The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

I CROSSWORD to BROOKLYN EAGLE, WED AUG. 19, 1953 7 is i mm rttTsts- I' fSTBO Parking Problem to Be Aired At Hearing of Nassau Board Harbor Lights tri a By JEANNE TOOMEY tomobile parking In the vicin Mineola-, Aug. 19 The Nas- ACROSS tM rxreant Portico Consumed 11 Century plant IS Rseord votas of Gam at marbles la Famous Canadian family 17 Prefix: down ity of the Old County Court- visory Board of the Manufacturers Trust Williamsburg branches, a past president of the National Association of Musical Instrument Wholesalers, member of the board of trustees of St. Catherine's Hospital and a director of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. During World War II he served as a lieutenant in the United States Naval Reserve sw Ans)Lppr''gJg a TTryi Ie uke 2EI i ATsrlo WIP151 IdM ElRI lgblsiS IT Emsrced notorious It Hebrew letter 4 Latvian coin 4 Young boy 44 Cltlsait of Rons 4 Exclamation 4 Collectors SO Small amounts Grating 54 Period of time Faro Islands whirlwind 17 Brand 1 Sesams Singing voice At Worm (Sketch 17 Gentleman (slanc) DOWN 1 Possessed 3 Mohammed name Grefsch Elected Vice President of Lincoln Sayings The Lincoln Savings Bank, through its president, John W.

Hooper, today announced the election of Fred Gretsch as a vice-president of the bank, Mr. Gretsch has served on the board of trustees of the bank iiuuse. ii is propuseu iu utilize open areas at police headquarters, between 14th and 15th Garden City. Capital funds have been provided, and $4,600 have been earmarked for fees to be paid at the rate of 4 percent of the construction cost. 'IS Native natal 1 1 European 1 21 Spanish title Prlsst'a cap 27 Not of teal Macaw 2J Crimson 11 Mournful 34 Part of "to be" J6 Vessel's eurved plankinl and returned to inactive duty as a commander in May, 1946.

He was married to Helen Mooney in May, 1952, and re Nothing's Safe Jacksonville, Aug. 19 (U.R) au County Board of Super- Visors will dispose- of a calendar of 31 items, including two public hearings and three ordinances at its meeting next Monday morning. One hearing Is on a map showing proposed land acquisition for sanitary sewer line purposes from Elmont Road to Circle Drive and to Holland Elmont. The other is on the application of Schenek Transportation Co. to amend Its Mineola to Hicksville route no that some of the busses can be routed through Carle Place.

An ordinance under consideration contemplates a profes- atonal services contract with Andrews, Clark and Buckley 4( of Great Neck. and Manhattan for a study, and construction plans for solving additional au Oameat eardi 4 Parts i of autos Squaskdred Toward j- T-Aged I Bevarafes Makes amends 10 Edible root Pltcewr 14 Swlramlnt 20 Orgsm of hei his sides in Forest Hills, N. Y. The following burglaries were 1, leported in one day here: An I i a Ihmwiuii They have one daughter, Helen Marie. i Teutfaole deity JJ Phoesiiclaa sun sod i OWENS 1954 FLAGSHIP Pace-setter of the current Owens Flagship Fleet is this 31 -foot model, designed by the Owens Yacht Company and now in production at the firm's Baltimore plant.

4 Girl's nsm iS Sun god 3 Stltrb ouiDoanj iiiuiur nuni one residence, a suit and electric fan from another, and a 44-foot extension ladder from still another. Burglar? also took $25 and an undetermined amount of clothing from the Wash-O-, Mat and $136.50 worth of hair1 clippers from Lee's Salon since 1942 and his father, Fred Gretsch was a former president of the bank and chairman of its board, prior to his death in 1952. In his new capacity he will fill the vacancy created by William C. Hundt, who has resigned. Mr.

Gretsch is president of the Fred Gretsch Manufacturing makers of musical instruments for the past TO years. He also is a member of the Ad SO Dlckiens character Heart in His Work Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 19 (U.R) Officer Edd Ruckmar of the stolen livestock detail of the Fort Worth police department reported theft of a horse from his pasture near town. He was assigned to the case. JJ Three-banded armaulllo LlrJ Eiprfesaloa: of contemDt 1 HOW Owens Yacht Company's flagship cruiser line has a new trader.

This has nothing lo-do with fiMhing tackle. It's smart 31-foot yacht, now In production at the firm's Baltimore plant. Available with either single or lulzzzwlz-izz a 1 1 50p" Si 5T54 5T" a i Nw Cora 11 Bowlpi New Can 4.1 Canine twin-screw power 5 Prontfepn 47 Pronoun itlie boat offers speeds ranging pagne and consideration, they iviaiitious burnfcnsr AppctrtJoB Rainbow Oeanftn finally become as pettish as the leading soubrette of the Folies Bergere. It's nothing for a ship news from 17 to 31 miles per hour. Since controls have been installed on the flying bridge, rather than in a -deckhouse, TOPS In TRADES and LOW in COST are the Deal Rfsneni why is star filial have earns te bar the GREAT At 19S3DualSireak substancs SS Cloth' measure Comihand to horae4 there Is more space for living reporter of any standing to Prov He crew fiiv-Skin i 'U Symlidi for to MM wm uuiuvetai aboard this spanking new ves-jcomplain to the press agents of sel.

Six cm be accomniodated.jieading steamship companies "Well, anyhow, she's lovely.jabout the quality of provender she's elegant, you'd love herjprovided or the underpinnings But the company's the actresses who arrive BOHACK READIES NEW SUPER IN GREENPOttsIT ner of Calyer contains Greenpoint will get its first modern Bohack supermarket loo moaest io leu yon llat out- wun weary regularity to De right bow many greenbacks photographed with the same will make her jour little play-1 regularity against a backdrop of the Statue of Liberty. thing. on Thursday, Aug. 27. On that day the H.

C. Bohack will open, the newest super 000 square feet of space, is fully air-conditiorietl and is equipped throughout jwith the latest in fluorescent (Bghtlng. Seven checkout eountejfrs in the front of the store win. accommodate Greenpoint's stoppers. KRIED EGGS One varticu JADED It's a known fact 9 ONE-STOP FLIGHTS DAi geti'ar tlern.

seems to be causing: DRIVE IN is SPEND A FEW MINUTES TO CONVINCE YOURSELF! that ship news reporters spoiled. market in its steadily expanding Brooklyn and Long Island food chain. The market, at 802 Manhattan on the southeast cor- Bloated with caviar, cham Bl'Y V. S. SAVINGS STAMPS AXD BONDS! as mucn reoeuion tn ine ranks of the ship news men as a change in traffic regulations occasions in South America.

Xo one would be surprised to see a certain beloved lanky press association man board the Queen Mary one day carry ina a placard reading, "Down With Cold Fried Egg Sand wiches!" He will marry a lissome red head employed by the very same Line which features this Take Advantage Of These HELPFUL TRUST SERVICES Yon are eordlallr invited to discust any trust matter you art considering with one of our officers. Ask about onr Estate Planning, Estates and Trusts, Investment Service, Custodian Accounts, Guardianships and Committeeships. f) li I i particular dejeuner. The couple will pledge their troth- Aug. 28 and after the nup tials everyone is sure the happu spouse will become an old Cunard rooter.

But wait Perhaps his bride-to-be has the recipe tucked away in her hope chest. SHIPPING NOTES Big eon KINGS COUNTY troversy over Hicks Beach, strip of marshland separated by TRUST COMPANY Reynolds Channel from Jong Beach. The present owner fwaUifnecf ISt In the Heart of Borough Hall at U2 FUITON BROOKLYN 1, N. r. would like to convert it into a modern Venice, a residential community separated by canals.

Property owners in Hewlett are screaming. They want the area to become a public park area I4gAt NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LKGAL NOTICES with bathing facilities for Hew upr; COTTOT. RICHMOND! He Administrator, Kings County residents, like a modest ou uuitB 1U UMS JUUIIlClUai Jones Beach. iJUNB BY THB ORKIN TUB! TIOH. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New CITY Of NEWT ough or CHMO.TD, SECTIONS ADAPTATIONS AT HAYS women's slenderizing iV i -rayon crepe dresses 14 i 1 Beaded and elegant is this rayon Stsl 1 J'f crepe drest.

You will be the fashion I hit of the parry in it. Grey and black. i Size, 16' to AV Only an example of-thousands of fabu- I lous new diets values at MAYS! Yes, Lf I 3 for the latest styles, colors and fabrics fgpt," "tfC'" if 4 1 it's MAYS for less than you ever if "Ifl A expected to pay! i 2nd Floor 1. AN 1 1 B. Iceland will compete in the CbneRai.

TMrwi-PTPrmw txe no l'acMlU II IB ttCI MUIll US Administrator of A LI HASSBN EL MENEY, aka A LI HASSAN, aka A LI HBS8E.M. aka AH HAESSEN. aka ALI HOESSEN. deceased, lately residing at No. 478 Jerome Street.

in the Bnrourh nf Rrnnlrlvn Pnnntv puuwiJArlUlia Or BKC'TIONS AF-! World's Championship Life boat Races which will be held SUCTION' QNB o) the real property only and Is to foreclose the tax liens described In such list. No personal judement shall be entered herein for such taxes, assessments or other legal chaises or any part thereof. This notice Is directed to all persona having or claiming- to have an Interest in the real property described in such list of delinquent taxe and auch perrons are hereby notified further that a certified copy of such llat of delinquent taxes has been filed in the main office of the city treasurer in the Boroueh Manhattan and io the office of the city treasurer at Room 12. Borough Hall. Richmond Terrace.

St. George, S. I. In the Borouah of Richmond, and will of Kings. City and State of New on the Hudson Sept, 12.

The York, and a Detltlon Dravina- that i Beiinjiui at the Intersection of Jewett Avenue and Forest Avenue; thence northerly alone Jewett Avenue to Palmer's Run: thence northerly alone Palmer's Run. as it winds account may be judicially settled: "uii wim.ii nas omy two NOW TH EH RH )R vnn anri oach nt throa chine rHrinr huhnoan thence ana turns, to jjoams creek Reykjavik and the port area before our Surrogate's Court nf the ortherl along; Bodins Creek to the lie has entered a crew from the Van Kull: County of Kings, to be held in Courtroom at the Hall of Records, In the Pierhead Line In thence northerly. County of Kings, on the 15th day of.vessel Trollafoss. Iceland's nd easterly alonr the Pierhead Line nepiemoer. remain open for public Inspection up wh slch Jettemen" example should spur on Eng-torftSi- I land and Sweden.

Both nations 130J. at clock tils' lorenoon. should not be io ana tnciuuine tne sum aay oi September. 1953 which date is hereby iMiinuitt vr 1 r. c.jf we iixea ins last aate ror redemption And take further nntlr that inv have caused the Seal of our ove timny more snips in inese V11 thuS far haVe not in Am van to tne nerneaa and Bulkhead Line In Kill Van Kull: thence easterly alone the Pierhead and Bulkhead Line in Kill Van Kull to the Pierhead Line In Upper New York Bay; thence easterly and southerly alone the Pierhead Line In Upper New Tork Bay to Victory Boulevard, as extended-, thence westerly alone Victory Boulevard, as extended.

person having or claimine to have an interest in any sura parcel ana (Seal) wiinbss Hon. e. ivan entered a crew. tne legal right thereto may on or Derore saia aate reaeem the same by Deyine to the cltv treajlllrpr the oi'r said Coiinty. at thSBor- Harry Nillsson of the Norwe gian Seaman's House.

62 Han thence iu victory isouievara orv amount of all trach unpaid tax Hem thereon and In addition thereto all erly. northwesterly and southwesterly stono Victory Boulevard tn Fnrpat TZrftKr 4um Place, comments, "The ofrsurrVe.JtS0cBoT,'r,. lan(lerg will be very dangerous ntferest and penalties which are a against such real property com- interest and penalties which are Ufa against such real property co Avenue; thence westerly alone Forest Avenue to the point or place of auo-41 opuuiienis puted to and Including the date of redemption. In the event that such taxes are paid by a person other SECTION FIVB (5) File No. innnRi mollis ai iuo miersection orithan the record owner of such proo- Forest Avenue and Van Annn GRAHAM Allison Gra THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ertv.

the person so paying shall be MB YORK oiCt5h.ofHS,,?' Ser of public rela thence northerly alone Van Plt Avenue and Van Pelt Avenue, as extended, to U. B. Pierhead and Bulk rree and band Joh ohn. if the name John pons lor American Export head Line in Newark, Bay: thence beine fictitious, and to the next of kin if anv of ICR! DP F.BNF.S- entitled to have the tax liens affected thereby satisfied of record or to receive an assignment of such tax liens evidenced by a proper written instrument. Every person having any right, title or Interest in or lien upon any parrel described In such list of de Lines, described ports of call TINE OR ERNESTINE ELIZABETH and historic cities in the buuwiu.

xeceased, whose name or names and whowe place or places of residence are unknown and cannot linquent taxes may serve a duly verl fie UDI answer a the corporation after due diligeiice be and to any and all unknown persona a a served interested in the estate of ERNA ERNESTINE OR EH.NkESTTNF. EMZ-lOY passenger easterly along uie u. 8. Pierhead and Lin Newark Bay to the Bulkhead Line In Kill Van Kull: thence northeasterly end easterly along the U. S.

Pierhead and Bulkhead Line in Kill Van Kull I J1 jpoint where the Pierhead Line I end Bulkhead Litis diverge; thence continuing easterly along the Pierhead Line in Kill Van Kull to Bodine Creek, as extended; thence southerly alone Bodine Creek, extended, and Bodine Creek lo Palmer'a Run; thence southwesterly along Palmer's Run. as counsel setting forth In detail the nature and amount of his interest or lien and any defense or obiectlon to i the foreclosure, such answer must be filed in the office of the county clerk in tne county in wnicn aucn real and argo ships owned by his company at a 1 ch ABETH LUDWIG. Deceased, aa creditors, next of kin or otherwise. BBRTA LUDWIG, ADOLFINE LUDWIG: SEND GREETING: WHEREAS, HYMAN WANK. Public Administrator, Kings County, with an office in the Municipal Building.

Boroueh of Brooklyn City of New has presented nig account as ji winm aim turns, io sorest Avenue; thence westerly alone Forest Avenue property la located and (served upon the corporation counsel at any time after the first date of publication but not than twenty days after the date above mentioned as the last day for redemption. In the event of failure to redeem or answer by any iu uie puim or Diace nc Deginiilng. SECTION SIX (6) Beginning st the Intersection of meeting of the Kiwanis Aoministrator or rJrt.NA OR ERNESTINE OR F.RVRSTIVK Kr.T7.A HITTM nerson navina tne rient to reaeem LUDWIG, deceaseoV lately reaiding at No. 1389 E. 35th Street.

In the Bor- or answer, auch person shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all his right, title and Interest and equity of HUD jester- anii.a S. ansa day at the Hotel Towers. Graham said that the com redemption in and to tne parcel described la such list of dellnauent ougn or Brooklyn, county of Kings, City and State of New York, and a petition praying that his account may be Judicially puttied; NOW TIlERF.RYmrc j-ureal Avenue sna van felt Avenue; them westerly along Porest Avenue to Morrow Street; thence southerly snd westerly along Morrow Street to Forest Avenue: thence westerly and northwesterly alone Forest Avenue to wasbineton Avenue: thence northwesterly alone "Washington Avenue to Old Place Creek: thence northwesterly alone Old Place Creek to the V. S. Pierhead and Bulkhead Line in Arthur Kill: thence northeasterly and easterly aionr the U.

S. nA taxes and a judgment in foreclosure may oe taxen Dy oerauu. pany operates 30 vessels flying the American flag, including uaiea: August i. SPENCER C. YOUNO.

Treasurer. CENTS WTTBT.ICY rnrnnratlnn of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held In Court Room at the Hsll. of Record In th the luxury liners Independence and Constitution which cost $28,000,000 apiece. County of King-, on the 5th day of October. 1953.

at o'clock In the cuianeaa una in Arinur Kill to the p. 8. Pierhead and Bulkhead Line in dress. Municipal Building. Borough of Manhattan.

City of New York. TL7 torenoon. wny aucn settlement should wewara cay: tnence easterly alon the U. S. Pierhead and Bulkhon THE "PiiOPLE Of" THE STATE OF Both vessels can be converted Into troop ships capable of carrying 5,000 men each.

Graham showed color photo in j.HiivriMurtr whiukmof. we have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be VLjiUil'i- "HE GRACE OF COD FREE AND INDEPENDENT To Richard Barry, Frances Llnehan, Line In Newark Bay to Van Pelt Avenue, as extended; thence southerly along Van Pelt Avenue, aa extended, and Van Pelt Avenue to the point or place of beginning. Together with that portion of Hereunto ariixea. (Seall WITSFJJS Hnn In TV A Simon Barry, and Mother Aaulnas RUBENSTEtN. Surrogate of Barry JEND graphs of many Mediterranean and near East area cities in nnooter a Island as lies south of the boundary line between the States of WHEREAS.

Pstr rlr Pirrv nhn our aaio uounty. at tne Borough of Brooklyn, In the said County, the 10th day of cluding Cannes, Lisbon, Thebes, i iorK ana ntw jersev. BY ACTION IN REM Please take notice that on the Srd fine jeweled trimmed resides at Immaculate Conception Seminary. Huntington. Long Island.

N. has presented a petition prav-mg for a decree that a certain instrument in writing, relating to real and AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate Court. Istanbul, Athens, Beyrouth, Damascus, Jerusalem, Pompeii, day of August.

196S the Treasurer of The City of New York, pursuant to, aul-4t mw. niea- with the Clerk of Rich jersoitai urtiunrty, ne duly proved as he Last will and TMfinani Ar Casablanca, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Tangiers, Marseilles, and mond County a list of parcels of Flle No. S2S7 fit) THE PEOPEJ3 OF THE STATE OF NANNIE BARRY DURNING. lately residing at No, 2181 Voorhiee Avenue. In the Boroueh of Brooklyn.

City of Naples, NEW YORK, by the grate or God rree and ndeoendent. T): STAV The Green Grotto at Capri. New York. ROITI.A PllKtAS POtit*A RRR NOW. THEREFORE, vnn mil urk property atrectea by unpaid tax liens, held and owned by ssfd City of New York which on the 13th day of July. hsd been unpaid for a period of at least four years after the date when the tax, asaessment. or other legal charge became a ilen. Said list contains as to each such parcel (a) a brief description of the; property affected by such tax lien, (0) the name of the last known owner BAS, ANASTASIA KAPPEAS; SEND GREETING: WHEREAS. HYMAN WANK. Pub of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kinca.

-to he In th the Arch of Constantine, the Vatican, the Grand Canal of Venice and the Cathedral of Milan were also some of the pictures shown. Court Room, at the Hall of Records, in xne county ot n.ings, on the 8th day of September. 19o3. at asn lic Administrator. Kings county, wttn an office in the Municipal Buildini, Boroueh of Brooklyn.

City of New York has presented hla accomit as Administrator of ALKIVIADES FO-KEAS. deceased, lately residing at No. 414 3Klh Street, in the Boroueh ciocs; in tne lorenoon. why such aerree snouia not oe maae. nt sucn property as the same appears on the aaaessment roll for the last calendar year or a statement that the owner Is unknown if such be the ARRIVALS The actor IN TESTIMONY WHfcKEOF, have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be of Brooklyn, County of Kings.

City and State oi New ork. and a peti f'." intement ot the amount or such tax lien upon such Darrel. upon tion praying account may oe I that I atttart mat settled including those which shall have heen Jud iciau Ralph Bellamy accompanied by his wife arrived here yesterday aboard the American Export Line freighter Exanthia. cue and unpaid for less than four vt nereunio aruxea. (Seal) WITNESS, Hon.

E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, In the aaid County the 30th day you and each wow EREFORE, THERKPnRrc of you are hereby cited to show cause yesra together with the date or dates from which, and the rate or rates at popular priced 590 990 original and adaptations 1090-29? Each model made by hand, down to the last stitch of fine needlework, by the deft fingers of our best milliners. Unlimited variety at MAYS greof savings. 2nd Floor wnicn interest and penalties thereon before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Records, in the County of Ot UIV.

AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogated Court. iibii i cvmputpfl. All persons having or claiming te have an Interest In the real property described In such list of deltnauent Kings, on the 24th day of September, 1953, at o'clock in the forenoon, why such settlement should not au5 4t-W The vessel docked at Pier 39, foot of Coffey after a voyage to Mediterranean porta.

The Bellamys were the only passengers. File Nn 414 S1 bTfy notified that the Mine of such list of delinquent taxes oe naa. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATU OF IN IBRTIHONY WHEREOF, We NEW YORK. BY THE GRACE OF liUU P'HE l. L)fjfffi.

Lr.N T. commencement by The City of New York ot an actioS In the Supreme Court, Richmond County, to foreclose the tax liens therela described by a foreclosure TO: HAILAH BINT ALI EL-HADAD. SALEH ALI HASSSN EL-MENEY. ML'HAMKD ALI ASPEN EL- MENEY, SAADI A AU HASSEN EL-MEN5Y, GOOMA ALI HASSEN EI-MENEY. BARAKA ALI HASSEN EI, have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto (Seal) WITNESS.

Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, in the said County, the 6U day of August, 19Si. AARON L.

JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. sul9-4t Jeia tie tkosiaiei of Baa aaj woatts readers ef "Mary Hawortk'i Mail," a Brooklva Earle Wonuia'g fate eaters. Crispier, draauti "lories ef aieua re-latioaiaip are bared and leaad advice I IMwcruins in item ana mat such iit constitutes a notice of pendency cf teflon snd a complaint by The City of New York aitainst each piece er pnrcel of land therein described to enforce the payment of such tax liens. Such action is brought against MENEY.

NASSER SALEM. l.o known as AI.I MDTT A MtJin Slrn GREETING: WH ERISAS, HYMAN WANK. Pub- dispensed Mill Haworth, KLY Daily 'ill 6, Tbnrs. 'til 9 MAYS, Mea. rrl, ItSO, Jui kni tU :30.

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.