The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

11 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1926 Conference Attracts 350 J. Stitt Wilson Sounds Warning Against Complacency in Education. EAST NORTHFIELD, June With a registration that is expected total more than 350. the annual Northeastern student Y. M.

C. A. conference opened here Wednesday evening an address in the auditorium of North. feld Seminary delivered by J. Wilson.

former. Socialist Mayor Berkeley. who gave the first of series of addresses on education, More than 30 cducational institutions in New England and the Middle lantic States are represented at conference, os which will continue in until June 24. Among the Inges represented at the conference Springficht. the American International: College, Amherst.

Minssuchusets Agri.cultural College. Wililams and Hartford Theological Seminary. the auditorium meting the delegates gathered on Round Top, the burial place of Moony. who called the tirst. student conference in America just 10 y'curs 230.

Raymond G. Culver. New England Sit dent secretary of the Y. M. (.

told he delegates of the life or Dwight Moody, who. the spcaker said. "dreamed dream so many other men have done. and then save his all that might be fulfilled." He touched the achievements of Dir. Moody and declared that they ull stand as monuments to him.

SIr. Wiison. in the first of his serics of talks on education. sounded a note of warning when he that the niesent spirit of complacency in education is being questionel by our education leaders, and cited recent baecalaurente sermons and the instalation addresses of now colic presidents as illustrative of this new tone of question. The educability of man is without lint, the speaker declared, but his problems are also great, and unless he van actually increase his education to aricquately mect his problems.

he will conte face to face with tragedy. He warned his audience that there are problein: on the horizon that they will be called upon to solve; problems which are waiting EL changed tion of the education of man; problems which arc more scrious than man has ever before been called upon to solve. Mr. Wilson continued his talks on education with two addresses Wednesday. Other speakers who will address the conference include Dr.

Robort H. Speer. secretary of the Presbyteriun Dourd of Foreign Missions: a Dr. Henry Sloanc Coffin. newly named president of the Union Theological Seminary; I'rof.

Henry Hall Tweedy cf the Yale Divinity School, and Norman Thomas, executive director of the League for Industrial Democracy. The present conference will be followed by six other gatherings, all composing the Northfeld Summer Conference. The other conferences are: Young Women's Conference, June 21- July 2: Woman's Interdenominational Home Mission Conference. July 6-13: Conference for Women's Foreign MisSocicties. July 13-21; Conferonce of Religious Education, July 81; General Conference of Christian Torkers, the original conference called bv D.

I. Moody in 1880, July 31-Aug. 16. and Maasachusetts Christian Endeavor Institute, Aug. 16-23.

Agawam Agawam Must Pay for Ambulance Use West Side Selectmen Say Town Will Be Charged Reasonable Rate. Agawam will have to pay a charge: for the use of the West Springfeld police ambulance every time that the machine is called to the west side of the Agawam River, according to information received yesterday. Dur. ing the past month, the ambulance has been called to A gawam several times but no charge has been made by the West Springfield Police Department. Chief Joseph A.

Demers of the West tion of the West Springfield Selectmen Side department called to a the attenThursday night, that the ambulance has made several to Agawam but no charge has been made. He was instructed to communicate with Chief Melvin Ransom of the local department notifying him that in the future a reasonable charge will bin made every time the machine 15 called. Just what the reasonable charge will be has not been made known. In view of the fact that Agawam is not large enough to support an ambulance and that such vehicle is needed only about dozen a times during the year in cases of severe accidents. it is likely that the town will be willing to Day for the use of the West Springfield machine.

The West Side departinent has always shown a willinsness to cooperate with the local department in handling emergency cases when they have been called upon for which local town officials on more than one occasion have PXTressed their gratitude. DIPLOMAS GIVEN Rer. Percy E. Thomas Speaks at Graduation Exercises. Nearly 1000 people attended the grad.

3 nation exercises which were held in toe high school auditorium Thursday evening and witnessed the presentation of diplomas to 25 members of the senior class. It was the fourth class 10 be graduated from the local school and the first clasa whose inembers have it received four yours' instruction in the Achool. The exercises opened with "Contmencement Burch" by the high school 3 orchestra, this being followed by a 80- lection, 'Morning Invitation," by the Glee Club. Rev. Daniel Thompson of the Agawam Baptist Church gave the invocation.

"Marche Celebre." by Lachner 1'23 then played by the 01'- chestra. Rev. Percy 1. Thomas, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Lowell, the commencement address, arcaking on "Every Inch a King." library Notes. Tho librarian at the Agawam Memorial Library will award prizes on July 3 to the children Who have of the children of the town AlC lists during the spring do months.

Al brought in the best flower and bird eligible for the prizes and they are instructed. to bring in their lists before July 3. The following books have been added to the library: Home Hughes; "Trampling the Sabutini: "Train's Trust." Caxter: "Delight." 1)c Lit Roche: "George P'hillpotts; "Let's (io TO by Barbour and chology. What it Has to Teach Us About Ourby Martin. Knew.

Visitor- No letter for mo? That's strange. Village 1'04: mist: Nothin: You haven't A 11- at the last one: -(Passing Show. Ludlow HALL LIKE GARDEN FOR SENIOR PROM More Than 300 Couples Attend Event Conducted by Class. LUDLOW. June 18-Stevens Memorial Hall became it miniature flower garden for the senior prom tonight.

The huge stage was banked with ferns and flowers. More than 300 couples attended. Sitting hencath a canopy of red and white streamers, the class colors. were Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. Walter E.

Gushee. Mr. and Mrs. Donjold 1. Marshall, Mr.

and Mrs. 1. N. Moore and Miss Merle Bronson Receives 510 for School Work. High honors were awarded Graham Anderson.

son of Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Anderson of North Street.

at the comI exercises of the Taft School. where he has completed his first year. He reccived $10 for having the highest yearly average in the three flower classes. Young Anderson Also had the highest average for the year of any boy in the school. The first year book to he published by the high school seniors WAS exhibited Thursday.

The book is dediI cated to Mrs. Helen M. Gushee. formcr principal and now instructor of muthematics. C-e-r'-i-S-e Wins Contest for Girl I 13 Years Old Kentucky Miss Spells It Right; Receives $1000.

WASHINGTON, June The rosiest dream, thus far, of P'auline Bell has come true. She knew how to spell "cerise." Pauline is 13 yours oid, the star pupil of a one-room school at Clarkson, Ky. She Wis Kentucky's hope in the second national spelling bee, conducted by 22 newspapers in ent parts of the country, the finals in which were held here last night. Today she is richer by $1000, and has two gold medals. By winning, she retained the championship for Kentucky.

Frank Neuhauser, 14. protege of the same newspaper--the Louisville Courier -Journal -won the title last year. She also led field of girls to it position of dominance in the spelling world. only one boy clinging to place among the six prize winners. Betty Robinson of South Bend, took second place after grueling contest.

Until she spelled the final "cerease," it promised to be a trial of endurance. Why. Sonny! Little Willie- Pass me the butter. Mother (reproachfully) -If what, Willie? you can reach it." Grocer. East Longmeadow Program Planned for Children's Day Sunday School Will Conduct Exercises Tomorrow in Baptist Church.

LAST LONGMEADOW, June Children's day will be observed Sunday morning in 1116 Baptist Church. committee in charge is Mrs. Sanford Nooney, Jus. Halstead Gordon Sirs. Roland Congdon.

The program will be: Processional, Sunday school children: presentation cradio roli diplomas. by Mrs. William Scligman; welcome song, primary class; recitation "Welcome," Ida Sclignan; recitation. Marion La Bout; exercise. Love," Mrs.

Bradley's class; recitation. "The Birdies' Helen Worthington: exercise. "Flowers in 1110 Garden." Prances Davis Ruth Conadon: duct, "The Children's Friend." Mary 1'rimrosc and Dorothy Congdon. Exercise, "'The Little White recitation. "The Flower Angel." Evelyn Gonion: "Merry Dancing Sunbeams," Markham: recitation and song.

"The liclis." Thelma Darkham class of boys; exercise. Miss Kibbie's class: song. "Hail Children Day" school: closing recitation, Sanford Nooner. The Swedish Lutheran Woman's will mect at 5 Sunday. Baptism of church will take place at the morning service.

Sacred Trust" will be the theme Nev. 1. 11. Rust's sermon in tho Methodist Church. Communion will observed.

Rev. Benjamin W. Rust and Samuel Chapin attended the commencement Williams Colloge today. Mrs. George Garlick will entertain the Walneta Club Saturday evening.

The graduating class of Pleasant View School will have its classday picnic at Riverside Park Saturday afternoon. At the class banquet the class presented a painting to the school. The class presented Mrs. Fannie Wheeler. a blue luster tea set.

Miss Violett Clark of New York city is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Frank IT. Smith of Hampden Road. Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Hutchinson and family of South Main Street motored to Washington today for the Miss Thelma Wagner, a student at Fitchburg Normal School. will spend the summer with her parents.

Mr. and Drs. Arthur Wagner of South Main Street. Edwin Anderson, son of Mr. and Drs.

Carl Anderson of Shaker Road. has been awarded the Hamplen County championship in the poultry the The library trustees are addling library a large number of new books. BUFFALO PAPERS TO MERGE. BUFFALO. N.

J. June 18-(AP) William J. Conners. editor and publisher. announced today that the MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by mary 73lake Domeatic Science Counselor Thanks to Henry Ford I don't happen to own one of Ford's famous transportation units, but, all the same.

I hope some day to have an opportunity to tell Mine Host of the Wayside Inn why I consider him one of the greatest benefactors of womankind. I often think of automobile as having thrown open the back doors of millions of American homes. It has enabled countless housewives to escape from the kitchen into the sunshine and fresh air of the country -touring, camping, or just jogging on bright Sunday afternoons. And I know one woman who acknowledges still another debt to Mr. Ford, for she gives him credit for leading her to a most useful household discovery.

Found While a Flivving "I never learned about evaporated milk, writes this friend, "until we bought our Ford and began to take little trips. Then we had to solve the milk problem -and how Carnation Milk did solve it for us! Such coffee and flapjacks! From that day to this, Carnation Milk has been essential in our house as flour or sugar. Honestly, dear reader, wouldn't you think that you had made real discovery if you found that this milk which you can buy anywhere, take anywhere. and keep on hand in any quantity, not only is delicious (and so economical) for use in place of cream, but also is actually better than the best bottled milk for making soups. sauces, puddings, cocoa, ice cream, and lots of other things? Carnation is just pure, rich whole milk (unsweetened), with part of its natural water content evaporated away -but it is "hom*ogenized." so every drop gets an equal share of the double helping of cream.

is why Car-: nation Milk improves so surprisingly. the texture, flavor, richness and body of foods. So you can see for yourself that it really does, I am printing here one of my very best recipes. As a favor to me -and to yourself! please try it. And let me send you a copy of the Carnation cook book Hundred Favorite Address Mrs.

Mary Blake, Carnation Milk Products 100 Carnation Oconomowoc, Wis. Carnation Chicken a la King cups cold chicken cut in dice; 2 tbsp. butter or chicken fat; 1 tbsp. flour; green pepper, shredded; pimento, shredded: 3, cup mushnation' 1 cup chicken broth; 1 cup CarMilk; salt and pepper to taste. Saute slowly green pepper and chopped mushrooms in butter until tender (10 while to 15 minutes), keeping covered cooking.

Remove mushrooms and pepper, and add flour, blending smoothly with fat left in pan: then add broth and Carnation Milk and cook until thickened. stirring constantly to prevent lumping. Place chicken, pimento, and mushrooms in upper part of double boiler, pour sauce over and continue cooking over hot water for 10 minutes. This mixture is sufficient for four services. in patty shells or on toast.

The Milk for Outings Convenient- -delicious- safe milk for motoring and campfor everyday home cooking. ing. Better than bottled milk Carnation And cuts two-thirds off cream bills. (See recipe above.) Carnation UNSWEETENED rich until You can the contents dilute of the the fall double. can MILKA quart bottle oterAous with pure milk Carnation Milk "From Contented Cons" 1926.

Comation Milk Products Co. Prince Turns Tables on Photographers; Produces Camera and Snaps Them June 18-(AP) Crown Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. who has been trailed by press photographers and mo. tion picture camera men ever since he came to America, turned the tables 011 his pursuers today. While visiting -The House of Seven Gables here he went to the garden in the rear.

Once more he was confronted with clicking shutters. As if in self-defense, Prince Custavus reached into the pocket of his top coat. pulled out a little motion picture cra and trained it the small army of photographers and news. papermen. lie rant through cv.

cral feet of film and was sure he had the entire group before he desisted. Daily Star. a tabloid newspaper. would be merged with the Morning Courier land Express 011 Monday. This reduces the total of Buffalo daily nowspapers to three as compared with six four months ago.

Court Upholds Conviction of Pickford Conspirers TOS ANGELES, Juno The conviction of Charles V. Stevens and Claud A. Hilcomb on a charge of conspiring to kidnap Mary the film actress. is upheld in an opinion handed doun by the District Court of Appeals here. Stevens and Holcomb wore convictor last year.

Evidence was introduced to show that they and another man. Adrian J. Wood. who Wiis 10- quitted, planned to kidnap the actress and hold her for $1.000.000 ransom. THE Where quality reigns and assortment and the highest sonable prices.

FREE Seafood Long Hike Started by M. A. C. Cadets R. O.

T. C. Unit Begins Trek to Ft. Ethan Allen for Encampment. AMHERST, June 18-One senior and 13 juniors at Massachusetts Agricultural College set out at 6.30 o'clock this morning for encampment at Ft.

Ethan Allen. The column was commanded by Capt. Daniel J. Heane of the R. 0.

T. C. The cadets in the party were Earl W. Bruorton, '20. of Reading, Rohert C'.

Ames, '27, of a Vineyard Haven, Raphinel .1. Biron, 127, of Ameshurv, Lewis N. Black, 127, of Williamsburg. I. Roland Bray, 'OT.

of Amherst, Charles F. Clagg. '27. of Barnstable, Joseph I. Hilyard.

'CT. of Beverly, Lewis J. Maxwell, '27. of Stoncham. R.

Wright MeAllister, '27, of North Billorica. Harry C. Nottobaert, '27, of Lexington, Clarence H. '27, of North Amherst, Herman E. Pickens, '27.

of James B. Recd, '27, of Waltham. lawrence 1). Ithondes, '27. of New Marlborough.

Charles E. Russell. of West Brookfield and Earle F. Williams, a '27. of Whitinsville.

The first stop wAs made in Turners Palls where the unit made camp for the night. From Spofford Lake, N. where the unit will spend two days in war mancuvers, the l'cute will tuke them to Walpole, N. to Claremont, N. 11., for war maneuvers.

10 Windsor, and Woodstock. It. Prom Bethel, they will to Northfeld for war maneuvers and then to Waterbury, and then 10 Ft. Ethan Allen to incet contingents from Yale, Harvard and Dartmouth. Maj.

N. Butler Briscoe will he in charge of the detachment while in camp. The trip hack will 1uke 12 days alter the 18-day encampment and will follow the shore of Take SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC the customer gains, you will quality of food Products DELIVERY S. H. See Our Wonderful Display Champlain to Brattlchoro, to Turncra Falls, to Amherst.

College Athlete Robber Given Suspended Sentence NEW YORK, June 18-(AP) Sentence was suspended today for Alexander Reily Hodges, former Unied guilty to holding up a restaurant versity to of Kansas athlete, who pleadnear Columbus Circle on April 20. lIe was ordered by the court to report once a week to the chief of the Catholic Charities Probation Bureau for three years. Hodges wAS arrested after EL halfmile chase which ended when he was felled by a nightstick hurled after him by patrolman. He was charged with holling up the cashier of the Fisher Food Company and taking $200 from the cash register. He was indicted for first degree robbery, but wAS permitted to plead guilty to robbery in the second degree.

Hodges had been without funds for several days nt the time of the l'obbery and told police that he decided the' restaurant 011 a sudden He hell up the cashier with cigaret case shaped like a revolver. Wreck Victim Made Turncra 5 Home in Worcester WORCESTER. June 1S- (Ar') few hours before his wife here ceived his letter telling her that was on his way home, Dr. Thomas Porter, head of the physics department at Washington and Jefferson University. Was killed near Blairsville, carly yesterday morning when "Cincinnati Limited" crashed into rear end of the Washington Express.

Dr. Porter, after graduating Northwestern at Chicago, came Clark University 10 study for his tor's degree. lie was given his I'h. in 1012 and went to Colorado to .1 yeur later he returned to this and married. He' then went 10 University of Cincinnati, where taught for three years.

leaving there take the post as head of the physics department at Washington an 1 Jefferson. MARKET find the most complete and at remarkably reaSTAMPS Butter Department Fresh Shad. lb. Caught Roe 18c of Fresh Fruits and Extra Grass Fancy Butter, Full 45c Fresh Cape Mackerel. 10c Native Blood Vegetables Fresh dozen Laid Eggs.

35c Fresh Cape Butter- bunch Cheese, lh. 28c i 10c Mild Full Cream fish. lb. 15c Solid Native Lettuce, 15c Rest Peanut Genuine Fresh Blue- 18c. Crisp 2 heads.

Native Rad- lb. Butter, 18c fish, lb. Wishes, 10c Large Fresh Shrimps, 25 10 Stamps with a dozen Delicatessen Depl. 1b. Sweet Cal.

25c Fresh Roasted and Stuffed Fresh Cod Steaks, Oranges Milk -Fed Chickens, 2 lhs. 25c Large Seedless lb. Fresh Shore Lemons. dozen Campbell's Tomato 28c 55c lb. Haddock, 6c Ripe Cal.

Plums, 55c Soup. 3 cans. 25c large basket The Largest Assortment of Lobsters, 40c Juicy Seedless Grape- 25c Ready Cooked Fcods fer Live lb. fruit, 4 for Picnics Outings Best Maine Potatoes, 50c Ivory Soap, 15-lh. peck size cakes 4 regular 25 c' 3 Kellogg's pigs.

Corn Flakes, 25 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE FINEST QUALITY MEATS Prime Round Steaks, I'rime Sirloin and Porter- Prime Short Cut Rib lb. 28c house Steaks, 30c Roasts, lb. Ib. 25c up Pot Roasts Chuck Roasts Boneless Oven Fresh Hamburg Beef, lb. 16c lh.

Beer, 20c up Roasts, UD I lb. Steak, 122c Prime Pot Roasts 16c Legs Genuine Spring Prime Breasts 23c Loins Genuine Spring Native Veal, lb. Lamb, lb. 45c Annheiser Budweiser, Busch. $1.85 Prime Native Shoulders Veal, lb.

Prime Lamb. Legs Ib. Mutton, 42c Best Loaf Bread. 10c Native Veal. 28c lb.

Boneless Roasts Large Fresh 28c Prime Rumps Native Mutton. lb. 20c Fruit Pies 25c Veal, lh. 30c Stewing Mutton, Blue Label Catsup, lh. Large Bottle 19c Fresh Skinned Pork 26c Prime Mutton Chops, Shoulders, lb.

Ih. 25. 100 Stamps with a lb. can Large Tongues, Fresh or Corned Ox Fresh Milk- Fed Stewing White Lily Baking lb. 32c Th.

Fowl, 30c Powder 45c Fresh Lean Pork Fresh Milk-Fed Young 20 Stamps with a lb. Roasts, lh. 30c Fowl, Choice Mixed Teas 45c Fancy Wafer-Sliced Fancy Milk- up 20 Stamps with a lb. lb. 40c Bacon, lh.

38c Roasting Fed Frying and Gold medal Coffee 48c Ibs. FREE-30 Corned Stamps with 5 Chickens. 45c up 20 Stamps with a large can Beef, lb. 14c up Fresh Spring South Ducks, Shore 40c Cocoa Hershey's 20c Yellow Bantam Corn, 2 cans. GROCERY SPECIALS Fancy Sugar Peas, 2 cans 2 2 Fancy cans Cut Refugee Beans.

Forest Park Sugar Corn or 10 Stamps 6 boxes Sweet l'eas, Parlor Assorted Tryphosa, 2 cans 35c Matches 25c 3 pkgs. 25c Fancy Fruit Salad. 10 Stamps with 6 cakes Del Pineapple, Monte Sliced or Grated Choice large cans 37c Soap Sunny Monday 25c each 20c 3 cans 25c 10 large Stamps Cal. with 2 lbs. 25c Tomatoes, First Prize Steamers.

Reg- ALBANY, Cos First Prize Nuggets. A PACKING ular and Luncheon size, 3 Daisy Ham of delicions, with tender skin. The mild flavor. no waste. Far tastiest Frankfurt FIRST PRIZE superior to the ordinary ever ate.

kind. My Braunschweiger. the Delightful German Style Liver Sausage. You Won't Forget the Flavor of First Prize Products. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 TO 9 A.M.

BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 910 11 A. M. 50 30 Stamps with with 5 5 lbs. Corned Beef. lb.

up 50 Stamps with each Leg Mutton, lb. Stamps lhs. Rib Roast Beef 23c lh. 30 Stamps with 5 lhs. Boneless Oren 50 Stanips with 5 jhs.

Chuck Roast. lh. up 30 Stamps with a a lh. Gold Medal 50 Stamps with each Leg Veal, Ih. 250 up lb.

120 Stamps with a lh. of White Lily Baking 50 Stamps with a Bag S. I'. Mat's Best 50 Powder with Flour $1.35 Stamps cach 5-lb. Boneless Mutton 50 Stamps with lhs.

Rump Native Veal, lb. 30c Rot up 30 Stamps with 2 lhs. Hamburg Steak SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC MARKET THE SANITARY PURE FOOD MARKET PHILLIPS) BETTER LOWER FOODS Value Service SPECIALS Friday and Saturday VALLEY BUTTER SWEET CREAM FARM LB. 43c Potatoes 49c no 1 A PHILLIPS Life there's: a PHILLIPS STORE But rehe L. the the to docD.

teach. city the he 10 no THE MOHICAN COMPANY The Store the Corner 254 BRIDGE STREET 258 BIG SPECIAL SALE ALL DAY SATURDAY If you are not alrcady taking advantage of the Mohican Service you are losing an opportunity l'or economical buying. food Try the Mohican System for a week, compare your costs and you'll not want to go back to the old methods of buying. REAL GENUINE SPRING LAMB SALE 500 Logs at This Low 39c lb. All Beef Cut From the Best Western Steers I'rime Rib, Prime Chuck Meats P'ot Roast Roast.

Roast Sirloin Roast BEEF BEEF BEEF BEEF lb. 25c b.20cup lb. 16c lib. 28c Fancy Young Winter Lamb at Special Prices Short Legs Loin Roast Short Rib Meaty LAMB LAMB LAMB CHOP3 Forequarters lb. 28c lb.

26c lb. 33c lb. 17c Fresh Young Milk Fad Roasting Fowls lb38c Fresh Young Native Broilers, Ducks and Turkeys Leg Roast Fresh Native Veal lh. 28c Meaty Shoulder Roast Native Veal lb. 20c Meaty Stewing Picces Native Veal lb.

Veal Cutlet Ih. 39c Veal Chops lb. 30c Fresh Eastern Sugar Cured Wafer Sugar Cured Lean Pork Roast lb Sliced Bacon b33c Bacon Squares lb 28c BUTTER Fresh Mohican Creamery Made fb 43c This Is the Highest Quality Butter That Money Can Buy. Try a l'ound and Be Convinced Imported CHEESE. Roqucfort 436 Rich.

CHEESE. Mild, lb. Large Large Ripe Ripe Pink Pineapples, Neat each Cantaloupes, 2 for Sweet and Juicy Oranges, doz. Large Native Iceberg Lettuce, head Large Sweet California Plums, doz. Hiend Dinner P'resh Cut Strawberry Fig Wax I luff COFFEE BARS BEANS CAKES lb.

37c 2lbs 25c -Can 13cl lea 25c Extra Special Sale Front 8 to 11 Saturday A. V. Only Sirloin, Porterhouse, Round STEAKS lb. 25c "'rime Boneless Roast Beef, Ih. Large Fresh Fowls, lb.

Best Fine, Granulated Sugar. 10-lb. Cloth Bay Best 1 New P'otatoes, 15-lb. Peck Buy Mohican Bread Bread That It Is Possible 10 Full Weight, 16 Ounces of the Best You Know What You Arc Bake. Getting.

CLASSIFIED ADS Call River 3200 or 3150 A P. ...4 4.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.