Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

cunday, August 4. 1940. CLASSIFIED ADS DECATUR SUNDAY HERALD AND REVIEW ANNOUNCEMENTS Ex-Tulane Teacher Lights of Spain Were Dazzling Decatur Sunday Herald and Review IKills Herself in Leap 'Another Sunday Morning DECATUR NEWSPAPERS. INC Entered Decatur, as 2nd Class Matter. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to all news not otherwise credited.

RATES BY MAIL IN THE U. S. In Illinois Out of Illinois Chicago (AP) A young woman who plunged to: her death from the 12th floor of the Stevens hotel yesterday was identi fied by Policeman Robert Murphvi n. as iuarv uunter about 3o, a former teacher al Tulane university, New Orleans. A Chicago department store cred it card led to the identification they said, through the names of references it bore.

vsonun registered at tne no tel Jrnday. Clad in a black slip. Tl, Personal LIQUIDATION SALE: All cloth seat covers. Coupes 8Uc. sedans $1.20.

Buy now. Montgomery-Ward. MAX Carey-approved applicator of Rocktex insulation. Free estimate. 139 S.

Water. 5017. MEN IN WHITE are conspicuous! Make sure your white suit is spotless. Phone 4367 for our cleaning attention. Norman's.

NOTICE: I will be responsible onlv for those debts contracted by mvself. Florence Stuart Mooney. 1026 Edward PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1 is the dirt that sets in your clothes. Dirt will After Long Period of Blackouts By WILLIAM GAFFIN town before it could be re-Of The Associated Tress turned, queued, too.

tc buy shirts. Bilbao. Spain socks, underwear. When trie stand-It's a curious sensation suddenly jard dress colors ran out we bought j.i encounter the conquering Ger-; kiiaki and if the size were too big ran army face to face, to drive on or small, no matter. One change of sjrre streets with it, to eat in; I'ncn to a customer was the order.

tke same dining room, after flee-1 Tne city gave the appearance of pi fr'm it clear across France. mass nervous breakdown. X'-int hrs been the experience of A truck driver in a hurry, find-. threo Associated Press staff! ins himself blocked in a narrow rjn Taylor Henry, William street with cars parked on either :T.phrrvs and myself who con-js'rie- decided instead of honking or to Spain after accompanying backing out to keep straight on. Frenrh government, along with flipping into low, he ploughed cm-mii Chief John Lloyd, on its ahead, crumpling fenders and Daily and Sunday 1 Year.

$6.00 1 Yr. $8 00 6 Mo. 3.00 6 Mo. 4.25 3 Mo. I SO 3 Mo.

2.25 1 Mo. .5.1 1 Mo. 75 1 Wk. .15 1 Wk. 20 Sunday Onlv 1 Yr.

$4.00 1 Yr. $5.00 she plunged from the 12th floor and hls Wanda if back where herj 2, shortly after he left his home! ihoiic "lurckn "136 Chevrolet coach. Have yours "Band Boxed often, jg3S Ford tudor Wash-Rite Laundry Dry Clean- jj, Buick "40" sedan. 1934 Reo sedan. REFINOIL: Give it a trial before lOW Plymouth coach.

Ce-it from Paris. any overturning one car iniea mat Gunter had been a Humphreys and I left Paris by which sat a screaming woman and student in the university's school rrnob: le in the middle of The British work mi fnvei-uhK- Admits Killing Wife, Step-son Des Moines, Iowa (AP) Raymond Simmerman, 38-year old restaurant employe, admitted Saturday he pushed his three-year- old step son off a bridge here! Thursday, Captain Paul CastellinV announced Simmerman said he had intended; to commit suicide bv jumping off hrioo hi Bnh.i Where his 20 vear-old wife. lay dead in a pool of blood, Castel-i ijne declared. Gave Boy Push The captain said Simmerman told him he changed his mind, how- ever, and -gave the boy a 'slight! push" while Robert was sitting on the bridge rail. The slight, dark-haired salad maker and dish washer went to the police station Friday with three relatives and told officers: "I'm afraid I've killed my wife.

Castelline said Simmerman admitted slashing his wife's throat with a butcher knife during a quarrel in their home. Pnhro fi-uinrl Trc immorman'c Police found Mrs. Simmerman's body wrapped like a mummy in a blood soaked bedspread. Bank of France Placed Under German Control New York (AP The Bank of France yesterday was "virtually placed under German control," the British Broadcasting Corp. announced in a report heard here by the National Broadcasting Co.

The British radio said the information had been broadcast by the German-controlled radio in Paris The announcement as heard by NBC said the Bank of France wil! llons as oiaerea tne oermar commissioner. A supervisor must rrht June 9 over a bombed route! j-Tmirs-tho first emergency to iciine iK.M rfuu xienry flowed the night before the Ger-; r.ir.5 captured tne capital. A few day? at Tours, and it be- tixe cbvi'-'Us the French army be compelled to fall back on rver line. So we moved rr! to tne second emergency capi- Bordeaux. left I'Hirs so quic-Kly I forgot for u.scuyere oy anomer no patl'n' 1 xirtums international nouse at the University of Chicago show- for social service and that from I J'' ,0 19'9 she had attended the University Winsin Alton Limited Kills 6 in Car Wilmington.

111. iAP) .011 ucu uui muuuuu limited passenger train struck an; a MU ,..4 1 Al. automobile a mile south of here i late Saturday, killing a party of six! returning from a swimming trip. The dead were Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Callahan, their daughter Eileen. 9. and son William.

Peggy Bleu-er, 14, and Billy Benschneider, 4, all of Joliet. Train Nearly Derailed Deputy Coroner Ruth Brannon said the automobile was demolish on the track. evacuate soldiers and civilians ueiore ine uermans arrived, aban doned a thousand private motor cars. These were given to whoever would drive them awav. I.

for ex ample, was offered a Rolls-Royce! limousine. People unable to drive' themselves searched desperately chauffeurs. The roads were strewn with cars; off to thr. iri aircraft guns, the rattle of the machine guns as planes fought over- head. We had held our breath and ry hat.

Bitter street fighting broke gasoline or because of engine there a few hours after we left, ble. There were no mechanics. Mistaken for 1. S. Soldiers We were forced to wind down JTl P.P uT'-'t, roads to Bordeaux, the: rh' hd been bd Parls' ones being too choked with Chrfrtres- and Bordeaux.

and Anglo French mili-' Weird Seeing Lights Again Ury envoys to make travel feasi- We had heard the chilling wail b. Peasant anti-parachutist the sirens, the cough of the anti- Record The month of July-established a new record for number of ads for Herald Review Classified. We pass the word along to induce those unfamiliar with the service to try an ad in August. Increasing use of Classified must prove something. Try a 7-day $1 ad, you'll find the proof is personal profit ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Sale Dates rtl rt AlU i.

CIOSIHE (Jill Sale. 1V11S. F- 3 norlh- 2 west- Blue Mound. AUG. 24.

330 acres, farm land: city property. LaMaster estate. Court House. Taylorville. Notice of Intent to Marry IN LOGAN: Robert D.

McKown. 29. Atlanta, and Susie Irish, 25. Atlanta. IN MONTGOMERY Don B.

Nichols. 23. Hillsboro. and Mrs. Juani-ta Mobley Maynard.

23, Hillsboro. Funeral Directors Dawson Wikoff Have competent attendants to assist you day or night. Dial 442 I OUR White Ambulance is avail able to any family, dav or night. Brintlinger's, phone 2-0169. Funerals Decatur 1A COOK.

JOHN E. Services 10 a. m. Mondav. Monson chapel.

Inter-; ment Floral Mill Hoopeston, 111. Tuesday morning. riienns may can hi juiiwii GRIFFITH. BENJAMIN M. Sei vices 10:30 a.

Sunday. Chanel. Interment Oak Rioge Effingham. 111. Sons' Service.

J. J. Moran i HICKMAN ELIZA. Services 3:30, m. bunday.

Monson chapel. In-1 ferment Cerro Gordo cemetery. menus max can ai luneiai no.ue. SMITH. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN -1 i fc ul" Interment Berea cemetery.

Moran Sons' Service TILBURY. ARTHUR C. Services 1 m. Tuesday, chapel. Interment Alt.

Pulaski. 111. J. J. Moran Sons' Service.

WHITESIDE. W. WILLIAM Services 2:30 p. Sunday. Long Point Interment Long I i I and soldier guards stopped us frequently.

At on? country gas lor the war storm caves. Weied by the impact, which left bod- had fought our way through excit-' ics strewn along the right of way. ed surging mobs, gone without food: She said it was "only a miracle" and sleep. ithat the train was not derailed by Something seemed wrong as automobile axe' which remain- p-rrp the excited woman proprie-1 rr we.romert us with open arms sfer mistaking the correspondents' urt.frrms I.lnyd and Henry yvere for regular American irrrv attire. 'Oh, you've come at last," she How much gas do Hr.v.ii was too crammed to to provide fond and shelter; f-T th hundreds of thousands of stooi on our balcony in San Sebas-cd lnal Ilrsl nignt out ot jiance; Alter striking the machine, n.

in land watched the sun sink below the sea. mommy reports nji all trans slept in our cars or! Millions of them, it seemed, werfj rv, the office floor, ate meals out coming on along the beach prom- cans fir fought hours for a res-'enade down below. Streets were Louis to Chicago bound train "crossed a Kankakee rver bridge and rolled into the Wilmington Ipot. a distance of about a mile, Miss Brannon said three of the children were wearing bathing suits and that the group was returning to Jnlict from the Callahan cottage on the Kankakee river. KMOX 1090 WENR-viU 870 WGN 730 WBBU 770 Radio t- 1ft: Bordeaux the day after n0 blinds yvere drawn and llif- ceased.

Lloyd and Louis I there was no angry warning whis-Xevin went to Vichy where they tie from the police. virc jo nod by I.loy, A. I.ehrbas were out of the blackout, hn id been watching the Riviera Aften ten dark months of war. Favorites actions to German authorities. 24 Marriage Permits County Clerk Laurence Tangney issued 24 marriage licenses dur- ing the month of July.

WHAS WLW WMAQ WSOT (30 700 870 1310 Manhattan Merry Go Round: KSD. WMAQ. H. V. Kaltenborn- WENR.

WLW. KWK. Si grid. Schultz. news, hide: WGN.

7:30 p. m. Irene Musical Inter- Rich, drama: Yearly Mail Subscription on Illi-j nois rural routes in groups ol two. $9.00. Subscriptions by mail are not ac-1 cepted in any town or territory; having carrier service.

Remittances should be marie I check or money order. The Herald; and Review cannot assume re-1 sponsibility for currency or stamps i RATES BY CARRIER In Decatur Per Week Sunday and Herald 20c Sunday and Review 20c Sunday Herald Review 30c In Macon County (outside Deca-j tur). Coles County. ChaniDaien suulll n. K.

I CUlllllv iSluUJUie: County Edgar Comity Moultrie pm.n.-, nartc nf 0 lesL 11" folio towns: Hey worth. Vapella Waynes-' vine. Beason. Hallsville DeWitt Weldon. Lane.

Oakland humboldt Arthur. Lake City. Clarksburg. Mode. Neoga.

Stewardson Stras-burg, Windsor and Westiield Herald and Sunday Review and Sunday Elsewhere Herald and Sunday Review and Sunday 20c 20c 15c 15c Classified Adve rtisina CALL 5151 for an experienced Ad-i Writer who will assist in writing' Ads. Non-Commercial Rates: Cash Charge 1 day ad 25c 3c ner word 3 day ad 50c 24c per word per dav i day aa i.uu zc per wore per dayj Rates for salesmen, agents business onnortnnitv q.Hc 3V nai lmei minimum. 3 lin- rh with i order utner commercial and contract; wii CLOSING TIME: Classified Ads will be taken until 5:30 for The Herald: until 12 tot The Keview. and 6 p. m.

foi The Sunday Herald "and ReVie On Sundays and holidays Classi- lied nours are 4 to o. ni 'Rates cover insertion of both Ke-j i mr oniy one incorrect insertion Right to edit copv is reserved. write a letter in answering. Born To wood, in Jarman Memorial hos pital, Tuscola, a son, Aug. 1.

HAYES. Mr. and Mrs. William A. rural route 3.

Decatur, a son. Aug 3. in D. M. C.

KNOTTS. Mr. and Mrs. George. 610 S.

Jackson a daughter. Aug. 2. in St. Mary's.

PRITCHETT, Mr. and Mrs. Niantic. in Decatur and Macon County hospital, Aug. 1, a'daugh lcr- RANDOLPH.

Mr. and Mrs. E. in Jarman Memorial hos- pilal, Tuscola, a daughter, Aug. 1 RAY.

Mr. and Mrs. William 1174 E. Division, a daughter, Aug. 3.

in St. Mary s. Central Illinois Deaths FERGUSON. Mrs. A.

daughterj of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Seweil of; Alattoon.

died in East Alton (n dav: Pl'vices ill 2 p. m. Sunday in the Mattoon Assembly of Goa church: burial in Dodge Grove cemetci HORN. Joseph 74. died at Pome northwest of Lerna.

3 p. Friday, alter long illnes; leaves wile. Edith, six sons. Earl ami Glenn, Oscar. Detroit.

Edward, Ralph, and Harold, near Mattoon, lour daughters. Airs. Evan Welch. Mrs. Elva Mills.

Mrs. Nclta Strong, near Mattoon. and Miss Li'ta Horn, at home. 27 grandchildren and seven great li annchilriren; 0ervices at p. m.

Sunfiay in Mi'chell funcrai Mattoon; burial in Dodge Grove cemetery. LONG. Mis. Ro-p of near Lincoln, died at 11:40 p. m.

Friday in her home following an extended I 1 Italian border. Three other A rccn. Roy p. Porter. Robert 1 and Henry C.

Cassidy. re-: ririd in the Taris office with air-i f.zr.e Conner service to Berlin tnfir only means of sending out r.f'.'. Carrird Souvenir French Helmets The Cc, mans had drawn a 10 tr circle about P.orrlcaux but. k'Tt eil hidden in the woods p-d villages by the wayside that we (iH see any until we reached tro Franco-Spanish frontier. Wp had just crossed the interna-1 t' bridge from Hendaye to I run two battalions of Nazi troops up in armored cars.

t'-'h their officers crossed into for a courtesy visit the sol WENR. WLW. KWK. American view and Herald daily, begiiininit Album of Familiar Music: KSD The Herald, or in Ker-WM4Q a and Review. Cash r.i'es appl I only when paid in veven days :4.t p.

m. Sports Newsreel of the. Remittance must accomoanv Air. Bill Stern and Patty order This paper is responsible 21 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 PACKARD A NAME OF QUALITY KILBORN'S The Home of Quality Can IF YOU WANT real values, we have them. You Be The Judge.

1 1937 Packard 6 coupe, 1 1937 Ford tudor. 1 1937 Packard 6 sedan. 1 1937 Packard "120" sedan. 1936 Packard "120' sedan. 1936 Plymouth seu n.

chevroet sedan; coupe 1930 Ford tudor. S75 and UP Try Your Packard Dealer Tirst KILBORN INC. 131 N. CHURCH SELECTED TRADE-INS 1938 Plymouth trunk sedan, radio. 1938 Chrvsler coupe, overdriva 1938 Nash coupe, heater.

1937 Nash sedan, overdrive. 1937 LaFayette sedan, overdri-we. 1937 Ford trunk tudor. 1936 Ford trunk sedan. 1936 Plymouth coach.

1935 Chevrolet standard coach. 1935 Reo trunk sedan. 1934 Chevrolet sedan. 1934 Plymouth coach. 1934 Oldsmobile coach.

1934 Ford tudor. clean. 1932 Chevrolet coupe. A-l. REO-NASH 240 W.

WOOD USED PARTS: For all cars. Red Bradley's Used Auto Parts. 1500 N. Broadwav. 2-3712.

EXTRA CLEAN cars: 1936 Dodge luxe coach. See these cars. Adams, 927 Eldorado. 2-2131 LEADER IN SALES! THE 1940 CHEVROLET AND THE LEADER IN SELECTION OF USED CARS AM TRUCKS FREDE'S 2fi Years Your Chevrolet Dealer MOVED FRANK TENNEY PONTIAC CO. TO 330 N.


Dependable Used Cars Sticks And Stones Sticks and stones and every other material used in construction can be sold through Classified. Lumber too old, or too rotten for building use can be sold for kindling. Sort out your old building materials, then order an ad. It's the easy way to turn eyesores and space hogs into spendable cash. Dial 5151.

I eolfer. sriifst: WENR. WLW. 8:00 p. m.

Take It or Leave It WBBM. KMOX. Hour of Charm Phil Spitalnv's All Girl (Box Number) Ads need wi u- k'tin "nt be answered by letter Ad WLW. WMAQ. KSD Wnter wi glad, vQur p.

m. Human Nature in Ac-; sage However, it is advisanie to tion: WMAQ. Public Affairs-r WBBM 9:00 p. m. Glrnn Garr's ANNOUNCEMENTS Point cemetery, south of Niantic.

LOST between Oakland and Ha-J. J. Moran Sors' Service. I worth. W.

Main and W. Wood. i sometime Friday, large nocket-Card of Thanks 2i book containing $75. Reward WMAQ. The Answer Man: WGN.

9:30 in. Ted lewis' Orch- f.i". st'atiped pictures, smoked and an armored- motorcycle roared ir mired with Spaniards. across the border while a squad of u-t mir way into San Sebastian. Spanish troops stood at attention.

-f -f spent the night, we pass- They were part of a column of roll r-i more visiting German officers ing armor which stre'ehed back on 3 in armored cars, each with the road into France as far as the S'i uvenir French helmet on tho'ovc could see a sample of the you criticize. 10c a quart. Refinoil 120 E. Cerro Gordo. ROLLS DEVELOPED Eight 4x6 prints.

25c. 16 exposures. 50c. Argus rolls. 3c per enlarged print Mohart.

West Salem. Wis. SAVE energy and nerves! Stop th constant trios to the furnace next winter. Install a Freeman stoker now. Call 9162.

Automatic Heat ing. 646 E. Wood. TREASURE TABLES: Odds and; ends of stock some slightly dam-! aged others perfect Have a look' Maybe something you ve longed for. is waiting, with cost trimmed down to rummage sale levels You'll find the tables across the aisle from our camera depart-; ment.

Haines Essick Co. 122 E.i William. VACATION TRIP: Desire round trin West. Share expenses, driving: Aug. IB to Sept 2.

Or take 3. Denver, return. 2-4594. 4 to 6 evenings. WE WISH to announce to our friends and patrons that yve are now serving dinners.

Wayne Davis. 415 W. Grand. Service. n.J Water, h'none fi-i YOUR neighbor knows Baillie has the best-eouinned blacksmith shop; in town.

'2-5386. Theaters and Amusem*nts 7B IBEMENT THEATER. Bement. Ill "Lillian Alice a e. Henry Fonda.

Don Aineche. -Or a nycn ruiyn. now open 2:30 to 4:30 afternoons; adults. 15c; children. 10c.

Evenings. 7:30 to i 10:30. 25c. Available for private parties. 10:30 p.

m. to 12. Intersection of N. Main and N. Water.

I Soruls. Reonions. Chicken Frie CHICKEN FRY Blue Mound! Christian Church. Sept. 5.

Serving 5 o'clock. 50c. FASTER Annual reunion Sunday! n. community Park. Lov-I ington.

SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Annual picnic li1re paviiion Nelson Park. f-i? 1 Lost an(J Found uiuliI vjuu vi nit 1 1 ii.trri laneous papers. Liberal reward 2-6330. LADY'S rose felt hat. lost between' Decatur and Boodv.

Reward. Mrs I Dickens. 8356. LOST, combination billfold and i coin purse. Friday evening, containing driver's license, change Reward.

1902 N. Union. 2-04111. LOST a badge No. 4700.

Call 2-1825 Reward. i LOST: Near Fairview Park, small brown, long hair, female puppy marked with white. Reward. 2-7Mt 3 TIME BOOKS with documents Valuable only to owner. 2-4676 Reward.

AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 FORn- lQ.tfi litHor a coorl one S35 vllU. 1 niu'jl. ''oij lit. down. Emerson Dobson.

634 Franklin. 7042. FORD m'idel A 1931 coupe. Good condition. 14.W tJivision.

j-imn OLDSMOBILE 1939 Club coupe.UI months old. 11.000 miles, radio heater, defrosters. S.i9n cash. SACR small Nash sedan. Good condition.

S175. 953 E. Eldorado. nnMT BF Ion nnirU- in hnvinr' tne nt for hellur ncprf rars 1 898 N. Oakland.

Z-3316. LAr A LITE. 193r. eoorl condition heater. $165.

953 N. Folk PLYMOUTH 1934 Deluxe. A-l con- rlition Heater, radio. $155. Owner 2761 N.

Church. or tirpc 1 Like new. Owner. 5545. 1940 STUDEBAKF.R Champion door sedan with overdrive, radio, air conditioning and dual equip- ment Will take and arrange terms.

Call Sunday. 1720 N. War- ren 1937 PLYMOUTH four door sdan Good condition. J. C.

Lavton. 325 S. 22rd ATTENTION! USED CAR AND TRUCK BUYERS- BEST SELECTION LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS FREDE'S 26 Years Your Chevrolet Dealer 2 WMAQ. Harrv James' h. BVE: -Mr- and Mrs.

Lael. Illiop-lruyD i oils, in Decatur and Macon Coun- ty hospital. Aug. 1, a daughter. p.

m. Henry Busses WBBM. KMOX. News. Ray-! FORTUNE.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben. At- Md STEARNS. ALBERT: We wish to thank neighbors, friends and relatives, also Hallie J.

Kemper Society and Sunday School for kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended in our bereavement. Mrs. Helen Stearns and Family. In Memoriam 3 WILKERSON. MARY In loving memory of mv dear wife who Dassed away two years ago today.

Deep in my heart you are fondly t-firw tirv-v l-vrt fan CuCol Vl r-4 rvim- A -liv nr two later at scv i France to her knees in six weeks. ei.il were filled by more The Spaniards were visibly im-t tlerman officers, out for a pressed. t-ur from Biarritz but The long gray battle cars were ones cling round your name. 1938 daii. hat heart that Worf v'nn in life will i er- '9-'': cost S130.

141o N. Mon Suddenly we realized what it was th(? lights. brilliant. Our room was ablaze with! months in which you picked your; path with a flashlight, stubbed your i toe on sandbags, and groped your! wa" through darkened rooms to, make sure the blinds were drawn before turning on the lights. you suddenly emerged into an eye- smarting aurora borealis.

i Like Leaving Tunnel It was like coming out of a tun-i nel. We felt like owls. The psychological lift was unmis-i takabie. It was comparable to a brisk co*cktail after a hard day's! work. I After writing about the German: army for nearly 10 months, the meeting with it at the international bridge was mv first A couple of the battle cars and mechanized legions which brought supported by four high wheels shod in a tough looking rubber.

If it was ersatz, it had stoixl the wear well Writers Fight. Too The cars were the open with front and rea: seats and two jumps seats in back ail upholster-; ed in good quality leather, Repeating rifles protruded fore-' bodmgiy from special slfUs. The front of the hood sloped down like the old air-cooed American rars of two decades ago. Resting on each slope was a French helmet captured in battle. The thunder of the engines as they passed bespoke their power.

Among the first Germans to cross the border were propaganda employes who snapped dozens of pictures. German newspapermen were there, too. Photographers and reporters alike were armed and un. formed. It was not mere show.

Under modern Gorman regulations they are compelled to fight as well as write. Are you taking LI'L ABNER along with you on your vacation by asking that your favorite newspaper the one he appears in be sent to you at your holiday address? A lot of people are because they want to add to their tun by taking along all the fun that goes on all the time in Doqpatch. If you're one of them and you've invited Abner, don't leave out Daisy Mae. She wants to go, too. She knows, as most girls do, that a man out of sight may become a man out of hand.

So arrange now for Daisy Mae to have a fair chance at Abner while he's in a vacation setting and mood. Phone or vrite your vacation address to SUNDAY MORNING Aug. 4 8:00 a. m. Highlights of the Bi ble: KSD, WMAQ.

Church of the Air, Rev. James R. Quay. Y. M.

C. A. international secretary: KMOX. WBBM. i i 8:30 a.

m. South, nait'es. KWK. WLW. Wings Over Jor- i dan: WBBM, KMOX.

a. m. Major Bowes' WIND, KMOX. Nat l. Music Camp: WMAQ.

KSD. 10:00 a. m. Radio City Music Hall of the Air: WLW. KWK.

Harris-: burg Symphonic Choir: WGN. 11 a- nl- l-ee (nurcn ot tne Rev. Fr. Thomas McMahon of. St.

Joseph's Seminary, N. Y. KMOX. SUNDAY AFTF.RXOOX Aug. 4 p.

m. U. of Chicago Round Table Discussion, "The New KSD. Baseball. Sox vs Washington: WJ.1D.

WBBM. 1:00 p. m. Symphony Orchestra: KMOX. WIND.

lA't p. m. Foreign Policy Ass't Program. "Germany Strikes at WENR. 1:30 i).

m. Nat l. Camp: KWK. WENR. 2:00 hi.

Sunday Vespers: KWK. WENR. Chautauqua Symphony WMAQ. :00 p. m.

The World Is Yours. WMAQ. KSD 3:30 p. m. Voice of Hawaii: KWK.

WENR. Horace Heidt's Orehes tra: WMAQ. 4:00 p. m. Catholic Hour.

Rev. Fr. John J. walne, pastor ot corpus Christi Church. Oklahoma Cityi WMAO Fun in Print, ouiz with e.

c- .111 a 11 WBBM. 4:30 p. m. News: WKNR WLW. KSD.

WMAQ, WBBM. KMOX. m. Summer Bandwagon WMAQ. A NIGHT Aug.

4 6:00 p. m. Columbia Wur drama: KMOX. WBBM. shop.

6:30 p. m. One Man's Family. sketch: KSD. WLW.

WMAQ. 7:00 p. m. Summer Hour, Jessica Dragnnrtte: KMOX, WBBM. 'out 4.

5 AND 8 DAYS DllRlTinN i no8 Di S36.45 WDl'FFEOM nPfllT irin.nomtm. and u. as Ttn-Bcd Rooms at Hotel. Break-lasts sersed in room at no extra cost. All meals en route Stnhtseeinr, Tours -j-- ashtnton ana I OK thair four ot World Fair Adm 11001 to Fair and Aquacade frGala Dinner at Billy Rose Diamond Horseshoe -Kadio Cur irand other attractions.

Departures trom t.oms Evers Saiurdaf. to Oct. to-h. via PEN'N-FVLVANIA RAILROAD Route ot he LuxurT Flee: Per.nsTl-.ania "Spin: ot St. Ask ahoul the new deterred paymeol for these loura.

Sre sour UksI Trjvl Tiefcet Aceflt. er AMERICAN EXPRESS 178 Mlemtan hleajro, lit. Phooe; Franklin V'-ere a never any sign of th" German troops wh ch Seen reported entering Spain Vhrti we left France, the French front of clothing fearing the same restric- i Germany and anxious i their francs into something u' 'it- vnn hnr) iv't fl.iierl send mir i' fr Wf. uoiild have to MONUMENTS AND MARKERS I -i cranites at prices yi can afford. See our display before buying.

75 Yearn In This Line W. H. Grindol Son F.nt M.iin Franklin St. ABNERf LI'L ABNER, WAIT FO- ME Lf lot o' city gals, sasshayin' aroun' in sto' clofhes, git at him? Nevah! mond Scott's WMAQ. 10:30 p.

m. Bob Millar's Orch: WBBM. KMOX. Music You; Want: WENR. 11:00 p.

m. Jerry Shelton's Orch WMAQ. WENR. News: KSD. WSOY PROGRAMS Sunday 7 70 Sr.nriav 8 0f wtt Sic Church of the Nflj'arenr.

9 no Sur.ria-.- Moinins 10 15 Uncle Zfh's Oin Tlm'rs. 10 Pacific 10 45 Tabernacle Bapnt church. 12 10 Price 12 7.0 Moran' Gnirifn Hf.r 1 00 Gloria Hrndhaa- Sores. 115 RhyThm and Romance. I 30 Hit Revvie.

2. 5 Let Hi 3 r0 Music for Sunday .1 .10 Your American Music. 4 00 Rt. I. Wilson i i -1n Aaif' at the Console.

4:45 Soncs of the Heart. Sunday Night 5 00 Felices of place and Screen. 5 American Way. t. CO youth on Trial fi It Kit- av.6 Fncotcs.

1 25 Dixieland Strincs 6 Ma.tcr f.t Harmon. 7 00 Men ot Acilieement. IS Jimmf nnrs'y Orchestra. 7 "0 Tne Little 7 4.S The t.iltle Phew 6 00 Madden at P'clir 10 00 Hyde Park Sporls Final. 11 IS Let Dance.

Ne. 1 35 Rm orchestra. in Mi -in: i 11:00 lis Dancetune. Monday e. fi OS Sovheri 6 .1.1 Mommi Dvoticn 7 00 Borriertoo tl Parbcii.

7 IS Jack Carson. New. 7 4S Mttica! Ctc-ck Hra Openinf Market 3S Sns ot he Pioneers. 8 4S Pinsme Stnnc? i Pet and Pan Cub. 9:30 Newv 9 trrnii i 3 Mm 9 4S Cousin Georse and Eridie.

10 00 Chff-r-UD Club 70 Riaers ot the Flyinir ft. li 00 Orean Meicoifs jrom tr.c r.m.ci- Sunshiners Ill SS Musical News. Markets. 13 20 Smain Sam News. Around the Dinner Tame.

i Kniiim 20 Scnss of lilt- Isiancs. 04 Rhstnm and Romar.ct. 1 45 Kits and Encores. 2 00 Matinee Melodies. News.

5 Just About Time. 3.45 St. Louis Browns vs. Detroit. Monday Nifbt Sils-ertown News.

5 40 Little Concert. ti fO Tei-a-'unes. ZD The Kim's Quarter Hour. 45 Relaxation T.me. Tomorrow Mormna'a Headlines.

16 This Rhythmic Aee Tin Pun Grt to Town. 7 45 Done trom the Drisoul. 8 0 Moline at Decatur. no Hs-cie Park Sports Pinal. i in.15 L' Dnce.

1 News. 10 .15 Den Mien's Music tn 45 Gas'isrit Harmonies. 11.00 Its Dance'-ims, inye you in death just the same Husbano. Cemetery Lots and Mnniimrnis MEMORIAL PARK: The Garden of! Memories. Office.

335 Standard; Bldg. Phone 5053. K25 "Rock of Aces'' markers. Deca- tur Monument Co. Beautiful me- morials.

757 Greenwood Ave. Masonic Temple Activities 6A ir prAT I tr.HT i nnr.E 10fi4 moot, no lid MnnHiv MACON CHAPTER No. 21. Stated convocation Tuesday 7:30 Personals A BEAUTIFUI Fur Coat restvlec. from your oid fur coat by exnert j-uiiiiiiv i charges until winter.

Str-riiiric Mam and Church Sts. ALTERING: Repairing men's, wom en's clothing. Lowest prices guar-i anteed. Susler's. 212 E.

Eldorado AN attractive 1940 from your usd furs style marie; ncdMiiidijic Cleaning, relining. Bown's Fur Shop. 1058 W. Green. 2-2435.

iAUTO repairs, ring jobs, motors rebuilt, machine work, electric welding. Hamilton. 325 N. Jackson iCOOL OFF: Smart play clothes in-I dividuallv styled. Cornngton 2-7334.

DANCE: Sundav niEht. 10 o. m. to 1 a Ben Bradlev's orchestra. 25c.

Chap's Pavilion. 2900 N. Main. i 1 DISSATISFIED with vour watch performance? Guaranteed repairs The Harris Jewelry. 216 E.

North LEARN popular piano by note in! 1 i i illness; leaves a daughter. Miss CLOCK, watch and jewelry repair-Mary Long, and a sister. Miss ing. Guaranteed. Reasonable.

Helen Murray, bnth at home; body Modern Jewelers. 410 N. Water. in Wrisht funeral home: services at 2 p.m. Monday in First Christian church; burial in Union cemetery.

MARTIN. David. 80. Watson, died Fnaay in St. Anthonys nospital.

Effingham: funeral 2 d- m. isun day in Martin home, Watson. M'CRAY. Dolores Ann. infant U.

tllr A i.ll..ii. ka Ekh a.m. FRIED CHICKEN Complete d.n-Saturdav in St. Clara's hoso.tal. Bv reservation.

Wilkerson s. Lincoln: services in Golf funeral Kt- home 3 p. m. Sunday; burial in FURNACE OIL. No.

3 furnace oil. Elkhart cemetery'. load lots 5c eal. Less than load pattfrson Robert 68 re-! 5'4C Eal Satisfaction euaran-ttrld Moeaau farmeV' died in i E1Iis Direct Service. Deca-Moweio'Crho'spnal 6 rr tur Phone 878-4.

Clinton Phone 88 urday: funeral 3:30 p.m. Monday in budum cnuicn. uui- 12 lessons Bi2. in Odd Fellows cemetery. GLASSES: As low as $2 98 com- SORENSON.

Robert, infant son of: Dr John Williams. Op-Mr. and Mrs. Staunton Soren.on., 10g E. William.

Room! Lincoln, died at 3 p. m. Sa.urrta 2n, Decatur. III. Phone 7851.

i in Deaconess hospital: funeral: services Tuesday in Arcadia, KENT A BAILEY BIKE 25c hr.j i Wood at Oakland. 6639. i The Decatur Herald.

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.