The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

1 of of 0 0 THE SACRAMENTO BEE: MONDAY, TUNE 12. 1922 17 SALE-COUNTRY PROPERTY. FOR SALE--COUNTRY PROPERTY Peach Orchard and Vineyard There are 110 acres in this highly productive ranch, 40 of, which are and Tuscan Cling years old; acres in in Philips ReacheRiver land. Both have received young vineyard; 45 acres of the best of care and scientific cultivation. for employes, etc.

There are two modern dwellings, barns, quarters Two electric pumping plants. WILL SELL AS A WHOLE OR IN PART--TERMS. OWNER, P. O. BOX 1052 Well Improved Stock Ranch High Grade Fruit Land 640 or 1,240 acres well located with 150 head stock.

$10,000 In Improvements. Lots of water for irrigation. If you are In the market for, a ranch that will increase in value see this one. LILLY REALTY CO. 603 Peoples Bank, Main 8289J.

DIVERSIFIED FARMING Every opportunity for diversified farming is offered on the Miller Lux lands Los for which we are exclusive agents, Soli suitable for orchards. vineyards, general farming, -raising dairying, to ber- be ry-raising and poultry are had here with unlimited water at a flat yearly rate of $1.75 an acre, no delivered matter how much you use. Water is by gravity flow, 110 pumping. Either rawland or planted to alfalfa, leveled, checked and ditched at $200 to $300 an acre, with special prices and terms to bona-fide settlers who are ready to move on immediately. Full details on request.

LYON HOAG EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 660 Market San Francisco Stock Range For Sale, In OTHILL neighborhood of El Dorado: 2,000 acres, more or less. Excellent range. Very moderate price; easy terms. Address any inquiries to Box 731, Sacramento, Cal. DAIRY AND FRUIT RANCH For Sale or Exchange about 15 acres in alfalfa, small 240 acres, orchard, under ditch, good dairy Impear provements and equipment, price $18.500.

Will trade for city or smaller country place. BELL LeROY 908 7th St. Vineyard-Orchard in famous Loomis District; 60 acres wine and table grapes, peaches and plums, Fully equipped. profitable A choice Income. producing For Immedl- property with ate sale will take $16,000.

Want $5,000 cash. Address M. R. Box 35, FAIROAKS, CAL. CARMICHAEL COLONY 30 ACRES $360 AN ACRE Twenty acres In orchard, all in bearing and in a.

high state of cultivation--and a crop on the trees one-half of which will go to the purchaser. The entire tract under irrigation and piped and there small house with barn. This property is located on main road, one-quarter mile from paved highway. It is a wonderful bargain, 8.8 vacant land near this place sells at $300 an acre. Investors should Investigate this.

Let us show it to you. FARM LANDS DEPARTMENT WRIGHT KIMBROUGH 817 4 St. Main 832 (312) PLACER Co. Home- 3 Biks. From State Highway in Rocklin: 9-room house, stable and 8 acres of land; ideal country home, or would make fine chicken ranch; for sale cheap.

Address I. L. Delano, 978 Ellis SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF IN Beautiful Fairoaks, Ten Acres At $250 per acre, On paved road. Best of soil, unimproved, under Irrigation. Make your stake improving this.

Falroaks $1.00 Bank, down, balance $10 per month. FAIROAKS, CALIF. WE Have Listed For Sale Some of the finest and largest stock and dairy ranches In Plumag County. Write 118 what you want and we will see that you get it. Also have some fine Summer resorts.

Feather River Realty Company, QUINCY, FOR Sale- -High-Class Ranch Containing 198 acres: 75 acres No. 1 river bottom, balance upland, 70 ac. In oats, 15 aC. sowed to alfalfa; two-story house, 7 rooms, bath, hot cold water; dairy barn for 35 cows and other outbuildings; tank house and windmill; at least $4.000 worth of live stock and farming Implements, a let of which will be supplied upon request; one mile from town of 500 population with creamery, schools, all under Irrigation plenty of water. Price $80,000, easy terms if desired.

L. R. Williams, COTTONWOOD, CALIF. MODERN 4-Room House On Cedar St. rice $2,650.

Terms if desired. Inquire Cedar ROSEVILLE, or Phone 1516. FOR Sale--Near Sankey Station, Sutter 40 acres, house, barn, three wells, fencea. Address Thomas H. Dwyer, 3004 Street.

I HAVE Several Pleces of Farm Land, both improved and unimproved, located In Sacramento. Placer and El Dorado Counties that I will sell at reasonable price. Terms, or might exchange. CAL. Address owner, Box 181, ELK GROVE, ACRES 'FAIROAKS DISTRICT 12 miles, about, from Sacramento; 8 acres of this fine soll is directly on paved highway and balance is planted to off oranges, and on hard road about mile high- $200 per acre.

Can show yea this any time. way, Can be bought for less than Call Main 8755R. SNAP THESE SNAPS. 20 ACRES. The best commercial income fruft ranch in Fairoaks, with two distinct crops, namely oranges and olives.

interests Located on the highway. If income you, look this up. This 18 a good buy. Price $14,000. $3,000 Cash.

10 ACRES. In Falroaks. Five acres oranges and grapefruit, four acres in olives modern and home, famIly with screened porch and screened sleeping orchard. Eight-room porch; also a dandy screened alone dining porch; worth barn. garage.

Buildings $8,000. Price half cash. If show you looking for a snap, ask us to thia to you. 10. ACRES.

Four-room furnished house, large barn, new chicken house, new fruit buildings. packing house, help house and other Dandy electric pumping plant. Fine about garden, many fruit trees, fine oak trees, 500 chickens, wagon and all implements. acres in fine stand of strawberries. This Is a snap at $3,700, and terms.

THE GRIFFITH COMPANY, 920 8th Sacramento, Callf. Foreclosure Bargain. Former owner's price $2,500. $100 down. $1,916.

Forty years' time. Waters-Crouch 620 St. FOR Sale -20 Acres Strawberry Land. BROD- Inuire Mrs. Russell 816 ICK.

Houses! Lots! Ranches! 30 acres, close in, whole or part, sale or trade. McMORRY CRONIN M. 5515. DEPENDABLE Appraisals and reports on farm lands. GELETTE GREENLAW Real Estate.

Investments. 920 6th St. Sacramento. Main 3712. FOR Sale By Owner-2 Acres 3 Miles south of city.

House barn, pumping plant, good horse, 2 oil stoves, oll tanks, tools and all equipment goes ranch. For particulare address Box Yi05-20, care BeQ A FINANCE BUSINESS MARKETS IMPROVEMENT IN INDUSTRY STILL IS APPARENT Gradual But Steady Recovery of Country From Depression Is Seen YORK, June the Associated Press.) Continued indications of industrial improvement, signs of a renewed easing in rates and diverse testimony 8.5 money crop conditions are features in bustness and finance of the past week. Commodity prices still show a firmer tone. Retail trade 1s about what year, a and situation shows might be expected, at this time of no decided change. The picture continues to be one of gradual but fairly steady recovery from depressionrecovery exceeding expectations entertained earlier in the year.

Steel Plant Operations. Recent reports show that steel are still operating at rates which compare favorably with full capacity operations before the war. Steel prices are firm. The value of building contracts let in twentyseven Northeastern States during May set a new high record and was six times greater than the monthly average during 1914. Automobile production during May also exceeded all previous records, while the steel companies report creased demand from manufacturers of agricultural implements.

Orders for railroad equipment continue to be placed in satisfactory volumes. Latest reports from the Northwest (indicate that the prospects are for, a good wheat crop. Although starting, recent exceedingly favorable weather has brought the along very rapidly, Wheat Prices Deeline, Prices of wheat for future delivery have declined sharply in the last few weeks, but this is attributed in to the collapse of the attempted speculation for the rise in May option rather than to anything disturbing in tie general situation, and a liberal supply of grain at fair prices is considered to hold out better prospects for general business than a short crop at high prices. Cotton prospects are not 80 encouraging. Floods have washed out Important growing areas the Southwest, while the mild Winter and wet Spring have aided the boll weevil and delayed planting.

As a result, prices jumped to the highest since last October, the leading futures crossing 22 cents. Whether prices will rise further or discourage consumption remains to be seen. No Change in Money, A relaxation of money rates at. New York during the week suggested that the tightening occasioned by the transactions centering around June 1st has passed and that there 1s no change yet in the general money situation. Call money dropped back to 3 per cent and in renewing at this figure on the Exchange set a new low record since April, 1918.

The prices for other forms of money are still at or close to their low points of the year and most quarters believe that the major part of the decline in rates is over. Reductions in wages for additional classes of workers by the Railroad Labor Board have called forth protests from labor leaders. It has been indicated, however, that railway executives do not take strike threats seriously and the view gains ground that the roads will be able to operate successfully under the new rate and wage schedules. Almost no change is apparent In the coal strike situation. International Bankers Detail Conditions for a Loan to Germany PARIS.

June (By The Associated Press.) Complete agreement among the allies on reparations, 8 'solvent Germany and settlement once for all of the full reparations department, the International Bankers' Committee find in their report to the commission, are essential reparations of an international loan to Germany. In view of the fact that these conditions are lacking and because of the objections of France to a revision of the total reparations due from Germany, the has decided to suspend their study of the queztion, though confident that a substantial loan to Germany could be floated if these conditions were fulfilled and that they hold themselves ready to resume consideration of the question 011 the unanimous invitation of the reparations commission. The committee recognizes that there is a certain dependency of A reparation settlement upon the question of the interallied war debts which is outside of the committee's danger of a. collapse German credit jurisdiction, and they, point out the if the negotiations for a settlement are too long delayed. A short term Interim loan, however, could bo made would remove that danger.

But which short term loan, It is said, be would a of no benefit to certain of the allies. would receivo little or none of who the proceeds. delegate, Charles SarThe French gent, dissented from the report, saying he was unable to accept any re-. German liability under the duction in treaty cf Versailles or any diminution under whatever of France's rights the treaty. Chicago Grain CHICAGO, June harvestIng expected to become general this Winter crop belt and week In the with a bumper yield In prospect, wheat prices to-day underwent a material downturn in the early dealings, Bears were predicting a free movement to market straight eleva- from the thresher.

The fact that tor facilities here were still clogged with grain tended further to put bulls at a disadvantage. The opening, which ranged from to lower, with July to and September to was followed by a decided further drop. Corn and oats started firmer, but then sympathized with the weakness of wheat. After opening unchanged to higher, July to the corn market declined all around below Saturday's finish. Oats started to higher, July 1 to and later followed corn downgrade.

Lower quotations on hogs weakened the provisions market. Metal Market NEW YORK. June steady; electrolytic, spot and futures, Tin, easy; spot and futures, $31.50. Iron, steady; No. 1 Northern, $24.00 No.

2 Northern, $23.00 24.00; No. 2 Southern, $18.00 Lead, steady; spot, $6.75 Zinc, steady; East St. Louis, spot and nearby delivery, Antimony, spot, $5.25 MARKET SUMMARY trade quiet. Grain bags lower, Hay steady. Butter prices unchanged.

Eggs lower. Young America cheese higher. Fruit trade active. Heavy demand for fruit. Cantaloupes plentiful.

Cherries firm. Apricots weak in price. Potato prices steady. Onions quoted lower. Vegetables active.

Poultry easy in price. COLORED HENS REMAIN FIRM. White Leghorns Are Weak In Price: Small Hens Lower SAN FRANCISCO, June -Colored hens remain firm while White Leghorns are weak in price. Small hens are quoted lower, There is a liberal supply, POULTRY. CHICKENS--Young, to 28c; 80c; 2 350; 40c; Colored, 400; 2 500; 155., 55c Heavier, 600 per Hens--Leghorns.

14 23c; Colored, Old Roosters, per 1b. TURKEYS -Dressed, 850 per live, 35c per lb. DUCKS -20 250. per lb. BELGIAN per lb.

PIGEONS $2.50 3.50 per dozen. per lb. PROVISIONS. BACON- -Eastern, 6-8, 45 48 0: 8-10, 43 California, 6-8, 38 420; 8-10, 35 10-12, 35 36 c. HAMS -10-12, 32 12-14, 32 14-16, 32 Picnic, 21c per 1b.

LARD- -Tierces, 508, 14c: 109, 58, 170: 39, 17 c. ShorteningTierces, 13c; 458, 1210; 55, 160; 39, 15 c. CALIFENE- Six large ting, 11c; medium and small, 180; 128, 19c. OILS- Salad. $1.20 per White Cooking, Yellow Cooking, $1.15, LIVESTOCK.

(The following quotations are based on the gross weight of livestock, weighed and delivered in San Francisco): The following prices are for grass-fed cattle; hay-fed, per lb. higher: STEERS No. 1, Second Quality, Thin, per lb. cows AND HEIFERS- -No. 1, per Second Quality, 4 50 BULLS AND STAGS--Good, 3 per lb.

CALVES Weight, per Heavy, 507e per 1b. SHEEP -Wethers, per Ewes, 8 4c; Shorn, lower. LAMBS per 1b. HOGS Hard, grain-fed, weighing 125 200 200 00250 110; 250 300 300 400 DRESSED STOCK. BEEF--No.

1 Steers, Second Quality, Cows and Helfers, Calves (as to size), 15 LAMBS- Fall, 21 22c. SHEEP--Wethers, Ewes, 16c. HOGS-18c. HOPS. HOPS-(1921 crop) Sacramento and Sonomas, Oregon, 18c lb, SUGAR.

Western Sugar Refinery, Granulated base, $6.40 per 100 Beet Granulated, 100 bags only, $6.20 per 100 Bales, $6.40. OILS, ETC. (These are San Francisco prices. For Sacramento prices add except in case of Oronite Aroturps, to which add for drums and for cases 2-58.) KEROSENE--Pearl Oil in drums, per Headlight In drums, In cases, 28c; Eocene, in cases, 29c. 23c per gallon.

ORONITE AROTURPS (A turpentine substitute) drums, in casem, 2-58, 11 0, LINSEED OIL- Strictly pure, raw, in barrels, in cases, boiled, 13 barrels, in cases, 5-bbl. lots, 1c per gal. lest. -Strictly pure, In cases, $1.80: in drums, 10-case lots, 1o galIon less. RED LEAD AND LITHARGE One ton and less than one ton, less than 500 12c.

WHITE LEAD--One ton and over at one purchase, per 500 lbs, and less than one ton, 11 less than 500 120; Dry White Lead, in barrels, one ton and over, in kegs, 30 and 50 advance. FRUIT MARKET SHOWS ACTIVITY Retail Trade Comes Out In Force and Buys Liberally SAN FRANCISCO, June The local fruit market was active this morning. The retail trade was out in forcee and bought liberally as there will be practically no market to-morrow. The day be observed as a holiday. Four cars of cantaloupes and one car of watermelons arrived.

Cherries are firmer with heavy reecelpts and an active demand, Apricots and peaches are moving well, The former are weak in price. FRUIT. STRAWBERRIES--Crates, $1.00 drawers, 50 per drawer. $1.00 per drawer. BLACKBERRIES-60 per drawer.

per drawer. $6.00 per crate; Ponies, $4.50 5.50 per crate; Flats, $1.75 2.50 per crate. per lb. CHERRIES--Bulk-Royal Annes, 15c; Bing, Tartarian, other varieties, per lb. GOOSEBERRIES-15 per lb.

per box. per lb. 2.00 per box and crate. 6.75 per box. LEMONETTES $3.00 8.50 per box.

ORANGES- $6.50 9.00 per box. 5.50 per box. Central American, per lb. $5.00 10.00 per dozen, APPLES- Newtown Pippina, $2.75 per box; Wine Saps, $4.00 4.50 per box. NUTS.

WALNUTS--Nominal. ALMONDS (1921 crop) -Nominal. HONEY. HONEY (new) -Extracted Water White, per 1b. DRIED FRUITS.

EVAPORATED APPLES 50-1b. boxes, Fancy, 19c; Extra Choice, 18c; Choice, 17 c. APRICOTS-(25-lb. -Fancy, 350; Extra Choice, 30c; 290; Standard, 25c. PRUNES-(1921 crop)-(25-lb.

boxes) 30-408, 180; 40-508, 50-60s, 60-70s, 13c; 70-100s, Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, June S. Bureau of Markets)-Cattle, receipts slow: beef steers uneven; mostly weak to 15c lower; few weak to 15c lower; few cholee kinds about steady; top, weight 1,446 pounds; bull beef steers, $8.25 9.00; she stock weak to 253 lower; in-between grades off most; bulls and stockers steady to weak; veal calves 25c to 50c lowed quality considered; bulk butcher cows and heifers bulk bologna bulls, $4.40 bulk vealers early top packers, $10.00 Hogs--Receipts market active; light and light butchers 10c to 15c lower; others 15c to 200 lower; top, bulk, $10.10 pigs steady; mostly heavy weight, $10.30 medium, $10.50 (10.65; light, $10.60 light light, packing smooth, $9.50 9.65; packing sowS, rough, killing pigs, $9.50 Sheep Receipts destrable dry fed lambs steady; top. other killing classes, aged lambs and sheep, steady and lower; Spring lambs, 25c to 50c lower; top Springs, $14.25 early; desirable killers mostly $14.00 with culls largely $7.50 8.00; stock ewes active with young native upward from yearling ewes to $9.00. BUTTER MARKET REMAINS FIRM Extras Are Unchanged At Cents Pound; Eggs Liberally Sold SAN FRANCISCO, June The butter market is firm with extras unchanged at per pound. Sales at the Exchange were all above the quotations.

They amounted to 10 casa extra squares and 1,200 pounds cubes at 41 40 squares and 1,800 pounda cubes nt. 410, 30 08808 squares and 600 pounds cubes at 40 1c per pound. Receipts were 66,000 pounds. Stocks of butter In local wholesale hands at the opening of business this morning amounted to 5,287 boxes squares and 4,463 cubes. Exchange Butter Quotations.

Date. 8 9 10 13 Fresh- Extras 41 40 Firsts ,98 38 38 38 All sales of butter made upon the floor of the Exchange shall carry a trade discount of 10 per cent plus A seller's handling charge of 2 per cent of the net amount of the involce. The dally average Exchange price of extra butter for the week ending June 10th was per pound. EGGS. Liberal selling offers of eggs weakened the price at the Exchange this morning.

Extras and pullets are down per dozen. Extras are listed at per dozen. Exchange sales were 280 cases extras at 30c, 10 08808 at 290, 200 cases at 80 cases extra pulleta at 26c and cases at per dozen. Receipts were 3,560 cases. Stocks of eggs In local wholesale hands at the opening of -business this morning amounted to 6,494 cases.

Storage receipts were 484 canes, withdrawals 180, making a total of 170,482 cases. Exchange Egg Quotations, Date. 6 10 12 FreshExtras 29 30 20 30 30 29 Extra Pullets. .26 20 26 26 26 25 Undersized Pullets 19 30 20 20 20 20 All sales of eggs made upon the floor of the Exchange shall carry a trade diacount of 10 per cent plus 8 seller'a handling charge of 9 per cent of the net amount of the invoice. The daily average Exchange price of extra eggs for the week ending June 10th was 29 7-126 per dozen.

CHEESE. The price of California Young America cheese advanced nt. the Exchange, Sales were 24 at and 24 nt 250 per pound. Receipts were 82.800 pounds. Exchange Cheese Quotations.

Fancy Flats 200 First Flats 180 Young Americas 25 0 Oregon Young Americas 25c Oregon Triplets 21 0 All sales of cheese upon the floor of the Exchange shall carry a trade discount of 10 per cent plus a seller's handling charge of 2 per cent of the net amount of the involce. TRADING VERY QUIET IN GRAIN MARKET Business Now IN of Holiday Character; Hay Remains Without Change SAN FRANCISCO, June 12. -The grain trade is of a holiday character. Trading 19 extremely quiet. Grain bags are weaker and quoted lower.

GRAIN. 02.15 per cental. BARLEY--Feed, $1.20 Shipping, $1.30 1.35, OATS--Red, per cental. RYE- -Nominal. CORN--California Yellow, $1.50 White Egyptian, $2.131 Red Milo, $1.90 peh cental.

HAY. The hay market remains without change. Trading is quiet. Receipts were 199 tons. HAY Wheat, $14.00 Tame Oat, $15,00 Wild Oat.

$11.00 18.00; Alfalfa, Old, $15.00 New, $13.00 15.00; Stock Hay, per ton; Straw, nominal. BEANS. BEANS (Cal. Bean Association prices)Pink, Black -Eyes, $4.65: Reds, Small White, Large White, Cranberry, Red Kidney, Limas, H. Bayos, $5.80.

FLOUR AND FEED. FLOUR- Standard Brand, Two-Two, Four-Four, Twenty-Twenty, baled, Forty-Forty. $9.85. Alfalfa Meal, $22.00 24.00: MIll Feed, $38.00 41.00; Rolled Barley, $30.00 31.00; Middlings, $48.00 50.00; Bran, $38.00 Scratch Feed, $43.0 45.00 per ton. BAGS.

GRAIN BAGS- -Standard Calcutta, spot, June and July delivery, San Quenetin, Domestics, 10 c. MARKET IS FIRM FOR OLD POTATOES New Stock, However, IN Weak; Garden Vegetables Are Firm SAN FRANCISCO, June -The potato market is firm for old and weak for new stock. Onions are weaker for wharf prices. The receipts of asparagus this morning were 1,475 boxes. Prices are steady.

A full carload of string beans arrived from the South. Five cars of tomatoes, two from Mexico and three from Imperial Valley, came to hand. Garden vegetables are firm with heavy demand. VEGETABLES. ASPARAGUS- White, per choice, per graded, per Green, per lb, GREEN CORN-50 per doz.

SUMMER SQUASH $2.00 2.15 per crate. STRING BEANS -14 150 per 1b. GREEN PEAS per lb. GREEN PEPPERS Chill, per Bell, 20 per lb. per box.

per 1b. CUCUMBERS--Texas, $3.00 3.50 per hamper; Mexican, per box; Southern, $2.25 per box. LETTUCE-Southern, 50 750 per crate; River, nominal. TOMATOES--Mexican, $3.50 4.50 per box; Imperial, $2.75 3.25 per crate; Florida, $5.00 per crate. POTATOES--River, $1.00 Idaho Gems, $2.00 2.25; New Potatoes, White, Garnets, per Sweet Potatoes, $3.00 3.50 per cental.

ONIONS -Bermuda Seed--Wax, 1.15 per crate: Yellow, 90c $1.00 per crate; New, Money Market NEW YORK, June money firm; high 31; low ruling rate, closing bid offered at last loan Call loans against acceptances time. loans steady; 60-days 90 days six months Prime mercantile paper Real Estate Transfers Saturday. June 10, 1922. D. and Myrtle R.

(wife) Carmichael to Charles, West Jones and Hazel Rose Jones May 24. 1922) -East half lot 3, T. U. 16th and 17th. Charles W.

and Hazel Rose (wife) Jones to D. W. Carmichael (deed feet June 9, 1922)- Lot 1811 and south 10 lot 1812, Wright Kimbrough Tract L. 24. F.

8. and Nellie (wife) Atkins to G. I. Woerner block (deed 18, March West 2, Del Paso 1922)-Lots 12 and 12, Heights Tract. H.

and Neva I. Barry to Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District (deed June 6, Right way over strip varying width lying 46.91 along acres, west being side of parcel containing portion of 159-acre tract Swamp Land Sur254, a8 described S. In 606-210. ver W. J.

and Annie (wife) Milgate to C. J. Milgate (deed 10, 1922)- South half of southwest quarter, north half of southwest quarter and southwest quarter sontheast quarter section 4. northeast section 7. southwest quarter of northeast quarter and east half of northeast quarter and west half of southeast quarter section 8.

west half section 9. township 8, range 8. containing 1.200 acres. Bernard Ross. Mra, M.

and Milton (hus(wife) Modell (deed May 1922)-East Silverstone to Robert, and Alma halt lot 6. N. O. 5th and 6th. E.

F. and Laura E. (wife) Zumwalt to B. O. Tiessen (deed June 7.

1922) Lat 2584. Oak Terrace NEW LOW LEVELS FOR OIL STOCKS REACHED AT BAY Great Western Power at 96 Is Strong Feature; Bonds Neglected (The Bee's Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, June Heavy trading in stocks was influenced by great activity In oils which were hammered to new low levels during the opening session on the alaco Stock and Bond Exchange. Amalgamated Oil opened two under Saturday's close, at 96, and closed at Pacific Oil sold 0.8 low as 59. General Petroleum common changed hands at prices rangIng from 122 down to Standard Oll softened to Union Oil of California also lost one point, selling at 185. The market received other Jolts when losses reached other active 18- sues In the general list.

California Packing common sold at 75, under Saturday's close. Hakiu Fruit lost points, with final sales at Hawalian Pineapple closed at 70. Holt Manufacturing Company changed hands at 90 and Pacific Gas first preferred had sales at Outstanding, Western of the Power strong preferred, stock which sold at 96, also East Bay A at 87, a firm figure. A small block of Spring Valley Water changed hands at 70. Bonds Neglected.

The bond list was almost entirely neglected and those issues traded in were unsettled. City Electric Company sold at Miller and Lux at 102 and San Joaquin Light and Power 6s at Only one Issue of Government bonds WAS traded infourth 8, selling to the extent of $19,000 at 99.86,, then closing a shade stronger at 99.90. The list of quotations, corrected 11p to p. In. to-day, follows: List of Quotations.

Pet. Pet. Highway serial 4.80 4.45 8. F. Municipal 4.75 Mun.

City Hall 4,70 4.60 BONDS. Bid Ask U. 8. coupon 102.00 106.00 Liberty 99.84 100.00 do. 1st 99.80 do.

2d 99.40 do. 1st 99.82 100.00 do. 02 99.80 99.90 do. 3d 90.89 99.96 do. 4th 99.88 99.94 Victory 5th 4 100.49 100.60 do, 5th 99.90 Miscellaneous.

Associated OIl 99 American Factors 100 Bay Counties Pwr. 98 Cal. Cen. G. E.

97 98 Cal. Electric 6 04 99 Cal. Gas Elec. 97 08 4 do. unt.

and ref. 96 96 Cal. Hawaiian Sugar 1021 St. Cable Ry. 5 99 101 Cal.

Tel. Light 6 99 City Electric 91 East Coast Bay Cos. L. Wat. P.

85 88 98 1 First Fed. Trust 98 Gen. Petroleum 7 102 102 Great West. Power 6 99 92 do. 1st and ref.

103 Home T. T. Spok. 92 94 Los Angeles Elec. 10 97 Lon Ang.

G. F. 10 97 do. 1st and ref. 10 94 14 do.

gen. and ref. 7 100 102 do. do. series 103 103 Los Angeles Light 99 99 Los Angeles Ry.

6 88 L. Ry, 89 do. 1st and ref. 80 Market St. Ry.

5 89 do. 6 98 Miller Lux 102 Natomas of Cal. Ry I 64 66 Northern Ry. Cal. 6 101 Northern Cal.

Pwr. 5 97 08 do, ref. and con. 5 88 89 Orpheum T. R.

6 96 Gas Imp. 93 Pacific G. E. 891 91 do, notes 7 100 101 do. 7 106 107 Pacific Elec.

Ry, 84 Pacific T. T. 6 96 Sac. Elec. G.

98 San Joaq, L. P. do, series A do. serles 99 do. series 6 98 8.

J. S. Clar, 54 65 Southern Cal. Gas Sierra Ry. of Cal, 6 52 8.

P. R. R. of Cal. 5 100 S.

P. R. Br. R. R.

of Cal. P. 1st ref. 87 do. 20-year do.

C. P. collat. 83 881 do. S.

F. term. 83 Sperry Flour 6 102 Spring Valley Water Standard Oil of 1051 Union Oil of Cal, 6 95 United G. E. 5 97 Valley Cos.

Pwr. 5 97 Western Pao. Ry. 5 871 Wilson Co. 6 85 STOCKS.

Water. East Bay Water A pfd 8 8 do. preferred 59 Spring Valley Water 70 70 Gas and Electric. Gt, West Power pfd. 96 N.

W. Electrie com. 13 15 P. G. E.

lat pid 87 do, common 70 Pacific Lighting do. common 169 San Joaq. L. P. pid.

100 do. common 21 27 Western Power pid. 80 do. common 29 33 Railroad. Market St.

Ry. pfd, 26 do. 2d preferred 20 25 S. Ry. prd.

60 do. common Insurance. Fireman's Fund Ins. 821 328 Home Fire Marine 25 28 Title Ins. Guar.

150 Vulcan Firo Ins. 15 Oil. Amalgamated Oil 95 Associated Oil 116 118 Cal. Petroleum pfd. Considine Martin 2.00 2.05 Gen.

Petroleum pid. 100 do. common 121 122 North Amer. O11 1,90 1.95 Pacifio O11 58 Pan Am. P.

T. com. 85 Pinal Dome Of 500 600 Standard Oil of Cal. 107 3 Sterling Oil Dev. 3 3 Union Oil of Cal.

183 Union Oil of Del. 21 21 West Coast OIl Co. 140 Miscellaneous. Alaska Pack. Assn.

141 Amer. Gold Dredg. Cal. Cot. Milla pfd.

90 100 do. common 45 California Ink pid. Cal. Packing Corp. El.

Booth Co. pid. Federal Telegraph Co. Hawaiian Pineapple 69 71 Haiku Fruit Pack. 33 Holt Mig.

1st pid. Natomas of Cal. pfd. 6 Pacifio T. T.

pid 90 do. common 4 8 Sperry Flour pid 94 100 do. common 46 Telephone Inv. Corp. 27 Hales May Finance Grain Sales Department CHICAGO, June the Associated Chicago capitalist who was said by James K.

Mason of Milton, in testimony before the special Senate committee investigating the United States Grain Growers', to be willing to spend $1,000,000 in promoting a sales department for the grain growers, is Burton F. Hales, a wealthy member of the Board of Trade. Hales readily admitted to an Assoclated Press representative to-day he was the man referred to by Mason. Hales said the subject of a sales department for the grain growers still WAS pending and he did not know just what would come of his offer. FAVORABLE REPORT ON BILL.

WASHINGTON, June 12. Favorable report on the Capper-Tincher bill to amend the future trading act 90 8,5 to meet the recent decision of the Supreme Court declaring sections of that act Inoperative was ordered today by the House Agricultural Committee. The measure, which was be ported taken as up in introduced, the House, is expected Thursday, to FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, June change easy. COUNTRY UNIT England Pound France Italy Lire Belgium Germany Mark Holland Norway Kronen Sweden Kronen Denniark Kronen Switzerland Frano Spain Peseta Greece Drachma Argentina Brazil Montreal Poland 12. Foreign exPAR TO-DAY $4.49 19.30 8.880 19.30 5.050 19.30 23.0e 1.31%0 40.40 39.040 26.80 17.550 26.80 26.00e 26.80 21.900 19.80 10.110 19.30 16.780 19,30 4.200 84.500 1.456 14.000 LIBERTY BOND PRICES NEW YORK, June 12- -Liberty bonds closed to-day: 8100; first 4m, 8091 6 bid; second 4N 800.84; first second 809.92; third $100; fourth 8100; Victory 4 1 8100.62; Victory $00.871.

AN AN Local Office 1. 8. Weather Bureau. Sacramento, Calif, June 12, 1922.0 Post Office Bullding. Telephone Main 3139, FOR Forecast SACRAMENTO Tuesday: VICINITY: Fair to-night and Tuesday, FOR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: TOnight and Tuesday cloudy or foggy near the count; fair In the Interior, A storm of considerable Intensity 18 passing out to sea off New England, caushigh winds at North Atlantic ports.

Over the West there has been but little change in barometric conditions since Saturday. Temperatures have remained low the seasonal normal over the interior of California. Rain has fallen during the past twenty four hours over the Tower Missouri Valley and the East. The weather in this section will conwith moderate temperature light tinue fair during the next thirty-alx houra southerly winds. N.

R. TAYLOR. Snow in the Mountains. Snow on the ground at, the Summit, trace, Temperatures. (Taken at 1 a.

76th Meeridian Time.) Highest Lowest Precip. yester- last last 24 day, night. bours. Boston 84 1.32 Chicago 80 64 Denver 8 A 60 Eureka 8 62 Fresno 64 Los Angeles New Orleans 88 .60 New York 86 68 .06 Portland, Ore. 68 63 Red Bluff 88 60 SACRAMENTO 74 64 St Louis 90 74 St.

Paul 63 Salt Lake City 8 66 80 Diego 64 San Francisco 60 54 Seattle 66 52 Tonopah 70 54 Washington 92 68 Winnemucca 76 62 Humidity Data Yesterday, Dry bulb Relative ther- Wet. humidity mometer. bulb. per cent. ba, m.

58 44 54 Noon 71 63 64 p. m. 73 63 53 (Taken Dally River Readings, at 7 a. 175th Meridian Time.) San Joaquin Drainage Basin. RainChange fall Flood Ht.

lat 24 lat 24 Stations. Stage (feet) hours hours La Grange 8 Melones Jenny Lind Lathrop 17.8 0.1 Electra 8.6 X0.3 Bensons Ferry 7.0 Belotta 20 River at Sacramento at 7 a. 16.3 feet. Local Rainfall. Rainfall since Sept.

1921....14.16 Inches Normal aince Sept. 1, 1921. .20.06 inches Outside Judge to Hear Evidence in I. W. W.

Cases Superior Judge Malcolm C. Glenn twill not preside at the trial of tent I. W. W. members charged with violating the Criminal Syndicalism Law.

Glenn 80 announced to-day at the time set for deciding the of the prisoners that another Judge be called in to preside at the trial. Glenn told the defendants to-day that Injasmuch as the trial of three Japanese, lat which he is now presiding, will. last several days, It will be ImpossiAble for him to preside and therefore another Judge will be called in. Attorney Elmer. Smith, counsel for the defendants, to-day said at least fifty I.

W. W. members have arrived here from all parts of the United States as volunteer witnesses. He added, however, that he does not plan to use more than twenty witnesses and that he will not introduce as much testimony as he did at the trial of Earl Firey and John Casdorff, who were recently convicted of violating the Criminal Syndicalism Law. Cash Grain CHICAGO, June No.

hard 1.13½. Corn, No. 2 mixed, No. 2 yellow, 60 Oats, No. 2 white, No.

3 white, Rye, No. 4, Barley, Timothy seed, 4.00 5.50. Clover seed, 12.00 20.00. Pork, nominal. Jard, 11.25.

Ribs, 12.50 13.50. DEMURRER TO SUIT AGAINST OFFICIALS OVERRULED Superior Judge C. O. Busick to-day overruled the demurrer filed by City Controller Harrison Bottorff and Building Inspector Ben Covell, who are named as defendants in an action brought by J. E.

Lewis to compel them to grant him a permit to construct a drug store bullding at Twenty-first and Streets. The defendants were given five days in which to file an answer. The action is an attack upon the recently adopted building ordinance that zones the city and, forbids the erection of industrial buildings in certain zones. PLACER CATTLE RAISER, FORMER SACRAMENTAN, DIES James L. Cothrin, former resident of Sacramento, but who for many years had been devoting practically all his time to the cattle raising business near Towle, Placer County, died yesterday at his home after a short illness.

He wAs 66 years of age. Decedent was a native of this city. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ella Cothrin, a daughter, Mrs. J.

B. Cornellus of this city, and two sone. Roy C. Cothrin of Sacramento ankl Harry Cothrin of F'olaom. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.


68 10 m. 11 a. m. 12 noon 1 D. I.

2 p. m. NOMINATED AS DIRECTOR. WASHINGTON, June 12, -Fred Starek of Ohio, a former Washington newspaper correspondent and widely known in political circles, was noninated to-day by President Harding to be a Director of the War Finance Corporation, SELLING MARKS HEAVY OPENING IN WALL STREET Failure of German Loan Negotiations Gives Further Courage to Shorts DON'T TRY TO DROWN YOUR SORROWS IN THE FLOWING CUP, AS SORROWS THESE DAYS ARE EXPERT SWIMMERS. 20 acres, miles east of Swanston's Packing Plant.

A few big oak trees. This tract is only five miles from the Post Office; good four-room house. $6,500. Looks good to me; how does it look, to you? 10 acres, chicken ranch, for $400. Pay $50 cash and $10 a month.

No interest or taxes. Near Orland. WANTED SMALL IMPROVED PLACES, CLOSE IN, BUYERS WAITING. GEORGE X. FLEMING The best posted man in California Sacramento Valley Lands.

903 5th Street, Sacramento, Cal. Union Stage Depot Bldg. ADS COST Have lived in Sacramento and ley since 1881. SO Know what different the parts will grow best. I probably have ranch you have been looking for, at the right price, with easy terms or trade.

Come and see "BARGAINS BOBO" 623 St FOR Sale- Chicken Ranch That Will Accommodate 8,000 laying hens. 81 buildings on place. Seven-room A No. 1 modern house. Also five-room modern house.

For information address J. F. Box 1410, Motor R. B. Sacramento, Cal.

Delaney, 320 ACRES. About 200 Tillable Level land: fine orchard. 850 trees assorted fruit: house, fine land, outhouses: good water: ordinary horses. Cash or one-half on mortgage span on poor implements, 1 place. LOWER Price LAKE.

$10,000. Inquire of Box 137, CALIF. WANTED TO BUY-COUNTRY PROPERTY I WANT A VINEYARD 20 to 30 acres. Prefer wine grapes. Have $7,000 cash.

What have you? Box W94- 15. care Bee. WANTED description. -City or Country Property, Any Ask for Mr. Cole, ColeMcCarthy 1024 11th St.

Main 3805. WANTED--TO RENT REAL ESTATE WANTED to Rent- Dairy Ranch to accommodate 160 milking cows. Address 622 8 Sacramento. WANTED to Lease With Option to Buy, stock and dairy ranch from 250 to 500 acres. Write P.

Q. Box 89, CHICO. BEAT. ESTATE- FOR RENT. THREE-ROOM HOUSE Two Acres Land For Rent If you want just a small place with plenty of ground for chickens and garden, with a brand new house only one mile from city limits, this should meet with your approvalat $15.00 per month.

It is just off a main HICKMAN-COLEMAN CO. Main 5815--724 St. 10 ACRES FOR RENT Close New Town. Improvements. Carmichael Colony.

Per Month. 920 THE GRIFFITH CO. 8th Sacramento. HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS FOR RENT horses Five acres of land, and 5th and rabbits and tools for sale. 60th chickens, cows, Ave.

Box 250. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE frostless: piped 24 Acres, Partly Lemons; residence; sightly; for want irrigation; Stockton or beautiful Sacramento business, ranch $16,000. Win. Bodette, owner, or income; No.

1, Box 242, NATIONAL R. F. D. CITY, CALIF. FOR grain Sale land or Exchange-160 Acres Summer now near of erty.

improved fallow: or will trade for city prop-1 loan. See the owner. Price will $11,000. 28- unimproved; sume a TO D. Trade-25 McKay, 2820 St.

Tel. 1804 W. W. almonds, 6 Acres, mixed 20 Acres 11-Year-Old 568. Sacramento.

acres fruit. P. 0. Box Owner Will Trade Clear, ImABSENT part proved, or or 200 unimproved, in Stockton, or with irrigation and acres buildings good fruit for land San facts, location vicinity. and In answering give Francsco Lee C.

Reid, 1450 price Clay of your SAN property. CISCO. "WE Exchange." Mossman Land pany, 1009 St. Phone Main Com626. FINANCIAL.


WANT city house Loan of Good Security: W59-16, and lot. Address Box care Bee. A CLOSED Corporation Has About $10,000 units 8 per cent less preferred stock to sell in of not than $500. Investment mostly broker in real direct. estate.

Apply through your or Box W105-15, care Bee. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. MONEY To Loan On City Property; Prevailing rates. Robertson-Govan 1021 8th Street. MONEY estate.

To Loan On City and Country real Elliott Huston. 1010 8th St. MONEY To Loan On City Realty, Sums To suit. Nathan Michel, 708 Street. MONEY To Loan On Real Estate, Chattels and autos.

Hill Atkins, 319 Forum Bldg. Phone 6180. MONEY to Loan on Real Estate, 618 Ochsner Bldg. Phone Main 1240. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate At Prevailing rates.

BEN LEONARD 815 St. Phone Main 175. OUR Own Money- Amounts $1,000 To $25,000 to loan on farm lands, anywhere in California. Particulars, G. Hines, 209 Post SAN FRANCISCO.

NEW YORK, June of the general list was resumed actively at the heavy opening of to-day's stock market. Incidents over the week-end, including the failure of the German loan negotiations In Paris, gave further courage to. the short Interests. Studebaker, United States Steel, Baldwin Locomotive, Mexican Petroleum and several of the speculative rails were the only exceptiona to the further reaction. Canadian Pacific, St.

Paul, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Kresge, Sears-Roebuck, Republia Iron and Steel, Anaconda Copper, Industrial Alcohol, Westinghouse and American Hide and Leather preferred, were lower by fractions to one point. All foreign exchanges were unsettled. the British rate reacting cents from last week's final quotations. French, Belgian and German bills continued to weaken. Shorts in Control.

Shorts were In control of the market throughout the morning. Dealings became more active as prices continued to decline. Losses of 1 to 5 polnts accompanied the selling of minor olis, motors, Independent steela. coppers, shippings and rails. Heaviest features comprised Barnsdall A and shares, Phil'lipa Petroleum, Chandler, Willys (Overland preferred, Crucible and Lackawanna Staels, Mercantile Maw rine preferred, Pullman, Consolidated Gas, People's Gas, Pacifio Telephone, Market Street Railway prior preferret and Texas and Pacific.

Strength was confined 10 a fow issues, such as Laice Erle and Western common and preferred. VirginiaCarolina Chemical and Postum Cereal preferred. Call money. opened nt 8 per cent. Prices Crumble Away, The most Impressive selling movement staged In some time broke out shortly after mid-day.

Prices of a score or more of the active shares crumbled away 2 to 3 points. Practically all of the Industrial issues were under pressure, Ikewise sprinkling of the railroads. The oils were foremost in the decline, but there were heavy offerings also of the independent steels, shippings and equipments. United Stateg Alcohol. Davison Chemical, American Beat Sugar, May Department Stores, Continental Cany National Enameling, Maxwell Motots North American and Brown Shoe also sustained severe losses.

Close Is Weak. Liquidation was at. Its hight in the final hour. Prominent issues of oil, steel and shipping groups were two to five points under last week's final prices. The close was weak.

Sales approximated 1,450,000 shares. TO-DAY'S LAST SALES. Al'd Ch. Dye 641 Louis. Nash.

118 Alli8-Chalmers Mexican Petrol Am. Beet Sug. 43 Miami Copper American Can 45 Mid. States Oil A.m. Car F.

162 Midvale Steel 33 Am. Hide and Missouri Pac. 21 Leather pid N. Y. Central.

88. Am. Int. Corp. N.H.

26 Amer. Locomo. 110 Nort. West. Am.

8m. R. North. Pacific 14 Amer. Sugar Okla.

P. R. Am. Sum. Tob.

34 Pacific 58 Amer. T. T. Pan A.m. Petr 66 14 A mer.

Tobacco 139 41 Amer. Woolen People's 81 Anaconda Cop. 51 Pure 30 Atenison 1214 Ray Cons. Cop 16 G. W.

L. 36 Reading 71 Baldwin Loco. Rep. Iron 68 1 Balti Ohio Roy. N.

Y. Beth. St'1 "B' 75 Sears Roebuck Canadian Pac. Sine. Con.

OIL 31 Leath. South. Pacifio Chandler Mot. South. Railway Chesa.

Ohio 63 St. Oil of N. J. 184 M. St.

P. Studebak. Corp. R. I Tennessee Cop.

11 Chino Copper 38 Colo. Fuel I. 30 Texas Pae. Corn Producta Tobacco Prod. Crucible Steel 68 14 Transcont.

Off Erte Union Pacific 134 Fa. -Lasky 82. Un. Ret. Stores 63 Gen'l Asphalt U.

S. Ind. Ale. 50 Gen'l Electric 161 S. Rubber.

69 General Motors U. 8. Steel. 97 Goodrich 39 Utah Copper, 63 1g Grt North. pid 75 Westing.

Elec. 58 Illinois Central Willys Overl'd Inspiration Harv. Cop 101 Am. and Zine, Sm. Lead 16 Int.

M. M. pid Butte Super. Interna. Paper 47 Cala.

Petrol'm 58 Invincible oil 16 Montana Power 69 Kelly-Spr. Tire Shattuck. Ariz. Kennecott Cop Grt North. Ore 38 BAR SILVER.

NEW YORK, June allver, Mexican dollars, LONDONDON BAR, 12. SILVER. -Bar silver per, ounce. Money per 3 cent. 2 E.

F. Hutton Co. Investment Securities Stocks Grain Cotton MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade PRIVATE WIRES Coast to Coast We invite you to call and investigate our facilities for handling business. Our service is not measured by the size of your investment. Phone Main 5759, Sacramento Hotel Sacramento Bldg.

Your Money Can Earn With Safety Each 8100 Investment In White Lunch cumulative preferred stock puya $8 a year in cash dividends. $2 January $3 April $3 July 1 and $3 October Mall us your address and we will send you a booklet giving full details with obligation whatever op part. White Lune 129 Kearn San Francie 23 On the Largest Chain we.

The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.