed wllhout a bomb shelter. Wi 5, the day Elsenhower goes to hU B M v / E i i(. . Ge O O tS ) One o/ficlal put it thU way; '•If ScScuH probably h a s u goal an an- «>irlvate hideout for a two-day stay ■U the Prfflchman. J C k o r •w ei u .OT. "Mo.1 J ' h ; "No.” aald the friend. "II ti an Ihcy dropped a'bomb on our cities ,wer , Houston family will move inio « tomorrow, 05 per c e a i-o f us would aald ,»id ••simply don’t w ant to th in k ainmb » o ' Shelter for a three-day .t;,.. I ^ H F ^ r o a r l r a f i PTprrnnlcm. J^e U lka U> lb* ■bout Uib Udni." IhaV-Ui ihe^ig L l^dlce." ...... - ^T rr'H m rir wp mrjiad Sheltertr 1BBI) Riat'a the Ume it may take (or ihe illenslBS per cent eotild be-saved.’’ ponj larmful effecta of radibactlvlt; to llj "Such Inik helps?" V wiyuoX Y j i Stlli, scull, a World war II vet- Iwrm IB Rhraji KxpfaiullM) Only Tuesday. Elsenhower, with- gt vear off. eran, got to thinking about the wewIn this connection, the. civil de- H Th<* nelRhbor ahruRited . "tn thing. And so he built himself a In M America." he «ald. "lhe cratw ii eiue people have been hit by ibii I ^ H ahelter In hU own basem*nt. ^ a fcM#[uery: I^K n acconipiinlfd by m nny auch crf*« Library’s Report contractor, SS he decided there might Que^ "HOW can I keep m y kids doATi f l l Voodoo. I believe.'' Li' be a profit In building aheltari for H< I f The American, havlni rolled an Given at Meeting ^ hera for three days when I can't I ^ H f| i M hU point, adwlMd the c<«. olbata. teep ihem In iha house lor one BUHL. Ju n r 3—A n n u in ib f a r y LL InopollUtn crowd around tha crap UAT6 OP AMCieKlT TIM ES The score so far: One built, two lOur on a rainy day? ’ I^M r t ta b le of Lbe f/im ous ufljnbllnjf rs.^lnn rrport. approved by Buhl city coun- Tl Cll Tuesday rvenlng. shows an In- o« ' So far. no one haa coma up with I la tll K’lJ Uiat .he yearned for nn "eichUr LCL O O k O U T A "scull^Un't too depressed aboul IL crrase of books In stock, clrcula- tn answer.______cE trom Decatur." thwgh. He polnU out that it takes w The two lYenchmen noddprf wisr- A S.tlon. borrowers and new cards Is- time Jhoi to figure coaU $o th a t a con- p —S [C ly. Clearly the Americana believed sued over last year. tractor can name a prlca on any K r In black magic. Last yew books In stock totaled ^rMPective trac txrob ___ But they hurried to back me when T hU ysar th e re a ra . 11,0511. ££“ | H 1 rollfrt iha-alghU-t»’tv-/oui«^ ------___-J ___ I ClrcCirculation last year was 17,338 agencies *ln the mood to advance compared to 19,083 this year. New money « « for such proJecU. N o n i BH • 2e 'ard way" are aeven fo one. cardcards last, year, amounted to 43fl mor and this year they am ounted to 471, 77i« Tl present eo*t: Around $100. m k )Plty I waa only bettlnR the 100 nnd If you are a do-lt-yoursetf fiend. ■ /ran« f30cent«> minimum. I, TollTolal desk recelpta last year were If AlthonKh lthna been here aeveral ' .W r < - r ^ - . $324J32<.60 compaK*^ ‘0 »337.30 thU = WE WILLILL BE m H Srears. th e crap t«ble allll. look.% In- ■ congnioua In th cement that w u Used to build It. atlll yeaterday. w They uy-jitJM clr'thelr-own Rua- -XT “a ipMtewnsn-or-taTera-Mininff — slana depend U n m uch on aleel. company, con which operates the mine, Their perfonntnce to date—In atl(aald neither side has asked for ^ ^ g B K o : publlc—haa been n comblnalton o( furifurther meeUngs to break the dead­ Jack Bowen. Portland, la TJaltlng vUltlng firemen. Jolly good fellows lock. loci ■ h it p aren u , M r. t n d M ra. A. M. and country cousins to ths Yugo- BSom e 375 men walked ou t M ny 18 Bowen. Slava. In protest over the discharge of a ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd. Mr. *‘“J;Nikita 8. Khnuhchev, Russia's mlrmine employe. The spokesman said H tn d Mra. Oharlea Bybee and ohIU CommunUt party boss, gaily ex- moimost of them are ’’now prelly well I k I ? « n -“» Springfield, Mo„ tre vUlt- 5^7plalna to an Aaaoclated Preas re- .»»iscattered.” He said equipment at I : ijinf Mf- "n'l Mrs. BUnley Walters. SLporterh why he Ulka to faal: "Life the mine site «^as being maintained •njom pw n. by members ot the company aUitf. 'B s U shotV, U ve I t up.". by ' JUJirendover. UUh. have been vlaltin* “ wWhile their fl«t Ure la being fixed, Calera 0 mlnei cobalt and copper. \ ’ H Mr. and Mra. Clarence McKlbben, KhrXhnuchev and Naataa I. Mikoyan Mr. and Mra. Roy arubb and *«!wrestle in the flelda In full view ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖<^ ■ouder and leaders lead In publlo day by dtiy and Ti r GASOUN E ■^fam ily are vlilUng w Joplin. Mo. /« » In varying alluaUona and waloh for ^ , DIESEL FUEL F Mra, Don Mllchell and children, signs sign of leaderahlp. * IL(i McOlll, Nev., are vlaltlng h er p ar- It it was Khrushchev, head of the .ji r LUBRICATING OILS ■ PHIIILCOU M ji«ota. Mr. and Mtt. W. S. Tenwtck, R\aRuslan Communlal party, and not ' Q uaker Btale • Phillips H.D. Bulganin, head of the niiultin gnv Uavollne - Macmlilnn - eminent, who did moat of the talk­ i SwivelI Console( J l 2 5 0 P i p PiWendell Reports r;;ing, ^i r ( tllK A S E Stalin, flxrd In hla ways, moved I ahead by pliinglnR forward Ilka a1 i r T im js - liA'lTEUIES On Trips, Visits. bull. He novrr aeemed tn change. •WBNDELI,, Jim n 3 — O uesla ot‘ And*!'*" almodt every^tliue he moved f f J^snlt'Jrfmps are Mr. and Mrs. HiIAY BALERR i" j l Jack WllUtmn ami Mta, L. U Wol- |— l»-ow nfy, O n ltf,...... -AMiaaing TSITH REPLACED . ^...... Unfjcrt «tHlei-, Pom nton fjikea ■bN . J„ Imvr hfrn vuiUng hla par.‘ Whilf ’ You Woit | l |e n t j » . Mr. nnrt Mrs. E lm er Mllirr. OUR I |C;T{ Mr, anrt Mr.r Oharlea Jnhiwou FIT-RITE SEE ITr HERE IN C fcl.« «nd frtnllv have reiurned from Sno- DENTAL LAB • ■ kane, Wiinli. ^ lllS i w. M*u r k HM ^ ■Lt Mr. mill Mra. Dnvlrt P e le w n and ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖^ •-1' W LdauK lilcr .linvc iftiurnrd to HenUm, ^ MOU!! I t WrtflJi..' n fter ' 1“ SHOWVROOMNI l | | k OufAtn Ilf Mr. and Mra. Hugh i "f« Drward aimmon# and L o t t h e ^ . . ■|ci»iuiroiiri:npwinrTkir*r-wrK.--vniniv■I _ — -[9*5 ■■Iton nml dauiihirr, nrlmoni, Oallf.. - A W rM itco4i] istration ^ i.^lfancl Mia. Elmer (khrati ami aon, A sk f o r■ .Free Demonsti ij.|C(iAc«ilr, r N O R ™ ^ ^ IDE CLUB jai ~NO I.K'KNHH^ ttV wllh New W 1.0H ANOIi|,KH, Jm ir 3 - A mat) lly SurpWf A •'ccu-'nl ol nttnuiiiinK to riire by ome l U Built Swl> The Low C a ilmrgft ftt iiraiilcing medicine iK t^ iim l allrrnAr. Full qunllly Pliilro willtlit |U!WI IriiiinfciriniT povv m ih \ t'.uicUni I'lriii'lriii 'I'liiii'i, I'liixrr 'I'lji You! Here'ss A Baler thatIt ^Will - w Saturday Nite 'riitiiiiR a m i lii^ VMiii-liI iiip H|i(S'lii1llnii n( (hr lliiii»r: A Irlaxnl. Kilrndlv Aliiiufliilinr d l F o d m )rllKlllIiil Mnnll' . , . ’IVmiidiu;. Hr- I t ’s N eww . !, , , It ’s A ll Irlmi* h'ooil mill miiiK, I'Tjii'ritV Owna^naw 0^ ■ five.1 Kl th r iiriik n( ...... i„ ,|c. 21 -lr> c 'h T , Phllco TV I i i CDNVUNIICNT J r J w 9 a n d d a n c e for at llltia at 7 * ^ ' avaii,aiii,k to thc inimuHic of no.l speclaJist in ARLON B FORBf: JocaJ moving! B A STIA N I WILSON4-BATES CUREE N C E W . K < I a n d h i s oorchestra r I ILESS J Alit ai/n a Good Timt'' at al thr Northnidv ( luh! appliaANCES TRA

/ '------— ------

1 1 I*. »»»«______TIMES-HEW5w s, TW IN FALLS. IDAHO:o P A G EE N M l] ira v ;| Craftlft of Tomorrow ‘y** Spaniards attendln ,|l VISIT IN HAGBflMAN A ppliances, AuliU lO S • Slsnt ” rd JniernaUonal "S‘. tra« to Appointed■'* HAOIRM AN, J u n e » - MMrs. n . Mae E fiU E N lO N ^ , here. RU PER T. Ju n e 3—A l the lhe Idaho Hosselkua. Crede. Colo., Is v|visiting f l n Attract AttenPtltinn howwlves wereP pi partlcu- ,nnu*j Methodist conferencenee In Id a- l u r couslna. M rs. Roy VadeiVader and ®IVN»8 n gf^for ■ ■ j m v a ii.av a i i„)y impresaed by lhe dlsh»llshwasher, the Rev. Wendellleii L, Coe Mrs. Charlea Cary, sr, BARCELONA. Sp.m, JunJu n e S Wt electric *tove Rnd refrlgeragerator In «ppolnt«d to serve om ------II / ‘x.errgft/A /o» a l l r3 '\ r* ‘'>”y*f'Jrnlahed. prcfatrcfabrlcated lli.ooo tjungalow. year In Rupert. pa. was appointed to serverve IIn the P>* - — — ^«rle»n coiuge »ndd a Pord ------— The Rev. Dallas McNeil,Icll, form er MeUiodlst church In KlamaUinaUl Falls. | M4M4/MM Tmr MLL*5 u » . | ,~ Thunderblrd »porta ear caught cau( the READ t i m e s -n e w s W AN!ANT ADS, p a sto r a t R upert and noww a al t N am - Ore.______W S F ''^ ^

S ^ K W P •o ‘‘ lhe thinp mm- A BUYY l l^tor tbe ^ ■ P § ||H |||n • iV;' T k i J (M (I idil 34T1I5BNI). F iont mounted speaker.ker. 21-inch aluminiied Picture 5 ^ '““'“ B S I B i Tube. Htndsome>me Jwrherctie cabinet. ■ f N ■*“ ^ h f ~ 5JTo**the^ '/jW p H lI l» ™ “ control ^ ^ d » H | j j j | p | H 22le I home. W S / ^ vlthout.

S d ^ t . heat S td U u - ” B I G iA l S n r i ! f £ , •'hoUM of '' < I '189* ^oooulstent.

^-£td o!t'K ^ of fine metal -I 8tl6*liy on Uie re- ^ -ijyinr bMrel" thil tbal reportedly wtll onlpertorm TerUealUeal tak eo lt ff / I -.nnnrtlntf M>d beUcopter*}ten ll described by Aaro Dlffctt, s nationatlonaL avia* . ff / I fW ®^, Uon eojlneerin* m*r»*iugailne. This sketch ibowi the circulareular-wln»ed ff # I .» n i» ni.hL s.p^Kiwaedly ii onder eonitrucUgn in France, thalha ecoleopur f # I f S n . ■■•I* • S ' " '" al- M m W >eered In developinf th e first rotkel aircraft ^ L mtUl !>****• . , ______c ra ft. (NEA) i # ■ miqueiUonsbly __ |.-rr^ S Chiefs of StaffSt Inventoror \ V ^ WARSAW. Ind.. June r June 1 fln- I ■ J kC I Grocery owner Jackc N.N. Powell. m M ■ vT ind In the gen' Nominees \ j r C l 28. said today he U U ready n to g M y~. , place hU self‘Openinglg bottle bo cap M In time for I M ______K^i^tlonsISi^-G tround foup^ 1 . f ^ I Til * t, Powell's bolUe cap feat K dmply by tolce WASHINGTON, June 3 I features an MHART "Naleli«i" V i line 3 W -P re s- tnch-long U b "JuSl long enough I K I lMk W w e4*«llael MitiM 1 1 ■ for tn o -Jo in t chlefa1 of ,/n When you lift lhe tab.>b. thelh whole J i - I M * H iiO i eU)ti )nnova* speedy approval by th one moUon." ^ - M •nflfvl Hialck. a»4 VMtkw> ■ 1 plclnrt- ire no arm ed setvlcea commltlee?:itle‘?“y e s S « P come. off. all In one i I I * ------I ______wl»f«t nwelMi coMaM I I ULCXttnalon w lthout^pertoptil-appearapc aran e cs.------,,'------— ------■ d t , both archltec* c h a lrm b n Russelt, D.. I * «Mi r**m’ CbaMlio a t M d««r rMcyrtM m a l the quartet, Including I p o r t e d . ^fctilUanunob- p^imcnta. .weis approvipproved‘£ 'f-4ir with* Events ^ Repoi , ------■■■’ • + - - ■ llttit lUntng are?- ^LnbJcCtlPm," ______- PlETRtCH, June 3—Mr.-^Mr. and Mrs.’ ...... 'M and a panel s e n a to r Sym ington, D., 'Wju, Ut»h, a r e ------______and only ■miiDi'an empty „jer secretary of the w the air force, moving to Dietrich, ■ itlopaoitbottom j^ter told reporter* he wasv dlsap- Jo h n M illard, Jr., PortliPorlland, Ore.. ^ S— h a t . . . 3 3 9 ^ “ ■KtnUi*^ Between pointed thal an airr forcelor< general has returned home aflerCerjrlslClng jfl his ■ k » iKtm of high h a d n o t been namled ed tot- the top parents. Mr. and Mrs.rs. J Jo h n Mil- B nm- Awthing gpot o l c h a l m u . ]jtrd, and Mrs. WllfordIlford Hubert - ■alihlBt In a fcloutl A rth u r Radforddford w u ap- have relumed to Salt Lake City afU B - - .iT proved for another two-yeartwo- term er vlslUng his parents,^nts, Mr. and H . cane now. , J a ^ j^ ,g chnlrm an and SymingtonI Mrs. Erich Hubert. t n'rm ““‘<1 h e h a d no objectlo,lection to "Ad------B o 9 tare* to drill jyidford, for whom'hom hava the »m V,,. Wehest respect.” ■*»Tinngi Mil oe pominatlona now go the l ! «n«t« for exiwctad-cor1 -conllmatlQOia . ^ K ! S 3 9 S 3 9 7 ^ I S Z V* The other nominee for a second - - - te rm U G en. N athan P, air fore# chief of sUft.

w^if. ^111 The new men are:,,. H u & W a lli wUl be A^m . Arleighigh A. Burke, ■■ moving up two gradesIcs ai and over 93 M '"~ others in th« tx&vy eenloi ■ BpSnnnQl be chief of navat operaoperations with . 1 1 ^ ^ ■ fU llip q l . four-st&i: rank, succeedicceedlng Adm, *"/ HAS A U J l ■ P V t .....J. R obert B. Cnrney. B H aO ti. rO S t Gen. Maxwell p., Taylor,Tay nomi- > ; - r en. Matthew B. ' ^ W . ^M l^rrank Tuck- Ridrway -aa army chief t ’Jiua/it' hlef of ilalf. V 7 4 ^ n d e U high s c h o o l ______w > Attend Con m r i i l r t W te by Prejldent , -'onfab Rev ...nd riitti'i • ri l U r h f ^ L h . Kl. rf„M ^r. Leonard C lark have;S relii ,S S 'i«*rfi«i»r B i g F e a tu"ures th at ma h C A P E Hl A, R T ■ S ..U J « I? tt/o «nnual conference,cc ofot Metmxiiit n iry liiilWn ni i 0• m I ^ M utU of Nnmpn ,^ ,rc h M a t Idaho Falls.alls, * ■ £ hu . h.M ^in 'r>'« RCV. Mr. Clarkark ireports the Stop drsamln*,...a alar la rt bu{ld< le Rev. Roberl ingl The home of youryour dreams YYour Best Bu ■ " £ “**S . " Collew ” '** of Cre:ishtiw for '*» CaflUefordeford. The Rev. y, poulbU today...at,.at aa aavlnc. 'my i n ’5 5 H mrfi.x. «.„rir .1 Mr. Crennhaw will beoe re^resident m ln - l ,, e ip taln howm theth« proper ■ ,j J l*ter th e re lo r lho comlncomlnK year. He ,h , v .r io uII i c «r ra d ei «{ ^ 1. IXCLUtiVI CAPIHART POL»OUllOID« Jenl nf Nampa. i„n,ber clin brinf youyou all the ^ ...... PICTUKI riLTIKJUfTIM^l _ ...... , , _ ...... ■"toupn, HU Wlf*. • • nETllRNfl IIO^linMF • adyanM|*a-ol-b«»diralidin|-»Uli- - ...... I too. - F o r "Eye-Comfort" VI*wlitwing ■ r ' h Wctlierbee. m u r TAUOH, Junene 3 •- Mr, and •"'* **’'• “ ®' B . ..1, “ '?• Mr«. O. W. Johnson,",)' Jr, ",“I HARRY BARARRY I ^ a. SINSATIONAl SYMPHONIC•Nte TONI ° * flrrn linve rrlurnul hom Knox, Ky„ whpip Jolia'\nohiuni) liiiA lirrn LUMBERt CO.C ^ "Speaking Picwrc".,.TxJ.Ith F t* Sound Reproduction H laklnit special nationalnnl g guard irnlii- 0 } 3. riATHIH.TOUCH ClUtTHriR CONTROLS ■irolled For quick, easy, ciact tunin]ining H J-V»c»ilnn niblo nl Ulf Mr*c| L 4. DUALTONI CONTROt V I ) opciiM MoiulAy IPUBLIC ot 7B ■ Separaie ban and trebleIc c '( iriclirii. M rs.' ■ i ^ Power ind Performance« "i*‘Ouf 0 / This W orld". B u U r dUrrtoi, i* ^ Aplrt. ptntilM B Th* ntw Capcharta gr* btllirllir Ihon vyti^-baifar Jn p»r/w/n. V l'in i. L> u'.hciui.d ...... J k E I • «nM, b«H*r irt iM ka, b*H*r■ liubuy«.'S«» and h»ar th«m lodny, »t tllf rlm i.lu ANC{ « i r r.i*r.i^ JEROMIh4E MOOSE HAI * k*i>>i»w ar c<».«xn.»MM«trtk c««M*r ■HTISfMENTS EVERIRY SAT. NIGHl BUY THS BE5T~BUr A CAPEHAKTi M I l %( I

______Bob Overmon See These FiFine Sets / 111 • .III.hit i„ Bq HIS IDAHO w r a n g l e r : A l l / f f BS"!.r;;';,;;,:::;;;! A N D HI! ER5 AHume vm NOTNINO B fn » f rk« wpfriR |M*MM »Ctl»Mej. t.clulv* CsmWi On DisployHRow I At HI HaottI riiiiriUii 5rM*m Wlik Jl'lMb Ih. VINUt |M«d*| WnilM), -lu rtlei l(>to^ ti. pKiuct iuIm. .-rt* ).(puk« »o»«S K«»dMuil IIM .ii«b>ir Dutliooi (Uinuel. w ait "All-Cti>nn.l" Tiui«« M |U«I CARNOTIli T I T E development Corp. C o kiitxi <••>. Your Favoritete Dealers if.i *319-*s ■ l, IUI ' I *359"» NEW URANIUM MINING CO. fcu'i-, lulnn ^ • ■ l. IM'T""' ...... • U rtfU lfifdrt willWllh Ih i Hcciiilllfs EKcliang* CninnilMlor ( ,1 * i,h nm H uU n i.« n r . C..inml».in.>.' In Twin F ai l l l l s j Gooding Idnl'iiouls Judge]jdges assembled In thclr nnnual U he hnd ndm llled to being 105 year* QavenUoD th a t t ha .'■■ranoi, jM U a - a l 1:15 p. m. Sundny and 11:30 a. m . H am vej old earlier this week. ' outh’LJdeaJUftWM hold in many ^ Monday_and stage work, at 9 a. H ClaimR A ge' iuiti[55™ ^^^B|^ I 15 p. m. nnd 3:30 p. m. M onday. ■ BW)HM|il|i|ljtf|^^ otherth e r sU U s -who also deem ii , gooa~ooa-m ental and -physrcil H KnirRtylinir cont<‘.<>ta tflll be held H TlThe bearded, outspoken convict I Sundny bcslnnInK at 1 p. m. H had often desctlbed himself as "age­ tlonerloner of youth. ratbtr Ut I Wllh the exception o( Sundny after* H less."less. During his trial for first de­ Judgejudi W. Lee Skanchy of Utalri rlKt. I jioon, when a ^m all rnlrnnce fee gree murder-tn m 7, he claimed to firstIrst juvenile court also spoite ,1 'U r r 'r t W f m I v,‘lll be chnrficd, the public will n o t H havehavt been 30 years old during the thbe e ddiscussion i. session on delinquency * l, I be ndm llted lo nny of lh e a.iMicIn- H CivilCIvi: war.- He BeBee wa* convicted for killing He urged stronger emphasis upon ^ ■ lion (leMlons. A bana'iet wlll be held ■ prevetrevenUon ot Juvenile delinquency 1055,” s t the Lealojv hnll » l 7:30 p. ui. r a country marshal In Mt. Pleasant. Sunday. UUtal tah. In 1946. He was originally Membera of lha arrangements : senunced to die, but the sUte board commlllee Includc Mr* Richard v of pardons com m uted It to life im* Jlunter. locnl awoclntlon prejsldrnt.. IR J g . ^ I B prisonment- p:u^ BeBee never denied and Addison Parker. Mr.'S. Den lhe shooUng—of Marshal Lon T. Jewell. Mrs, Howard Worley. Oene LarsenLara after U rsen had tossed him _ McIntyre-Hnd-Mnr-Rnljy-ircvnett: out 01 a saloon—blit maln{alned~he all Twin Palla. Prenldcntot the stAte had>ud done It In self-defense. organization U Vaushion Heaps, The lltlle convict's frail. lOfl-pound Lj— pociinra:------^ y was U ken to s i ^ l t LaJce City ' mortuary,m or where directors said funeral arrangemenU 1 were being M B B B I hnnhnndted by Prank W. 03anlbn. I 16 of Blaine’s Midvale. They described ©"Banlon as a "friend and studeni" of BeBee's. No Known Relativte I Teachers Are BeBee has no known relatives. His This ‘'m othet-and*ehlld” scene, viewedewed from a pUne flying dlreeUy ■ wife. Olnme. died In 1953 while on ^ overbead. showi a navy F7U-J CutlaHlUn twin Jet fighter pUne behig her way for a weekly visit with her rae device trailing from an AJ-2 I Leaving Posts ' husbandhusi at lhe prison. I refueled lo nld-air Ibroufb a drogue < Unker plane. The atreamUned Jet figbtei{bter is baaed at tbe AtUntle City, I ' HAILEY. Juno 3 - School Supt ^ ■Bay h ' T h e convict had unshorn locks photo via AF wirephoto)______II ^ K n i and a scraggly beard when he died. N.J., N.. naval air sUtlon. (U.S. navy phoi i Pnul P. E>empscy reports lh a t 1« I u teachers have resigned their posl- M ^ BBul ul the beard wasn't what it used to D tlons In Blaine county schools. H be. Prison officials gave him an /ll ||4 Dennis Blgsers. 7th grade math- ■ I t ^ y enf(enforced shave and haircut in 1049, |jClass l at College JClamp Imposed .'j matlcs. and high school Klence H trimmingtrin a set of whiskers that BOaOTA, Columbia, June 3 (IB— H tcacher. Bellevue, and Mn. Biggers, H reached almost to his waist. BeBee Visits Two Firms™”Prior censorsiiip was imposed on , high school mathematics, home S had foughi to keep his whiskers the newspoper La Republica yester- economica and grade achool spelling _ fl a t th e Ume. x)The secretarial practice class of doy for violaUng a government ban CFREEelFTr\f& M -Twln-Palls-Butinets .college vl5lt/'d *a-pon.puhllcatlnn ol reporta oa BUtillc__ -latoiU ^^K hJ eecond grade teacher in Hailey; Mra! B he had said then. "It waa given me the MounUin Stales Telephone and dlstudisturbances. , nid°4 Wesley Carlson, home economics S as a personal present by mother Telegraphxele company Wednesday to 'Th'The newspaper reported Wednes- 1 teacher in Hailey high school; B ______acqiacquaint students wilh. different day Uiati a group of ouUows wearing 1 J rs.t!x tisS a s Eleanor Toone, English and home g phases of telephone work. armjarmy uniforms killed 27 persons in ’ prif*. economics teacher In Carey; Mrs. B The class also visited the Times- nn(in a tU ck on a ru ra l community in « £. E. Brlnegar, Hailey~slxth grade W Settlement Made IncwNews for an insight on newspaper ToUrToUma sUU. a , tescher, and Mrs. Wayne Brown, ■ work. Ketchum third grads teacher, are R afael, Hollywood eollfenr, who will demotiitnl. h.lntjU nf «t Uio In Damage Suit’tKotheriiie Weaver, former grad­ LEAVES FILER ■ retiring. . IdaboId Counelolofloal association convention con here, pnls ilnlsblng ' ' uate of the college and now em - FFILER, I June 3—Ray Lee has re- ■ Louis Hlrschman, who taught In loaches (o on curls of movie starlet TlUariUa Ulm an. T he convention vrlll be )( »HOtfOLULU. Ju n e 3 (UV-The In* pfoyployed wllh an accounU nt firm in turniturned to Hood River, Ore., after S the tilth to eighth grides In Hailey held bc Hunday and Monday al lha AmiAmerican Legion b^lL (SUft ■(crnattonnl ^ Longshorem'en’a and Twin Falls, was gueal speaker nl vlaltlvisiting Mr. a n d M rs. W. M. Price.______U • and Charles' Mdmtt,—typing- and - |ta|t v ln g > ...... - Watebouseman’a.union.haa aelUed tu.Uie secretarial pracllea class Thurs- i m 1x>otfceeptag teacher in C school — a 16ng*sUndlng nne.mllllnn ilnllar. ^d a riiiu iiiiiin.------^ — damage Judgment won by the Ju- i.Miss Weaver stressed In her talk - Wayne Pagg, mathematics, science Tax Ij Commission SiSite for School |ncau Spruce company, AJaska, for the .u. imporUnce of dependability on teaober and coach in Hailey, has »250,000. / ^ the J* Job, proper dress and conduct, ' been named principal of the Wen* The ILWU’s Hawairregional dl- in d the need for a thorough knowl< II dell high school. Hem? Ochs, who Sets June Meet Asked of Voters rector, Jock H all, !8B, June 2 OP—The Idaho ^IDAHO PALLS, June 8 Cfl — tho modem office. She wns Intro­ ■ grades and Junior high schoql at tax (250,000 settlem ent an d would be tax commission opens Its June meet* xaxTaxpayers are being asked whether nali duced by Mrs. Ihrm n Ringwood, ■ Carey, has accepted a position In ing Wednesday with ita primary ob* *he^ paid from a $335,000 setU em ent th e class iosmictor. they would prefer the new Bonne* frvILWU won from the Hawaiian sugar ■ sorthem Idaho. jeclJective the task ot determining as* vlUB senlor-Junlop high school— ■ Esther Steinmetx, Carey, will seatsessed valuation for railroads. Sec- .ntl companies in a fair labor sUndard . „ m lA N K authorized by a bond Issue vote last ,uit ■ teach in Montana next year; Jamea xeUretary Tom Kurdy said yesterday, ^ce suit. r m B Higgs, mathematics and science F week—built a t Lin<;oln or th e Lin* t'The- Alaska lumber firm originally ± First on the agenda, however. Is coircoln*Iona crossroads. gug. Parldng Fines I teacher in Hailey, will teach in Wb* aa p personal income tax appeal from sued Uie ILWU for »1.025,000 for The officers and emploiployes of the Twin Falis BankSank &i TnistB^ ■ consin; John Stuart, principal of HarryHu R. Merrick, Twin Palls. Chairman Robert E. Hill of the dandamages suffered in a jurisdictional A total of J7 In. bonds was post­ H the Ketohum grade sohool, has ao* Railroad represenUtives. are to Bonneville school d istric t 03 board stri:strike which closed the compnny in cded with\ Twin Palls police 'Thursdoy pany extend their deedeepest appreciation to thee peoplepeo of P cepted a position in Colorado, and meetmo with the commission to begin said last night mall ballots would 1849. 104( The company was awarded for overtime parking vlolollons. Tj • Leater M. Haagensen, principal of consideration con of their next assess- be , sent oul next week. The bond «75(•750,000, bu l th e sum grew to »!,- P(Posting bonds were Mnglc Vnlley Valley for the wondemderful ovation given us during duri the Hailey high sohool, wllL go to ment. mei ,.ln_lfi54. the total assessed ^issue totaled $725,000. ' 006.000,058 w ith, added court oosts and Bas.Bttsebnll elub, O. Stuort, Billy V. I ColtTomla;------vnivnluatlon of railroads operating in ------lriterd for A. R, Eldred V, 0 . B a rtle tt MnryInry Cl Clerelud H '< ■ was opened In the new building ^ such IhlngR aa knifeknlfo-ncml vr.'sr pUloi, B ert H arbaugh Mr«.in. ElliEllwoodXMHfg I recently completed at the Junction ff A bout four yenm ago, Kergunc T. B. Pnusett rgunon engineer* imjfo reginter a.ijuatriuRtment, nmi bnll-jolnt .in. Alrntdt a o u ^ B n o f highways aii end 30. 11 •et out to doelRn nnd perfect Ida McBride Oerril L. Peters Mn. Aln rfect nn agricul- a,|j„.tment. Uad, adJuBlmi'nt a.lj (previoimly llu ConnU RIoI^BL:; __^h6.^CW_tmlldlng haa a leallng 11 tural movrer.lhal would ov WItey Dodds Irtna Baxter Mlu Co p a c l t y of afl. M rs. Nussbaum op- lj 1 ovcrcomo th# , coiuUnl Murce< ofof trouble)t it no longpr . contly WNiktMmra o f ttio old-iit Donnn PerRiison D orothy Swope O. C> a erated Chan's Bnr*B*Q for two li .ia-«tyle pilmnn- triUonl, nml tlio rncloryfncU ikiUuik normnlly Mr.i. Mary F. Peterson Onye Lynn Ooodm an Cora;ora Df years, recently relln(|Ulahlng her ■ typo m ower. '1‘hpy roco*knizetiiUe.1 III. immrn- ^ roadjuatnuatment. Im s # to open in tho new location. I ally o f th e p m blrm , buL werrwern Hptirr*[iln ■ . ij dally. 'I'hfl batlc prnlilom waR twnTc3lli 1,0- l„ '■«"h c rtc n e c / Mrs. W. W. fltcphens Ml*. P. C. Pleie# I.urry.nrrym-t H) ' H . iRilt Itoonirti. H ' (illminate vibrntinn; nnd liow lo Inrrrniw Tn IncreaM Rpe«eeolwen Wflllw M fully Ih l knife nliniilil l>el>e ii in lli|„n.< »• Mm. l.niiPd Jenkins H enry OandlnRa Hlisron II Juna 3 Ifl—Wcsl Oeniian cjistoms utiliiing mn««l>I>e«1 Mnrelioiise Mra. Arlle E. W hite M»rvln.tsrvln I ItuhKr they l\nve broken up nn internation­ »IOiapilmnn-ly|KTilrivr. Mm. .liwiiia llrniin Mrs. i>lilllp Pl* E rntilSS. b t i al ring which sm uggled ALragrilc N«w I ( k s J g n d 'l’»i««n»wer cam e inin ll lliaf..rtn nrni.io.lHiril drivm rmchaniim d»i llinn r- metAb to rom m nntst enat-Europe In iii-|>lnne drlva U- tal I mlnlml«o.li l,nif« f„. I.iiin filirlly Mnrjorle Darsl KWe H* tho pnit Uiree ycnrs. ' T lie firat (iriililsiii tai'klivl wrr ;i.ra Wslur H I w«R hnw In Im. «llowrlii«JwnRinrn>.nrreAHcl n* imirli nn one. (ipiiiuilfl liiiuly .R uth H elen lUotler J»Uu» » I'Ifiv.I M.'yer , D. McCrHtM H , wrlKhl. 'I'n lii.uro Ioiir Ufa lira nn.I liixii- *"<' Pf"'' prodiHlian .if .1)^ t„ 4 A llhrn C aibpn I, R. «« ' I,, nier ■ ;! A VVACUUM CLEANER niiof-cl iii.rrn n cn . RiioilnlInl iin llfrlrtlo it 1“'^ vllhout c i.'fu lv i innlii. li.miiM'l I'c iilin Mi.ik Q. flwnii r. h. ^ modtrn A lM iRICA't w «io ^ m lx-«rinffii wrrn ilMifiiinl nivlivl iilncor|x.f.U.J *• po«llil^ ie. W. A. OMrandPr Leonard W, Menke Mri. Wt \ P O V i r i R ON BIG WHEELS! lulo tho (lilll. A itliiir E. OrcenRr 'llje lm a lie U r Mil,j„, vw ru® **,* m All'll I \ M O W E R llm rv Wnvrn M ir, Flora Hooliler Many additionalif im*nprov«m«nfi ,l.l„ rt J th* all now Amy ll.v%ilink ______ton vAfoft'on, ftwtr odim ______■.nuiii-Bnv , idiiOtnUtttt------o * w - ^ » ^ f n - r h « tn>^1'wlll^-^mT'^l^TOlrl.^l'lii------itr . —- ...... i n c ^ - u ------W‘ rT I'liioiui ' “ JUTTlcrH loM !}(«) n V , W I T H T H i I W idi ...... I ImUii.'iHi1 ...... m il, KprKu»..n " < 'o m |« n i« l lh a' t«|i>(«, l.ni.1.; .l.ni.K.ii: * Mil Hcrl Israel n.)« flf tllbcll C(iK> , '^ B fliiKliinrm not niiuul nliiijiUryiiiIfylngllinenllra 'IIiihI (if nllinhliiK lh" ' Mm Miiiiliii Hmllti K ll.„ ' <"l“ ' ' .1,,. II. U. I '" " ■ I inot'liniiinlii' of llm iniiwcr,»cr, «llM>liiAllnK •'* lha Ifn.lnrf <|ii|('k ntln...... a o u s all -..,,1,1 . puJi' i.iiiUi.l, iirpfwiil l» ill "'In I'lTpivii, SvMnii ...... " r» ..t Diul t>. ..a » ,v.ho.,l . 1 «:oiilliiii.-.l, f f 'I'l.p tMiill r,f llipaoMl PiT.III.pf I. I...... I •11 looM ’’ ' ^ KU.HM1 HIk1,-S|hkh1Hi M.ivinf «iil, l,,„„

!<•<• U ,..r \ ( TES AVAIUBLEill B ^ t'lir n.lililliitint Infiin'f'T "* '"...... Itir PLAT , )ll"l 11.11 IK 1„. nH'iiionitive jilatt'fi availiihiooforourfrj'j^l^ for t r-— I FREE’29" ' a Kln.l In niMWor y.iiiiy"“f 'I'l'* ...... Whnl , W r Miiw liavu coinmci V______)!U W KNIIl AKO " |||iv III lin.iK i|„ , , UDil i;ii:iluiiiorK a l .i;2.00 $2 oacli. You limy obln^'' ...... U t---. ' ...... ' rtinwer Oill lo ym■r ir Tnrnir« nn.I ll...... ■ HT------''■‘<'‘Ninil, (•(llinl,or• oilon thli baHonitMiL floor. Vt»,UWII HO».nj hon Mntki m III! piifecl {flmtiinilinn loi yau. Tfief'll fpu • InviNti li»n. ind nuke moi'rinc lutt Dnn'i (m li, I^ . ^ >■>« J See thesee hereI NOW ' I'l* III.ini'. i ^ K i IIMKIO o irill HURRT INI lAWNDOy $ 7 ^ . 5 0 / “ T u p r ¥6.00 Month I Twin fall!lls Bank & Mr u $ tiV Srn'iiifi l\1(i(licIlk Vnllrv Co,nlnieliM>ll f g r M W j TWIN FALLSLS TRACTOR & IMP. CO. '■'Vin |.'„||« Mcmbc,ihcr FD IC aiiit Federal BiUtO Kimberly Road ' 7 Phone 2675-W

, / ^------t im e s -n e wv s ,. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO0 ______PAGE JXEVEE V E N I In stallsIs Women's Presid en f |]t Local Women1 0 o f Wed in Rituajal Honored Queen3n, Installed a t Ritl^ite Miss Hum phreyslys 1 PEO Named Officers Segt€Ited ■HMMMHI SB ^ " illlLSBL- Wed to M cMillarllan I H H Annual Sess;ssion * '" i l g S H Kfcr ATPuBIi^fij f u ^ r l H n M H In Boise Ritualrudls COEUR D'ALENE. June S ^ H ||k Jo Ann Reese, daughter oot Mr. »S l ^ M r s . H im iph- I Irene A. Fox. first vice pr« ^ ^ ^ H and Mra. Roberl Reese, wass inatailedIni prttldent, - * <>Irx.EU<> J and Mra. V em eiu Hogsell,te it ueas* honored queen o t belhel No.<0. 43.4 In - urer. both Tum Palis, were < lernaUonal Order ol Job's's D augh- S @ B 9 ^ E H ^ ^ H H b uid S am > I ere elected ' ' ‘ V fll and Mrs. | Thursday at the clue of'< ththe 40U) ^ ^ ^ H ler's, Wednesday eveningg a t lbe annual convention of the ^ ^ ^ H Masonic tempie. ro united / - I th e Tdaho iN aserln* chapter. PEG BIsirrhood, here.here Mrs. 4 1 |W K ' Other officer* Installed are EvelynI Mary Cornell. si Madea waa 1 Shotwell. senior princess;>; Mickeyf m lng. I waa elected ’ ireys was president; Mra. Helen S. Gale,Gale. Boise, ' Hulbert, Junior princess; Ann\n n Irwln, o rg n n lm : Mr^ M arnaret < guide: Lynda Browi). ma inty high I ret C arter. . f n ^ K practical 'j Qoodlng. aecond vice prealdenl.Idcnt; Mrs. P 1 | ^ H Shnron M llltr. chaplain; EUsabeth Elii ike's hos- I 1 I Dorothy M. Jnhiwon. Ooodlroodlng. re- ” ‘ 1 rJr^ ^ H Peteraon. musician; Wilmala V Wright, cording secret.-irj‘ and M n librarian;--AiiitA .MUler, rvcordec; rve M rs. Beaa lhe navy, j i f f I V * S I K i Saundars, lioni.ert Perry,rry, corre- i_ X jH Venlla Turner, treasurer; EthEthel U r- . .jiifl sponding secretary H T. V ban. flrsl messengerrBonnionnle Me- from his iranertaa. ) fljt T i, M I ^ t.ha a » j nf K .i_ M Clure. sccond mcaatagec:_iC l.O oilIU f i T ^ H r ■ '» il i i H U Nllfleflnger. third messengerIger;'Oin- Delegates irlected to attend attei the H B B m fc y '■mQBH I ger Frlezen fourth mesimessenger; i i U . ‘ ^ * i! * supreme PEO convention1 in 1Indian- B j M Carolyn Blackburn, fifth mesimessenger; ' ' i H H l apolis next (October are EI1eoherty.I. Rexburg;R( Slaynrr, Inner guard, andid Ml> arilyn ;ulm Celine Hulbert. Lewiston::ton; Jean ^ ^ ^ ^ H Harper, outer guard. Eakln. Sandpolnl; Bettyy Crandall.Ci T he choir memt>ers are Carl |^ H /' Rites Idaho Palls, i.niii pi^to,to, Bonners1 ■ ■ ■ I M I H H H M I H{ i ■B ■ H i Ccderstrom. Oall Wright.It. Sharon I >1 : l i ' i l M m ice K as- Perry: Lucille Oaaser. Pocatello; Po< MRS. siiEl.nv d . DtlKIitlKES Wlrschlng. MlUle Oerrlsh.-ish. M ary J 1, Quincy. ConsUnce Rem sberg.:. C Caldwell;e (Kelkrr p h o io - ^ u f t engrai>rTmiin»\ t>ou Johnson, Jo a n n SUnfleldfield. Carol ' V'l. Ji^^H Prances Lamb, Wendell: EdlU-Edith Good- * * * >pa»in*) * ^^^„orth, Patsy Miller, Lula Lul Mae H H L L JL liliJF aH I Wednesday ing. Shoshone: Eda_Warner«rner. Twin » * * »* Kllllnger. Kranccs Peavey.vey M ary j q a n n REESE 1st church, BOISE, June J-M arJ(e formed Humf the Falls; H um MurpKy. CalSwe i — -j~ ------RamboJtoroUiy.Dft.Yji..Kath reys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EI Owariney. and Lucllle H< M iss Bunce Weeeo rlson. Linda H am ilton, BilUlo5 S SSS worth Humphreya. Corral, and Sa Salmon. rls. Ja n e t R odm an. M ary• Robertson Bol ______- - uel K. McMllUn. son of Mr. anda fld K -M n , . 1 -T tie —s u t« —FEO awarde! i k p c • *oaiig' ■■i'HWg ..V'' pmldlng honored Q ^n's pl: Christian meeUng T h u rsd ay . T hr/rnuoUtft e gro d^nce rcweV Gthe Luclile Constitution was givenn bby Mrs. Years" and "The Lord's Pra: if.ii^’ w u. Refreshment* were servedP Ij morning at the Methodist chu Following the InsUliatlo: ho?L. Townley school ot dnncrnee 1 wn.i pre- Clyde, Crnndall. latlon Miss Hnrrls. Mrs. Stone. Mrs.iiravlni^ C. The Rev. J. D. Crego performed nariea Hoil. -pu„dny evening In The bride, given in marr g in the high Mrs. A. D. Buckley, W sld e n t. her fath e r, wore a grayV *ulLsu with dedicated a aong withvlth Mlginal Shepherd ahd Mrs. RobertI iT V double rin g ceremony.-^ ~ Bl^t The member# also mac L lyrics sung by Sharon Miller made cooklc* school gymoasluin. introduced the new secomecond ward blue nccessorics. rhino iller to Mlsa special gueata were Mrs. 1 AttendanU were Mr. and iTenltuUlI»I by And Ju d s e d 'th e m . CynihtyiUhla Lough- -Tno pro^m fenturedired tnp and presidency of Mrs. David I, ir. lJ-il! Thorson. . Bell. Mrs. Anton Humbac^s f p P ------Pred Zimmerman. id I, Gamer, necklace an« earrings and» a The five line offlcera ar lh> othen Uklng miller took first place;* Che Clam- ballet students from Burleylurley. Rupert, president; Mrs. Earl BlaciBlacker and of Rweethcnrt ro.scs. She ct a and Mra. g^Hy scheer. fccemplar/ic t The new Mrs. Kulm chose a t A fUy Sluyter greet«d Uie gi njinwiH Hatcher, p ltt. second. P lan a forr ththe e 4-H camp Twin Falls, and surround)sunding com- Mrs. F rank Cnmpbell, coicounselors, handkerchief which hod b e guests at member# also were guest^ 1. gray k n it ault w ith blue accea* bt Mn* Smith, a t K etchum on Ju n e8 38 wero dis- munitles. Id belonged ^ „ ce p tlo n Th'e U blele waaw ded* • « » m and M rs. LcRoy Blacker.•r. s(secreury. to her mother. h iu flowera . 1 . , S UT and an orchid coraage. iz Oalley. Ueu* cussed, T he show was divided inL , drTited w ith blue a n d whlU . PoUowlng a wedding trip, d into jfx sec- Mr*. V em Murray, Mr*.Mrs. A rthur Mr. a n d Mrs. W. M. .£uj 7'V h; In a silver bowl flanked b? ti loider. woTJhtp T h e n e x t m eeting will be held lions including sotiga. ancand danccs Hubsmlth. Mrs. JohnI MMcParlln. brother and sister-ln-law w I" Piano Studentsr o r r y couple wm reslda in Quincy, W iNormin Webb, Ju n e 16 a t th e hom e o f W o f MlM Clam- from m usical comedy hlU, Mrs. James brlde.^were the couple's MteSLnU att< candelabra. Idaho V t i ------______. pltu Tha lesson wUl1 be on dish, th* y>a- t !:l. Mrs. Jack Murray and Mra. To Give Recentertained ___ Jl Krvice girts washing: " — --- rauderllle acta.'songa anc both honored queens, poure 1 and dances enterlalnment:...... ■ tafUta..afternoon.drcaa.audi^.r;»H«„. McGuire. Mlaa--Angarbaueilauer MUs WENDELL. June S—Mrs.bnd Fi taste" oaier and dedlca- Six gueata were preseriresenl. Leader from a^ little red schoolhooolhouse, and sp rin g flower* flanked•d b;by Upers corsage of pink ahftttcrcd car I bf Mri. Haycj. and n&sUtant leader a re N overeS W i^ Threlkeld. Mlaa,>Ulen. Maylay ,Sumner ton wlll'prfisent her-pUno st are Mrs. Heber the Nutcrackcr sulle; bal Mrs. cenw red th e Ubles. Coraleeralee Nesblt. The bride's tabic was covci r. in a public reclU l a t 4 p jn . < pliftd the piano Loughm iller a n d M rs.:. WilWilliam Lan- Clyde Shilfer, Mrs. Lila Tu assisted with the nerving, 1 . Beth Tracy./-aJune Oametamer, Karen a cutwork cloth and ccnterectered w ith a j* « # at the Methodlat church. » VovOI/.iiMi.* ttuL ting: M rs. B off u r v e d1 refirefreshmenU. Vcvn Joslln.-werei In chargiharge of cos- Campbell'and SharonI WlWhittaker. Hered wedding cake HankedIked by lall it * * , , Those who will partlclpa n Mn. V. H. ¥>!■*' * lumei. Plano accompanit n .f,S dressed as wallresses, serviserved white candles. Mrs. L. L. £ t l J n - Oorts Jean Hensen. Vera :Creg S T ^ ! ' BIG CUTS OF ffloeUiNnbltU p , ^ I H elen Balcy, M rs. T urnerner and a Ruth chorus of Mrs. LaMarlar ^Nef, Mr*, ridge presided at the coffee®?“ S V ie w LDS Clui ol Day, Leona DbtU, Oassle 0 »* Banquet Serv3 rved McBride. Leora D utson. Mrs. Floydird PIp u t M rs &nd M rs. A. H. Anderson sei • K A ^A f Sharon Bungum, Elaine Pan It * I H I CHOICE BEEF Jnm es Christenson. Mra.Mrs E«ri «>''' cut ‘n Holds Last IV\ te e i nie Pope, Donna Pope. Betts ms and Mrs manner. Mrs, Lymaiymaa Engle VIEW . Ju n e S—T he cloainlosing aoclal Beverly Bailey, Shirley Milleconducted _ For M ia1 A pc Skeen, Mrs. Carl Williams a Maids Initiates^ . Verle Bingham sang. The hlswi^ was in charge of the gIfU. of th e View w ard. LDS ReiRelief was ol Robertson, Susan Freemai S* constitution of WENDEILL. Ju n o 3 — Gooding FILER. Ju n e 3—IniUalllitlallon cere- of the soclely from 1953I to 1lfi« w 2 FoUowlng a wedding trip to Sun given Tuesday afternoonon at the olyn Moore, Michael Moore,I S ’Z *NALLEY’S BEEF STB niilven by Mrs. stake LDS Mla-MaldsIs babanquet was monies were conductedKd forj Filer by Mrs. Milton Hyde.lyde Valley ihey wiU m ake Uieltheir home church. Tate and Theresa Harms,a Phi waa \ TBodiy for the served Tuesday eveningng ata t the W en- chapter No. 40. Order of A novelty ukulele number' The program was presetresented by it ¥ it A reading ' bStf toeleiy- dell ward house. sur. Wednesday at thele lOOf- IC hall, hji Karen Broadhe S ‘" ’ S “ ew Mr*. i-aa ,gradual- ^ ig , Roy M cBride and: Mrs. Mr 7V)m MAN BONOBEDy k t______Ooodlng stake La^ia™ wasu so:sololsl w ith jjijg Campbell. Mis* NcabltMWt accom- ^ ro m # n ie r high schcschool and OruweU. Mra. Elda Patters*terson gave OOODINO, June 3—Edwanved by Mrs. « ,Si Lnr . Colorado StaU Teacher'ser's college, * humoroua reading and Ifder, w» toutaUitre.mtrS^'oSce *• ='™ w panled by Mis* Campbell, md Shwon was honored Monday on h N. ibell, sang a Oreeley,-Colo. S h e h as ^ beei e n an In- Homllton and Laura Lee Rlc i was given by Mrs. Chanc y Mra. Marie rRlc&rdson blr.thday anniversary with a ,.A nION WOrego, l Car* Iflt Dletxicli, Tllf 0By ANGELO PATRI T he benediction was givenglvet by Mrs. Tueaday night at ths M 'is ... n p-~“ * “idpalnlem «p' ^ sle Oeiaaler, 1 tw June 15 nt , — “ Ray Qamer. temple. M arilyn RoUi,Ul, honored | Backaches may b« «uft o ^ U d 'SATURD^Parr, Bon- y T. Orftnwood. G ra d u atio n signalsis lhth e comple- reader will use. T h ait t mimeans one - -• queen, waa la charge of Ithe cere- with.rheumatism,1. arthrlUs,ar Betty Pope, Miller, C a r. W tfd by pocma. tlon of a course of stustudy. d That is suited to his tastes, hob , mony. .. lumbago, stomach andMl Wdny DURING J U a praiseworthy acconaccomplishment general InUresU. An enc ^ n n n r special birthday honorsora a and gllU disorders. If you have havi tried «man. Car- H JM im iiM K C O l Cl IUUI Mrs. Joe h »re, CheriU B jlllB n n n iin iM O rtin “•'“'•l'l bo markedrked by praise is wonderful; a dicUonai-loH'SnS Social Calen everything eUe, T ry i , and reward. While weva dodo not want be beaUn; a classic In literature, I — I guardian aecreUry'.' Mrs,•a, TTed Scolt, nient. Relief U often ol fgfn a school child or a hi Round Dance guardian, waa present, treatm ent.M S McCOYCO- FER a high school provided (he recipientI enjoysen| liter- step and Swingstera Roui ED graduate to feel hisis ededucaUon Is ature, la fine, ^Monday al Pifns were made for a pa club will m eet a t 9 p.m.n.M M o n a ay av IwardVarln H ||||I|H ■ ■ V completed, we do wanw an t him to A trip to tome placeice tlthe young Uie Kimberly O range hall, 1 Sunday at DR. ALMA HAR f. ' the Ett True liome, Thobe p party will c n iR O rR A O T O I / 1' know we are delightedted b; by hls will- person has longed to see ccan be an * * * th a pbUuck T ^ H ||ln B |||||||||||^ ~*7 • Ingneas to learn-and to !, Such a trip WENDELL —Tlio Amer!American Le- ^ practica session.1. .• JM M»ln Narth > Pbci MAGIC' id to discipline cntrAiicliiB-CXperlence, Sui tnddaugbler, i^ H lH H IIH H H i J himself Ikr tftat purpoilurpose. 80 wo adds lo understanding'lg' arand kiiow- glon auxiliary will meetc t Ji Juno 14 a t T h e n e x t .mcoHnK.wiU.bellbc Junejs ' // mark his graduation1 by by aome spo- ledge.' while adding to0 the fund of the home ot Mrs. Ber^ WesWeston when tor InaU llaU on o t new/ ofiofficer*. h j / i clnl girt. What shall I it It I beT general InformaUon UialHint enriches Mrs. Lyman Hammon.. foifourth d U ------I I y \ Know tho young persoperaon well be- Uie background of thoughiought. A won- Irlct prealdent. will makalaka iier offi* m m m ... . f"''e deciding, Know whatw hnt Ills tnnlra dcrfiil gift ih n t wnuUIUl bobe for the clal vlalt. T hero will bo>0 no meeting m m m j j f I n rr, w h n t h a needa lolo snlsntlafy them, high ^liool graduate, Monday. : e / I\ 71 '*'*’* ool, 'a piece of A ('(illrK" rducntinn:) la the nlll- m A G I N E !! a 9 c u . f t .O i W C f i - r / / \ /• '■Q'l'imieiit; anntlUT-T \will wnul muin lu gifts. If father am / f W r [ ' a n d Bllll Hiioilitr)Uier will wnnt niiiit or uuclr. or grnndiiit • nilESSMAKIVKING ------J "niiiriiiinK iwraoiinlI likeIlk jBwelry. mnke lhal gift i>0Mlblc,.1., Uitat, i,.,oa • AI.TEUATK 3PFIGES WILL BE— r O - j ^**''' oncuaion wa'0 ououKhl lo try l>n"no other, 'ilila pre-»uii \ * v ^ J lo Klve him w h at hhe e wwants, even young person wanU thnlEhTSS,!!'; • TAimRiN ICE W^linglghouse REFI OR \ )l /( ■ tiJBrrjfflrdJDg w h a l wo wo bflJeve h e njid cjin profit by It, Ifir hi h cln».f. • PUR WOIs r delux I \ iicpdi. It U his day. other wnya of educitllngIttlng hlmnrlf, Jl Chll, . W o rk G u o ro n te e e d _ . ______-tOSED ' I ' ' \ Ono of th o brat gglfla llU flan b« a licl|) liliii toward lh a l ch Y-Hr rnmprn. ThB' ti(iM~ftr~ irft na ’ i’ne nrat-girt o f all la is thett gratlii------T" \ 1 _ J imtnerotia n* th e iluynInya It cij)i Ix- aic’A kiuiwlnlKe of hla - L 11*01, IDAY AFTERNOONS I lined. All oiitiloor* awiilawHlu It, T hr |irl(lo In acconipllsluneut...... ,-MAHALA KLKLAS It—— J W ^ I I , aky. Ilm rlvnr, people,|)le. |planln nuil 1 h ' 1 1 ' JUNE, JULY, AUGUST I iinlMiKiA, niiK'hlnns. labonlabointory ini.j- Z'n7•r f.* ...... Dressmaking.g S Shop , \ rnia -nil tlir actlvllicBlea oi nf daily Illr ,kim i< * r.NHi rmir. t i oh J X ' i S ; '85 ALEXSSbsblDER ' I iV', ^ | H ^ e - / y Kc»iii. / thrre nre booka, looka, One c/tii- 1 ^ ^ Wow Special * 0 1 1 m R E l M not go wrong thera. HuyIhiy n Ixiok thn fam ily size -yi , / / j \ «K»S3W30CMa^^ f fiT iir\jy M ii ^ 1 — I T Y p |ING ^ CLASSE;es ( l - 'i — l - i ! ' , \ l FARM FRIGERATO I D E U V EERY R K o r lior i i i ) i Hi)?h School Studenlan t s ' H B t a U p . \l

W 9390 \ . . . on . . tlee-C ^M atie Methii h o d ••• 1 NEW W«/< :: \ • G a s o l i m Regular 279.95 li'i"., In OrDniy 10 W eeks ■ * * i • ' NOW* ONLY ARNING TfHlE IN ITALFL F I . ' ,:™:• O'*® I CUT LEAR • G r e a ss e e s s I ------' ' I 1 VOI Q 0 . 9 5 MING (JhASSIOS STA in ' I ' • 1 Modtl [ II p h o n eE 99: 5 7 I , , , ' MOIlO N D A Y , JU N K 13 •1““ ’ ^ w B ' Inch.______iSd,'(iuiiUty I’oti-olittroifiuni ^I ') ______■/ i\ J*ri«lurl«'* . • . • • a ' compoct, spacious 9 cu. ft. Ro- li5MC(l a Ynu can wflto 35 I lo words per mlnuto oflorr ononly 10 Tl ‘'’'" ‘n BivM t lIn«iir|)ii5Mci Igerotor only 28 Inches widel « l — llJol nrogfou rapofl lufnlihetl fot,foC ~£Q C h------' F E D H l^NROI.l.lII I NOWI Clo»sos will bo limited trto per- . 53-lB, FROZEN fTORAOi §??::: : u n it e liolp, ' 0 nlll ItKllvldiifil liolp & Y 1ElaEC‘. ADJUSTABLE SHELP ;:V»' oiLqo., 1 . >A.BU. HUMIDRAWER* 'lAjt..,', LEUE TWIN FAILSi "for You. W.»(ln,liofhoutt Appiionc* Sfor» . . . Ph«" I TWIN FAiim BUSINESS COLLEC . SNACK SH llf f a l l i a • 7 EOO SHELVES IN DOOR lOM«c«aaoMXXMtt — ^------r - ^ ------« BONUS BOTTLE SPACE • ARCTIC BLUE AND OOLD INTERIOR STY liNO ______• IJ. u.>4, K.,

YOU CAN B l SURE...IP it's

i^^bstin^ouse 5TR1€ Phon, 154" '441 AUIN IA* ' I PAGE TWELVE TIMES-NEWS, TWTN[N FALLS. IDAHO______

: r a t b i E M A G I C VS M A L L E Y ^W I N S 3 -- ^2 . 4 - 1 I NO o u b Oi H E A ^ I Cowboys SStretch Pi(i o n e e r , P a i r o F l ^ m m I League Lei e a d t o 2 v2; (Gam es;

! H ead Hoitim e f o r B e ee S e r i e s Speedboati t Takes Overland(d Route . TT.F. Softbal il BILLINGS. Jujic 3 m - T h'he.^luKic R j Valley Cowboya uppeded their tl Pioneer leaffuo lead.to ■ ____Arctic_CirclcA j beat ,l„f|f 4 - 2 ^ Knmen-ThuPftda^y itiffht byby Kto|>{>intf ki tho BilUnKS-Muatanfrfiing* ii>-lK>th ends-of-A-tlouble ------1 6656:Wfe!lg-BTOthcTR-'wmn)T.iq :V r licadrr, :5-2 in the sevpn-inninj:injr f f th e c o n te s ts w a s Ray \Vi.||s' [ ------Hf ' Harman cracked a Iwo-run I H R " wwith ith two runners on Iwhp. 'rj,g p?L homer in the fourth inning I .ts one-gided w in in "only fivo, — !™ of the scond game to overcome a I riErt ° I Spring Best;t Ball I-O Billings lead. The Cowboys add- I bflf itinii:hnings. ‘ . rd two morr lo th* sixth to clinch I In the first contcst. Arcilr Ciiclr* A p A ih(. vlcwr>-. p Jumumped p off to a quick lead Uv j-ni- Cliff Andrrsnn was safe on a ^ ng six ru n s In the bottom of Uir p Tournamentit Finished 2flrldnr's rholrr In the fourth and E first'Irst Inning. K en DavU sm.-i.-kr!i ( , 'l ^ l ‘Ai sroret-ba!l.-ball tm iniam cnt a t the Twin' “ clout.q count:ount for half of the flrsi-lr;itiie Tl* • I ___Ealla ..municipal coursa -WaA'y^*'\ litjnij»lt:lcd T h u rsd ay -w ith . 1). iErrors accounted for - Bllllngf. icorlng. He tripled ln4he flfih uUh' I II) 2 only run In the first Inning. Tex iwQ.ciwQ-oaJiase,______r Fierce and J. Krnmcr (lefcatitiK.tUig G. Kime.s nnd M. W hittle oni BobBot Wales, pitching for Arriii-T~R.*r T S~and S for firsl place In tho c * on a bobble by Magic Valley m an- ~ l Jircitf, wus wiia m Uie lourth AcZ I Picrco ahot an 87 for 181Bl|------— ^ ^ ^ lnger l Eddie McDade. He advanced I TF h h a a t' fs w hen Ja ck nnd Jc.-vns roi thrw t, K holes. ' ■ I / to third on a wild throw by ,Cy I onejne nm t on threo walks and an er- Thundr W - In Iho first fllRht. C. BlcUy *ntl X , GcGonsalves and came home on nn- ‘1 ror.ror. T h e oUier ru n In the sovenUi 3-j o ; J Assist Innln 1 A. Coulam bent M, Bnltlwiii nnrt G.’ ■ SPniNGFIELD, Ore.. June 3 other otl errnnt loss by Campl Camp- I inning came as the result of errors thf i-im ■ il/uicl one up on thc ISih hole. Inn ifi_willU Norris, fishing near an InIn rlghtfleldrll a n d a t first base OaUaM H th e eecond fllKht, C. n rn ick nnd K-' i,here In thc Willamette river Moglc 1 ynitaif built up a 3-0 lead jj* I n th e second gam e. Ray Wells s»nni« ■ B nrry bcnt M. Adnms nncl W. Bin-; v in the-seven-innlng first game nnd J bja a tte tte d 3 for 3. Rex Wells tripled Dew -I Wednesday, wasn't having much In w ith ■ gcrstnff 3 nnd 2. ’' ]i luck—not a nibble In two hours, then thi beat bnck a late Billings rally. B Pith one m a n on in the second in- sndSf^K ■ n. McDowell nnd P. Schnnck bPnl, Suddenly up came a truck The ' Cowboys scored their flrsl I lin g to occount for long hits for Lyom ,i phiiiiPhllllps-WclU- The outcome was ■ M. Ncwnll ftiirt E- Downs 5 and 4^^1 from{, thc state’s Lcabum hntch- run rui In the second Inning when Mike I [H In a spcclnl beginners' (llithl. ^ Yaremchuk was safe on a fleiaer's B neverlever In doubt os the Phllllps-Wells SOLOVS I cry. dum ped 500 Jegn)-s!«‘ tro u t Yn ------club M In luldltlon to completion of tho[®i Intoj, the river, and sped off. cholcj!, ch< went to second on m anager 9 :lub pushed across 10 runs In the tm i ■I tournnment, women pnrtlclpatcd li\, Eddie McDade's single, third on a : :irst inning. They came on four hiu. ra^iA •'j Before -tfie truck was out of Ed - six w ^ t n t o m Indies dny events nt the course] sight, , Norris hnd two rnlnbow In bases-fllllng ba; ,wnlk, and home on I Ilx walks and an error nt first. to, L| Thursday. Fcnture of the dny was' ^ Ken Llndley's sacrifice fly. | TheThi first Exchange club runs w’cre 4 .j 'n I hls crcel and was bringing In a Ke scorci III a poker tourney. ., Uilrd. «i Campy < Campana's homerun. made I icored in th e sccond fram e. Two Brisiu h ml Jerry Owens ond I. Whit* were It 2-0 In the third nnd Magle Valley J S S ^ ^ ^ ^ S C S B s I^B B hbI m-unners nm scored on a combination of in , “ / f l lied In tho A dlvUlon w ith five '— \ double, two singles and a batter jon„ iS scored Its third marker in the fourth a ipecdboat skipped off Delaware Parkk Jake,ial Buffalo. N. Y., Into a crowd,' JonM te tii i l 6'5 ench. Four 8’a cnch wcl-c sh o t by -f] J when Yaremchuk doubled and later! , Spectators acarry fo r safety aa a ipi Hit by a pitched ball. In the top of . ; iBjurlng three, lirlfer Fred P. Mathewiliewa was a t the centroU when thU pictunIcture waa snapped. (AP wirephoto) Kith K double J . BldweU and C. Moon In the B _ |j > scored' on John swlech's sacrifice _ ^e fifth. Exchange Club. UIHkI s ‘‘" ‘ j I Brooldyn Wins S flvo 1 dlvlaion. M. P ackard won the C _ flV;______:ivo ru n s on' tw o walks, two batters : — dtTisttm— trtth— ftre— I's— wh ilc- V. -*■ Bllllngi fnllied both Its runs In tHe iC ,,lM)y-pl(«heiv»-filnele-«nd-dotiblr Detwelier nnd M. Newmnn were tied. I F rid a y s schedule calU for the tnn IiV fl3to2With~“Jbottom’ of the fourth. Manager Jack ^ lon <7! Mr*. Detwelier hhd three 6‘s nnd PnPaepke doubled and came- around[Some ^ RoadFs^till Closed;d; Lake ^ 3Triplets to'play Albertsons a l 1 p, tn. Mtb. Newman had two Tb. For the i on Carl Long'a single. Long moved _ ^ aind n d 'Tommy Walker to meet Jerome SEALS I. bcBlnnera, P. Lewis had four 8's I tb second when Yaremchuk bobbled | Co-Op a t 8:30. T he T rlp lcb was SAN while B. McDowell hnd three T s and110-Run Frame S SAN FRANOJfflH^gf] his hit In left field and scored on I formerly know n a s Rice Bow’l. Tliree TonvTony FPonce toS^^Kur. two 8’a. .By The Auoclated Preaa Ben Slnquefleld's plnchhlt single, ■ Icebound as!5 Trout Seasoion Nears gsponsors of th e te am are Rice Bowl, PracchliPracchU la tlu 1 Brdoklyn h.. a new high for the . . UACIC VALLKV J. DII.UNCS 1 Continental Life and Accldeni In- «yn y n,,night u d i l ^ K j j season with a 10-run outburst In the^ u«|lej. ■ V*ll<7 inilllnci n b h n *, Fi.shing conditions for openingling day appeared good Thuradaylay providing there ia no rain surarsurance a n d Rolladrom e rink. Prancls eighth Inning Thursday lo thump • Pranclsco 6 u l> ft^ |rv { B unt ill T enth * P ' ih h n ('U tllt !b 4 0 4 2I n or r increase in temperature. "HovHbw'ev'dr, som e ro a d s a re still clo-Helo.ned and a Stanley bfisin lak(; Following- Po> a re T h u rsd ay s line over Seattle,Se Mllwauke© 13-2. H»r rf « t 2 OT.rlor Ib 4 t « 0 scores; Seattle n 1 ribed most stream s, lakes and Seattle...... h ^ K , -----Blllv Loca allowed gniT «ix hits,L .»*■_, i ! ^ S , _ I ° } ? 18is Still icebound. Conservation officers of in aome districts describe Jack nnd Je an s 000 lOQ 1 - a i r Fr : Including homers by plnchhltter Ed-- LobLobiii lb J ’I t oisuwm .if * 0 1 0o rreservoirs e as "Itjeal” for iiwhin^. Blg~WOO(lTlver l.q In gmid1 Londltiuiitit} fui fihliiiiK- W atei" G ives E lectrics "j; \rctlo CUcle...... 620 Q20 x—10 a 2 Judson, H ai I B ^ B ^ die Mathews In the eighth ond byy Y»rYtrnchuk l( 4 1 ] olpMpkr < S I 4 I --- was^eported low und clear. K Ka agle and MaUiews; Bob Wales FrsccW. Johnny Logan In the ninth. J'UcDkI. 2b 1 1 1 s'U n i cf rf » I 2 n Fracchli, Pcdci i) ^ I . Swirch e ID S (I'Wdlton lb S I n : Y Magic reservoir is lower than and BIU W ales. ' - At PltUburBb..homenuu by.Piank Us f! Shutout G am e “i k Umll.y-M. . 1 0 a.S.PUU M .. .I S .iJ . .1 last, .year and ctenr^ Roads were ------POSTPONED POSTPi Thomas and Dnle Long Thursdayy sh» Sh*((«r > SOD Olll^nr p 1 0 0 0 I BKohange.Club.~_.-020.15— ». i.-3 -.PORI V highlighted A lusty I7-hlt Plttaburgh U.S. Golferss Thinned “described as In good condition, *^’‘0" -.P0RTut-S V ■ nals. ffi^j : Out in BritisishPlay Iturns lake was still frozen Tues- £Head lc Grid Coach ■ tries a 1-0 win over Bolse'a Braves dny,but RcdT-lsh lake wa.^ open and . . . . BOXER ~B A U m i^H 3 H T hursday night. At ,, New York. Johnny Antonelllll Jt—CiBiBint.ji V*r«mchul« ' ' 2. Tmi.Ik. whipped Cincinnati for the eighthll I-MiK. K—Y»r«mchuk. .Swl«h. 2D11—Yur- ST. ANNES, England,‘JuneI 3 (^)—The( American!? finally free f^ee of ice. U pper Snimon river U J V g LOS A M O Z m i^ B r ■ The win moved lhe Electrics into straight time since he became a. fmchuk,[.“J Titpkr. IUI—C»mp»n«. Itlll—- gogot thinned out Thuraday iu thehe .British Amateur Golf tour- mucmuddy nnd prbspecls nrc not prom­ Named for Cards AraRon,aEI” K S't.taid^^K n aecomi place over Boise by half a Unmptnt. .SwlKh, I.Indlry, U n t. Slnqur. “ , New York Giant last yenr, stopping UpI. ising for opening dny or for a few CfiCHICAGO, June 3 Ml-The Chlca- elshl count cc Is ■ game. The two tcnma traded sec- 0 nament. It took three other AmericansAir and a cold-blooded uini ■* the Redlegs with six hits Thursday Mcl weeks nfter the season opens. goSO Ci CardlnaU football club Thursday beaten moit of ? LOIi-Mwle VtUw srDmlnSt : Englishman to do the job. Alann SISlater, a Yorkshire engineer, "'l , back ilioiig Is A ^ h | ...... “1 I fotfor a 8-3 vlctorjr with the .help of s® Little Wood river and FUh creek namtnamed Ray Richards, an assUtant, I '* n«n« I in «. Jorcenien I In J. SO-Sh»f.• mimet and whipped U. S. Walker c rese 10-round d e c U a i^ H i' homers by Don Mueller and Wllllee },7(tr 4. Dmp* 2. Jor*.n..n 2. DB-8h.(fer __ •r cup player Dale Morey in a reservoir mny offer good fishing, to nrepjace Joe Stydahar as head » - JEostpnnei ______SS 2. Dftn* 1. iorr«nMci 1. ER-Sh»(f'1 Philadelphia Phillies on thee HAGIC VALLEY 4. BILUNGB I fishermen should take thb limit, har. whose CardlnaU won only three road to an 8-4 win over the Chicago cupper. of 24 National FootbaU league gam esH night. . ™ “ “ ■’'■ '’■“•’. b . o . I S . - ; . Big Lest river was reported In per- 21 I. Salt Lak* CUy and the Poca- Subs Thursday night. ){„ Day Events Joining him In the quarterfinals fedfeet condiUon with a surplus of the Ilast two seasons, was announced H ‘ ij- tello Bannocks tried to play on In‘ American league play at Ohi- Wi were survivors of three nll-Amerl- trmtrout. Box canyon, located between by managing“ director Walter.Wolf- H S a can mntchcs In the fifth round- *rr, tha Gate City diamond. However,-- a g i Arco_nnd_uic-atomle-cniirey..com- .*??*■•_ i]i ' • the gnms was postponed In the Set for Club BIlly-J6e-T>ttlloh“ ™ B-nlI"J6eXonradof mUslon boundary has a 10-mile m first Inning of play because of Chicago W hite JSox to tu rn backt uei 1 i! S S.CVb • )!! 1 ' the American Walker cup forces, stretch .... ot Big Losl river with the READ TIMES-NEWS WANT APS. the Boston Red Sox 4-2 Thursday asa UcDtd* tb 4 0 2 2 putt H t 1 s a > nnd bulky Don-Bispllnghoff ot Or- [i. wet grounds. vi! J National Golf dny will bc observed river flow well below normnl. ■k Ogden nnd Idaho Falla post- VIrgll XI (Plre) Trucka notched hU /?! at the Blue Lakes Country club lando, Pla. "g fifth triumph. Am Shallow pools hnve resulted with ; Hi poned tiielr double bill at Idaho “'! Andtrton p 2 0 0 i| SalSaturday. announcc.s pro Bud DavU. Other C quartcrflnallsls were Ire- mosmost •‘boiling” with trout, Antelope ■ At Detroit, young Al Kallne, the land’s Joe Carr, the 1053 BritUh cre« H FalU because of rain. early season hitting sensaUon who0 a, „ "‘'^ r s i Tot.!. sT sirT s: . 'Women golfers will be aliooUng creek, below Arco. appears favor- 3C 1 Q B ( ngainst Patty Bcrc while the men chnmplon; Phil Scrullon, 33-yenr- able Ior llic_nnKlrr,_Conditlon8_nrc ___ ; -* refuses to let hU batting overngee itii! a . ’" ' ' " . ' . . • .. YSroSUSHi;! old English stevedore nnd Cnrr’a rtc.si fe fade away, rccaptured the Amerlcnnn . H* -It.rm .n 7. W.mlr., An.l.rwn, T.,-• ^ wlll ' try to beat Ed Furgol. Mls.s Berg rte.scrlbrrt ns ROod w ith the w’ater . ■ H ond and third places In all three i'. ond Furgol wlll shoot thrlr rounds Wnlker Cup tenmmnlr; rx-Wnlkrr loiv ■ games of the series. lealeague batting lead Thursday with low nnrt clcnr. ■ 1. nt Snn ^anclsco. ' cupper A rthur Pcrowilc nnd RORcr Upprr u Sniinnn fnlls nn Snnke . I H GREAT PAI.I.H 1. BniKR I two singles and a triple while lend-i- Jtlll-I(«rm.nnn 2. I.0M1. 2. 8-W *lll. I.Oli , BnyllM, form er Olympic figure river rlvr continued to yield cood catches ' ■ n Kob* a b h n m 'llr» l K.lli ■)> h o * Ing the Detroit Tigers to a 4-3 vie- -M -> m I< V«llry li. Ilillino «. SO- Ar.ri»r-II DavU * sny* nil o lh rr golfers wlll skater. fj*. g jon ». W.llii J. HII-An.lfrinn 1. Willli ?.!. shootslu wllh full hnnrtlcnps. Women c of trout (hc pnst week. However, thc I " tory over the Washington Senators. !?," Slalcr pinyed tileady Rnlf (o bent ■' who boat MIm Ber« wlll receive a w . south channcl ot the river from ■ n At Clevelnnd, southpaw H erbl» ]' A-'l'(lOl'^*‘" '' Wl! Morey 2 nnd 1 nnrt M clliilr, 1-up. l i jt.lf«r«n rf » a a fl’l,»JMhn :il> 4 n I n flciScore starKd out red hot Thursdny,y ■ ------:— :------snismall mediilllon rrnrtlng "I brat . , Upper Halninn lulls power plant ■ PaHy Brrg." Thr mrn ulll rrcrlvc Aclunlly hr lel Uirni brnt. them - ,,|v : ngnlnst the Baltlmoro Orioles, fou- S .lelves by thrlr oivn niLitnkr^. rtlvctslnn dam dow nstream lo n I B y : nlng 10 in the first four innings, nnd„■ Standings O "slinllnr medallloiu carryinu l-'urgor.i ' polni Inunirdlitlrly helow the upper I I ::::s0 although he cooled otf In th e lato10 PIONEKR l,rAGi:K name, *Palton, tlie Morgnnlon, N. C., lum - power pow pliinl lallracn Is closed. I ■ — k«(aM U .»-4 0 0 • . a m i1 fraframM, tho Cleveland Indiana won u All proceeds (rom ob.'rrvancr of' berinnn. proved lie wus n wind colf- l e n n J e n k i “ MACir VAI.I.EV ..... « H I'm Nli I rr.ns he ellmitiatcd Eniiland'i Jack ,,,, ■ _____ I "'»'>• * » I 0 a^ B-3 B-3 for n swpcp ot (heir three-gamc II National Golf rtny thU year wlll ko *1''. JUM'HOUT RIONED | 13 series with the Inst-plucei's. haiWf.v ■ li n Ml to (hr American Rrrt Cross, 'ttie, Jonrs■^*’1 5^nrt 4. \flgr the wlnd'illprt. Wlien lU thovi« 5 - o n . oVi .hJn^winlr:,;’ run The New York Yankees slammedd r.H«i.ii.,jv. IK I, ,1 cvi event U sponsored liy I.ife m agnilne. he beitan sprnylUK tiT ^llot.1 rvrry NKW YOftK, June 3 W -M a ld i- the rndlo, one)ne ot Ui»U belt tui I t TIoIm . niii> llllli iHiii u—n■y three homeruns Tlulr^rtny night ns wny bul Wlin f, nnrt 3 friim Ocoiko iimkrr Hilly llrown Wednri.rtiiy Plense. Tt se t th e pnltein for a lototot ot the-p»«l>thi they sm nshrd the K ansns City itu Colriiiiin. wrnllliy’47-yrni-ol(l hunk- siKinil rioyrt I'nttit*on, sccond- cam e along Inter, I'm not iiire wlirlhriwllf Iher Il'l Itm* --i •li Athletics la-fl. Tho victory was the u„ ...... 'i i i ilistankeyHadTop s er " nnd oil man Iiom Minml, Okln., . laiikiiiK light hcavywrlKht con- not, hut w hen I usril lo IlsU'n to 11It Uieytixy li»dI IMOIB " Yankcra’ lOlh In th rlr Insl 22 Bl.ipllnitlioff fiiivr'.yminK W nlkrr t«iirti.i, nnd XiclilB McUrlde, .Tren- ^ amkhW-an i.‘f:Ai;rK C people In thn Btalos on the tliowlow evencvc KCt HJ y Miirls nnrt giivn them a sw crp of the Cupprr niiiir CiuUi of 1‘i.iihinrt, Ii>n, N. .1, hcnvywrlHht, for a 10- m ost dltflc u lt riiiestlotis people couldould sendler Id. I! tlirce-gnme ncrlca w llh Iho A's. N» ■. Club on W ay up O ir,. n 4 mui launK. llU|ilinKlmff loiiiirtrr a l Mndison Hiiiinre O arden July 0, 1 rem em ber there wai an1 .ulemtlilkauloo t e M NKW YOHK. Junr 3 M-.-Thr most was tliirr down ruillrr i<, j„l,n AMKItlCAN I.KAIiCK , Nivrn ot Sfolliinil will, Hvr In pluy. p - th a t was blamed cm Intnrmallon(Inn Pleuc.ri« \V..hln«l..n n ii.n i.;.i .J 11 ,fifl [['J 11 lilttrr1)11 icIU’cllon lor lirtdlr Htanky .1 to awnlliiw luu^L l.r th r Inel (hul InI Mr won Ihr liisl (ivr to 11 n.',h his H was a m inor norlrtntit, s tnnnnnn wt:went lh««4> ‘ I Collapsed Slugger s It lot to {««.*' “ V^ll'l... ,;^i l'i?.i'«'.l,l', ’■ tiW lour y n iis in niiiimiii’r ol th r, roynl nlr lom t oiiponrnl :!-iiii. anrt stnirk nnoUirr cnr. Whrn it |ot , ll.'lllm...'."' 1' il* HI. HI Ixiiiis Ciiuliniil.1 hr p u l toKctlirr ll nils wny: Says He’s Lousy s BE SURE nt (a InltwuUM" llir iir.M •■l.lK ’ i luU lu Uir Niitlmml I ] ■■Vour lliinnr, I wai llilrtiint « 1' NEW YOIlK, June 3 (ffl • ‘ Tnt ' NATIDNAt. I.KAIil K [/,!Iramir, A u lriii liirtrn yoiniK out-' Hurler TJ Released T o Soo th r r a r radio and «f(er a lolot ofol dl'"'*'!.d ' Just lousy. W liat else Is llin o ...... fit Whh-H 1.. ilptllirrt lo III,, , iddcflly , I!..;..vi,„...... u !:‘i'ii fll' SUNDAYS PAPfR a d v d th e fuUT 'eaperJa to loddcnly r - »«V?" • - - - • >1 mill iiult> wlllilii n srn.'on or two as It[ mCATei.l.O, jund 3 l,fl-Tlm Pn-‘ trii whut rolnr of neckllr (hert , ,tr<*»f« Tlliit was Dllnty niioilrn, th r loanl■ | ...n i| I” calrllii Jlniiliork.l iililinm i.rd Wrrt- Mllwi.lVr* M *1 J,,; 1*11pltclllng linpiiivr;. fo r ' Knitiklln 1*. Acliuns nnrt Jnlin, Klrm*KlrnisnuidiM j i; of Nuw York lust y n tr. n|i('i hn.it)« licrii volcril In oiir li.iiii or iin- k . tliem IfflPf »•" Uj. pailry .130 ImdInK nvem ur. - V • E.ilr.\. I "I w ai itlaylii* alonj wllh llitm ‘ ■I, "ii ''''I'lll'.ltu.h • il M m \ ollirr Ihls siiniiK hy Hm iimmiKcr ■ nurstluni and I rlnicd my «KI tjri J«‘J> » ' ‘1 K | rinrh-liltU T <'XU««it1liiarv. cUilvh I’ l of rvrry ollirr Iriim In tlia olrtrr „nKMrs. K 2 :.\n ir.(ild C.ilKoi ninn, ■ lldn'l kao» tw ■ I I lillliT Bupnl), thr loirar nf mnny „!' ' pllclii'rt riKhl irlli'f i(,lr... Ihls srn- ■ ?«rner. And. y»u know. I i m i k> 'V *"'*.J rA. t n .’ VoAMT (.K.AMT , Ifi'K'ic. r'l<-hrrn. Thnt thir nilr the ’ •son, ]ii» II,.M wiUi Ihr clnss C ■ wearing ellher," tr ’ . rt 111 ' ?i '■ Hlidlr ' Ti'lilirll.i of fin.liitmtl In- ,'J Ni-w Y.nk (lluniA oiilflrl.ln- pliiynl „ /."r.ii''"" Tl \i ^l« ^ InnKiir. llh iri.nrt wns l).(). | H r lost thn r»url raie, lon. I. ^l«lrrt, tl.r rMiinj.l.. Ili.ii ilir Illiils .III,,dlnn L* liiAi ynii' iix Iio n it it nwiiili ihiiiUKit cmilrt lllllnli (Iiivrthrlr Iintu (lijil, ,,, Itiiillos. I giirh.1, nm Dp * rtlilr.utlni I ) th r Ni.llr.i>nl IrnKtir, • V UEAn TIMhiU-NliWn WANT AD3. ^ • rom r iiriiplr relnnr to hava tlicmi.,n.lllkt'J'''‘? iiii. 1 ll I ft i . r i u i',"Jn.uir’ i...»” .‘ " i'.ii';..i;"’ iir*'‘■; '.. • ■■;; :■:;|: S plnra to srrenih, rtrprniting upon . i.lril. imMt*"" r Tlih Umr iiiiiunit hr Ims lirrn a '•> ft ".rr.r„.„io . .'I ,< Ul Uielr pllfliliiK. r dilv rs. 1 think It lirl|>s krrji you »ini. ‘ I I hllnl nn ii iiln.ll hlllrv 1 for Id for 'n'," 4-yi'fl na 1 reai’li iiti intrinrclKm. 11 ‘L'i'.*:'.-’'’ ____ „ ------— W »ifn-7 ini*ic ahn p p ln r^ w a E j Im il ii^ .'li liH tn 7 for ft4. »"• ^------» Ol'l'ONUNT ('MOHKN .i.ni. rar. ara alrrndy e(|«i|>M '', l | "I I'livr no cxnihch,’' ho liiltl iV,, I'A ltlH, .liinr ,1 i|l . D. frnrtlni! '!'e‘’ln*kl"llj;-*j ‘ nOIHK. Ju n r 3 Clun k Wi.od- rll l,U ri.n-ldrraliiin. W hr.t you rr l"okl 1^1 Kliiiiriil in thir r Tl Tliui>rtiiv ...... M.IV I., (hr , (IriiUio fl||li(I lo .'i A M )i’;i.i;.’i ...... n iin MoU ^ a t t h e - in.M t IIK V ItOI.K l T\V()-»<»lll ilj Satchel I’aige Is M'at tovoin. A1>nil.ch, W .ihh, tiuliiv loiimril i.« |] j lV,o|ilc ol liilii'rcnl GouGouJ la.stc I PMir 2-loiip p n ln l ...... ■" ( oiii< III IllP tliilin l Mtiiirn' lii^l rtr. Back on Payroll JEROME K nithUm |)iioi.i-,u 111 tho tinn iilvm-11- .■ KANI4AI1 <11 V. Jiiiir 3 lliixr- IUM I'l.VMOlITII M )0()ll, H«i'l»i plo iillri VMIIIUMH ll.r nui..... •in111 l.rl.till’t Iin I <1 s ix'tniiiliil. l.rl(i.y ^ A I M nlsh a n d Utra v n y gnoil I'oi'lIU' i>Mo. |;,li<>u AM) tin iilliliiiii <1 COUNTRY ClCLUB In I JOSI n m n TIIIMIII. llral'-r snd titiroi (l>IIUI|llllUAlll|>» "" ||j.|.!inol’r'l’..,l,,x'‘'''' "" ■' I ij,t M O R Fi fr,„« O iiitlniil hliti’V flnitih " I.invMtii. iiimiirliiiK fill tlir fll^^l^t I'. Y hi.iiil iiiM.n llir ICiiiiMis d a i l y L X C t l| 'T . y ' — tlmu.iU.Ulll.lli:i:ilUilini. I4ck>;a >i|>< aA CCUv U uliaiU i* <>I tl>» NiiMiu Aiiiail- ... lun 1-i.vMoij'ni 4-uuuu. »loti,l J,il '/.mill iMilliU. Il,;hlll lilllll-ll- mI,' il Iriiiuir. iiiiiiiiiiiii n l h r luul ...... and lhn .:hea|.c»L aixf '" ‘" t <•.'1 CVI'I ligUitriril. III. iU ( |.„ |,a AAUMl nl-llU.rrt Utr ...... lr i l«hl IliMlilnr - i ...- f m m ' M O N D A Y a n t i ' triinaimi latlon yon wlll .find ------ CUV Alhll'lll.^ i" lluil n.iv U ' ** ClaL 'rrlKiKIVi'ly, DllVIS Miv» lin In j y 5 / MOIll'i (!iij(iyitilyitiellL .. Nm.' IlnliA, W.TK Kii.u , liliiniilliK III imvn llu> ymiiiiinlrin ''V 'l nilir Wi'ik Ki„|, ' «liniit iiini. Iii.lr^i i.f Holf to p»l- ..... li"ii'i..-.- tl I (iripntf ill Nntlonnl

f ______t im e s-n eEWS, w TWIN FALLS, IDAHCHO FRIDAY, JUNEIE 8 s .,. .1 8 6 5 . OUTOURJ? I EUVAY By Wll ,1.1/LIAMS UZT ^ TAMS n lA ftvl Ic'MOn7>00 c a i ] r cKCf^j ic 7 , V iocK MM u e ' / W . IVE \ - P c w r' ■IWBJ'HOJBW.BJWA^OfWa W#WTTMBCH**5rSwK»vJ6 / SEEN 'EM 7 ' a u T f T l ^ SUPfOii* sc — 10CAU.ABCJ *<(OUW ■ Y kM M W ANJ. oaoppfio I'M NOT PL-«MN<& « B \ » e .lN r ANPVSMLSSI* /BLSeuKmL A 6uy ) /» a ^ 5 h ^ B B *J6A « w K WITH A ( » J A C * tL /w ____ shouGL. Ee-— wTX' '-U M iR v r'^ 'S h s W ‘ - | A)/ / VE AWO HE _ rjt2«7r;,Kv$ K »f=lrr ~ T£M I F KFi!r:'-’iJ<:JLtP^ iVEAR& I X C»J OME I , kH>M&ELf=- r 1 'TH»0< I III iHESABn- _ l| ^CALCUi,.’ ^ III

!. Rgdict - T. Aril f»«p” ^ y m 11^ rfs’obi*™*'’ i-fiar""! * ,;LlHlf»* 4 Obiain 9 Prll H V 'W B a, 1 ».GKEB IT 501MP5too I WBYV WM TO HMD ■ « BXWIT^ ll^ JO alS fo W^««T\BKKCTW n SOWN B. Accflil*(l JO Kl», W n O M L S TO JUftTipy h a ltn g m - I W t 6CUA OMVKB \ m K 1KM9V4 HOV ID I ^ (Er £ \ ^ O' M1S5U M f OM „.!8rei t“>" Jl.T»r v/trK rrotxckLv t t r o f A o u k . M Rccovew lASN 06T sS iii l5 Ir. N ]>• I'"! jfila ^ A i l ‘ i . ______IJ.B uc ^ y e S .p ■vTMUKOPTTCAP i^ K ^ 9S^ r i H £ K thb fAOi V r ------■ . n .N o i m i l l ------Hr. .D Arlion* «e I ^ W i L ^ ______■ '■ r " 25-Tld ______2S.MM > Vrimovfll

p*fCic)e I THg FeOKTT QFRCe ^a>AM> jg ■ ■ S a H i _____ a ------i^ B rlt r I » / ). ,UU Bucket a n c e s By GALBRA ______SS.Shli a MHH P IT ^ 40. Bar --T.------RAITH ' ■■■X 'Wmk «•»•>5. Matron "ttvw J^TTB B j WOI _ — S3"------a#“ x H U i «I.SlnfHl • ^’«n ^ e>oT “ f ------}. nwai l/nm«rri»rj ------r-,T.------47.>.M*Uy«n Act I______THg S I ? ^ >'11 VACMOtNi« \>\Y ^ ) ; 4J.J UBet. 1 8 - . __ .._ . ______■'W- , [ ilW . Vi\V ViMV g .------• 53------pred: — - ^ m ® I _ 4>.Ne* _R iACVrm r ------J T S «roui i L STDE GLAN H voa ■wt 9h\ AW3t‘. ** so.I. Bysh*tted I H f||co\\VL\o»^.w 6 - 3 ».B»rle*«Uy ' ? s , J.B«kedcUy ------i , O i.lltn d o u t I < — . 1 .

: ~ n g h o u s e -M A JO R H0.N esrth* (r\\Tf n't coovo ground UA—J / _V5ftV5»C%S WWiWS OVi'WCt WRW I. By birth N «'T“ V ■OT W>V\.VW *. p ------[IB r»'fc««y5ii/Siir flAU AOO£S^i'T^^SAP n "o ««W& (f IT6 lEASM AtiD J a O O P L E | A | ^ s t e , / / CET Me 8A£H I X J^'L K A HACF“I ------i^S'''• :E DEAL THe J VH KLEAMECS -• S \ ADVeRTlS- • ll ^ MS-*-A , - \H, WMcefOR\ ?D aovJi^s I \ V ? ^ferr^.opp :______|j * ■ H — ------^ - — - -JL - - J ____^ 'HS0Z&W6 C H E A ^ ' I Jthe doctor’s lots oftener now thatI ______I E L M i l ^ a'nd nothing to worry about!" Y _____ *— 9 lat I have a I B : " 2 5 EWL r By DICK TURI__ ^__JL _ j ^ X j ^9 fRNER G- ra V ^ \ ^ W y "Oh, I get lo the y N E full-time maid a'nd r

P CARNIVAL j h ^ S z SZ t ^ ^ \ I E NEHER ------" r a ii;;i mmmmrrn^ ^ 'M9AU>'(0USH( /- ■ ■ T PtnrtTCF»Hw fflr?nrjr^S

I A i8 ^^ ' /^TH4T TAKES CAPE O p '\" T 2 |H / COP Ba'PR\£^JO-\ 4 AVD r;cw - vcu il > V TAlfE HER AA'AV' e ^ i .jTTt*^^! ! ! 1 • —=- I ,yy M » w ».. u » r.iwi c . 7 - ^ t, Herman! 1 frottu' liurry _ horr 1 S O m J n nrrlvirii{ on the nix o'clock hroon hom*o—th* 5i •oomr* H '7 ^ g |P ® i r T ~ O O M , <3000 3llllllillll W e » ')'« •« « unlil 1'|„ Iii„rri»il Ulld Imvo V ^ L i l i ^liuvo u phona . . . . . ,, ------V y FHF. ' “Nnl lonlRht, 1! DOKJTOAWI } AT/> ( VJROKJG!? / ((i^THHTCAffr.CMTOe niothcr-in-law in nr ! ^ ^—_ ^ — - - — c / Rfam r-/iitMtN cvi M k ■ j , !J^ PEOPUi DOI \M K y ja /r^ j>------I I I I ' V l AOCHAT


■ ■ r M O V V CAN H t'? I ( O l , NO, W F a w H 1 well,I PUNNO. B U rT v tH . >u>jtj5r ax7NEG5i' E VVANIAI PWDtfLY aCAUGE / IC: MASA HAS 1 ■ iVfj NOT \A'.} M l)Ol Af'i 'TVMVRN’T >NAP J HE WAG SUCH A \ HANR50^'^P50ME ■ jp i ,D KiAllY., W i P A MLly-i ANtMALO IM ? j ™ FlSlC, UPCTANDIN" ) DCVIL,5CV1L, ■ .L fVi'JfflV j o - ANIMALC C O r 'IM.T niyptCAl srrC lM EN yW A^^N'T SN'T» K E ^ H’ AJ-IUtt 1 (TK^r‘IM! -vHUMAN£

K 3 a IvH

NEY ' \ ■ KMlAvllm ^ I W^l^LI'* '^ 1 . y K\A ^ ^ ^T 'S ''I w p ® " " I k J A .N/AW.GCU.lVff f l l p ' , Y i Ct’^U/’LL Pl i? ; I Jkljljl^DrA m - ‘h ^

5 j 0 I* , p & ai 1 , / ^ -PAGE FOUETEEN TIMES-NEWS, TWINW 1FALLS,, IDAHO ______:______WANTED TO RENT, LEASE______HOMES FOR SALE | SPECIAL NOTICES HHELP WANTED--MALE W> )UK CLKAN tfflcitni movini DSnn. y t " ____ ILCOaOLICS AaonyBoua. Wtdnt.day, VANTKO: lurltnd.r. Apply Hon* Shu • 2 r*:;;yn'^e^^ llj e g b i;^ o ^ :^ - ' ”^ 01' “" - ^ lUlph Harrl.. Mayflowtr M ».° . * ?“ *■ >itO p.m.. Coflrt Kotiac WflU Bot 44 - ClulClub. Stvada.______! NEAT HOUaki. catait. Lane TT!::: or call im -W or II20.M, WAN"VANTKO: Irniator, ba«M, y.ae Ioi. ».009, Hurryl 204-NJ. *' i**C», M a i * k e tt { s a n d F i[ r n a n c e letniTlFlED l 'AccotJlon Ir^iruct^r. IL W. rr.mn.l lah. C.ll 0«1-J2. Jtrnme. 1'7'« l-KDOM boua* to he noted. Harold uT:— ' I.Tl.'?' ITn KK -anle.1. Can offer initrt.iln* Filar; Phon* l i m . Uto.., tht k, .... . Inqulrt at 1117 *ih .«t»ut *; ♦ ¥ ¥ ¥ m't"*'S.tH??.*’ E rm rriV K «l.hr. : t.e,lr™.m furnUh.5 JNEW 3 W 2-I.EDBboM hom^ anu.r,- r - ' “ I r i HtrOUCK“ illhoul Jrun. Hav. mor. and tneriy llun u.u^. Eat whal ."U,____— "• 'h.iL' h..'u.r or .pylme-.l^ti.^ " 'T 'u : . »n" ;ir/."t:jed'.“Wn'Lr/r.\d.^rV?a’'d p”“ r^ „ /'r* want. Phont I4I-B .arly mornln*. tr ------ai»rlo«t to Twin. Phnnt 24IIII.NM ^ ^ Stocks Livestock ‘ciain 1writ* Iley i;02. Jemtnt. Idaho. . WANTED- ______!!;: dvtn««. *"ahitp^t'l Ab* f*nomlnill)r'i»*'lr.^ I*'**' IIAKKY com* back I FUb all you want. boat bOS seller (or 23 years. 1 nond.-Hlfh«r;,fo.«rnm.nU firm. bul pita., deal where you can lei *r. '.l in - C o - . .n.i volum arr»i. trom Albtrlaon'.. H hnu.i .l.ilr., C«lVMcalvn w.rr l«>fr ihli »r«k. ' “lilTbean. Kor re.i.i-1 ih. ..Illr* btlltr th.n ^TT^Sl'ACTivK^T.r'-^^ hnm. J^bWV | Jni Wh«*t~Catr: bMr r.rJ *“ rojn—Wi»k; r»« ln*i: 'J '" " ’ Mlh, Conlael Don L. CarrolL Th.me M A L T A N C T F E M A L E } flnani-lni plini aviiliblt. 1 Wf*., iVANTKl): Cook. Appl,r ll..r.r Shu Club, . CF.CIL C. JON'13' ^ ^ ' tradi >ln|>—Sutdj . U> «nU tll(h»r: il.n . i,:r.ui,.. .„ u r.^ ^ J“ . h.in.l...l i~un.l. 1..—.. J..I. .Vrvfl.______i ‘■'P IRRIGATRn J ll’.nn: "'ipV "Jr.T I'n'tU I.™!’ n,oi)^:f.n: U.o.'. i i " ' ‘’c.lui-'K 6«ln»llr top 121.00. t21.nn. J.iha, 1-rnt...lor.af. el.’ric.l, .ile., 1----- (.^ASH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J ; ;" Tradin* w.i .1 • f«<>4 pi»» f ." * m»-U« 'lr,nou! lerm. available. Inquir.'or.ct'. I Ih. to >n ntlm.tn) 2.600.UOO ih.rM. Hm (.'l-n-'* Kirh '“ l- .- r\r..i BEAUTY SHOPS 1 tITio. ill..5ll0,%l',»0» ~ill handle, I ------...wi'’Vtf.dr In “jul^ tholt. JIU vandknuauk heai.TY NKW YORK STOCK HX( HAN<;i: ll> bi :Z"’" ,.|.: ' IVTS tOMI-LL^E moj.n. Uauly aerrlc. by ».- ^'tilcajin^ Seljinr” «Vtbna'll* ^id%^ertl.«jl| ^ ^ TO BUY OK SELL ' NKW YORK. Jun« t <(If> U .l i.l«; ..,rlf.l pen operaiori. Uachlntleaa and rold '7 ' Allirf Sir. S O *iIM T *T ^J7’. N n J «u-i. I «*'wave. IS.OO ap. Artl.tie Btcuty Salon. ^ CUMi’Lt.~n: Uaoly aervlo* by advaoced , M O T E L S l£; u.'r :rii«' :oj' i.uo'i Loi'l cum. hkhway 91 ni>rth' nt rnllrn.il tracVi.l See Don Walker - Realtor ■tudeaU at rtduced prIcu. Jonlor am- Khn«hnn*. i;«.>rs* Edtn, (;oodln|I. l-han*!|— Am s ili j ;;! fnr -».k 1.200; Sprint l.mb. denta work frte. lOcblnVltii and cold at t h e r ea l e s ta te CKNTKn l-dior; ji,V“' “ 1 <-■ '-“ 'Ii j w.v... U.00. Beauty Arta Academe J IWronm and den. ranch atylt homt. | * All nn nne U^r. flrrplart maho*any ^ HoHotel Owyee Lobby - Boise, Ida >» ac —•.aiiott.-eara*e-»tt«kl_IlilittP ln_>l.»lej »n..d wn. »nrk, hlth and a halt. Nearly new. I p A m T * T ' 1M», N.I (U-ll , ‘ I j u ld . ^ ; r ^ LOST AND-FOUND Vllle,. Wril* Utoco. lloi U3*,~ T-IiTj “5J?m.iril*il“*nrt-«ttracttT*-u;---llB.OOO -• Phonef- 4-5535; Evening.2-0022 . ‘ :i: u::iS’ JS ;;a Jil? '" .‘" 'i .‘•‘■'■t .« -f|S ‘'‘rhlni^iOTr.*7-ho^nrBw” .hHVrv‘‘‘' Aritpi 2*?io*: and’ c'olet ."horn ..I.I "<’P Srpl .‘S'l ,'pnt"""«''>* aV«’'lT „ ,.,°'!!^..--.'-lri.o'oQ ------1! i:! ; rlamU . ' i M.OO-IS.UIl: «.-»l In luw chnlr. ~i«jlrt LOST: IJuwnluwn^^dl.trlct. bt^ik hum rim “^ValklTr^'nealUiV. ^ a »t Tb.* lUal k" u ;. Cen-; : llr,lri..m hom*. Tbt nire.l we'v* .ren |------n.lil Mm* n s Nor " u.'r in -’OS trr in the Holel Owyhr. at Boi... Phone' Kveninm J-0U22. ^ j 7;;:::!'’AVpJ^1!ed‘ioV c,i,"‘ "DON'T WAIT" "ACRES I n c ^ K uJmll*” " iurlflr*^..' LU^T: IIIK bruwn blaitd fact laddlr hnr>e “»ri»|i ltd B.lh SUtl i;*r. rie 8AN rKANCiaCIl . i'‘[\ i.u 'I i-«*»l ROIUNSON-FEI.flTMAN See This Kow! 4 « ac SAN KflANCl.SCO, Jun. 3 lllP) - ri'.'i?-ni:'’>‘;:.hi’:*7o‘iit?f. »a>., Olll eilablUhed i.r.i.rn niwralhin.i Drivt-ln Healtor. ' I g„. li^dln «»’j rlnn^tltl J*',4 (VsMNI (VSW Caitif »Uhl. fi.r Wf.v 9S^n: Mar l.l-'i *•“ FOUNU: Thr be.t plact In Twin Kalli lo \er%er* nlftly .«iulpptd, with rr.r., '•;i ,, fiervcit atalion, lunch counter, ilihlni ^ 11.^.' pnVer, mi.lrtl. an.l .lol*. (l.n phon..- TlT:t; U.in Avrnut Weil Ttl, 299 I dock, doci boil Iindlns and livim Quarter. i;'" * clL*.” “ r^ i r * '•ullm "/'* mw" Kurl°Cn,7'h*n*T20°*” *^‘' " TraBraph. i-lrnlr nt Nmn .i*n.. If -M . UcRiber Uullpll. Ll.llm | Aboul Abc 1,000 fetl of river tronlur nr, Cm y t l l i t 3 I \ Oil K A N .^A ^/ciT v!'77 .leal^mu.t br cnmplr^rd l.y J.ilr ___ J l-u-.r 10 near Thou.and Sorlni., Thi. J I Cu 17’. Ri:a lb. f. In* J'"'' LU.ST: A tiny black and white, female 'l'» ------* place plac hli betn a mnney mak.r. Pn>nrl- {*'ei. m .tl''*i.'iri“i|^ K f f ^ CtlancM J«'j Il'puh Hl»»t cholc* cholc. .icrr. 21.S0.5;-,60; f.I.f. ..I.h l. f..r da7k^\‘aT V ;V < 'i’o“'^2:77t:^N!‘.*1 toy terriur, wearlo* black harnt... An- *’l nor paiied away. Hull .til loon. 18,400, C»lol«» -JUI. R»» Tr>U b « J . week w««k 1M&: romparri] wUI. laat w.tk, tl. »2.7S',N; No. 2 red l2,:S»i lo .wtr.^lu •»« Iht narnt of "Palehti," 1‘hone I St. St« Ul for term. C«rro dt P»» C00KINi;” r.tr alM.iliilrl.- idr.l , CONDIT REALTY Ooodj<3oodin{, liui, H i r O r„r a family to nprralt, .•ipiclnu. ..ne- l,arsr •* Ihrrr btdrw.m homr, I.lvln*. Hon lalabl* for wttk 4&0; fijmpart.1 *• CIIII.UliCNtocar. for In n>y homt. Phon. .lory .tont hulldin* wilh at..i.l* liUne 'V,".lii.inr, klirhen and hrrakfait room, H Ha agerm an, Id ah o Ph. 5-2291 L wllh latl w.2^ flhftp flhi ial.l.l. for wttk T.JOO; comnart.l a ; ; ATTENTION-Wa have a dellihtful 4 i»«nxjKir?sc5^H Oran* 4< RwKl * Ca >0U wllh wllh llll W.'k mo.lrral.1/ acllu.on .upply, room mo.l.rn bom* compl.lely turnlihed —liiiZ Curllu-Wrlfht Tfi Culf Sul 4« mo.lI, mo.ll lo-.r northcoaat .prlng lamU; }|j| kNU.\ CurulD Launary. 1112 tlb Av.ou. f.i'' wilh new furnllurr-includlni w.ihln* '2-IIUW DouK Air fill% Tlmktn ulaui: Ka.t. Plu>n. 3700.______I;,'* machine, rtfrixeralor, titclric tlorr j _111 alttcb *jCb DUpent------tW ‘^1 Tr«ni Arn.r-----*•*»— •Itxl ALL TYPLS of houatwork. Walla, ctilinit . K ut Alrllntt MH :oih Ctnl.Kdt 29’>; |.r.h. ~~ni»1te'a823 WMfftT ...... ' ~ “ T.f. ..kI„-, Clil l,lrrJ7'i-K or wrll. Box iiV r™ wrer™ """'"™ - Kailmih m Union Cicb clwlc* cholc liauihlcr .prin* 'lamlM l».00-ii, ***" FAMILY Ironing., mtn'i laundry,~eurialM ' NEW FAllM LISTING - 2S0 Acrt I lef.rei/m Kl Aulq 42 Union QU .Innt, Phnn* IBBO-NJ, ______I"In Vifkt over^^'a hlghly-i.rufitabie eaiinc' 305. 30s Filer for murt inlnrmatlon. ranch,. ran No rock., no aknd. ro wmi., I dayd.y uiusill mU. KrI. KK • JJ'-i Union P.clfl* 170>, I.OR ANrata u.>il.;r ------000 Fllnllcol# 40 i;n AlrcriX 70^i c.iil, Butter and Eggs ^p?(Jd*ifu, g ” p lin 7 02'7»-'Rr2. Twin kI i'iI! r.'" • Stf ...... — Frtuh«>i( 47 Un Corpp KS two (»o luadi I mo’ lly rhoirr. I.Oit Ib, ft.1 at*«r.' d'DKLL- NOHsEkY: Child" cVre.' riay~ r Th'Thiima.rThomai Lunchr., P, O.’llox 7U, ------Trtn ElM AZ% U R I(ubh«r to ll.U ; ullllly ana commcrclal llulaltln iri'c ^— hour, Phon* 22811-M. Twin Fallt, (ilrlilrnn. Ferry. Idaho.______,• NEW 3 BEDROOM BRICK CITIZEN’S, AGENCY Ctn Food* U 8 Smtll t t ' i • .ittn Ittr. I7,J0 with llihl .o rt; nnt load mo.lly CltlCAliO CAKUKN 5 ^ piowlDf, harrowlns, dliclnc, cul- Wtit FIvt Pionl. ^ (;*B Mot «H<: U R att*l . 4I<; ■nnd Kopd htlftri 21.00: utility and commtrclal CHlCAliO, June :i iUl‘l - Chet.t: Sln»l* tlvatln*. tWi Phont 0086.111. Al Jnrten.en. I------Immedlnte Possession rbi4 Rn, 1497 . !S7».J Coodrlcfa W tlfrttn 2»% r.n i. f.KMKN'f >ark! Drlynwari. alilrgtlkLl — Mtmbtr Multlpl. Li.tlni ----- fhwdrtir------et«rW»nm-BnJi— i**lr nrrnir zr.) rJl'nil’; floora, pallo.. pOTcbe.. DIock work. Fret' ------r O R ■LE A S E ------— OcNorKRpI 42 Wt.l Unlnn 2S'i canni . . _____. h.vrh-. Urrr »»r.lr.il'--!i—iMilll.’ir. dravvrr. *------'• ___Ij ----- PT - Gt WMt SUk n W«it Alrhr IbUJft* .b l. I ” l!pirm” llV'21’u)i'M iv«'uV..“d'; ■* ...... Phon. l«Ot.K ..tnin*., ■ .mi ahrlvr*. Kitchrn w.-ll arranurd tor ------f.w .lauihi.r r.lvri ala.iil .ttadyj com- IHoro-TILLINC. f f (!ar.Ien>~ Uwrn, fa^ri Modern Utoco Servico l.mlly J,"; diiiliu, Air.rhrd t.rai:* ar.d 1------mtrrlal and |n<«l IH.Ii»-:0.fl0, . u.ilUv .r... !...r,nr.,,^-.dl f.,rn.ee^ HO tlogi aiid .http i.lablt non*. Station in Twin Fails I;. ,„.„ U .«. ! MODERN„ 2-DKDROOU boms on North- KKI., I J i i . ; loa wri,oisc AKi DBNVRR fltm; whU. I.r« t...... percetit A CAUICAUI-rnKK W6 ltk -A ll Und.: ' Ne“ (Iteplace. I'l'oker.^ b'ucmenT, ©““ oxjocll .DENVER. Junt S ( « —(U86A1—CallTc ‘'.J*' Phone 186 , foot lot, Thl. la a iood old.r homa. WUI , S •> *wESToraot^^ij ' and over 3S eenU a Uottn: mlxtil lane concon.lrucllon or remodel, brick veneer ami IRRIGATED | carry liria loan. 200: f t . I..ta cow. .uady bul hardly tttra i' 3IH: mt.|lum. :il: ilandaril. 110; pl^plvlerlnz. Uy hour or Job. Phona iS80-W ___ cnoucb any claaa to (fit narktti all claxci Lands Comp.iny l iK'Vf'l! 'K = currtnt rectipta 29Sl «llr>l*» cbtck* or ^ l-BEOROOH 8-B frame home oa Norlh Z Z 2 I a w l. Mil u s "®{lo2J Ho, 100; .mall lol. cholct harrow, and 2«!>. - ‘ '>- NKW LAWN bulldin*. levellnB. I'ulver- rcrrl^i. Holti Bid*. Phont 1I0-16IJ Wa.hlnilnn. Wa lOilZi fL loL 17.400. ' ■llu-IM-14«Uba.J>.OOSa;.ehiiki.«ana,tlO;____ Ited ahetp ferllllitr. Kic.lltnl mulch for FURNISHED ROOMS ~ ''' ^______I CocCood term*. C INVESTMENT TW iirS JgiJ*]!... 1 ^ ._ -J Hl.KKl'INt;-room, l i per week. Ji.’i «lh ■ (PrUir ctMlnti rsailtir K. 'W. ------0HAH4 Mrs. Taute~Paid FIIONT 611 2nd "T~ Twin, One hciilrilr, Love.n.. Uett «00! O M l H — K K/SX.:::::::;::;:.:.:;;:.:;;:;;: t!i to tr makti talr It.i of marktl : a frw amall Tnut Back Tool B u ^ l u Ktrtton* Bl . . . . . 22.tO 12.00-I4.U. a.oo- m c chur hurch by the Rev. B, C, M uhly laLAWNMUWKIIS w lo iharpen. Power 14.UU. *>^l»' pri.-r'niiii't be l.rtivrrn »IJ,UOO anO 115,- Ue4 cVtrCACO Mrs. Ml John Stephens was soloist p.,pany. Phone 120.______pTn^iFKKKI I'iin niBht or mntilli.. tl.i'U and up, cutcA co. Junt>« tiii'i — iiiHDA) and and Eldcn P. Ducnslns. -organist, htkaTK.NOCRAPlllC! po.itlon by hiih .chool T Tn r.il. End Mold, Phon/,-.m>-,______p a u l e q H ^ 5 :s ::s !: - }l0( . talabit ffctlpl. l.OUO: marktl nio.1- Pallbearers p a were Virgll Ruhter, griduait. *n Have'p...td civil .trvlct merit 77^ TWIN FALLS ‘ I •raltly acllv*. unt..n; bulchera jjaMarlin rl Ruhter. Marvin Ruhter, Lyle y*•lamination and have otflcr opcrience. ‘*^hQwtrl?5o”^473* , 1,0 2n°[,»^rni'ir*m"rih,‘ '* " 'i Rciilty & Insurance CENTRALLY LOCATED In lan* Irad. S iS ; ^■j-=:::::z:::::::::r'!a n , Tynln*. SS w.p.m,; ahorthand, 100 vr.p.m. area, thli crocrry ahoppin* etnl.r hi. , t n d W e ^ P R uhter. AWred Struaa a n d E rw in Call cai 2711-W. lPLEASANT l j t . weirfujoiahrd ro»m. Nearl 115 Main Ave. East ton iM ” j 2o‘.*J^'l ^ a ‘ a li'^ i'to Ts huRtr* Ruhl balh and lelephnn.: Phone 61R-W. | Piul-Burle; eholc* Nn. I lo 3 bulchtr. 1»0*220 Iba, W e n r n e r .- ...... - VIC!VACATIONIN<;i Let ui clHn~o'ilr hoi;^ .7^ L“2n'o^f;in‘V :li1 foT.‘a7. llUIO.|t.n; eholc. No. 1 and 8 al 230-210 p., whil. you a r. away. Complete hou.t AIK AIK CONDITIONED, private entr*nce,I p hones 1885 & 6 9 1...... -by"/ our office. - - - - Ib*, n.lO-lMOi wwa undtr 400 Jba. 14.0ft- Pinal riles were held In Twin wh cool, titan, uuiet. cloa* In. 1*7 4tb ev»- I Stock A verages I PalU cemetery. cltanlnc available. Wlndowi, wall.. «» UEUUEK MUf.TII-LG LlSTlNO ' FARM PROPERTY on th* aoulh aid* ------floor., run. ilrapc*, curtain, anil uphol- , SEIIVICK ot Maik Valley i. itlrlom for aalt. How. r — I - I I CaiCaillt 1,000; calrta IOO1 alow and »«ak , — — I ala:a_l«ry„ Twln^ Fell. ^Houie anil Window p^j tvcr wa have 80 acre, wllb iood build- I CaaplM kr Tk* A*M«UtW PnM 1'*^tltanup ' trailt on very imall .upilly atttra FURNI5HED APARTMENTS" I— ...... ^ Ini|nia in lha llanicn arta. A tood bvy at - and failfcra offered fnr .alt: lew load.I I ■ - I2S i X . . h’.‘|I. lifll. .tl'h . .l*tra .carrltd from .arller In iht wttk Hold up facllltlri,' CrnUem.n preterml. i'«.'.-M.I.— WE AI..SO HAVE a Inp 20 aerra Inwn f a r V ___ Wtl ...... Al.O A.t Al.J^V.Vh*hl for Monday: cow. fully altadr! bull, NORWALK. Cnllf,. Ju n e 3 W auln bndy am) lender work, palnllnii 2.|l0bM.^priv.,e^rn, JH alrahk nrlbthlK.rhond anrt I.Hik at tha HEALT0I18 I...... r>.Hl and primt vealer. “••!( you wnnt your brassieres j— rhont m *-w Twla Falli l«.OO-24,B0: cull III commercial UI,0O.lK,0U. thnt hnve bern dlulpcrln(( (sic) I CUSTOM LAND LEVKLINO . 1 Twin Falls ;f; rrM t. 11; Acrn.. trom Pntlotflca Nhttp MO 1 alauihltr l.mba altady ;-ihttp Icnve thn 110 on thc (ront porch In , Our , m.chlna will mov. your dirt alow, .t.ady lu 21 low.t; chi.lct Ih. ch.iperl Nn Job loo larva nr .malL — I... aUm,'Slln h''*Ih’lnelT wa'II* lIi" -."ll Mmebtr Muliipit M.linf ahorn l.mU No, 1 p.ll 211,00 1 eull lo m.i.lly a ‘ n envelope wen. islci nlR ht : PlIONi: OArlield H-iJilK NT;^f\:l^:A N ~i.ni.’|..iiii .r.rtii.nil, A.IuU; I i'i' Livestock P rices TRATKIl AND HTiWAIIT. KIMUKIlt.Y "''I...Ilv, ,Mh Av.,i.r ^ ,.1. ■ l.a ----- I| l-M ...... June 8, 1055," a note le ft on th e tf. id'” \Vu"iI Mi'‘liV’|uJr‘ wl"l''lh'r7l!«i ----- I r ‘ porch rend. __^ ' " -* Mill) |ila.i. I'.I,. in;,,11111 with HI...I trr.... I).\.V|JV 1 ...r |d..t li.rat.'.l ...... I l-JI I The foUowIng llvutock prlcea are P BUY YOURSELF GOOD ' ‘“ I'oULANDll^Bltl F prorlded by the Twin PalU Uvo Potatoes-Onions * WOHK WANTKn ^ j "llr "I'r^ ?!,u',r"!,''.' .'l *.lrd'"nt'il 'l^lll'l'llr? INCOME l-.M '-J;, U»!'l '^1* atock Oommlsalon cnmpnny b&sed L _ Twn u,i,^«mi, j..ii-i p1. on the reaulta o( the auction sale inent.l, h.nl iii.rarlnif, l.n .r.l l.lark- ' Ju n e 1. CHIOACll, cm Juiie*Vl *ll'|i\ —r.laliit.t Ar. Classified1 , = 11)AH0 Iti-:AL'I'Y jjn: Steera ...... $1S to *32.10 riv.li AK. lrack 1V», li.lat II, H, .hip- V > :^l Shn.liuM. ,-,1. K I'iic,,,. ,ih.:o n.tiir |"'| nvrr IBIIU, Thl. iirniierly il ll' A-i i_ u ...... |M to >17.75 hup Fed HoUleln a le c rt Hupplle.' Ii..,ifll.'lrnt lo i|ui.l., N.» ,------riilidhli.u^iilua-a. «tey rlMt-in Im-allon...... Oood to cholco lieir«ra.... tlO lo $31 .mrVi .liifVi Hupi.llr. IiKhl, ilf.n.iul m.»lri»it, 1^ - ______. Commercial cowa ....___ *13 to SU.SO WANT AD RATES I — '-■■ ’ ■ ' 1,’al jy-li .nd^th. UUiir,^7iI'''rh >raii! 1-H Cnniiora and outlcra ...... $6 to «U r »ie,60 *Uh : rir "I; I ^ Bay __ , ..... Is ntr wsrd I ~^NFURm^ED~APTS \!1 wllh 2 liirh nilnlmurii unlril' .laleil: Mahi>| |I nl> .r.______4. pel wor.l p.r riar I" VcR tera...... »IB to *24 I U .« a ...... lo per wnr.1 p.r .lay >•“ ...... r a Horaea ...... »5 f.,'mi. i l ! (A mli.lm..n. ot 10 word. I. i.- B^KEZsuisr. qul,-td In ani un. tl.tiltl.d adi. cKiinia: i.iNin.Mtion TWIN FATJ-S II hI Foe .lan.pla, '•'■I* btlowi niiiNKii.Mii iKi.n ^ -'V HKAl.'lT A; INSUltANCE I-'^;a lh.. 1.W--MHI, I l.-IKKhUail.lii^^l D am age H eavy in "V;Tf.fk^..lr.l^ N.j. Mi.,V.^r.llli.riil.^ Ul.K - j-JIIIIN DE.UI ^B 'C I in I ,J0 I 11.10 1 11.10 TT HHE^LP WANTED— FEMALE" ^ Ik ,7» I l.w I J.70 ” I_uuvi:i W i»*^r — Highway-Accident I.na. L „ j . « _ i _ u i C iiXT ...... I’l ''' ...... ay I.. h>d t..r ! - - *fl*i?nTir.TKiri'riln"mnrtrr rour oedll h .. bt.n .il.b . , »1^'| IIV. A IIAIUiAlNI lir>ri II.IWII .nd l...>k (InninKB WIIA trrined extenalve In it r.Uf‘‘'rnlI.‘'V.IW r.ur.> "j'"iril'".'ini j i '" . '" '______ru n collUlon between ^ truck niul ii i»'»'' -llV i hyw'il'er l^hd'V.»7i,‘ll‘Jlll/i'i'l'il ,I -lal. , c ar on hliitiway 90 one-lm lf mile , kiond.'yVad. -”\^p.*"'*Hl'tii*ra.»a. S W IM ' 2 "l'.‘" l lm h''l li‘".*lV -hh""flV | k •fow l.,. »hniuj!b Frldayi - :nrji>ruAi7“;.rir,.[HTn ,'i:rk','m uin, ..xtiT ^ ; m t CAAl a( 'I'wln Palla lliu ra d n y eve- ,r.>.r I.IIAVIU-MAE'l'^lHr nlng. Tho itrlvrr of the cur wna cited «>> ; k p, m. Day ll.fi.i. Im.rlUn, 1 .0. S :'S j2 lini'stm riii Cotiiijanv V.\"V lu 'rinrh'i.*!!'*." Ml'i.ma V.'m'" [ Sunil.>. — I p . in. flaliiidar.. *i> I’hniii! tidi ‘ II :> fU.W, ir il IIIIICK. Il'> » I-'- 1 M (or fnllurfl (o niKiinl a left lurn. "Illlnil A.Ii" a(. .irlril? r.i.ilhlenll.) V Vv‘-l’';-,‘ “I’i rll'al '~il'^ ' >nd ""I nu lnlarm>K..n ..n bt il.an In I 1., FURNISHED HOUS'eS ’ — r'7,,TvniiIr«^^^ r.l.id It ihs a.l«.rll..r, Shockey. 16, 470 Jackaon a trre t, rr- ij 1',','«. :J |I.7h'’^’l^n^■rl1"lU^^'^•.“ Vh.^h'ai'.I ••• Hli^l'VilUliNtlM^UW I' r^..ll..rV.irVtTrnr: ‘ .....' ...... ' ' cplvcrt tho citation a fte r hla IM l U.««. l.7t.4.«U. Error, .hould U rtPorM Inirr.dlat.. " aI I'.-irrrr'n n ik A n ,' tM Arre. . 11.ii*. 1 j_ni,j-ni'iv««-“^ K Plymouth wna hll from the rear 1^. No allowantt wlll b« m.dt lur mar* |{,. fVM t/' i ^11..... H.ll, l> h. ' .Ul' |l|.,r tXII'AMI IlNlllNn I7. <'1.()SK IN ; liH/,u!|^',Mn,IV'm.VeV!h^.' 2»r'.lrM I by a 1058 Chevrolet iruck driven ClllCAIIII, cu Jim. t.V> llnli.n «i.li..e. iK. tiij.«.ii, ------Shockey Uild jHillce hn waa tu rn - WANTKI) * - i...... " , o ii.rilr 1 .11 ...... a M...lr.n _,h.wv.m.k.Z7 ;^ Ih r accident V Neither velilcle lind a 'n a a i c Unfety w.. tlDIIOWH NIIHIIMIY [•' iti-:Ai, icsTA'i'i': j "FESCUS'K ! Volunteer itlcker, .it a ...It h>«l»i, ,l.il. I/I .1II. » .| llo.i. We Strrvii'i! A>^i!ih’V I 0"' um"ii' ...... Mi:Mlii:il MlJLTll'C.K I.IHTINfl I nEAl> TIMKH-NEWH WANT AJ)H ‘*Oi Ill’ll Mnin Ave, N, I*l)oiio 12H(l I 1-*J,, ,, ||«J*I ..i!i .III Vi.Mllil'l'l l^'.’.'iI.Ir’lM I'i'l,. Iirr 21HELP_WANTED— MALE i. M iil’ii' \,l l i r v ili.n ilv ...... - T w in F alls I l ir 'lu l k'.‘il,.V '«V 'l,.lr''l',l..r I'ri'llili I Is M arkets I'A in v i Man ' ^ ....' r ~ ______|l i.f I mm ...... - iil , J Mum Imi rxi.ri liiirni nnni|> In- wi ...... n u ii't Muiiili i„...... — .hai fa.in a...... 1^- ‘"Jj, i.ivr.arocx , nuniiii'r l>nii'lil», Vll.,Ill,III \Mih MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT . '...... i . Kvriiiiiii/I aillU ..... Chi)lf. I.ulch.ii, IMI.Ill) 1l«...... llt.UO i"."^rui''," „* i’hiV ,.'i"''.'^*o!i*i ai."r |'«, n*’ r.^i.....' i» l»'V. Uoo.I Wimr, ...... „„il:inK M iM llhll l-»l n,'„'.;'i;l:.i‘;o"i'i'::.‘'" ...... ,I..,0 ;;V; t'linillliiiii.'i ^"'1 I'll-I.l. 1,1; IK ((i jiM iv llIK .,1, Ill'll, iin.lin IU. ti> nnI ii..l.u'VC" *' ...... '"i i.Ko II1C1': Mo’iim '' .,,11-ii. ,1-,.' i;;:;.n -i.i,. >^.1 pm ...... n , ...... - II aa««Ulli|| fhnne UO ti(,\i;i‘•Hi’ K.. li...... — t e l l i l H M t ------■:------j l H Ii ;r,il£'ftrI'i!.'* . l i ’ 1^- '■ — ------J Ill 11^1 iMI ,...„li, .,,.1 ,1,,, , I,,,...... ' “ I ‘ ’J]*i!. U.K I . ^ ^ .».00.» J x::;? I 1,lill"'l7 a"',!'''!’.,,, V,! ...... 1"...... r.l... 1 lull V ..I... ___ ".-"ui'ou Ul I’I'lltMANI-N'l' ^'l" j Ei' ll>.ll* __ _ _ lit tft I.n1. SPECIAL NOTICES_J"' ii.i(ir...... iin.dn m... Itl'iiri' .'l.l ...... ■.i...iiri..' I=h-nt| ,, i:.ii.i*r> .ml .U1I.I. ______It Oii.».(ift j)Ulli» ______M.OOOl.fift ll. 'I'KUCKS K(i|( KDNT- ■ » ** ""' ....i'.UAIn”"' ...... '■'’‘i MACK.S IMiKIVK ...... (On. it.al«r u»ol.dl ~ I "K ' 'M Sl.lll .'..H i... l’ll..n.'ilVl'l.'ir| l>"l-...... a.1.1 ..III., Il'i,llll" I flAl'V.WAV ;i|iiH |',(i ii«: ll-I!" liiHl'V'’'* " - ' i " ' ! ..... ------»U..U . I j'!,,i;',||<).'rilulll.‘ lt'ln l’ii (all^'.* rh’ iul.l__ il.xt, tlU-IUO I U .______114.(10 ' “*■ ‘ — "• : I';rwYS’hlJOI.NTJlK^ i l n i t l 'e w T l ^ ' ."ir'illhl a«M. ••■dat 4«a lha.______Ill.Ot 1' Huwa. oral 400 IU. ______Ill.Ot • ' ; "j (On. 4t«l.r ! ...... ~ ' K X i’K U lK .N C K ii I ' 10' u k IT t I ' It)D) l.liiliri III,, w.ll |ila.in«d ri'.di«« «».M . M..|! 1'!: I.>i. iIm.1.1 r . l . I'l.v.iip.- t t u m i i i ’AT h>..< iL.rV. V.II. A|i|>h III |M ..i„| I. '■I'-'l IIH.M, KSTATK [ fI'll. t ...... llr'illl. hniiit fur |4,y". / Ha. I O ulU tfal______II. Nu. I llulKrIat ...... lla ,7*'' ...... I i i WKirr A roiN Tu HCIIWAIMV. , \ n o CO, VV MVKMV WAT.40N, CAI.l, mill (M«l/l anil aMipaar wfUmi ' WANTED TO HLNT, ULASt ,, IIIH,LAND U K A L T V ------, HO 'JiKl Avr. Im,m T'«i„ I'ltlla 1.,,. ill.PAI.ra ANI) CI.OV|[R CRKO I ^ ;‘i"i>'...... '■ All dMl.ii ••• Ml • / tb« aaikca. Jiiiv:”- (U !:■; '' (Un* daai.e vu«l«j) ------1_^ ------'

' • '/ ______t im e s-n e v EWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAH(lHO PAGE FIFTITFTB2EZN H H I AUTOS FOR 5ALE A ^ (jH market f S | i ] f I USED CABS magic'’v(valley [ O . USI PLYMOUTH Rt.or Tudor i I O ' UJS STUOrBAKER Comm»nd»r I------I l iv e s t o c k & PO GTOM _ I AUTOS FOR SAISALE AUTOS FOR SALiA H AUTOS FOR SSaV e______AUTOS FOR SALI>ALE 1 :___ >'»>^Tryi^r-n;;,T; i-ho„, n i l INTERNATIONAL P l e k m T ' »n » iM tm S.I f«r. Lmrrr Stci Vh^if]! StM ifwltoiTor'ft'l >ban. nio-Nj. A t T h e S ig n . O f Tl I *T»ln *• _!!* b e d s ' ' “ '■•■■’■- CKOI’c h o T O r V A VALUES (wiLLYS suikin W.foi., «.«Mi5jn-=-F7.i 1 ARROW N IM.>1 .■■«.. ■■■ .» Adji.oh Qj^ A v e n u e E rhnuith**^ ' L I N C O L N l*i« UUICK 8up«r KUIIod W.f NEXT TO THE GARlARAGE ' r a in b o w AUTO SALES S A I ^KS'®’ • I''-f‘"i.«tfh«rln*. ’’Pjon*»’)VlU. JOjij '^"""' »r.., Kj .U» r \ r \ n I •nuipp«l. ru.lom lln.4 Inl.rk COSM O 4-DOC KIMBERLY Ii.i mllr. .lul 195 3 ■ ^ r-M «■■ I =-a,^-l!,""'- m n n e w c a r G U A RlANTEE A t in# roHn v.» «>....ubu.14. .1.i«-k ...I DESOTO _____ , ______StnrT. vhllp.o.ll lirn, ot.rdrlx, r.d rNKKU food •Pri'>f»r »ow. iom“ii. " . H i B»»uUful raiiyon CoMi:;or(loVBa brauHlul (U.iom mtd. iMlb.rih.V'M.-. . " " i " ' I F I R E D O M E Vv --R s — . :op I . . J « ..r K„ulp».nl c-omp«^. _ . H e a t e r •ff' I ^MPI.ETTE BARBI w m ARBECUE ' »v,','rL.ii ' .QiV,*i! I I ''- - ‘ h u n t f o r F OO R ID S I I I ^ ------s;^i,l>I.i;: MAUt.^ ..l ..II i;r; r . ' j ' ”''''''* f:-rni-..r..i. ii I power Steering. “ il" ' “S’ n.S()7i> C„..om liaoor -J1I71 I niLLY EQUIPPEt’PED !l [.f- , IN BUHL ‘ "'.'.•'•t'Vu>t Flr7i'nl'n<<..lnl>. I1-h.mc OUKfj' I lUiS'NINu s r‘. Autoi.Vi. 1 VERY 1X)W MILEAC : LIKE NEW! j 7kaHL1NU^ il»«^iur«44 - cIT;,;;,., — -x n :.' I NKXT TO H.^no I-r '“ O® 1 MAKE US AN OFI□bl-hK jig95 — — — J - 1..M. l„„„ I (lu .. I ■ r,“.™ S : , T ...-.....*"*» PRICED TO SEL;e l l ! I I HI! I'HIIYSI.KH -... loot. Aulom.ll. prifM'!' <'»'l H»rtt»r. Hii>'l — . '• ” I ! ™ : ' ' - " ' - I IBM CUKVIun.KT K.a.u ...... I W I , f i s h i n g t'ACKLE a c k THEISENJ I ■ '>" .1 ... ; i.i: liic ‘.-10. »i,h .• .t«W'T B \®inFSs?;.;.ii..k ci: ~ ^ k .| ' ''T is< ; >'"i> I n>>:i, I l#>.- n.YVOItTH. SJ.OOO .ctu. ^ ■ ^ • • ' ------' „M r Rfch*r,1.,„1„„.rv.n Thi!*'il I m o t o r s , I'nf.nf- I Any of iheu» ; Ii'.lf ...... i ‘•‘•K r-n rir-'"' w‘u ..wil.*. ,Ml iUtn Z u i . PhoneJne .114B-W ‘ E«»»> . lAHS pru*H •■rci|. Unl> «• r ~ ~ I ■■ • Oood TJ*ed C i n &i TTroelM r jj ijj, ...... I 'Z I „ , i pto»1 ir>st DODc;f: i-rtonr ...... ^ ---- :-.------L-im 1 H >»“ ______Auto Clinic on OWI HI Hl-W ay ! ‘fe ... , -EURNITURE & APPI ..u r .nd M.V 1 >’•» Sh.rp _...... ; r ! ‘“ K < ’ : s ' = . r .|r»y*and s r . r»J jjl I &PPL1ANCU _ m z :z — —------.. Mile South of JcKJ e ro m fi 1 Plywoutk i-doer. B.»u»______'I »4« VQIU) ...... | . | j I palDi. Imm.cul.l.. •h) ^ . . , IHff Cft»*roW (lilfc »- j JQI Ave. E ast - Ph( r Idtho D .lrrm .. F k.UiT , ...... f,„ USED CAR SPEC >•• M.ry duty chinlc.llr »«rj, iood. • Phone 12< ------\------»92* ColUel ' ' ‘''nil 1 Open Evenlngi ondI SuiSunday* •wn" :iM . ‘ ^ ‘” . in.ussioml.v; Sui-»r ■■> ...... «J0« lit* Siua.b»k*r Und CrtilMirtiU»r. 0».r- I / H E R E ■SrtTHAR«<3 5r : prr“! {•ton R'UO. drh.. r»dlo. b««Ur. ______. BUY CARS WHEB IU >hi>liwrlni Uhrlo ^ y o u g e t ______J1.....U H„,.' !r:;;.'K;x;K,''" »b.r ..... II4M ; .1 obMU. a .« ! (1> OU*- Oa*-i-ioar.oor. «n» tJub » “ 1 12 Fr» Ort*« Job*0 ^ W ith l y '■ ■-.|J.L|— I 1»53 PONTIAC Chl.Jl.in D 11121 coup*. Th«t* too .rr. . .x(.XC.ptloi.lljr ‘ ^ K i ^ t u I" — ------iri;il01,S-ltUINl., r»ciin.i,. Later Models I Lowni priMi. Urttn •limpi" . m i l tv,; c>.t' xk t»ck tow I ...... 'm jo I —AND- CACHE VALLl'ALLEY '**•— ;------■' 1,1 to, tufnHu, i iUIICK SpMi.l J-daor i j R I C E BREEDING ASSOCI,5S0C1AT10N ('.II i « ic 1. rtb. l.lOxl* I , * A GUARANTEEE THTHAT |m ...i.., i.!w ,... i ; ‘'"w ,:.-.''.-:;" . ^ 1 ; Oirn««l »nd op«r»lKl bfb» DiD«irr f irm trt ningi nOJft-J, l L L S CHEVROLET, I i Frovfil Sirn In S ditir ! TWIN FALl I COUNTS . 6 d.ir, h:c,d, 1 UINKi-tK rhr-m, „ '. i,,,,, .. -...... 1»< CUC U n . .bMlbu.. h. ,S!I Equipm ent Comp Mon. J;o moIor, 2J.0M L E V S ’•“ S i T S S . ^ S ^ "■'l*» MAGIC VALLEI “ v ' i m INTUWATIONAL t>to I •^°"* **” f i i ' j - i S SS S 5 ' E ilr. (ood l.!i nibb.r iNTRR Itll DODGG 1 lon. Dual «b rM>p«. Very ih.rp ...... “ *■"* ---- ^ l a a f i s i m FORO y-z wiib .iMk I ■ f t i T i a 10 lhe__ j------jro B P B O M P n.tl«i.. 8h.rp .t ...... ~ The Buyer • uiiliVilW BEMOVAI > MUSIC I ‘“' lU l DODUK irtns. D .lui.rt llr«. lr.n.mU.lo------1 IS K IN G !. iSa^SS; ...... SPAETH- U ll X “ "nAKER M.U. rt ”“Brai5i«6 ®Y>IFIIX ' “*' [AN’S , ™ e ” “ ™ - ~ V LIVESTOC ....J „..., r Motor (5ompj■"“ f THE LOT ON T rJ in.irumrnu- 1 —OLDS 'ARS TERRACE ------1 _PHONE 523 ______J ~ S J — S M

M ' ------IDAHO HHIDE II " " ‘ '“ J ~i ^ TALLOWO W C O . on. p u „ r p i..,, ,xc.plh.„, ______! Ub.r.1 Ttrm. ■•""* ' B R O W N IN G 'S t o t m f a l l s m o t HAY, GRAIN AND AN FEED i CLAUDE BROWN'S/N 'S M U S io I' B E T ] ’ E R c h u r c h m a : ■URE CO. ,»rLln,. 1 FURNtTURE npany 1 ^ . l-AHl'UHK "for trnt. is^ -OMO A -l USED CAI,§E:: ERVICES— - — S S S S ^ d i i S K r ------J E R O MIE E ^------aKraU^unk__cl«nl«.^AB,^»*T‘o- TuKi ■”■ ;s i.'\s - u -.“’k CLEANESTCA’CARS “ t S OPEN BtraDAY IN TOWr aNI i ^ ; - S ^ =ER •'“ = ," .v .? tr « s BUYS! I

■ “ ... ' ' " ' S X J ^ Z . Z S S f ^ i i ' f - TRAILERS ■ i»«i oi.DSHomLR ciub w ^ ^ m ml H = s i i i - ~ 0 - IGS T O EA T .r.ii»...,. p.rt«ij b ro w n in g a u i R

‘"":::::::!”i ______d ______■ THEISENPN »«» Inc. T-R-A-D-E -1- p g l l f e SS i i S 'l H S H *<■»"• Phone 77 or II M otors, In 9 ® " * " * "" " PETS 'l’°- »«■” P m, a,z.,WLzT n.,.„ r S g j «A < Cr nil ynur ...... i ;,i : = l i p pw m I , . 11,1 coci...'ri h..7, ,m aV .:onhIi.kh HKNnfJi ARS I------i j | V i t a In M i n{ ■ - MJTO CO. I------^------. . . . r a m ibrH ni^iliM. kltlm r lini'.n'* " m »»" r. iiif Clf.n. ii “WILLS” Q U A L I T ' S I USED CaA DliDEPT. U®tCT OriDEa ; (i->>. "S?;;:'k ,v a u to s fo)R r SALEs --I":: ,." ^w IN nD ^ F 3 i S ^ i ...... ,u.L.. c.rr,..ii. Will Make You" A R “ i r i il.r s Mi.^1. AfMon. - O K - H A R D T C "'n'l'l'r'.M-i DEALONTHEtHESE— >.» «™iK,,AKKH n.l... 1 ' « i c h e v r o l k t J m s T Aiiv.y, iu•>■ l i t - .....-u n A-l Mechinlcallr- keep KOLLI].LINU I.,. roNTiAo Cl.b c ..„ 1 K . . . H M

' ■■«:«'. Fimi) r-.;r;,...... H i a n Z i U N I O N y o u r e e f c ' “ . w ] g o r e W A N Y . ”if S ';“S x TOP ,’ Ine. m o t o r COMPAQ — a ...... ■ MOTORS, Ii : = ; m m ® s£ « S • • iKtBU OAH OUTII cHKviKH r r m .i..... , -k.,-- o. ""Swir: SArEW AY *' ..’.^ " ’ ' ~ ~ ~ ...... S ; : : P ^ <.NUB ...... I -WHEEL. IIN N - ,1 lU r f b R SALE I SPOT CASH!S l l f . . . flfe 3 £ i:~ ^ MISCELUNEOUr P h .,n o 7 0 7 ■■‘‘M p - ’""' a-,,'’.-;;: h e re ’S - r II “A nd Deal"e a r ._ ;','.r:..r“: TH E’“6” T( )ARS ...... iNKlNS _ I f."™; '■' ..^ IMI INTtHNATlONAI. I- I non. Ill ------JUaEOilAllE 'v-l. I‘l-lCCB ,d.r. *p*^ • >• )>'•< W p ' i S HT-S« v » iic ------1, ...... I OFFERf I .... r.»u, ^..p.. ».a, OPEN KVENINt "MAKE US AN 01 ‘.".'I! ...... h -'Ihn i; i.ii>:Ni

______GLKN G. .IKNl' : -W ll.-.ll u.M, in i «-d«r. UICKS DTT y 1 : : r : : . N K W H U K sC;';::-f';:;:S; "2(ilh Yr«r' ' tl»Kl) CAIIH 31AL8 ' siBiInu wAKim • ^(li'O A fO firM ’; Cl.VI S S ” ...... ; ' " ' i i l i i ,T()K CO. !• iii(;n;u; SAU.S 4 .t MKIIKV M fl'l'll laalio lll..l« Cr.i..,. NKSS and VllOin^lS^O^AL - ..... " " I m ,v Ai.iii.iiiunpni . r:,^ n rK N rrn w o u k «V u.in A.*i I- -’ANvnilNO 1 m m i.. ' THANMI-OJITATI "::.:::r;:, - - • C IM K N I W ( m [RECTORY •■noukahon; '______: ' — If ••i'O O K (H, • 1:11 an/:jin /• ,NAm.E r ‘= s:,^:ff “BiKlIevrtea rte d ” M O O N " , | „ i , J ; w . , w. U i v i c t . O l'M OR" ll" » ;?t';;;:,;,;:, MILK COO:ooiJiiijT l EESE , II...,h . (.oMAiftm.'iAi. n»N RKFIJHKI)KDf ! ■n,Ti,.T«n<,M.r,.:,','," I*0» REES ^K !^;'''V i';:.:;.. n .-w ki.cuh W n ...... : ijp ;;;;:: ' UHEU OAIIC A R ^ I ■:«-.... :;::: ; ; v , ■ ■ w.illL>;".s ■ I BARNAKAUU 15RV E YOt) iiiiiii;::*,';^' u : i w k d c a uiDKiT. d i auto COM!m p a n y v h ; il.,.,. i-(.T;.,i;i„-. ;,i;rin . .■, K | : J - f S | ;] • ...... • I""'*'!'. • hi:nu(;i.hmuiN .. m .h t r u c k L A N^lE E WEST I -I'owHAO -c '■ CLAUK HI . . * S .♦ n.im i.r/.iM y,.;/(h Ih.L.d.l.. A,.hW-«"V '•I""' ■ : : ' 'V 11, W..I, ...... 110' • iV_ANrt:NNA Si'iiVI . mn w Twin rull* I Oiwn Htn'l T^l' ------'1 ' V A i-l.K Y ■ MO m m . ‘v.r:'vr \:EIZ "'““" S S ! I I - H/f:i. oi/. ______| ^ , ' ; . ' S g S£ S S - - L - = ^ ' ~ m m ...... f

= "= ;5i£g::. ^ . PAGE SIXTEEN TIMES-NEWS, TWINM If a l l s , IDAHO______^______F Club M eets Quadruplets Bora PlayBaii ],«- HOLLISTER. June ■3-Hol!lst,r Millionaire Is First F of Series (of Classes Is HHeld for Sewing Bee 4-H club met- Timrtv 3 In French Town PA R SIPPA NY . N. j .. Ju n e 3 Idnydny nftertiQon a t the home of WUm, (W — Jimmy Roccobon. 13-ycnr- Cowger. co» Lunchcon cloth* and pUt, Cai-ryiiig Gold old pltchcr tor the Ml, Tabor m mat ats were Judged. Mrs. Stev* p „. D ogstxrPiPrepare for SeptptemberShow J Klwanls team^ln the Babe Ruth toor. toor leader, dem onstrated Uit va- ( m ln . Mrs. Pierre TalUbert, Kleaeue complained yrsterdnyi of | riourious parts of a sewing macliiiif J Doe o»tirr» pul Ihelr canine ¥ * ¥ » ______Esve blrlh to-quadrupleu at nenrby le. Yoke on Neck chnrgc.^.1“ through first of a srrlM * * * * ~ ■ i';:: feeling 111 before a big game but SNext mceUng on June 9 win " Aoblgny-Sur-NereAUb last nlghl. • fcwenl out anyway—and pitched a I helcheld at the home of Karen Tpodrr ot itnlning rlftiSf* Thursday night T he babies, all glrU, wero pi«rnd w. NEW YORK. June 3 fin — Jnck ! Tl iio-hltier. aUlkina out VI h»iter« IIjra grot s t. Tumrr. n JiiutJIcncp-philn. ifnlhcr- at _ Hnrmoii p"rk, tfiURli clll7.cn from U lali who grpw Thc * cln.«M are for purebred and ^ I < f *"'I^r'TVmi>erU In ' already had 'our »t• nd pacinu • s-> victory. up nnionc cntllp. »hcfp, rAclus, nnd reglsierert dog.n with Instruellon children, the youngest 10 month* '"'I Today h e 'n FILER VISITOR J ni-rrji of IhrowowBy d irt contnlnlnif dr.ilttncd 10 prepare them for show­ measles. FFILER, Ju n e 3—Pfc. k .iu Lee f W (I worlhlpss mlnoriil cnllfd uranium, ing In September. Claases are ______' StoiStout, daughter of Mrs. w. s oe-' sponsored by the newly-organized IS in town w ith » look of tnlw ry on Ashes Spread ELECTED TO OFKICE vall. Filer. Is on icaye her* rrom' ( S 5 Snnke River Vnlley Kennel club. Ft. Lee, Va.______•* , l.U-fnco. ®»''Plans cnll for nine clajues, plus a MIBSOULA. Mont.. Jutif 3 ^UNtVERSITV OF IDAHO. Mm - ^ Hr* is KlruRgUnj u n d tr a m on- , '‘1 The sih r* of one o f th e forn.u «rrv- cow Ju n e 3—Ja n e Remsberg. Ru,- M mroiis l)urdcn: 21 tnlllion dollnr*. Junior fli>«, to be jhown during the tour-day 'I'wln Falls couniy fair. m Pl i neri haa been elected secretary of, And ll's Kiowliiff blgarr all th " Uinf. “’V' Trnlnlng cinssra will be held at Theta Sizma Phi at the University Bcin« ft mulli-nilllloniiir*' cnn aclah , , I i N i f i H 7 30 p in. '■nrll 'D iursday In Harm on of Id^iho and Audrey Montgomery. down n fellow llko . . . well. llk» >» ■' h i t h i i i coui 'ip « fk Rnd "I 2 fl m. eftch Sunday T'vm FalU. has been elerled lieaa- yoVp or solid gold. f . K v , « T r a y , ,n i JAycrr pi»rk utitl) two weeks ' ‘ n ere r Dodge, Missoula, a survivor of W ? 'Purner cnme out of llie /irmy"before , the *linw. th e 1950 o a tea ,o f th e M ountain tire ure broke (.1 the end of World wnr n .r’-”■| J. a. l.ynch U temporary prcal- near Helena, Thirteen dlrd there. Before the war he hnd mnde a ro-m I ^ r e a d T1ME3.-NEW8 WANT ADS- [drnl of llir club. Tlie next regular . Dodge died recently of cancer. RE - S U N D A Y FE> living mining vnnadlum nrmuiri his'", mcrtliic wtll be hrld July fi at the native Monb, Utah. When hf 1 Ftlrr fiiirniound.i Club ottlccrs wlll drafted, hc sold hln four nilnrs bff rlrctrd during the meeting. D eLuxe FULL-COL (One of them. In Wild Storr rjin- ' . All dniz owners a re Invited to nl- SERVED EVP.RV R'iMr%Av yon, which he lold for *500, hni ti-iul llir training classes. Persons ilnco. m ndc, fjve million dolluit-J wUhliig in loin' the ClUb may obtain ’ r NOTI Workl In California liifoininllon 1,,;^ by telephoning 3158-W 'ici! I' Kc'Ktia v.orktns n lR M,ooo-»-yPBc: of U39. ' Twin Falla. - < J m DURING THE; lvMONTHS OF ( job in C ollfornln w hrn. in IS48. he J; rend thnl big money wns bcslnnlnB ly i JU N E —JULY{ 1 &! A U G U S T I to bc paid for tlic iihinium-lndcn {|r» ore that he used fo throw nwnv In; New Minister ^ ) f f i c e s ’four choice 6 t, J, *«*,* , . big scrap pile*. He hurried back to O u r O f f *ntree», »uch »,. * «oij 1 Moab. traded his niitlqunied chewy SEV, SW1S3 TO for B truck, nnd began hnullng oreI Accepts Post leg op uwb . 1 W I L L r BEI OPEN ' from dumps Uial he knew flbout. nRUPEnT, June 3—The Rev. and 1 ’ je l l y , Ro^ ® ’ , 1,1 T u rn er, n t 37. Is a wiry sort with' Mrs. Lymnn Bhaw and son. Horace. ^ blue eyes, hornrlni Kla»sps. n rcccd-■ jhave m arrived In Rupert to mnke \ O N SATUIURDAYS ing hairline, nnd the slightly lined' t],etheir homr, Tlie Rev. Mr. Shaw Is {ncc ol a n OMlrtoor tohh. I'ns sv^ the nnw district superlnirndenl for ,, . irte tendency to Inlk like Herl) Shrlncr,■ this nren for lhe Sevcnth-dny Ad- ■' I BRING THE•: CHICHILDREN j the Hooslcr entertainer. , ypn venU st church. wHl l>^ p a sto r of - IAVINGS & LOAN "I went oul. soon ns I gol back," _i.ychurches in Jerome and Ooodlng as 1 ' FIRST FEDERAl SA Come In For An OUi-Fashiorashioned Sundir ho BBld, "lo one mine I'd hnd—well.• well aa In Rupert. ^ ASSOCIATION OFOF TWIN FALLS SPECIAL CHILDRE It wns rlg h l outfilde town, wns w here .j k' -DREN'S MENU : T h e Rev. Mr, Shaw Is a nnUve of t £10 Shosbone^SL Norlh Phone 9SS It was—nnd shovckd up dirt I hadI Everett.^ Mn.«. He attended Union throwTi Rwoy before, nnd I gol paid‘ college nt Lincoln, .Nebr. nnd foi- for lt..Tliat WHS the Initial start. lowing his mnrrlage went to the i — a m K eepi Dcubllns Missouri Mlj conference to engage In L "In California, working for an1 evpnngcllsm.evp While al Joplin, Mo., B oil compnny, I set on mv hind endI Ihc thr^y rrcelvcd r e g u m Lq go tn J 0 and iwisted knobs. It was a dewnx-- Chinn, Ch \ Ing plnnt. waa what It wns. My firstt / After spending six yenrs In Hong y e ar In Uio uranium business. 1948,i> Kong,Ko the Rev. and Mrs. Shaw re- I doubled the $4,000 I'd made thef turnedtur to the stntes and accepted y e ar before. In 1040, I doubled m yy nnan Invitation from the Upper Co- intake of 1848-nnd I Just kept on1 lumblahm conference to go lo Ellens- doubling. My wife, Aggie, used to3 butburg. Wash., nnd later Moscow drive a truck and come out nnd do3 wherewh thry lived for nearly six years th o cooking fo r u» when I wns get-‘ nndnnc cared for the 6lx churches In ting started." Ihcthe dlstrlcl. i In 1983. T u rn er discovered one off Lnsti September the Shaw* ac- I llie mosl valuable ore bodies lu the® ctpUrt a caUto BalmoBjV/hUt Vhcie i M ...... •whole uranlum-rich region. Now'HeI |,e he started a new church, which now \ K{<^ _ . .owns som e 1.000 '^lalma. IS to 30^ I* ,on Its way tn completion. __ operating mines, nnd as many more® •]T h e ir sori completed hla H '> * ' m V ' ' \ m T*'— non^perfttlng tnlne?; — — j' second yenr In theology at Walla How docs It feel to mnke a quick Wnlla college, Waah. He also is an switch from low IncomS to millions?‘ nrt student. Tell* Difference "The only difference It's made for ll/ tne Is work hnrdcr, Uiat's (^11. It's: IT.Mothers Request p ~ * 'W t \ i N u a terrible lot dUfeienl from working w llh a pick In a mine. I t Jusl s'ccma! Facts From ChouI _____ , / V ______tq_Jtegp_a guy busyj:very_mlnulc.;* __—H0N0-k0N0r3une-3“W5 -^The ■ • lhat's all — conferences, mergers,’ mothers of two missing American t v \ \ ...... y.^D^^pita lawyers, paperwork. I'd like to be servicemen todny sent letters lo able to spend some time with my’ !f'Communist Chinese Premier Chou fam ily. .1 £n-lai expressing hope they could « A \ ••I w an t to do things I'd expect discuss with him "the wherenbouls to do If I'd had that much money. V ■ Makeafcw.lrlpB. Why. Ibeenplnn-. nnd relense" Of their sons and olher ) \ I- Americans being held In Red China. nlng a fishing trip to Vancouver for '' J* Anns Sagaeloa* Squire reeelmlm lastraeUons from his nltlress, 18 m o n th s now. Aggte Is w aiting for ‘Mrs. R. H. Shaddlck. Miami, FIs., d and Mrs. J. L. Wright, Jackson- Mr*. J. G. Lynch, Thursday night duringdnrli a training session at Hsrmon me right now. to comc gel her nnd g park. The Snake River Valley Kennelmel elnb is sponsoring the classe* In ,g ville, Fla., sent separate letters to ^ make that trip. And she's running vj' _ preparation Ior a lhree*da; dog thow thO’* dartBg tb« Twia Falls county out of patlencc." . Ctiou Identltylng themselves ai an J o "unofficial committee" seeking in- fair. * Mrs. Lynch 1* ons ot the orgmolrganlMta of Uw clolk-(Stsfr-pbot»> r Didn't ha turn hli millions into u „ engfsving)______. _ »omo liuiuy living for hlmielf? ‘®jformation on American servicemen JJ] \ If’ you :havt m issing In thft K orean w ar. , W \ your)ur ow;own dM{nln(,d^Hui Simple Folks *"!The two women arrived here May 1 ) A m axim um of seven eclipses, vis* I ''W e're simple people," Turner ^ ■ \ ownvn perpersonillt]', ; 2S In search of nows of their song,: Police 1 Chief Gets mIbblft som eplsce on earth, can occur I said. "We have two cars, is all. We ln one year—either five of the sun \ andId conconvenient ud h ^ K l it, remodeled our house 'some. It's a® f"First Lleul. John P. Shaddlck. 37, \ , \ you3u ever conctlrMpoi^B»|Ei bomber pilot was shot down in and two of iba moon or four of the Uuee-bedroooi placc. I think we , , f ■ Ousted by Council»sun and three of the moon. \ NEWSEWS tfor yoU.A&4ilHB!i!) have the nicest kitchen In Moitb., Jnnuary, 1S83, near Barlwdn. North m \ er• news news-thii kllcbaH l U: ' K orea. Sgt. Jam ea W right. 36, 7th} ALAMEDA.' June 3 Ofl-ThB Ala- — Aggie built that kitchen Jcat the , jntdft._cl!y_-councll_haa_-dlainUsetl ...... ______miorf,-in(UiLm»w.a!^fc« orf,-ii — way-Binrwimtidnrsne-i-irwonaprr- ‘"fJntantry-dlvlsion. wa#-mlMlng-ln-« ff* lu ordlnarll7raM r& . battle near Kunhwa In October of, Police Chief Grover Chntierton and you o r t fu l cook, c an cook bellcc n m y m oth* , consolidated the police and lire de- lee,>e, li'lll's NOT er. even, and that's gohiK some. ______psrttnenl.s5: under one head. wha hal l youyc reiUji t u l H — "My boy K ent, he's 10, and m y _ Fire Chief Howard.Sorter waa also girl. Kathy, 7, go to school In Monb. I ] named police chief. He will be I Aggie wns a elaumate of mine In; "Defendant Claims ™ POP admlulstrallve hend of both depnrl- th c snm e school," menU, nllhough sclunl police duUes M oab h a s Jumped from 1,3000 Banks Paid Bills :5will be performed by Frnnk Crockett, population to 0.000 In tho l> V \* * A they were "seized" by lhe state, home, ho wheto they had been for ths ■ JUNE 19 ' I No Malformations ll»M oiley, 43, Snndpolnt, was Ihen p pa. a st six yenra. 3 only wltiieM yesterilny In the trialll ------i ' 3 •»« Noted for Babies5 of himself and Martin T. Byrne. fl7, u Henttlo, formrr majority stockholder f 1 TO KY O , Ju n e 3 Ifl-A U. R. r f- «<■' 'i Five Children Die ni [ po rt on Juiw»iir.iB children born of,( In the two bunks, on charges ot nils- I, uae of funds. IARROW CETZTTTzrcri n»i>tticrs cx|K»scd to nlomln boinl> *'** ' In Blaze at Home rufllntlon 10 yrnrs uro snld prnctl* ’• 'Ho gnve tosUniony which ha «nld • • DRESS SHIRTS i. u n d rr n'os.^-aue.illoiiliii{ wns "ron-1- cot,USA. 1 Cnllt,, June 1 (IP-Flve cnlly no mnlfortiinlUms were ob- I"' • SPORT SHIRTS y •crvpil. lim y " to teAtlinony o> lhe tnnti tioiii11 chllilteti ch of Mr. nnd Mrs, Roberl • UNDERWEAR TliQ iciK>it. ctuuiilU'd by lUe U .S . wtioiii tin tmuKlil slock In tha R nth-1- Uii|irrv's Ui srv en , dln.l In tlamn* last j-in n W iiif ntomlo Imnil) cusunliy connnlfiniDi) driliii Stale bnnk snd two formerir nlKhl nli n.l fire sw ept through Uie • NECKTIES | M H ^ r l . nl Ulf'H'liliiin. WIUI rcuii ycfllctduy nl.1 eiiiplovrs nboul Ills original employ-• tmi'lly's (iv «nd stiifco hoiiis near MEN'S rKI*\RTMENT A indliilloii ironfcrrnce iillrnikd by m e n t by (he liAtik, iinrn I,n In.tt nlnht. MAIN FLOOK donlni's from 10 iintlnnn not In- ^ 'i'lm p n rrn U hnd Irft th s hoii.ie 30 icji...... I'liiilliig llin D nitrd tilntr.i, 11 m rt I iiilliiitM Unfiii n Uic lilnrn. Ijellrved to n rold rcfrnlinn. * '' Lunj? Cancer Is liiivr Aim led by a nitiilln wlilrh was General ElecileclrlcC abiiK ' At tho coii(iw nc«, ()H>iii>iii«v, Him'i- Itiwlim l.v ISU fpWfinW, a cnu*tm nla riencs ahtnl el 'i ' lliiKit, C lillr, riitutiirulrtl «>ti Mir U.tl. hni.m i o ttlflsl asl.1 ve*leid«v. “ ri L_. ^ r Y.in'v* an (‘xrlllng «*|>rrlenc« ni IV. Ufller ilieslowrchlef nf llir thn O-tt Wall lleltlgfialnr-nn„ . t w . t r , I lutiiiio9(init-s Clin slny liiditni lu Uipin IniiriMiIhi ot tliiotilc dl«ea*es ot the , Iikve tvtr Ktn-W Him urnvnillL'ii,” C.ilituiiila d*p«il4iieiit o< public trtilKCintorrtieexlng yo'i have iKlatd rtumet*. ^ li.-i.Ith,ll. snld Hint Uiuk rniirer .'niu^rd level, Hnme rtrjilll as aUiidatd O l’AKi: lti:( nmir ni Iluin 'J^.OtiO .In.ilis riirli ynai hnndlrfl. VIbratltiii-lrer, imliivalimliiial I 1'a;im)i:na, ciUt., ,hinr ^ n n- - l'lu, llic Unllcil HlBlca. 1 .hy oul, won't.inkfl on ih1i>i«Hli.is 0ot nllitrfw ii ’ - —f^rnmotrrtrpnii nt iiu' ntiiiroiiil.rTiV^II- l l r aitUl liMiK cRiKM'i has no inu in olre of 0 -T. Ml« « » nllllilr i){ 'ri'iliiMiloiiy liiivi' ifio iiloI'.l l rin.li'niliir|i lirniiin- lt.« liKlilniiir liiui ll'a BViillnbln In your cliolre of nil <'iitllit|iii\K<' lit ...... |iiii]iiiilliiiiAIIA i|iijiii.diiiplrd in llir imsl 3ri yrnin Cniinry Ynllow, TuHiuolM,* Oarccii. re i-el»l ‘ III llin ^vl'.^tl'lll Alnitlaii Inliindn. Im In ln id ol llin iini.1 wrrka. t 'THE bette WoiidUuie lltown, or Wlilla.III, , [SOPER’S TB eed US . . i'RAll.ERCO.I General Eleilcctric Built-In b in c t Diihwflih A THE UVE SPOT ON THE TRUC<( LANE G-E U ndsr-Cobine I 251 4TH A'A V I. WEST jigger weB grow t !" RANGE c E and OVEN 'H ie WOI Ill’s lender In rflli'H'n'’T:lrn<’T '•I"’ ■ '[.rflM n,iin^l|,n^ I ...... 1,1,1 ...... Illlilr, vour kllcOicii coiinlri fn" 7 7 i f i / McaiiH I llll (l.^ u[ i;,,,. m „|, I ^ (ill I iiljliirt |ii)tintl)|n .iinvniilriice. No [ itf ll" TRAILEIE R S 9 Ifl aiil.itiinllrnlly all IMo dli'lin. •«-> III, m of the ValU'U h'trdn" ...... ll *' till- iniiiiei lic iin IIIi„ '7 „ '.'.'i'i,.'"'',','',liil' \UI| ir.ii.,li,,l '" '" I ' ,...... I i,liv..n\l'nv.r,. For Sale or Ron'l o n t ■ : »..1)| »M.vr ,0t ( Jiniliu., IlKfl lllr llls h l b'mlK i<> luul.l Inst- i j s p o s a l l <« MITCHIl lURMIlHIU ''> n'-old I'M. I,in.; ,„,.| tim ,,„u"'■I " "''u ii"i""i...... ' '''iiH' M'ii tiiinin*IJi G-E Dispo lirrtllliv tlvi'flt.i.l* Ia i u ■mlhiii is y.llM nM lllimi liMII rtll.l 11-lMMIil I srntiilflr lilrnil ot In'ilvliiillilliiH ...... tll'lic'hl) Kll'.tlloI'" A flllliiH'riitiiiiiiiilon tn tlir 0*^ (iTl ■ Ili)r7n Is (.iitllln t w llll pioli'iiis, Mlniiillia II- lliiiiw nvlny inrasy ttmUntl* ■ nli toi itiKKl hrnllli! L L p P , I!;,,I;,^ iiiiilri-sltik liiitnllntlon. I ^11. miMvi rt^iiii >*'‘1 » II We Hava The Faodi To Your Nasdi ^ IToril tlAHIt "('ream t o n e w a y r e n t a l st GRAIN • HAY • FEEDS »L SMVICE ANYWHCHS Speciol inviiotlon to nil ht COAST TO COASTr ft I•OHDIR-TO.BOHDIII NllUllllg hkfl • c 6LD STORAGE ff ftENT MERC.....LEALEAVE THEM THERE c*ntraclori, nrcljilctti, hiii iKo.o ■ IV f '— Coinplcto SoU'ctlU 'c H o n o / f r a l h r i •— > plonnlns o new home or ...... If w l D Q tfl HAVIAVI MUAII v o u WAHt- k .....I lllilinlltll In foci, svcryoMo, wt will »UUiiW ill) IT lOH W \J i/oIEei ON DISPLAY a,ttl AVAIL;^iLAB|,E NOW 251 ^ib Avs. W*ii \PPL.-FURN.-T.V. PHONE, 292-J -eed & Ice Co.. '.*’4 I HWC.IUIIW T W IN fALLS )TH PHONE 191 s ic10 South Malain—Twin Fal

I Twin Falls Fei / H 135 FIFTH AVENUe SOUTH


Tsr^E Prornote Inalltef Bsts -4 II^^Freed. W' Re L (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.