The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

6. -Ng 1 1. 4 sOCIAL THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, JULY 8, -1944 CITY NEWS Aldrich -Steinbeck Bridal Is Planned Aliss Edna Aldrich of School Street and Peter Steinbeck of Carlisle Street will be married Monday at noon in the home of Mr. Steinbeck's daughter, Mrs. John Turner.

of Dwight Road. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Dr. Perry T. Edrop.

Miss drich is the daughter of Mrs. Flintbeth Aldrich of West Somerville. Mr. and Mrs. Steinbeck will he at to their at 23 Carlisle Street, after yulfiends Springfield Man I'ed in Australia Word has heen received from West Australia of the marriage there of Chester L.

Castaldini, motor machinist mate, first class, in the States Navy, son. of Louls I'. Castaldini of St. James Avenue, and Mixs Irene Edna Mae Woolston, daughter of Mrs. F.

Woolston of Midland Junetion, West Australia. The wedding was a church event. Castaldini, now serving his "hitch," been in the Navy seven years. enlisting when he was 17. Ho was at P'earl Harbor at the time of the Japanese bombing in 1311 and was at home on a month's leave the following year.

Most his service has heen aboard A submarine until he was transferred recently to a submarine chaser. couple will make their home In West Australia. A Marconi Club Women's announces Auxiliary plans 10 for the a dance to take place Saturday eve. ninz, July 13, o'clock, in the club hall, Parallel Street. Miss Ida Morini is chairman of the ticket mittre for the "Jamboree." and ticketa.

may be obtained from club memhers. Servicomnon are invited. Dr. and Mre. William G.

Watt and SON, John, and daughter, Andrea of Forest Road. Longmoadow are at their summer home" in Rockport. Suit and Blouse 4 4871 SIZES 1 By Anne. Adams Let your little "Angel' got her quota of sun in this breezy, easy to. make sunfrock, Pattern 1871.

Make the cute blouse, well. Pattern 1871 is available in children's sizer: 1. 2, 3, 6 and 8. Size (6. sunfrock, takes yards 35-Inch fabric.

This pattern. together with a needlework pattern and dep. orative motifs for "linens and gar044.4 menta. TWENTY CENTS. Send TWENTY CENTS in Coins for these patterns to The Springfield I'nion.

163 Pattern 213 West 11th New York. N. Y. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER.

FIFTEEN CENTS more brings you the Anne Adams new. Jargor 32-page pattern hook of may-to-make Summer bank. Free pattern printed right in CAMI VICTORY BROAD BROOK, CONNECTICUT Boys Girls Ages 5 to 12 Expert Supervision Modern Facilities A Few Vacancies Available Tel. Windsor Locks 526-13 Kool Aid Makes 10 BIG, COOL KOOL DRINKS! A TRY ALL 7 FLAVORS CooL WITH aced (Coffee Make it' double pour hot over icc. HAVE GLASS! ANOTHER 3 The friendly drink from good neighbors PAN -AMERICAN COFFEE BUREAU Brazil 0.

Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Repuhile El Salvador Mexico Venezuela Ruth Bolewine to Wed Donald Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Roland William Bolewine of Marion Street, announce the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Ruth Winifred; to Donald Haskin Ayers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uzziel S.

Ayers of Marsden Street. The wedding will be an event of July 29 in the chapel of Wesley Church. Edith Dimock Will Marry G. C. Smith Miss Edith Agnes Dimock, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley Dimock of Ozark Street, and Cordner Smith of Haven Street, Chicopee, will be married Saturday afternoon, July 22, at 2 o'clock, in Emmanuel Church. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Andrew J. Stanton, pastor of the church, and the double ring service will be used.

The reception will take place in the church parlors. traditional wedding marches will be played by Mrs. Russell Callahun, organist of the church. Miss Dimock will have her sister-in-law, Mrs. Victoria as matron of honor.

and bridesmaids will be Mrs. Margaret Chapin and Mrs. Margaret Westcott, sister of the prospective bridegroom. Leland Smith of Hartford will serve his brother as best man and ushers will be Morton Shattuck and Benjamin Miss Westcottle is employed by the Westinghouse Manufacturing Company and Mr. Smith by the United States Armory, Mrs.

Darrell M. Toohey of Fairfield Terrace, Longmeadow and Mr. Toohey's sister, Miss Phyllis Toohey who makes her home with them, are at Dennis Port, Cape Cod. Mrs. John S.

Kane and sons, Ted And John of Hopkins Place, Longmeadow, are spending sometime at Bourne, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of born Daviston Street are parents of a son, yesterday in the Mercy Maternity Hospital. Mrs.

Aurora Dilizia of Woodmont Street, and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan of Daviston Street are grandparents of the child. The engagement of Miss Harriet Howe Warren is announced by her parents, Mr. Mrs.

Howard 1', Warren of Orange, to Lt. Winthrop W. White, USAAF, of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G.

White, also of Orange. MisS Warren is a graduate of is the Northampton School for Girls and tional now completing a course in occupatherapy at Milwaukee-Downer College, Wis. Lt. White is stationed at MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla. The engagement of Miss Jacqueline May Siegel and Norton N.

Keller, USA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Keller nt Chestnut Hill, is announced by her parrenta, Mr. and Mrs.

Jerome Siegel Springfield. Pvt. Keller attended Norwich Univer. sity and is now stationed in Sioux Falls, S. D.

Miss. Julia Veale of Chicopee Falls and Miss Christine Murphy of Phoenix Street, this city are spending their vacation at Hampton Beach, N. H. Both are telephone operators in the Chicopee exchange. Record of Births The following births were the city clerk for the recorded by day: week ending FriLouanna COREY--June son to Kernest C.

and Corey, P'almer. J. SCIBELLI--June 14, daughter to Frank and Mae H. Scibelli, 64 Maryland. HOSKIN-June 14, sol 'to William R.

and Thompgonville. Elizabeth M. Hoskin, 7 Garden, and Elaine H. -June Greenlee, 18, 170 son to Plumtree. Alex R.

CAVANAUGH--June 18, son to Daniel P. and Catherine R. Cavanaugh, Linden. FITZPATRIC 19, daughter to John L. and Flora A.

Fitzpatrick, Waltham. KRYGOWSKI-June 19, daughter to Stanley A. And Susan R. Krygowski, 39 Linden. Chicopee.

ROTTUM-June 20. son to Jonathan A. And Margaret F. Rottum, 65 Montgomery, ('hiconce Falls. 21.

dauzhter to Nicho. las and Emma B. Floggia, 143 Newland. JAROS---June 21, dauzhter to John F. And Jane J.

Jaros, 104 Grape, Chicopee. ST. PIERRE-June 22, daughter to Edmour H. And Dorothy M. St.

Pierre, 9 Rathhun. METCALF-June 22, daughter to Chesley and Vera H. Metoalf, 25 White. EQUI-June 22. son to Michael 1 P.

and Mary F. Equi, 188 Oak, Holyoke. WILLIAMSON-June 23, daughter to Forrest And Delia M. Williamson, 471 Front, Chicopee. ANDERSON- June 23.

son to Walter and Gertrude J. Anderson, 700 Union. SOJA-June 23, 9011 10 Steven S. and Jean Soja. Surfield.

Conn. 24, daughter to Benjamin and Emma 1'. Bielonko, Suffield, Conn. 24, gun to David W. and Ruth D.

P'erking, 1 Cook, Thompsonville. 23, daughter to Michael and Alper, ti Andrew. MORAN-June 35, son to John W. and Helen K. Moran, Wilbraham, 35, daughter to Olinto P.

and 'Theresa R. l'glini, 210 Eddy. HOUSTON -June 25, daughter to Leon and Della W. Houston. 145 Essex.

LAFLAMME--June 25, son 10 Horace J. And P'hyllis G. Laflamme, 93 Margaret. 23, twin daughters to William Fi. and Helen S.

O' Brien, 111 Lancaster. BLANCHARD-June 26. son to Richard M. Alice C. Blanchard, 15 Norfolk.

DOTY -June 26, 6011 to Vernon G. And Louise M. Doty. 1463 Riverdale, West Springfield. George Jr.

and Mary A. Schmaelzle, 26, daughter to Feeding Jills. and Wanda June Nowak, Highland, NOWAK--June 26. gon to Chester J. Thompsonville.

JOHNSON -June 27. daughter to For1 eNt W. and c'elestine F. Johnson, 62 Field. Apringfield.

PINKOS--June 25, daughter to Theodore llelen l'inkos, 15 Sitnik, 28, son to Thomas and Helen M. Moriarty, LA 28, daughter to FredPrick and Marion B. fan ler, 19 don. ROGERS--June 28, son to Norman, 1. and Hiva.

T. Rogers, 24 Bristol, to Emelio M. And Helen Mi. Pietrucci, 44 drover. DUN -June 28, to Kieran I.

Mary C. Dona, 304 Union. SHEA--June US, son to George P. and Helen C. 564 Springfield, Chiropre.

-June 28, daughter to Thomas E. and Joseph O. Fitzgerald, 42 Stafford. RIVERS--June 28. son to George and Gertrude S.

Rivers, 138 Ashley, West Springfield. 3 -June 28, daughter to Mitchell F. And Mary Kfoury. 4 Federal. 28, daughter to Irving F.

And Mabel S. Castelll, 35 Circle, Chicopee Falls, TREPAIER-June 29. daughter to Arthur C. and Hilda B. Trepanier, 99 High.

29, daughier to Donald M. And Eileen C. Smith, 15 Garrity. Chicopee Falls. FISHER -June 29, con tn Edward D.

and Agnes M. Fisher, Putnam. BENSON--June 29. son to Charles and Katherine H. Benson, 153 Fort Pleasant.

June 29, Rumpelik, son to 39 Richard and Phyllis lev. 29,. daughter to (. and Lorraine IT. McKeafin, 42 White Kant Longmeadow.

PECK--June 29, son to Ralph and Lillian If. Perk, 118 Cornett. SIRLEY-June 29, daughter to Louis And B. Sibley, 38 Haze wood, Longmeadow. REIM-June 30, daughter Oliver F.

And Eleanor C. Rein, 43 Pine, Palmet. 30, daughter to Valmare J. and Harriet Gaudette, 130 Longmeadow. 30, daughter to ADDITIONAL CHARGE AGAINST ALEX FIJAL Ag a result of an investigation made by the crime Prevention Bureau, Alex Fijal, 60, of 98 Essex Street, a Jaborer, who was arrested Thursday afternoon at Dwight and Essex Streets and booked at Police Headquarters for yes.

terday, had additional charges of alleged assault placed against him. When arraigned in District Court yesterday, he pleaded guilty to the drunkenness charge 'and not guilty to the charges of assault. The court continued the case to July 17 and set the amount of surety at $500. Police said that Fijal allegedly has been drunk for several days and during this time has allegedly offered and given money to minor girls, ranging in ages from 9 to 12 years of age. SOD CHIEF APPEALS FOR LABOR HELP An appeal for qualified workers for heavy industry in the Springfield Ordnance District, especially forge shops, foundries and tire plants WAS made yesterday by Brig.

Gen. Guy H. Drewry, district chief, supplementing a similar request by the War Manpower Commission. According to Brig. Gen, Drewry, the 87 foundries and 90 forge shops of Western Massachusetts and cut and tire making plants in the Springfield and New Haven areas are suffering through a lack of "heavy the current major bottleneck of war production.

To relieve this situation which is growing more critical daily, the labor market is being combed for every last man qualified to take his place on heavy production lines. SUSPENDS SENTENCE ON BOY ASSAILANT Associate Justice Ralph S. Spooner yesterday ordered a charge of assault to be filed away, and suspended A sentence to the Lyman Industrial School in the cases of the two 17- years-old Negro youths, who accosted and assaulted Miss Gertrude DeRoder of 177 High Street at 10.30 Tuesday night near High and Walnut Streets. Robert J. Elliot, 17, of 115 Union Street, who police said approached the woman and threw his AUNIS around her waist, pleaded guilty to the assault charge and was given A suspended sentence to the Lyman Industrial School.

The charge assault against Bruce Evans, 17. of 116 Essex Street, was filed away. No charges were brought against two juveniles who were the two other members of the quartet of youths on the night of the assault. Estate of $67.439 An estate worth was left by Mary E. Munn, late of this city, according to an inventory which WAS filed in Probate Court yesterday by R.

Dewitt Mallary AS executor of the estate. The inventory showed that All of the estate WAS personal property, chiefly bank and checking accounts. Welfare Aid Low For the six months' perind ending 1, the cost of general welfare relief in Springfield totalled $71.113, the lowest figure since 1926, Welfare Agent Thomas McElhone reported yes. terday. the same months in 1943 general relief cost the taxpayers 596.

Firecracker Sold By agreement of the two high bidders on. Firecracker, the city's year old colt, a drawing was held yesterday morning in the office of Purchasing Agent Charles M. Healer and the young draft mare went to Robert Dowrey of Wilbraham, 8. farmer. Sumner and Alfred, Crane, who also entered H.

bid of $37 were the losers. The colt was born a year ago to Street Department mare purchased a dealer. All bidders the sale of with several other work, horses from the colt were private individuals and not leaders, Healey suid. Denies Fatal Driving Charge William J. Landen, 16, of 46 Rockland Street, operator of the automobile which struck and fataly injurel Nelson B.

Lantz, 41. of 43 Maple Street 5 on the a afternoon of 26. pleaded on lower State Street shortly before not guilty in District Court yesterday to a charge of dangerous driving. The case WAS ordered continued to July 25 for trial, Resigns His Post Harry H. Kellogg, organist and choir director of South Congregational Church for 19 years, has resigned, it was learned yesterday from Albert D.

Shaw, chairman of the music committee of South Church. There waS NO special reason for the resignation. said Mr. Shaw. other than pressure of other duties.

He said that Mr. Kellogg's resignation as "somewhat of a surprise." New Assistant Edward T. Augustine, formerly dis. triet engineer of the Pittsfield division of the Western Electric Company, was appointed on June 16 to the position of Assistant chief engineer of the company and has been transferred to the Springfield office. Trave for Nary Training Seven young men from this were sent to the Naval Training Center at Sampson, yesterday for training from the Navy Recruiting Station here.

They were Samuel G. Joyce of Agawam. Rohrt C. Crothers of non and Edna A. Warne, 63 Congress.

July 1, daughter to ('harles and Mrs. C. Magriel. 40 Cliftwood. 1, daughter to Michael and Carmella (.

Borom, 436 Union. -Julv 1. ron 10 Albert A. and Rita R. Frederick, 58 Circle, C'hicopee Falls.

FOX- July daughter to Rejamin and Vivian pox, 206 Lorunt. GREEN--July son 10 Harold F. and Evelyn Green, Hampden. BROWN--July 2. dauxhter Philip A.

and Dorothy C. Brown, 74 Alexander. son to John F. a used Alice Shea, Garden, West Springfield. LANGEVIN-July 2, daughter to Edmund F.

and Elaine I'. 349 King. MORIN--July 3. son to John B. and Neurgette M.

Morin, Ley, -July 3, son to Aline W. and Bernice G. Belliveau, 111 Union. MURPAY-July 3. daughter to Patrick J.

and Nora J. Murphy, 133 Massasolt. -July daughter to Robert and Helen G. Smith, 17 Armory, NERVOUS INDIGESTION Bismol is good for Is your stomach on the warpath from war jitters, worry and overwork? Sufferers from jumpy, nervous indigestion find that PEPTO-BISMOL helps bring prompt relief from heartburn, distress after meals, gas on the stomach. Tastes good and does good.

your druggist for PEPTO-BISMOL when your stomach is upset. A NORWICH PRODUCT Shrewsbury, John D. Moran of Monson, Armand A. Burke Grenfield, Richmond A. Tuttle of South Deer.

field, Philip L. Henderson of Holden and Philip J. Bergeron of Greenfield. Ferdinand of Highlandwood Avenue, Westfield, enlisted in the Air Corps combat crew at the Army Recruiting office. LT.

H. F. WELCH ON MISSING LIST Second Lieutenant Howard F. Welch, 23, son of Station Master and Raymond Welch of 15 Thames Street, who WAS a star athlete at Classical High School, has been reported missing hy the War Department. A War Department gram to his parents arrived Thursday, stating that Lt.

Welch had been reported missing on June 1.t. Welch was pllot of a Thunderbolt fighter plane and his father, Mr. widely known among railroad employes in his position at Union Station, sald he had participated in the first shuttle flight of American pilots and planes from Italy to the American air base recently opened in Russia. STARKIE KILLED IN PACIFIC WAR Raymond Starkie, one of the most enthusiastic members of the boys' department of the YMCA and two vears one of its leadership staff, was killed in action, presumably the Initial Janding nt Saipan. His parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley Starkie, received word of his death July D. The telegram did not name the place where he met hig death but he W'AS a private, class, in the Marines, Fourth Division. which was announced over the radio to have made the initial landing on the island. P'vt.

Starkie, 18 years old, listed in the Marine c'orps Jan. 28, 1943. He received preliminary train. ing at Parris Island and was home on A two-day leave about A year ago, just before he WAG transferred Camp Cal. He had been In the South Pacific about six months and had been in numerous engagements.

His latest letter to his mother WAS dated May 29, in which he various hot encounters and several landings, Besides his parents he leaves one sister, Mrs. David Graves of W'est Fairlee, Vt. Mrs Starkie made rangements with Marine headquarterz yesterday to have the body brought to Springfield for burial after the war. To Consecration The two brothers of lev. Stanislaus Orlemanski, who are in the priesthood, Hev.

Anthony B. Orlemanski Cleveland, and Rev. Casimir Orlemanski of Natrona, will he Sunday to attend the dedication of the new 3300-pound bell which is to consecrated at the 10.30 mass. Waste Collections The Department of Streets Engineering will collect ashes and rubbish Monday, July 10. 1944, from the following streets: bury, Austin, Road, CanterCharter.

Congress, Cortland, Dymond, Marble, Oak, Palmyra, Perkins, Polunski, Rockland, Rutledge, Sharon, Wayne, Wendell, Willard. Arra Arrangements Gives Radio have been Equipment completed by Purchasing Agent Charles M. Healey of for the transfer of about $700 worth ment obsolete and surplus equipbe High School where it will Technical from the Police Department used in the electronic classes. -three per cent of the Nation'a coal. freight cars are used only for hauling STATE "Campaign Casualties" Are Listed Special to The Sprinofield Union BOSTON, July casualties" have already begun to come in.

Gov. Haltonstall, candidate for the U. S. Senate, rolled up to the State House in his car yesterday with A lame back. It seems that he was bounced off A harrow while he was cultivating war produce at his farm.

Mayor Maurice J. Tohin, candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, has had his wrist hound up for some little time. The account in circulation relative to this accident is that he had company At his home and went down into the hasem*nt to get some choice preserves 10 tickle the palates of his guests. As he reached up to set A jar, it is said that another heavy jar fell on his arm, severely damaging one of the bones in his wrist. Agricultural Income In State High Agriculture in Massachusetts is A greater producer of new wealth than any one line of manufacturing dustry, according to a report just issued Agriculture.

by the State Department of Futhermore the department says that the per acre average of income in Massachusetts is more than four times the per acres average income Admits Larceny And Long Hours BOSTON, July. 7 -A Maine man, who worked almost around the clock and allegedly went into "bustness" at the expense of A South Station sandwich shop, pleaded guilty in Superior Court today to a charge of larceny. Judge Edward F. Hanify continued the case of Eugene K. Stewart.

31, of Van Buren, until Monday pending further investigation. Police Sergeant Andrew S. HAggerty testified that Stewart arranged to open the Union News sandwich stand for a girl employe at 5:30 A.M., to prepare place for her arrival. But, Haggerty added, Stewart began opening the stand at 2 A.M.. And "pocketed" receipts until girl arrived.

Haggerty said that the defendant was employed by the Hailway Express Company between 6 A.M., and 2 1.M., and by a nearby liquor tavern between 2 P.M., And A.M. Dewey Wants No Election "Venom" TAWLING, N. July 7 (AP)Gov. Thomas F. Dewey came home to Pawling today for the first time since his nomination for President and, in A folksy address to his neighhors said the November election will be decided "without venom." Speaking from the porch of the 61- year-old Dutcher House In A.

COMmunity founded by the peaceful Quakers, the Governor also told A. nonpartisan crowd of about. 700 that the Nation is fighting keep communities like this free from dictation and domination, whether by business. WAR WORKERS! EASE when Helprelieve externally Skin Rash, caused. Irritations Blemishes THAT ITCH I CUTICURA MARKET AND BAKERY 254 BRIDGE STREET JUST OFF MAIN ST.

MOHICAN Food Values TENDER PLUMP MEATY GRADE A FOWL Lb Fresh Large Local Meadowbrook Fresh Creamy GRADE A Creamery Fresh COTTAGE EGGS BUTTER CHEESE Doz. Lb. Lb. Mohican Fresh Mayonnaise 8 Jar Oz. Jumbo Sandwich BAGS Count 40 Sunshine Potato CHIPS 1 Box Lh.

Royal Chief Cut Wax BEANS 2 Cans Big Ben Laundry SOAP Bars 3 Virginia Dare INSTANT-AID Hot. Floods of Suds SUPER SUDS Pkg. SWEET JUICY TENDER, SUNKIST GREEN GOOD ORANGES, SIZE BEANS DOZ. LBS. 330 in the United States in general or $75 against $18.

Would Prevent Circus Disasters in State inspected and approved. Charters Granted Local Firms Steps to prevent, in Massachusetts, such a circus disaster as that which occurred in Hartford yesterday were the subject of some coment in State House circles today, Senator Robert. I. Lee of Charlestown Aled a bill to provide rigid regulation and inspection by the State Department of Public Safety and local Are safety menta of any circus under canvAs. At the same time Senator Joseph Murohy, of Dorchester urged Gov.

Saltonstall to han any circus from coming into the state Until the 6ra. laws And public safety lANE nt the state, city or town were enforced and all equipment of infammable nature Broicn Photo CORP. AND SIRS, WILLIAM N. FOUNTAIN Were married here Saturday, July The bride was formerly Miss Gertrude Giawske Winner of Purple Heart Is Married Mrs. James A.

Page, of Springfield, has announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Hazel l'age, to John G. Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Logan, of Cooperstown and New York City. The wedding took place in St.

l'eters Episcopal Church June 9. lev. Francis Cannon officiating. The bride was graduated from Northfield Seminary and from Path Business C'ollege at Brattleboro. Mr.

Logan attended the Beasley School for Boss, formerly at Cooperstown, the Adirondack-Florida School and WAS privately tutored at home. He was honorably discharged from the Army in February At. San. tonio. where he enlisted in the Cavalry, A8 H.

result of wounds 1'e- ceivel in action at Morohe, Now Guinea, May 26. 1013. He received the Order of the Purple Heart in New Guinea. He holds a reserve commission in the Field Artillery. Corp.

Kenneth R. Hopkins has returned to his station with the Signal Corps at Ft. Monmouth, N. after spending A short leave with his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward W. Hopking of Converse Street, LongmendOW. Ralph F. son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold H. Osgood of Street. will return home Sunday from a work's vacation spent with his cousin. Roswell Ethridze.

son of Mr. Mrs. Lewis Ethridge of Hins. dale, N. H.

The Sega Club will meet with Mrs. Charles Brandt of Allen Street Tuesday evening at 1.30 o'clock. Mr. And Mrs. Wmiam A.

Godfrey New York have returned to their home after spending the week end with Airs. Godfrey's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Bradford IV. Leete of Longmeadow Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Benjamin of Dover Road, Longmeadow are entortaining Mrs. Benjamin's sister, Mrs.

Robert Clark of Alexandria, who is accompanied by her daughter, Katharine. Lt. (is) Clark will join his family later. They will spend the month. of July in the Benjamin home.

Brady and Billy Buckley, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Brady Buckley Of Meadowbrook Road, Longmeadow, will leave this week for Camp Sherman, where they will spend two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Norman A.

Brainard of South Park Avenue, Longmeadow, are in New Jersey, whor* they were called by the death of Mr. Brainald's cousin, Miss Maude Brainard, Newest in Crochet 7148' Fresh accent for your favorite chair, this filet crochet in a rich yet simple-to-follow design. The set lends itself to use on a buffet, too. Made in No. 30 cotton, it costs little.

Pattern' 7118 contains directions and charts for set: stitches; list of materials needed. This pattern, together with a needleowrk pattern of useful and decorative motifs for linens and garments, MINTEEN CENTS. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins for these patterns to The Springfield t'nion, 93, Household Arts 239 W. It Now York. Y.

plainly NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. new 32-page Needlework Book is yours for Fifteen Cents more. 130 Illustrations of designs for Pmbroidery, home decoration, toys, knitting, crochet, quilts. 1 Secretary of State Frederic Cook has granted the following Spring.

Aeld charters of incorporation: Insurance Agency of Springfeld, Springfield, capital, 1 shares of no par stock; Incorporators, Windsor Sturtevant, Tongmeadow, Herbert F. Springfeld; Lorraine Walker, Agawam; Maryland Realty Springfield, capital, 100 shares, no par stock: incorporators, Jillian Kusnierz, Helen Wowlorski, Chicopee; Benjamin D. Novak, Springfeld. labor or government." Dewey, "ho har owned A. farm on nearby Quaker Hill for five 3 pars, made neighborliness the theme of his ineconing and praised villagers, nusiness mnen and others for their kindness to the Deweys.

"It is typical of our country that people turn out and do for each the Governor said. "11 our neighhul's need something. turn out and help. That is the essence of this country." "It is makes it possible 1A hold a national election in these ditficult times, without venom And with the only result a contribution to the general welfare." the Republican nominee declared. ORDERED BACK TO U.

S. ALGIERS, July 7 (AP) -Because of differences of opinion with War Department officials regarding tical censorship, Col. Egbert W'hite, the director of Mediterranean edition of Stars and Stripes, dally newspaper. has been relieved of his connnand and ordered back to the U'nited States advertising exocutive, he had sought to obtain more extensive coverage political and other controversial news from the U'nited States, Brunton Is To Become Bride The marriage of Miss Rhea Rose Brunton, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs.

Frank Nicoli of Governor Street, and Joseph Rosaire Tourville of Mattoon Street will be an event of July 22 in Our Lady of Hope Church. Mies Jean Labuda will be. maid of honor and Adolph Tourville will serve his brother as best man. A reception will follow in the French Club. Miss Brunton is a graduate of High School of Commerce and is employed in the office of the Package Machinery as Company.

repairman. Mr. Tourville is employed a The Springfield Grange will have A picnic meeting in charge of worthy oversper, Gilbert Brinkman on the evening of July 12. when they will unite with the Wilbraham Grange. The picnic will take place at 6 o'clock the grounds of Wilbraham AcHdemy, Those attending are asked to bring A hox lunch.

Members with cars are urged to fill them to capacity, that a large group may attend. Robert Warth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Warth of East Greenwich Road, Longmeadow, is at Camp DeWitt, Wolfboro, N. for the summer.

1 The engagemen. of Ensign Margaret Stowell Emerson, UNNE (W'), daughter of Mrs. Myron E. Emerson of Haverhill. to Capt.

George Rogers Simpson, USAAF, son of Mrs. George C. Simpson of Cleveland, and the late Mr. Simpson is announced. Miss Emerson attended Mount Holyoke College and received her commission in July.

She is in the communications department in Washington. Capt. Simpson attended Culver Military Academy, M. I. T.

and Babson Institute. Budget Menu Molly M. Higgins Associate Home Demonstration Agent Hampden County Improvement Lrague -Halves of grapefruit, wheat flakes, coffee cake, buttor. milk. coffee.

LUNCHEON -Cheese pudding, lettuce and tomato salad, whole wheat bread, butter, molasses cookies, milk. DINNER Sliced chicken, boiled potato, green beans, cole slaw, wheat rolls, fresh fruit, sugar saving milk, tea. SUGAR SAVING CAKE-? cups sifted cake flour, teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt, 1-3 cup shortening. cup sugar. cup corn milk.

syrup, 1 exg, unbeaten, 9 tablespoons 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt three times. Work shortening with spoon until fluffy and creamy. Gradually add sugar, then corn syrup while continuing to work until light. Sift in cup flour mixture: beat Add unbeaten egg, and heat thoroughly.

Add remaining flour mixture in thirds with milk in halves: then vanilla. Bake in 2 greased and floured 8' layer-cake pang in moderately hot oven (373 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Let stand in pans 5 minutes, then remove and cool. Photo. Weitzman Photo MRS.

GEORGE STEIN The marriage of Miss Sylvia Axler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Axler of Brookline Avenue, and George Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stein of Holyoke.

took place recently' in the Beth Isracl Synagog. Rabbi Moses Sheinkopf -and Rabbi Leib Forer officiated. 2 In the Bean ground to order GLUG DON I EEK EEK! Sis time to Coffee! to Iced AsP. Buy Fight O'Clock, mild and mela low Red Circle, rich and full bodied or Saker, vigorous at your friendly Store. You get finer, fresher flavor! MOHICAN BAKED Are Always Made of the Finest Ingredients That Money Can Buy and Always OVEN FRESH Baked Right Here in Our Own Building by Home Town Bakers JUMBO SIZE 13-EGG ANGEL CAKES Fresh ea.

Fluffy 39: Fresh Corn and Bran MUFFINS Doz. Fluffy Shortcake BISCUITS Doz. Oren Fresh Hand Made COOKIES DoL. Rich Louisiana RINGS F.a. Mohican Special Fresh COFFEE I.b.

Cut Rite Waxed PAPER 12.3 Roll Ft. Mohican Evaporated MILK 2 Cans Tall Hurt's Center Cut Asparagus 2 No. Cans 2 HOT OVEN BAKED BEANS 2 L.hs. Fruited Boston Brown BREAD Each NATIVE Fancy Georgia OR WAX ELBERTA PEACHES P. 3 LARGE SIZE DEEP BLUEBERRY PIES A Each 37 Frankfort Sandwich ROLLS Doz.

Kettle Fresh Plain CRULLERS Doz. Genuine Gluten BREAD Rich Fruited Coffee RINGS Fa. Cocoanut White Mountain Layer CAKES Ea. SPLIT TOP MORNING FRESH BREAD 24 Oz. Loaf LBS.


The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.